
I am putting this here to reference it later, so I know where it is. Barry and Diana West twin souls in many ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GuJqZM-SyI&t=50s

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

There is no doubt, we are under foreign occupation!

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The truth of the matter is we were overthrown and actually became a different country after the condition of our country at the civil war. Circa 1870 we became a corporation operating under the Crown Corporation of Europe, which both the City in London and the Vatican are members of the Crown Corporation. You need to look this up for yourselves but also our name was changed and everyone born into this corporation received a birth certificate using all caps in the name which makes you chattel, assets of the corporation.

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The so called 'Reconstruction' after the war of northern aggression does appear to be an overthrow or a coup of sorts.



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And don’t overlook the fasces in the house chamber of congress flanking both sides of the American flag. History is not what you’ve learned. It’s the history they want and NEED for you to believe.


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We like to think that we got rid of the City of London in 1776, but they came back to reclaim their colony.

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Yes indeed. The Reconstruction was when the Fascists got their foot in the door here with the help of London for their revenge on what was the USA then for the revolution.

Now we know the USA is AKA the US corporation thanks to that 'Restructuring".

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Epoch times reads like controlled opposition. Lots of Anti -America memes.

Maybe its just a meme trying to make people believe "America has unraveled" and so their belief and thinking will manifest.

"America" is just a concept.

"America" is also a legal construct a central bankers corporation.

The land " America" has not unraveled.

People on this land mass who follow the insane media narrative may be suffering( unraveled) at the same time ( and this is unreported) a number of people are using the challenges to find inner peace .

For we need challenges (and being outside our comfort zone) to grow /evolve ( to be present/mindful) and evolution doesnt just move foward in a straight line as we can see from the current regression.

Jan 6 was a psyop, lets not get the nation possessed/obsessed by the central banker's Trump(... again haha).

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Diana is fantastic. Oddly enough, I was introduced to her through an article of yours: https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/diana-west-on-robert-malone-bringing

The fact that her book made David Horowitz, commie masquerading in conservative garb, want to pull his hair out of head is a bonus. An even bigger bonus is her profound respect for M Stanton Evans who was a class act.

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what was Horowitz' beef with Diana West? That she is smarter?

sorry. I am sarcastic at times.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

Ha. The fact of that matter is that she is smarter than Horowitz. One of the exchanges can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRvLiW1dTQQ

It comes off as Horowitz running interference for Communist infiltration and control of the US government behind a mask of concern for analytical method, ad hominem, and obfuscation (i.e. focusing on number of Communist agents as opposed to focusing on their placement and thus ability to influence outcomes).

So, it appears his beef was she accurately portrayed the Communist infiltration and control of the US government. And, in the words of Richard Weaver, "Ideas have consequences." Can't have the plebes thinking someone might be controlling their government.

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West book made Horowitz pull his hair out! Is that true ?

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Great post and thought of this also. There are many parallels between the French Revolution and today’s USA. There are also many parallels between the American Revolution and today. Both Revolutions fed off of, influenced each other.

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I’ve mentioned personalities like AOC as “Administrator of Cakes” Marie Antoinette style from a quip she made about Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh not being able to finish his cake:


That is just the superficial resemblance.

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With a gigantic difference. The French Revolution was inspired, led, and driven by the Jacobins, haters of God. It immediately led to major bloodshed, including people killed only because they were denounced by some bitter enemy, and Christians because they were Christians. It was the precursor to the genocidal bloodbaths done later by the socialists and communists and now, today's globalizers and secrearchitected by Alger Hiss, secret societies, and WEF and the UN, and so on. In other words, a revolution to subjugate society to a collective led by the masters of said revolution.

The revolution in the American colonies was one of blowback against tyranny, as opposed to France, which quickly manifested as a war against individual freedom.

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Tremendous number of French immigrants in the colonies. Terrified of staying in france.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

she needs to get a stack pronto!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

What a wonderful woman! I love listening to her and what she has to share.

But I think we have to be aware of how shock works on us. The US, the solid and good dream it was and will be again, has been betrayed, shockingly. "Betrayal is a demon admitted in open silence." The enemy's tactics are not genius, are not way-out-there intelligent, they are way-out-there shocking acts of betrayal. Betrayal opens the deepest wounds. The repeated shocks create spaces into which they step, to occupy more and more and more of what we were. We are for a horrible time kept on the back foot. While this is so, we misinterpret our unsteadiness as incompetence, weakness. It is not. We are unsteady because we are good – flawed, but good, decent, believers in dignity, righteousness, justice. It is not weak that we are easily hurt, easily offended; it is our learning curve through this unprecedented challenge.

My strong conviction is that we are finding our balance, anew. Perhaps we are one or two millimetres away from standing firm and pushing back. Many have been solid for a while, but that mass tipping point needed to upend this perverting force has been reeling in the shock of it all. I feel it coalescing clearly now. The perverting force is frightened, panicked, and lashing out. But the Constitution is not in tatters, nothing good is in tatters, it's just had dirt and filth flung upon it. You cannot tear up a powerful and good idea, you can only shock people into believing otherwise. When the time comes, we will clean it all up again and build anew.

There is so much to look forward to! But much there is still pain for us, I fear, between now and then.

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I so hope you are right about this! My fear is that America as we know it is lost! What will America look like in 10 years? I guess the choice is ours...but for those who tried to protest on January 6th - look what happened. Totalitarian regimes close down all avenues of fighting back - that is what they are doing now.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I agree, the choice is ours! That is the most important thing to hold in our hearts and heads. Yes, the enemy is ruthless, and yes many will be and have already been lost; this is war. Totalitarian regimes do indeed attempt to close down all avenues of resistance and are successful if allowed. And yet we must not lose faith and courage. Part of what permits their ascension – always short lived we should remember – is global circumstances, of which we ordinary folk are a part.

The people behind this totalitarian putsch CANNOT control everything. For example, they failed in Afghanistan, and are failing terribly in Ukraine. Africa nixed the WHO's attempt at their new accord to bind the whole world to WHO dictates. The WHO are trying again, but the narrative around c19 is visibly weakening. In Australia, the new Prime Minister stepped in front of the camera a couple of days ago to tell the world how his predecessor, Scott Morrison ("The Bulldozer") secretly held 5 other cabinet portfolios and was the sole member of some oversight committee. This is a total scandal, unprecedented in Oz history. Their recent PM was secretly a kind of short-term dictator, but this fact has come to light. And there is much else besides, i.e. that Biden is obviously senile, got nothing out of Africa after his recent tour of that 'troublesome' continent where Russia's Lavrov was greeted and treated like a hero weeks before. The US is being effortlessly outshone by Russia at the moment, at least in the so-called Global South.

Russia and China a drawing closer to each other. Looking forwards, this is not what we want, but their confidence is growing, a fact that weakens WEF ambitions. Putin made a speech a couple of days ago in which he unequivocally outed "western globalist elites" as attempting to install "neoliberal totalitarianism" by means of "chaos". That's the President of Russia clearly telling the world that they are not on board with WEF-Davos ambitions, that they are at war against NATO / The West in Ukraine, that they are winning that war, and that their goal is national sovereignty for all nations in a balanced, multi-polar world.

How much we trust Putin and Xi – and any leader – is one thing, but what is clear is that the global situation is not remotely under the control of the Davos-WEF crowd. We ordinary people, and most especially US citizens, can drive a wedge into this fracturing of globalist ambition and weaken them further still. Our greatest chance of success is to remain calm but firm, loving, determined, and courageous. Non-compliance and creative, peaceful protest: persistent resistance. We are NOT against our fellow citizens, we are FOR truth and love. Who could possibly be against truth and love? It will be hard, of course, but the truer we stay to that central desire – that love and truth are seen and felt as our earnest objectives – the greater the chance of our success.

It's up to all of us, but you US folk are well placed to bring about something truly wonderful. It's in your cultural DNA, your spirit.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks, Celia, for bringing Diana to Substack.

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DIana West is definitely a like-minded person for me, but I didn't hear anything new or startling from her in this interview you've linked.

Remember Operation Jade Helm in 2015? How about "Tragedy & Hope" by Carroll Quigley (c1966)? Yes, Deplorables are in a lot of trouble, for resisting "Mr. Global" (thank you Catherine Austin Fitts!). American Normies, American Bolsheviks, American Jacobins may think they'll be saved from owning nothing and eating bugs, because they supported the dark-hearted core of individuals who assist Mr. Global... but of course, they will be dispensed with, first if Mr. Global triumphs.

Most American Normies ––they're the ones who have boundless pragmatism. –– didn't take the opportunity, during the recent Covid Experience, to reflect on the dangerous future we all face. Instead, they all took the jabs, they love the convenience of drop-box voting, and they argued with us for ignoring the science of virology and they continue to comply with any indignity TSA demands, 'cause they just want to get on that plane!

This interview with Diana West, reminded me of Naomi Wolf, who appears every couple of years to breathlessly point out the obvious. Her latest "revelation" has been the danger of accepting a global (digital) health passport.

"Uh, huh. That's interesting Naomi. The health passport sounds a lot like Obama's attempt to install QALY health panels as part of government-mandated healthcare."

Quality Adjusted Life Years = Social Credit Score.

It's a top-down revolt, for sure. But thankfully, not yet a revolution. Diana never mentions the 2nd Amendment. There are dark days ahead where everything will be topsy-turvy. Deplorables suspect we the people, will not be able to vote ourselves out of this mess...

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I have also been appalled that Diana West is not given her rightful place in the conservative journalistic world. The fact that she is not a frequent guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight is a condemnation of Fox News Channel. And of course, that is just further evidence that FNC is part of the controlled opposition. I suspect that Tucker would like to have her on his wildly popular program, but he has been barred by his employer. The same can be said for the Epoch Times and NTD Television. Diana West should be a familiar name at those outlets. Instead, we have Conrad Black, a half measure. Thank you, Ms. Farber, for your tribute to Diana West. Our nation needs her in these perilous times.

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Yes. Black, a half measure. Something about ego and desire to be acclaimed.

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Too bad Trump pardoned him He should have pardoned Assange.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Why have I never heard of Diana West? She’s spot on in everything.

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Classic name!

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Excellent Piece & West Interview.

I Hope Tucker has Ms. West on his show. Tho' she should be on his separate, longer Interview Show.

She has Much To Say.

Thank you.

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Buying all of her books…. As methodically as $$$ will allow

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Blessedly, some are on kindle - yay!

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I can’t find a link to the interview. Can you include it Celia?

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Meryl! So delighted to "see" you. It's linked in the piece but let me put it here too:

Very eager to hear what you think.


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I have definitely felt very different today. Almost Twilight Zoney and that's not good these days 😂 or maybe it is. Who knows 😁

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I know that feeling.

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Thanks for posting, Celia. Having read Bukovsky and three of West's books, I thought the same thing. This revolution began during FDRs Administration.

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Read Joseph P. Farrell’s latest about that if you haven’t already. He is also a fan of Diana West.

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