Premeditated vax Genocide. This Evil agenda is about destruction of the Human race and bringing about a "new order of the Ages".It has been building for for centuries, and The Medical Industrial/Inquisition Complex is an important part of it. When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived Using predictive programming they've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is the Virus they are fighting: The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Soon to be portable and branded as part of designer work out clothing.

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As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. They won’t admit the link, but their actions are the proof.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, the defribrillator thing is maddeningly wrong, not because it's wrong to revive a heart attack victim, but because the authorities showing such care are actually showing that they don't care because they 'know' why people are having more heart attacks. They are killing and injuring people with their poisonous covid 19 injections.

Celia, the punctuation for the quote is very wrong. I don't mean to pick on you. I appreciate your offerings. (I'm put off by anti-communist ranting however. I can't tell from the title of Diana's article whether she engages in anti-communist ranting, but why use "Communist" if she isn't?) I see a lot of improper use of English by English-first speaking/writing people. It really annoys me. It's mentally sloppy and it can be so bad that it causes confusion. I wrote up a rant addressing that problem. In it, I explain how to do proper punctuation of paragraphs when quoting someone. You need to use enclosing marks at the beginning and end of the entire quote 'and' at the beginning (only) of each sentence in the quote, as my rant demonstrates. I only offer it here as guidance, not as an accusation of stupidity or lack of caring or such.

"Mangled English" / https://app.box.com/s/dgtpokgazl233owc2xj3xf25uxfw48pd

"The Origin Of Anti-Communist Ranting" / https://arrby.wordpress.com/2021/04/29/the-origin-of-anti-communist-ranting/

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Please help me see what needs to be corrected if you would.

I wrote this:

"Read the whole article here. Diana West’s writings are not-to be missed. Many of you know her previous legendary books but you may not know how outstanding her Covid dispatches are. Not all conservative thinkers understand “Communism By Virus/Public Health” but Diana West understood it instantly. We’re very lucky to have her brilliant voice speaking to us at this time— continuing to document the unfathomable."

I readily accept that my punctuation is off but would you be willing to correct the above in real time so I can see it?

As for anti-communist rantings, I think we should keep that separate, no?

I think "communism" was "NWO globalism" in what I call "drag."

So does this mean we have to retire the word? Please be more clear and direct so I can make the necessary corrections.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

I can talk about communism some other time, for sure. But I only mentioned it because it looked like Diana West might be an anti-communist ranter. Therefore, I'm not inclined to check her out.

I posted something already before reading this. I'm fairly certain that it's clear. It was the quoted part of your introduction to Diana's article that I was referring to. It was a paragraphs-long quote, but you only applied quotation marks at the beginning and end of the entire paragraphs-long quote. When I didn't see a quotation mark at the beginning of the second sentence, I immediately thought that the first quotation mark was a mistake and you weren't quoting Diana. Only after reading the subsequent paragraphs and finding an enclosing quotation mark at the very end of the entire quote did I realize that I was just looking at improper punctuation.

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Arby, I have now read your very interesting essay "The Origin of Anti-Communist Ranting." It would help me if you would strike precisely at the wrong idea. You see, my world view is that "Mr. Global" funds and foments all sides at all times. That would include all revolutionary groups in addition to "anti-communist" forces that were really they, the whole time.

Nobody can define the word "communist," just as nobody can define the word "virus."

They are synthetic words representing abstractions.

How would you rate the archival works of Vladimir Bukovsky, who uncovered the money matrix behind so many groups, cultural institutions, on both sides in his magnum opus: "Judgment in Moscow?" He was an "anti-communist," or he was a forensic historian...? Joseph McCarthy was surely C.O. He deflected from how deep the infiltration of global NWO bank order aka "communist" infiltration really was. I interviewed Bukovsky and wrote a 2 part story for The Epoch Times just before he died. Are you asking me to not oppose "communism" because it's really a bank heist? If so, we are already in agreement.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Well, I can always learn. I am clear (as in 'I have no doubt about') the basic idea in my essay. It's just historical fact that anti-communist sentiment was deliberately created by ideologues who didn't necessarily believe their own rhetoric. It's actually part of Class War. Western leaders needed to feed their domestic populations nonsense about a bogeman - Communism - just as Soviet leaders fed their domestic population nonsense about the threat to civilization from capitalism. Ironically, although they were as cynical as their Western counterparts, the Soviets' dire warnings came to be more and more realistic. Even faker Naomi Klein acknowledged (in her book "The Shock Doctrine") that capitalism only ever (always) succeeded via force.

There's history I missed but which I'm aware of now. I still don't know a lot about it, but I realize that those who owned and ruled the world were behind much of the politics, Left and Right, that ill-informed people might have thought was natural and organic. But that doesn't contradict the thrust of my essay. It reinforces it.

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Arby are the quotation marks correct now?

I did read what you linked to but was still unsure. Bear with me.

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I don't see the correction I was talking about. But here's what I should see, provided that the below is Diana's entire paragraphs-long quote:

" ‘Good morning, it's a great day for defibrillators.

"Not only are they popping up in Barcelona for your jogging convenience -- after all, over 90 pc of Spaniards are said to be "fully vaccinated," so you never know whom cardiac arrest will strike next -- but CTV News reports that the city of Vancouver is placing 1,000 defibrillators all over the city because, after all, "a sudden cardiac arrest can affect anyone." As in Barcelona, in Vancouver, this is not an overstatement now that, as Vancouver Is Awesome reports, over 90 percent of even the 12 year olds are double-jabbed.

"Speaking of cardiac arrest or something like it, here's a video at Orwell City titled "Electromagnetic pulse causes man's death." This may not seem to be vaxx-related, but it sure is if, as La Quinta Columna researchers believe they are finding, nano-technology inside the vaxxes is prepping humans for interfacing with 5G.

"There's even "good" defibrillator news now. Christian Ericksen, the first athlete in the world to be struck down on live television during a soccer match (now it's a once or twice weekly occurrence) by cardiac arrest all but certainly linked to covid shots, is planning to return to play again, thanks to the installment of a defibrillator inside his body.

"Meanwhile, it's Friday so it's Adverse Events update time, brought to you by the very slow and shifty number-crunchers at the CDC's VAERS website.

"As of December 21, 2021, VAERS has logged in 21,383 deaths linked to the covid shots. These now include 71 children under the age of 18."

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I am trying to see what you mean and make the changes. I thought you meant the title so I changed that. Which quote?

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The entire paragraphs-long quote of Diana. If you examine the example I gave in my linked-to "Mangled English" rant, you'll see exactly what I am talking about. But it's simple. If the quote is more than one paragraph, then you use enclosing quotation marks at the beginning and end of the entire paragraphs-long quote 'and' at the beginning (only) of each sentence in the entire paragraphs-long quote.

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Oh I see! Sorry. Ok will fix.

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I'm just glad you don't want me to jump in a lake after all that. But that correction will lead to writing that is much better because clarity will be better. Great writing will become really great writing. ;-)

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No, of course not. I'm weak at both punctuation, copy-editing and grammar. I'm not sensitive to correction, I need it. I may be embarrassed but I would never tell you to jump in a lake for correcting me. The strange thing is I read up on the proper way to use quotation marks and STILL need you to check if the correction is correct.

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You might like to know about Francis Scott Fitzgerald´s writings - Hemingway was appalled by what he saw when they spent time together. Yet being aware of this, and should I choose who the greater novelist of the two was, I would not hesitate at all. (Sometimes I am not quite sure of my syntax, either, let alone punctuation.)

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deletedJan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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5 years ago I had open heart bypass surgery which turned out to be one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Realizing I wasn’t at the end of the line compelled me to focus on being as healthy as possible. Luckily after getting into a lifestyle reversal program I stopped taking all medications and stopped eating shit in every possible way. There is no way to describe how good it feels when the mind, body, heart and soul start to purify. The last thing I ever want to do is something the could disrupt this so for me not getting jabbed is a no-brainer. And I have a doctor who is very supportive of my decision. I’ve also gotten involved in the health freedom movement which has allowed me to connect and work with many others - we feel that we are dancing with the divine as we battle this great deception. We know it’s the only way to go.

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The horrors never cease. They will never cease until the hallucination is vanquished.

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Thanks, Celia, for the wonderful link to Diana West’s blog. I’ve read one of her books, but I somehow lost track of her in between times. Back in contact now!

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Sweeping claims always make me smile in the same way as statistics aimed at supporting a narrative do likewise.

"One drop of rain on your window pane doesn't mean to say there's a thunderstorm coming"

The Fortunes were spot-on with these lyrics in 1972 and this truth still holds, maybe even more so during these times of Grand illusion.

Whoever controls perception also controls behaviour!

I am not suggesting that the current events are a Storm in a teacup but neither do I suggest that we all fall for every piece of propaganda that's put out there. I was under the impression that a defibrillator was a device that is fitted to those with cardiac problems rather than something one can use during a stroll around the beach.

It appears that some will go to great lengths to ensure the fear mongering continues while others completely disregard the obvious facts and evidence to the contrary.

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deletedJan 7, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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Thank you for asking me this! I've been waiting to be asked to address this and now I plan to publish your question as the top of a post with my reply. I too have given this so much thought. And maybe we can get Mark Crispin Miller to weigh in. We have discussed this. It's a huge subject. I have some answers, I think.

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Hi Heidi, I'm not completely sure who you are referring to when talking 'the Left', but if you are talking about the Wall St corporate Democrats, the woke liberlas and their hypnotized CNN/WashPost zombies then this is most definitely NOT the left, these are right wing capitalist liberals who, except for identity politics, are practically indistiguishable from the capitalist republicans in their servitude to the billionaire class and its imperialist war machine (and in the last two years, also to its new biosecurity world of the 4th industrial revolution/great reset that the capitalist predators in the world economic forum are now imposing on humanity).

In my observation, the left is non-existant in the anglo world today, has been erased from view a long time ago already, the only choice we have today in the anglo world is between right wing capitalist conservatives and right wing capitalist liberals, which are deceptively called 'the left' even though they have nothing to do with the left, and in fact are doing everything in their power to destroy the left, to destroy what was traditionally called the left, not the Democratic party corporation (or its hypnotized MSNBC zombies), which is a right wing party through and through - pro war, pro capitalist, pro empire, pro Wall St, pro the ultra wealthy class.. if interested, I actually wrote about it in a fb post not long ago. See the last 3 paragraphs of this post https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158201701746455&id=630471454

And as this excellent and highly recommemded essay will show you, the woke identity politics liberals have completely abandoned the left and are now a tool used by the capitalist state (and the billionaire class who run the capitalist state through their puppets in gov't and their corporate media and silicon valley tech control apparatus, which the billionaire capitalist class completely own) to further its aims and to destroy those who stand in their way of more profits and control.

Identity politics woke liberals (fully supported by capitalist billionaire "foundations") have completly destroyed the left and emptied it of any anti-authoritarian stance and distanced it from the people. Here is the excellent essay mentioned above. Highly recommended https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/?doing_wp_cron=1641597097.9557309150695800781250

The only tool that the two billionaire-owmed parties have to supposedly distinguish themselves from each other (to create the appearance of choice between two distinct options) is identity politics, and that is exactly.why identity politics has such gigantic role in american politics, without it the scam would be seen right through, that there is only one big corporate war party in america working for the billionaire class and its imperialist war machine. Identity politics is the only tool the have to create the appearance of two distinct options, but both of this horrible options are strongly anti-left and pro-war pro-capitalist pro-empire pro-billionaire class. The liberal identity-politics corporate democrats are absolutely NOT the left, despite what the billionaire-owned media hammers into your head nonstop. These are right wing capitalist liberals funded by billionaires who do everything in their power to destroy the last remnant of the left and everything that stands in the way of the empire's profits and control. That is why they are fully sided with the capitalist empire as it imposrs its 4th industrial revolution on humanity (under the guise of protecting us from an "enemy", which is the trick that the capitalists always use to stay in power kepp the profits rolling and keep the state in their control, always provide a boogeyman to fear amd/or hate, whether its a "virus threat" or "terrorist threat" or "commie threat" or "jewish threat" or "muslim threat" or "climate breakdown threat" or "foriegn enemies of the nation" threat" and so on and on and on and on. The cnn liberal zombies of today are exactly like the fox republican zomies of the bush era who aligned themselces with empire and screamed for its war profiteering industry to go attack the bogeyman of their time - the "evil muslims" or the "evil reds" etc etc. The capitalist empire has a boogeyman suitable for every half of the population, to stir into a fear and hate frenzy..

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I have a slightly different memory of when "liberals" became crackpot leftists. By 1990, the term "liberal" made me think of the uneducated and uneducable zealots who infested college campuses. I think that the conversion started in the mid '70s and was nearly complete by the '90s.

Of course I was already old in 1990. ;-)

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As in any other field, It really boils down to the usual semantic corruption. Re-labeling "progressives" as "liberals" was yet another success of the masters of lies. Lies, of course, do come from their father.

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Exactly correct, Castigator. I'm often stuck using the latest semantic term. Liberal was once a descriptor for the political philosophy devoted to individual liberty, as espoused by such figures as Thomas Jefferson and George Mason. Today's "liberals" would gladly dig up the bones of those men and dump them in the ocean, claiming that they were racists.

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deletedJan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022
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Excellent edsay, that puts into words what I have felt for a long time. Thank you. The woke identity-politics liberal is billionaire-manufactured phenomena created to destroy the left (what was traditionslly the left) and everything thst threatens the billionaires profits and position at the top of the pyramid, distance it from the people and align it with the capitalists war machine (as long as the bombers fly the rainbow flag and as long as the capitalists use racially sensitive language as they brutalize and plunder their next target country, then woke identity politics liberals be happy and will keep silent about it), and to turn the democrats into a thoroughly right wing party - pro war, pro capitalist, pro empire, pro Wall St, pro the ultra wealthy class

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Tell her we "can't know" that "Covid-19" is VIRUS "related" either.

They require NO proof of causation at the panic end. (As you know.)

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