Shortly thereafter there was this very coerced interview in which she explains why she fainted—insisting she faints regularly.

Not likely. Hospitals are loath of hire nurses that faint regularly.

They need to think of better excuses.

But they are stupid.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

They think we are stupid. No way they would choose anyone with vasovagal response as their vaccine poster child

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They didn't think this one through. Lol.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Coerced interview? I don't think that's the MO, I think she would have been in on it for the getgo. Her fainting is not very convincing.

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Qui Bono?

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It's all about controlling the narrative.

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"Shortly thereafter there was this very coerced interview in which she explains why she fainted"

Her interview (and her collapse on camera) put the feinting explanation for 'vax collapse' in everyone's minds at the start of the vax rollout. Maybe that was the intention?

After she returned (or 'returned') a few months ago, I re-watched the original collapse footage. This time I have to say it looked decidedly fake. The way she touches her forehead in a clichéd 'feinting couch' gesture and then the way she is conveniently caught by a team of men who ensure she is lowered gently to the floor and does not bang her head. There is also an air of NON panic. There is no shouting and no 'action stations!' vibe. They just casually stand over her as if they are going through the motions.

Every other collapse video I can think of (people collapsing at vax centres, newscasters, public figures, sportsmen and women etc) the person has no control and just hits the floor - BAM! - and nobody is able to save them. Occasionally someone is able to grab them and break their fall a bit, but TD was gently lowered by 3 men. She also conveniently falls (melts) into the arms of one of them. Had she dropped like a sack of potatoes and banged her head I'd be more inclined to think it was for real.

Having said that, when I first saw the footage (when it first came out) I thought it looked real. And to be honest I WANTED it to be real because I wanted something shocking I could show people who were hell bent on getting the jab.

It just goes to show we see what we want to see.

Some have speculated the whole thing was a setup to make anti vaxxers look stupid, by giving them enough mystery to lure them in...... only to reveal TD after a year and prove how deranged anti vaxxers are with their 'conspiracy theories'. This is certainly possible but somehow it doesn't ring true to me.

What makes no sense is why she stayed silent for so long. She could have ended speculation with a single video appearance in a context which left no doubt, like standing outside her hospital with colleagues.

I really don't know whether TD collapsed for real or not. I don't know if that is her now. Whatever happened I have the feeling it involved large sums of money and NDA's from the drug companies. To me that's the only thing which explains the lack of communication on her (or her family's) part.

The good news is we don't need to rely on this unreliable story to prove the vax is poison, virology is not a real science and 'covid' is a scam.

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Ah yes "virology is not a real science and 'covid' is a scam" but most people think I'm a looney tune for saying this.

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They are all "staged" actors. Who can you believe nowadays? No one. Question everything. Discernment is always needed.

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SoundDoctrineTruth - when AI reign's, there's gonna be even less 'truth' out there...

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It’s already happening. Liars hate the truth so these psychopaths censor us TRUTHERS. Liars get all the attention but the TRUTHERS get ignored.

The wrath of God Almighty is about to pour upon all the wicked, ungodly and unrighteous very soon.

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I have seen more wearing masks lately, here in south Ohio, I get creeped out realizing there is an increase.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I have been 3 times to MD Anderson hospital in Houston for appointments. There is “special” entrance for screening...😝anyway, they say “here is the hand sanitizer and here is your mask”. All 3 times I walked past, did not wash hands, and stuck the mask in my purse right in front of them. I walked around the whole time, unmasked, no one said a word to me!! Only once they asked me to put mask on when going in to see the doctor. I still did not comply. Amongst the masked crowd I got away with it. Oh and saw several employees behind the desks, in other places where most could not see with masks hanging around their chins. What a joke! Do not comply, they still want your business and $$$

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It's ok for pure bloods to wear a mask around vax shedders (one acceptable reason to wear a mask).

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No mask on earth will stop shedding intake or shedding outpouring - it can also happen through the skin!!!

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I agree, before Covid it was a choice, now it's a sign of submission and depleted brain cells. I preferred life before...but can't go back. Thank-you.

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There are no "purebloods". That's a myth that's been busted many times by today's date to keep people divided. We are all infected to one degree or another.

Besides, a mask won't protect anyone from nanoparticles.

Keep up.

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agree, worth noting a reputable surgeon in my area is recommending to pre-donate your own blood due to the possible contamination in the blood supply, (covid, shots, nanoparticles and/or others)...

Not a bad idea if one must have surgery and can do it.

I am sure we all have something wrong!

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Funny. I had this discussion one year ago prior to a surgery and was told that I could not donate my own blood. Surgeon had 'done a study' that showed that odds were you would not receive your own blood. Thankfully, I ended up not needing any. I was very concerned.

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wow, you should be allowed to donate your own blood if it helps you sleep at night for an upcoming surgery

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People have been banking their own blood pre-surgery for over twenty years.

It's called autologous donation and is a regular practice. If a surgeon refuses to participate and those are your wishes, maybe you want to find another surgeon.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Dee Dee My comment just deleted!!!

Basically I said, I loved that you now see the harm in these toxic jabs. Half my family have stubbornly continued to line up for jabs because they think they are “saving face” without realising this could mean “losing their life” or quality of life. 5 family and close friends have died, others have suffered numerous bad bouts of Covid, heart attacks, strokes, shingles, debilitating fatigue, brain fog and Parkinson’s but still feed the elephant in the room. The unjabbed half remain Covid free and in good health.

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Right. So this means shedding, though "real," is manageable.

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SusieJoy, Were the family members and friends getting the shot(s) in the same area? Some states in the US have much higher injury/death rates than others (based on VAERS). This can be seen at LearnTheRisk.org (from the pull-down menu, click on Statistics, then enlarge the US map)

Utah has the lowest death rate, South Dakota has the highest. Over a 20:1 difference. On the covid shots, the West Coast is much lower than average on adverse events in the US based on VAERS.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No they were in different states of Australia. But depending on how large each Pfizer batch is, all the family affected in South Australia could have gotten the same batch. Small population, rural living and one central point for vaccination.

There is a website called


and there you will find all the side affects experienced and deaths that occurred from each batch. They don’t like to tell the public that. All you need us your batch number which should be recorded on your vaccine Certificate to check it out!

My affected family members were so influenced by government propaganda they wouldn’t even look up their batch number to see if it was one with lots of reports.

There is no helping some people!

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Yes. Craig Paardekooper. I linked to it in yesterday's post about the New Zealand whistleblower. He's quite extraordinary.

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How Bad Is My Batch is a very useful and informative site. There are constantly more features and articles appearing.

One article I point out to others is under Harm Calculators “Denmark: Chance of a Bad Batch” It argues that the different reaction rates among the batches could not have been by mere coincidence or production error. It’s deliberate. The paragraph “Why Did They Choose 5% for the High Toxicity Batches ?” To avoid detection!

For those wanting to know which batches were sent to a particular town or county in the United States, How Bad Is My Batch also has a sorting feature “Lots By Zip Code” For areas in the US, the zip code can be entered. This narrows even more than which state but which local area received which batch. Moderate and large-sized cities have multiple zip codes.

There are five fields for each zip code: Provider (clinic, hospital or pharmacy), Lot # (batch), Doses shipped, Projected # of adverse events, Projected # for every 100,000 doses

What the database does not report: date, actual number of doses administered, URF (under-reporting factor) Dr. Jessica Rose calculated a URF of 31x for VAERS in 2022

Of the states with the highest adverse events rate, which areas within that state are particularly bad?

The three states with the highest injuries/deaths (rate) are South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee (based on VAERS data). It is very likely that there are cities/counties in those states that received a disproportionate number of “hot” batches.

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We got the toxic ones in my area (Colorado), lot of problems here. My fam on the east coast (DC and VA) not reported these problems...?

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I'm not seeing a pull down menu. Do you have a direct link to the map?

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enlarge the US map, then click on the state

or right-click on the map “Show as a table” which will pull all the states data in one screen

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Many scientist and doctors have proven we are all infected with this crap to one degree or another. God Bless.

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I am so sorry, my family is doing it too, they are all sick and can't "see the connection".

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Never is there an “acceptable reason” to wear a mask.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Research the work of Dr Ana Mihalcea, Dr David Nixon, etc on this platform. They’re finding quantum dot tech in the live blood of both the j a b bed and the un j a b bed. It’s in our food, the air (chemtrails), the water, both domestic and wild animals, anesthetics, etc. Pure blood? There’s likely no such thing unless you’re in a part of the world so remote that the nefarious haven’t infected it yet.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

What I don’t understand is that unless there is an ANTIDOTE then these elite masterminds are also infecting themselves and their own families??? That brings me to conclude they invented the antidote before they unleashed this evil concoction on the rest of humanity. It’s a quick or slow death sentence, depending on how much you have been exposed too and exactly when they will put stage 3 into action which is most likely an interaction between the nanotech now coursing through everyone’s veins and some form of AI / 5g trigger.

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Exactly. Either they live in subterranean cities, they have the antidote, and/or they fully embrace the ai.

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There are people out there that still believe that Dolly the sheep has been the only species ever cloned.

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Once in a blue moon I see someone with a mask on. This week it was a couple at Whole Foods. They were the only ones in the store with masks. I'm in S. Florida.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I'm hoping the increase I saw was due to colds, as people with colds, congestion seem to be on a rise here.

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Colds are not contagious (same with flu), but rather the way the body detoxes and cleanses itself. I have seen the contagion and germ theory disproved for decades, but that is how they keep people away from one another and scared of kooties.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Something is contagious, could be the body detoxing, for years if I am around a person with a full blown cold, who is congested etc 99 % I get sick.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I’m in Central Ohio and I see some. Not many, but they’re out there. Ohio is already talking about “white lung disease”. Get ready people. They’re going to try it again, and given what they can do in NY and the WHO treaty, things could get really spicy really quickly.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Stay clear of them!

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That's exactly what they hope people will do. Divide us against them.

Have you ever tried herding animals into a pen? It's much easier to herd smaller herds than larger ones.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Society is already beyond divided. Prophecy is being fulfilled every day. I am quite certain that group is not interested in uniting against the common enemy. Due to all of the shedding, and what I feel is a lack of Godliness, I stay clear.

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I understand.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber


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There are literally NO face-diaper wearers here in Florida where I am, thank God! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Stockholm syndrome

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The Chronically Vaccinated

Are Lying To Themselves.

They Can Never Be Trusted Again

About Anything.


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The Chronically Vaccinated

Are Lying To Themselves.

They Can Never Be Trusted Again

About Anything.


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The Stockholm Syndrome…..

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Shape of face different. Eyebrows different. We need a voice recognition software expert to compare the voice of the first version with the 2.0 version.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Exactly! It’s not her. Real obvious!

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Does anybody know if these faces were compared by facial recognition software? That would be a good start. They look really different, even though I can see they tried to get someone who sounded similar and looked similar, but the complete insanity of nobody pointing out that she so obviously looks completely different from the original videos hints at the fact that they want to divert attention from that. The most normal, logical thing to do if this was the real Tiffany would be for the "journalist" to ask: "Hey, you look very different. How do we know this is you? Can you show us some pictures from that time without a mask?". But no, we just pretend this total freaking weirdness is not happening, which is so utterly weird in itself, it really feels like a psy-op from the get-go. It's so totally unreal and unnatural, which fits in completely with the whole spy-op we're subjected to since decades. We have "presidents" mumbling and all debates with officials are continuously filled with absurdities and the most illogical statements, we're in this soup 24/7, so I guess they now just see how people respond when confronted with an absolutely incredible body-swap. And guess what? It worked! Apparently. Sort of.

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Awesome. 😉👍

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Twilight Zone or Truman Show, where everything is staged? Except it's not for entertainment, it's for "steering" or "nudging." Or, for thought control.

The difference between the normies and us is that they believe everything presented to them is real, and we know it's mostly staged. What's real are our human relations and our love for each other and our freedom. Their staging is designed to destroy this, enslave us, and "build back better."

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

“What's real are our human relations and our love for each other and our freedom. Their staging is designed to destroy this, enslave us, and "build back better."

Bingo. I feel exactly the same.

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Another bizarre story. It shouldn't be this hard to prove someone is alive ... or the same person.

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How could it be legal for anyone to threaten an individual to keep out of the public light and never give proof being alive, thus allowing rumors to grow?

It was an op, IMO.

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Great point. It would be thus, the squalid tyranny's algorithm:

Hospital to Tiffany:

1. Must not only take shot but promote it for us. Take shot on live TV.

2. Following [uncertain] medical event, and whole world thinking Tiffany died, Tiffany may not show proof of life. Hospital will not say why, only use dire threatening language about "irrecoverable" damage. To what, apart from the [in such case] "conspiracy theory" that she died.

This did not happen. Not in the organic, natural world I mean. So who lied? Who staged what? Who was running who, as an actor?

Who is Tiffany Dover? Who was she before?

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My memory is a little fuzzy but I seem to remember an obituary that came out of Alabama naming her husband as a survivor. Anybody else remember that?

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I also believe Damar Hamlin is some sort of op, even if he's alive. A one-week hoopla that he's back "on the bench," never plays, with no major ESPN propaganda feel good feature follow-up stories. The hope, probably to be realized, is that he'll just be forgotten.

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I spring from the Sage Hana school of Reality-ism, and I repeat wholeheartedly the quote "It's weird shit all the time" by Celia Farber.

In the Hamlin case, there was that weird ambulance. And that picture of a masked "Damar" in the hospital bed, and two masked "relatives" and a disconnected machines and the clock on the wall with the hour "12:34."

Like that crazy videoclip when the Americans "left" Afghanistan, and lots of people were running alongside a huge plane, pretending to leave the country to escape the "Taliban," and the plane seemed not real, because it had what looked like painted windshields, as if the plane was a prop from a low budget movie from the 1970s. And then people sprung from nowhere claiming to be experts in planes and saying that was normal.

«Confusion will be my epitaph, as I crawl a cracked and broken path.» by Robert Fripp and King Crimson.

And hell no, there was no virus. Even covidian virologists say NOW that the new "walking pneumonia" from China is a new scare, implying their admision that there was no virus, but without ever acknowledging their error or their collaboration. Do they see now that no financial gain can offset the societal damage of a BIG LIE? They can all go to Kissinger!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Author

love this Roger. Slight correction, though I am honored you recall my quote via Sage. I wrote on her comments page: "Everything is weird bullshit all the time."

It makes me laugh too. It's strangely helpful.

I did not know anything about that Fripp/Crimson quote. If you have more "context" I'd be most interested. I don't want a tombstone but that line is a serious contender for my virtual tombstone. "Confusion will be my epitaph, as I crawl a cracked and broken path."

I've actually had it on my incredibly long To Do list since about 2010 to listen to King Crimson more. My ex husband was a musicologist, you might say, musician, record collector, wall to wall records, and this had the strange effect of making me stop seeking out new music (old music) because I felt so dwarfed by his (literally) unreal levels of knowledge about it all. Sometimes I text him about things like this and he does answer, which is nice. We met when our bands played on the same bill in NYC in the early 90s. I was a drummer.

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The quote is from an old song called "Epitaph." Kinda prog-rock from 1969. That band was copying all that weird occultist imagery that started (more or less) with Pink Floyd. So it's a little bit scary. I listened for the first time to that song in 2005, my "hippie" phase (it lasted only about three weeks, haha). I loved King Crimson for their weirdness and the underdog status, until I learned about Jethro Tull and all their sarcasm about everything in rock and pop music. Later on, the guitarist Robert Fripp kept on doing super weird musical experiments that few people know about. I got to see him in concert in Spain in 2007. Only instrumental music, 12 guitarists or so on the scene, and a huge thing with computers and probably a mellotron. So weird!

But that song, Epitaph, left an enduring impression in my soul. It's not a great piece of music, but it's memorable, a good combination of lyrics and music, too melancholic and not for everyone. In my comment, I wrote it in connection to all this analysis of psyops we make on substack. They wanted everyone confused, whether they pay attention or not.

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It's just all kayfabe that's all it is.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Great synonym at the end there!

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thanks for reading

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

My husband theorizes that they are boths clones, and poor ones at that, as is Jamie Foxx. So explains the brief and bizarre air time for them all

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Clones freak me out. They don't yet make sense to me.

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How could any of this be legal??! We are way beyond legal and nothing’s been lawful for a very long time.

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Smith Mundt Modification Act in the 2013 NDAA...thanks Obama...

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Comments on the comeback video are :D!

"This lady is an inspirational role model to all those who got jabbed, then collapsed, then went missing, then re-appeared."

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Why waste time on anything vax related?There are only two camps now.

Stop wasting your time trying to even approach the other side.

Nothing good comes of arguing with fools, stupid people, or liberals.

There’s an invasion happening a replacement on the way in the west. Look at Ireland today.

Get off the Rona crap

Love you girl!

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well, hang on…I don't cover Covid Tyranny/Vaccine death more than is proportionate, I feel. Day before yesterday, for example, I covered Seth Rich. Ireland is too much covered in OP and counter-OP and agent provocateurs for me to be able to address is yet. "Rona crap" is the documentation of an unfolding mass serial murder (as you know) and we must never normalize it I feel. Whether they will "pay" I don't know but I will never "get off" it.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for covering this story. I had been following different sources from day one and concur completely with your report. This is the first legitimate written journalistic piece I've come across and it is very much appreciated. I saw that NBC interview when it came out as well. Never believed it. You're on the right track here and perhaps we'll get this whole thing to wrap up conclusively.

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Thank you.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The Sino and Aryan-sphere are being brought in big time in San Diego, along with a plethora of stack and back “condos” and a horrifying number of “bio-labs.” Carmel Valley is filled with Sinos, Aryans, and “bio labs.” I am certain the controllers have used “COVID” to institute this replacement agenda.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Chris - Here is a rewrite in plain English in case people do not understand your original post...

There's a significant influx of Chinese and European (possibly German - think Hitler ideology?) influences in San Diego, especially in Carmel Valley. Street after street of high-rise apartments, referred to as "stack and back condos," have been built, along with numerous bio-laboratories (germ warfare labs searching for the answer to the destruction of mankind). Carmel Valley is now home to a large number of people from China and Europe (possibly Germany) as well as these bio-labs. Personally, I believe that the situation with COVID-19 has been used intentionally by those in control to bring about a planned change in population.

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Thank you.



Biolabs? That's what James O'Keefe just did a big story on. There were these pop up bio-labs run by "Chinese nationals…" with mice in cages (heartbreaking) and hoses coming out the back.

Meanwhile, we are told of American farmers, Amish for example, whose milk is re-designated as terrorism almost, and others arrested for gathering rain water. What is "OP" and what is "real" is, as usual, real hard to say.

Why don't they just use Fentanyl and be done with it?

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This world is becoming so evil it is hard to comprehend. If you try to reveal the truth they cancel you one way or the other!!!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I live in an older suburban neighborhood in metro San Diego inland a few minutes from La Jolla. I have watched the overgrowth of Carmel Valley from 5 over to 15 on the 56 ‘corridor’ for the past 25 years. I recently drove on 56 from 5 to 15. I couldn’t believe the amount of large multi stored, multi buildings apartment/condo ‘complexes’ that were along that corridor. What about the multiple storied, multiple apartment or condo buildings on 15 at Mira Mesa Blvd...who lives in those?

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This is the first I'm hearing of this.

Kary Mullis lived in La Jolla and I think that was where he was driving when the formula for PCR appeared (whole) in his head.

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Frontera Lupita notices something similar to me in the La Jolla-UCSD-Carmel Valley area. I went to USCD in the 1980s and this shift was still not yet apparent. In the mid-1990s, I went back to take some athletics classes, and I was often one of the few— let’s just call me lower middle class European-American—in even those classes. There is definitely, in my estimation, a concerted effort to import people into the West who will obey/institute the Masonic Luciferian elite dark technocratic vision) call it what you will, it all stinks of imprisonment and destruction of humanity ti me) for our future. By my estimation—given that 90% of the people around me from the Sinosphere are still masked in San Diego (just saw a Chinese lady walking her dog on an empty street in my neighborhood double masked), I’d say our controllers are thrilled with the outcome of their “immigration” policies. I say this not to demonize any particular group of people, but just to note a real thing that is occurring that disturbs me greatly.

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Yes…wasn’t Mullís affiliated with Scripps Institute of Oceanography or UCSD? There’s a HUGE Bio-Tech industry located near and around UCSD (which is considered in to be part of La Jolla). La Jolla, has its own zip code, but is technically part of the City of San Diego, and is ‘governed and policed’ by the City of San Diego. UCSD also has its own zip code. UCSD has become a huge research University (mostly government funded). The majority of the student population are Asian.

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It came to him "whole"? Isn't that mightily suspicious? Now, I know you are a fan of Kary Mullis (as am I, in principle) having read your early article on this being exactly how he didn't want PCR to be used and I've seen that long, relaxed interview with his mate covering how AIDS was obviously lifestyle and where no one, including Luc Montagnier, has shown any causal link between HIV and AIDS (which I am also completely on board with) but there have been some plausible suggestions he may have been a plant - set up for exactly this scenario. I think Magic Proton was the first person to bring this up (for me, at least). Indeed there doesn't seem to be much in the way of previous published work by him (more lab tech than theoretical chemist though), Kary is very articulate, which we might find suspicious, and he went straight to Nobel Prize, which is definitely suspicious in my book. I enjoy his dissipated lifestyle but, fun though it may be, it isn't the usual pattern for a serious academic or leader in a technical field.

We've seen people be set up in advance for things before. A good example is Alex Jones getting his scoop on Bohemian Grove - yeah, sure, he wandered round a heavily secured compound known for its VIP guests (who will have likely had their own security details as well) completely unmolested and was able to film an occult ceremony with flames and a huge owl statue. Right! Luckily it was just in time to have him in place, ready for 9/11.

As a final point, preposterousness is frequently an ingredient of the the bs stories we are expected to believe - indeed they almost compete to be outrageously unbelieveable - to the point that we have people like Dr David Martin with at least a dozen of them assigned to him alone. (And we might be seeing why as he is presently undermining the cause of the anti-vaxxers in the Parliamentary enquiry.)

Kary Mullis would be a bad loss, but it is possible. D'you think this carries weight? I'm afraid I do.

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It’s incredible, is it not? I’m a third generation Sam Diegan. Since 2020, especially, it’s like an order was given to build a bunch of high rise million dollar per share box apartments and an endless spree of “bio laboratories.” Yes, there have always been labs in the La Jolla/Scripps area. But this is something different, dominated by a huge influx of Asian “immigrants.” Carmel Valley, I’m guessing, it may even be shifting to an Asian majority, like Orange County, and places like Arcadia, CA, which I used to associate with old WASP wealth, but over the last 10-20 years is now 70% “Asian” (the Sino-sphere, her client peoples, and the Aryan—sphere). I see this shift in western Canada as well. I was there in 1993 and retuned in 2019. Similar demographic (and economic shift there as well).

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I am a 2nd generation Native Californian. My father & mother’s family came from Baltimore, Colorado and Kansas to California in the early 1900’s and 1930’s. They settled out in the Imperial Valley, 2 hours east of San Diego. I have been coming to San Diego since I was young and have lived here now for 37 years. Mostly lived in La Jolla and just east of LJ.

The area has dramatically changed and there are so many Asians living in the area. Years ago a bus load of Asian RE investors drove down my street looking at RE. But it seems they have bought heavily in LJ and Carmel Valley, enrolled their kids in schools like Bishops and LJ Country Day. Lots of Asians living in the high rise apartments/condo complexes that are over in the UTC Area, near UCSD.

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Thanks for the interaction.

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Yeah I lived on the other side of the canyon, Sorrento Valley and recall seeing Gilead there on one of the hilltop office buildings circa 2006 or 07.

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Gilead Sciences is a biopharmaceutical company that primarily focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialization of therapeutics in areas such as antivirals, antifungals, and oncology. They are known for their contributions to the treatment of HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis, producing medications like Truvada and Sovaldi. Gilead is recognized for its work in developing innovative medicines to address significant unmet medical needs, particularly in the field of infectious diseases and certain types of cancers.

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I’m suspicious straight away because there is a HUGE link between Fauci and the whole fraudulent AIDS/ HIV story and that drug (AZT) he invented that was supposed to prolong AIDS patients lives and turns out it was killing them instead! Fauci is a very evil man!

AZT was one of the first drugs developed for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and was initially seen as a significant step forward. Dr. Anthony Fauci, as a key figure in HIV/AIDS research and policy, played a role in advocating for its use.

However, concerns emerged about AZT's side effects and potential toxicity, leading to a reassessment of its usage. While AZT was an early breakthrough in HIV/AIDS treatment, subsequent research and advancements in antiretroviral therapy led to the development of more effective and less toxic medications. The focus shifted to combination therapies, often referred to as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

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My book "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS" covers all this, in depth. Between 1987 and 2006. It's a horrific history.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Aryan (many upper caste Hindus) and Sinos (mostly Chinese). I’m speaking specifically about something that has already occurred in western Canada—specifically bringing in a bunch of Indians and Chinese to obey orders and run this extermination program. I am sorry to say that in my estimation, the Chinese in particular have a penchant for ruthless authoritarianism. San Diego, where one side of my family has been since the late 19th century, is being remade into a bio-tech hub, with Asians being the STEM landlords/gatekeepers and anyone who crosses the southern border doing the physical labor. People like me, lower middle class, “white,” we have little place here beyond being the face of the new woke scapegoating.

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Chris I think you are spot on here but so many fail to “see” what you are describing, perhaps they don’t understand the concept of “gatekeepers”???

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A very noticeable and extreme change, in terms of demographics, has occurred where I live in San Diego since "COVID." Yes, the city is on the border and has always had a multicultural feel in the urban areas. However, I think that whatever has gone on at the border since 2020 is now manifesting itself, big time. At the Costco where I sometimes go in North San Diego County, it is almost all South, Southeast and East Asians. When I was in there today, it was like I was one of a handful of people of European-American descent. It is similar to what I noticed in Vancouver when I traveled up there in 2019, a big change from the last time I was there in the early 1990s. Moreover, a great many people around me were not speaking English. It was not this way, even last year. Worse of all, I believe this all to be part of the agenda by globalists, to divide and confuse, to prevent any possibility of unity, and to make living what was once a normal middle class American life impossible. They have succeeded where I live.

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Thank you.

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Because we are all infected with the Rona crap, that's why.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Not until the next one comes out in a year or so!

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Lautenberg is vaxxing kids in Germany again. They just won’t stop. And - masked and obedient - the "eloi" are lining up. It’s all piling on.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I'd be out of there so fast. They must not pay attention to alternative health news which is ridiculous IMHO as a nutrition coach and all I do pay attention to.

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You are falling into the "let's move on" trap. Millions are dying, and now they want us to "forgive, forget, and move on," without accountability. If you move on, they win.

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Don't forget the French video which showed Tiffany's death records, among other evidence.


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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I sometimes wonder if this is a game. They know most people will take their word for it and laugh at the "dumb conspiracy" people. They also don't even try to make it make sense. They pick a 2nd Tiffany who doesn't even look like her cause they want to mock us. Show us how powerful they are. We live in their world and they dictate reality.

I think they are wrong in this. Humans have a desire for truth and hatred of lies. More and more people are seeing the lies we are swimming in.

I also got a sick feeling from all this. Mkultra upgraded. The same feeling I got when seeing Adam Lanzas or James Fields pictures. I can't explain it but it is like the images have a satanic quality or they have been messed with in some way that the human brain sends out huge waves of terror when we view the images. Not sure what tech is being used and maybe it is in my head but that is the feeling I get.

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Colin, that is it. That is precisely it.

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Thanks :)

Also, she stayed quiet because the hospital wanted her too and she didn't want to lose her job but she left that job around the same time and still stayed quiet even though that threat of being fired was gone!

She was riddled with guilt that people were dying cause they didn't take the shot because of her story making the rounds online. Ok, an easy way to end that would be to post a 30 second video saying "hey guys don't believe everything you read online. I'm ok. I'm still alive"

Doing that or doing an interview 2 years ago would have made a difference. Doing the interview now is years too late to "save" the people from antivax propaganda.

It doesn't make sense. At all.

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She did humanity a service! Many remain unvaxed because of her story! Good job.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This is one of the more bizarre. Just the fact that they have no resemblance, so shoved in our faces. What are they trying to prove by this ritual? I still think of this event, similar to the missing lahania fire, children are they missing, or not . Both serve to dis-connect us, I guess.

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Yeah whatever happened to the allegedly missing Lahaina children allegedly home from school ALONE that day?

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Why is there no mention of Palestine Ohio? Let alone Lahaina...

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It is all so strange. It is like a ritual, .very unsettling. I could never understand why parents didn't speak up in fire's. Then I thought Tiffany's family paid off . There are times I question how ant of this is real.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

NBC podcast...enough said.....

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Celia, I used to paint portraits - they're two completely different women!

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How interesting a perspective. Thank you Kathy.

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Brandy Zadrozny has been a pharma hitwoman for years. Catie Clobes, whose daughter died following childhood shots in 2019 was a target of Zadrozny's when Catie started speaking out. That "journalist" is pure bought & paid for evil.

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Yes, she is evil. I used that word originally but backed off, anticipating resistance, and people warn against calling people "evil." But she's evil.

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I stand with you!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Whatever the the truth turns out to be, I certainly enjoy reading your empathic and probing prose! It’s like going on a journey with a fellow skeptic trying to solve a mystery, fearing the worst, but hoping for the best.

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Thank you Chris.

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You are welcome. I really appreciate what you do.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Hear, hear! I second!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Very well said!

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Been with Celia on that journey since 1987 AIDS Words From The Front.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

What made me realize this was a psychological experiment was that if she died, it would have been easy for her family or friends to spill the beans. Heck, even a funeral would have been found. But no, we just got grey.... For many months and then she pops up. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid her to hide...

What we got was a faux mystery run around. They intended this to be a story to use to make anti vaccine ppl look crazy but all it did was make confusion.

Well done, propagandists. 🤡 Hahahaha

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Rob, precisely. So are they a) really bad at OPS and Traps or b) next level dark geniuses creating OPS so advanced even we get lost? I think it's A. Please vote, below, if you see this comment.

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I think A also.

I saw an interview of her on AM wake up show. She didn't say it outright but they gagged her, explaining the silence.

They intended to bring her back and use her to discredit those who questioned the jabs.

But the idiots waited too long. They brought her back way after people stopped taking boosters.

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i lean in the direction of a) too

bad theater, a murder mystery

it's strangely compelling though

the incongruence, and especially the inconclusivity

one could make a case for b) though

it's so bizarre, brazen, complex

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Not The Same Person. These MSM Devils are desperate for us to buy their gaslighting. She died. RIP.

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