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The title Shot Dead is too kind for these murdering butchers of big pharma.

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link currently goes to david icke interviewing shai danon in israel - worth watching, no doubt.

this is the shot dead film https://www.bitchute.com/video/utO6j5XDHhV7/

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

That's ok, the wrong link was right regardless! 🙂

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Even more disturbing in consideration of the fact that by ignorance or design ..Peter McCullough is a limited hangout and a virus gatekeeper.

His most facetious attempt at virus-belief maintenance was his utterance, "Of course viruses exist, they make vaccines out of viruses"

The man is a Medical mendicant.

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I hear you, Poet, but my take is that Dr. McCullough is 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 so in that standard medical box, he can't get out. That does not mean he's a limited hangout. It means he's been mal-educated and is hanging on to a lot of that crap.

I've met him and actually had a few minutes to speak with him one-on-one. Not lately, but a while back, he and I exchanged a number of emails, as well. He is actually quite gracious (and at the time I met him was when Baylor University Medical Center was putting him through hell) and our conversation and exchanges enjoyable.

That said, he says stuff like you've shared, and you just shake your head. Instead of being a medical mendicant, though, I think he had his head stuffed with "medical" bullshit (like viruses existing and are the direct cause of people's illnesses, "vaccines" getting made out of them, etc.) out of which he still operates. I do believe he knows a lot about what constitutes a healthy heart and what can hurt it. He came up with a protocol to help his father recover from a wicked respiratory infection and shared it to help others do the same.

McCullough, like so many, many white coats, has an identity wrapped up in being a "doctor." For him to go through his mind, find all the bullshit it's filled with, unpack it, and toss it all overboard? That may happen -- eventually -- but to expect it all at once?

Dr. Pierre Kory has done some self-reflecting and wrote about it in his book, "The War on Ivermectin." He lists a whole bunch of the bullshit that he was absolutely certain about before this whole COVID crime. He summarizes by saying that "Old Pierre" was "a clueless son of a bitch."

I think when this whole crime gets revealed for the world to see and the entire bullshit edifice upon which it was built and enabled, a whole lotta people -- but especially the white coats, RNs, et al. -- will understand that they, too, are clueless sons of bitches. Their lives, their reputations, their self-identities -- all of it based on bullshit.

The difference between McCullough, Kory, et al. is that for their shortcomings, they stood up and they actually tried to help people, heal people. Perfect no, but honorable impulses during this horrific crime? I think so -- and that's coming from me -- someone who doesn't generally like doctors or go to them. Ever.

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What you wrote is perfectly reasonable. And there is (perhaps) an argument that people like McCullough serve as a 'gateway drug' from the official narrative to the eventual realisation that the entire paradigm is false.

But here's the thing. What McCullough and co are saying is already controversial enough that they have to be willing to re-examine the entire paradigm and the entire medical establishment.

And it's not as if this requires any special detective work or intellectual prowess. The industry that he STILL makes loads of money from can be exposed as a fraud with just a weekend of casual armchair research.

He is still marketing and selling a bunch of Pharma drugs which have no scientific or medical basis, and which can only cause harm to those who take them.

He is - if we are to be cold and objective - still part of the problem and not the solution.

And as long as the public stay fixated on the likes of McCullough (or Bigtree or RFK) it will be easy to stage another 'pandemic' because the underlying premise of contagious viruses will not have been exposed as a fraud.

He cares about the health of the public just enough to make millions each year selling his pharma potions... but not enough to sit down and have a 2 hour debate (or casual conversation) with anyone in the 'no virus' camp, such as Dr Stefan Lanka or Dr Tom Cowan.

Is that what 'caring' means?

Or maybe it's more accurate to say he is CYNICALLY EXPLOITING the vaccine genocide to drive business to his own drug business..... while at the same time helping Big Pharma by providing them with a USEFUL ADVERSARY who will never challenge the fundamental legitimacy of the virus paradigm.

Is that why he gets so much publicity from the media, while the 'no virus' camp get zero platform to present their criticisms?

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The simple forensics are the most revealing aren't they?

The basic tenet of any prosecution is habeas corpus ...( show me the body)

Without aberrant lab process...the white-coats cannot do it.

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This is why they are 'digitising biology' (a term Moderna uses). In the digital realm anything is possible. A body can now be produced using CGI and nobody can tell the difference.

Government policy at the start of 2020 was based on a contagion experiment carried out in 2017 by the BBC, Cambridge University and the LSHTM. In the experiment they infected 30,000 volunteers with a virus and watched them get sick. They tracked the spread of the disease and used the data set to create a model of pandemics which (in their own words) "created a new gold standard" and formed the basis of government policy two years later in 2020.

Only that's not what happened..... what they actually did was get the 30,000 volunteers to download an app on their phone and then they tracked everyone's phones. Then they pretended this data set had something to do with biology.

They even turned it into a TV show called "Contagion! The BBC4 Pandemic" presented by celebrity mathematician Hannah Fry.

The entire 'pandemic' was based on smartphones apps. Nobody noticed the sleight of hand.

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I didn’t know about this 2017 BBC “study”. Shows more evidence of pre-planning, because previously it has always been agreed in medical circles (including the WHO) that lockdowns would do far more harm than good

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Airing it on TV would have been a key part of preparing the population for the actions of the gov in 2020

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I remember it ...The facetious Harpy Hannah thought the whole thing was amusing..

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Moderna' called the new mIRNA (look up its relationship with cancer) 'vaccines' an 'operating system/platform' -on their own website! (I'm not sure if it still does.)

Ever wonder why Walensky's reveal of the new 'Comirnaty™' 'vaccine' was so silly? (something about being with the community or some such slop) -- >>How about Co- (with) -miRNA- (gene expression for cancer: +/-) -ty ("to you," or "thank you"). So far, I have seen no one else connect those dots in the name except myself.

(The EUA was for Comirnaughty™ :[ - which was not available in the USA).

And true to Kary Mullis' statement, if you look at various websites of PCR testing machine maufacturers, they ALL say 'FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY - NOT FOR DIAGNOSIS!"

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The word medical RINO came to mind.

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Aye! Deception is what deception does.

It's only the reasons for deception that are moot.

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I agree with you about Peter McCullough 100%. I’ve listened to him from the start, and he is a good man who cares about humanity (unlike Robert Malone, who does NOT ring true.). Not everyone knows everything, especially me, and it’s important to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Great post.

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Every controversial industry has a savior contingency Lisa.

McCullough (like Malone and others) is a scripted shtick of the "Forgive and Forget" contingency.

in edit: McCullough is a cog in the industry that has "thrown out" more babies than any other industry I can think of.

absit omen to you.

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I appreciate what you've said and will henceforth pay closer attention.

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I can only see the questions ..I don't know the answers other than to think it is all up to the individual..

I do know that God and Jesus is not the answer

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Since you don't know the answers to anything, why are you so sure that God and Jesus are not the answer?

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Very well said! I agree with all that was said.

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Well said! Thank you.

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OR... McCullough et al, are the scripted ambassadors of 'Forgive and Forget'

Your way or my way ...he is a very bad doctor.

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Well stated...👏🏼

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deletedNov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023
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It wasn't me who said, " If you want to control the opposition, be the opposition."

The rascal in me believes that Celia drops little targets for we conspiracy theorists to shoot at.

THANKS Celia! :-)

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I have also been banned by Kirsch and Northrop which is deep state tactic 101. They don’t fight, they disappear you. That’s why anyone front and center on this (or any) issue must at least be considered to be part of their agenda. The real ones get ignored, censored, vilified.

They knew after the first shot was given and likely even before that, that these shots would kill more people than they could hide. The plan therefore, was to always limit the conversation to Covid shots bad, Pfizer bad, with the end goal being to keep the importance of vaccination alive for the future. You can always deal with ”one bad product” but they must hang on to injecting humans in general. That’s why trump stills touts the vaccines as “saving millions of lives.” That is one platform that is not negotiable, even as deep state rhetoric.

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Germ Theory is the lynchpin of the entire genocidal Big Pharma hoax..and every informed person knows a positive PCR means absolutely nothing.

Here we have McCullough giving the thumbs up to Pfizer's 'anti-viral' Paxlovid.

"My opinion is Paxlovid does have a favourable effect...but Paxlovid may cause rebounds, that is prolong the illness..and remain PCR positive."


Methinks this guy must have vested interests in promoting garbage - as do many other scientists and doctors who have now achieved rock star status amongst the 'Awake'.

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Yes, the "novel" virus, SARS-CoV-2, was a hoax and doesn't exist, and consequently, covid-1984 does not exist. It's the "traditional" flu, Bro (whatever that is). The rt-PCR test was/is a fraud, developed by fraudster, Christian Drosten of Germany, and never validated, as required for such tests by the FDA. It is the Magic 8 Ball of medical "science." The fake vaccines are bioweapons directed at the global population and are the primary objective of the scamdemic, though destruction of the global economies and the middle class were secondary objectives. Big Pharma only played a secondary role in the scamdemic. They were given "an offer they couldn't refuse" by the US Dept. of Defense. It was developed by research of the US Dept. of Defense and manufactured by entities other than Pfizer and Moderna. They were paid their tens of billions by the DoD to give a patina of validity to their fake vaccines. The DoD contracts to Big Pharma only described the fake vaccines as countermeasures and they were paid their tens of billions of dollars only for "demonstrations." By only contracting for the bioweapons as "countermeasures," legally if not lawfully, the FDA had no jurisdiction over them and the actions of the FDA and CDC were and are simply kabuki theater. For the entire sick story, pun intended, research the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.

I agree that McCullough and his ilk (including Del Bigtree) are controlled opposition. They are too frightened to tell the truth about how the whole shitshow was run by the DoD. While their influence has helped many people to avoid the bioweapon, it aggravates me to watch Del Bigtree tooting his own horn about his courage and fearlessness.

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It wouldn't take much coercion to get pharmaceutical companies to participate: they have played a major role in the destruction of the health and well being of citizens for decades. Pfizer, J&J, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline et al have been sued countless times - always long after the damage was done and always for sums that paled in comparison to the profits the corporations reaped in dispensing poison.

Before they even rolled out this concoction, scientists and medical pros pointed out that there has never been a successful SARS vx because all the lab animals died during the trials - ALL of them. So the labs and institutions involved were well away of the dangers.

Moderna's mRNA 'tech' has been in development for years. It was originally listed on the FTC as 'gene therapy' and was even described by a CEO in 2016 and on their website as the 'software of life'. "The concept of using mRNA to encode proteins for either vaccination or protein replacement received its first in vivo validation in 1990."

.."full approval of two rapid-response mRNA vaccines against COVID-19: Comirnity (BNT162b2) and Spikevax (mRNA-1273). Moderna’s mRNA-1273, one of several mRNA vaccines directed against the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein, was first administered to human volunteers on 16 March 2020." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01294-2

It was a human trial but was never sold as such. Moderna is now going full-bore into a gene-editing venture with Life Edit Therapeutics Inc.

It seems that the vx lots were varying in strength from placebo to extra potent and were carefully dispensed and staggered so as not to alert the public that they were being culled. So it was coordinated and monitored even though it often appeared slap dash.

According to Todd Callender: “Genetically modified people are now referred to as homoborgenesis, not homo sapiens. You can see it in the very first, I think it’s the second page actually, of the NASA's Langley Research paper on fifth-generation warfare.”

Some of the new alt media 'stars' seem to enjoy their roles far too much. Others are clearly lining their pockets. Some are straight up intelligence assets.

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I upvoted your comment, but I think that it is essential to stress the pivotal role that the US DoD played.

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The DoD is where the buck stops .. because the DoD is unaccountable to anything or anyone.

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The DOD has been off the leash for decades. When they aren't overseeing the obliteration of secular countries in MENA; overthrowing leaders worldwide; and running CIA Black Ops with drug funds, they are stealing public money in cahoots with The Federal Reserve to finance all of the above and more. The Pentagon is exempt from most financial disclosures to Congress.

21 November 2023: The Pentagon failed its sixth consecutive audit. SIX. IN. A. ROW. "The agency that accounts for half of the federal discretionary budget does not know what it did with the money...The Pentagon was able to account for just 50 percent of its $3.8 trillion in assets (including equipment, facilities, etc). That means $1.9 trillion is unaccounted for - more than the entire federal discretionary budget." Half of their budget goes to weapons manufactures and corporations including the pharmaceutical industry who in turn are also unaccountable.

The Pentagon is responsible for trillions of unaccounted for public funds as first reported by The Los Angeles Times on 5 March 2000 citing a Rumsfeld speech on 10 September 1999. Dr Mark Skidmore has also investigated this and another $21 trillion 'loss'.

All of the entities involved have been poised and at the ready to play their role in The End Game. As I said, the bioweapon hinged on years of development where all of the lab animals died - of ADE. Result. ADE, in all its deadly manifestations, is exactly what people are dying of now.

They also boosted it with graphene oxide. "Discovered at the University of Manchester in 2004",  Spain has played a major role: the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, The University of Granada and the BBVA Foundation specifically. "All the effort of researchers in the field of graphene is focused on turning theory into reality." The EU has pumped 1,000s of million euros into R&D.

I have sympathy for those injured and murdered by the bioweapon, very much so. However the deaths caused by WWIII; the destruction of the food and energy systems; the proliferation of nanoparticles in the air, soil and water; and weather modification will dwarf 'vx' deaths. At the same time we are being encircled in a global digital prison from which there will be no escape.

Thomas Jefferson, the Freemmason Slave Owner: "You deserve the leaders you elect".

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I am ware of the link. My original point was that the pharmaceutical industry is -just like most modern medicine- founded on Germ Theory. That is the Big Lie that needs to be nuked. The second Big Lie imo is Asymptomatic Spread.

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I had whatever you want to call it months before any of the Vax variants were available. Live close to where it was first identified in the US and at the time was considered an essential worker.

( still in the same job)

Anyhow I've had a lot of various colds, flues, respatory crap over various types. I've worked in Africa, south America, Asia & Europe & the Middle East.

Gotten some kind of crud in all of them.at one time or another

Anyway whatever that was it completely destroyed my sense of smell, now years later it only a fraction of what it was.

It was created in a lab as a experiment. It was released as a study. This is what we are dealing with. No treaty or agreement regarding weapons development of any kind will ever be adhered to. Sad to say but humans themselves are a virus.

I used to think that there would be worldwide cooperation to fight off aliens if they ever invaded!

How naive I was. "Our side" whatever that means will never stop & neither will any other.

Humans are what they are.

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A positive PCR means someone forgot to report the number of replication cycles used.

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And a PCR test itself, is measuring something of no relevance in the first place.

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Don't know, never had any. But should they be useful, it would be in the regime from 15-20 cycles; certainly not 40-44! (This also depends on what reagents are used and how carefully they're handled, etc., but I don't know much about that.)

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The use of this process is in no way a diagnostic tool.

It detects something and measures (sic.) it by multiplication.

An aberrant process measuring something of no relevance or proven connection to any ailment in the first place.

It is someone picking up a grain of sand and "presuming" that grain is a product of sickness ..then picking up a handful of sand and saying "see, this proves it"

It is so absurd only an inducted knowledge doctor would believe such nonsense.

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We should cut people some slack and not expect perfection. It's hard to wrap one's mind around the scope of the deception.

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True for the average Joe (such as parents who lost children to the clot shot,) but not for doctors who become an alternative celebrities by claiming to be experts on the topic. An honest scientist might initially resist abandoning the "virus" worldview, yet would not fear to admit that no scientific evidence for SARS-CoV-2 exists, and that the viral hypothesis likely has been thoroughly refuted. But, those who have been fully informed regarding the lack of scientific evidence, cannot claim to be deceived, and their continued spread of fear and scientific misinformation is a lapse into dishonesty, not worthy of being cut slack.

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Wait a minute-- I had Covid. It was a serious flu or whatever, it was something. How did I get it? What was it? Because if you claim it wasn't a "virus" then you have to explain what it was otherwise, and how I and others could have "caught" it.

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What the "there are no viruses" people don't understand is that the "viruses" we have been afflicted with are real but not natural. The shingles, the epstein-barr, the CMV, etc., all of them were created by the gov and the mad scientists over the last century and released onto us. They are all artificial concoctions that have real biological consequences. They are responsible for all of the "autoimmune" labels and many cancers. Those labels are a lie to keep people from blaming the pathogens that were launched on us. Medical Medium books explain this in detail. My own experience has shown me that this is the truth.

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Thanks for that. I don't know enough about what you say to have any informed opinion, but again, if there are no real or manufactured viruses, then what did I and others get during Covid? Question not directed at you but to those who claim there are no viruses.

What about smallpox? That was apparently a "real" virus because back then we didn't have the technology to manufacture viruses.

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Exactly Jim. The list is of "what abouts" is endless when you consider all the types of "infections" humans are dealing with. I watched my friend die of a horrible vaginal cancer that began with a viral infection called lichen sclerosis. It's caused by a certain strain of EBV and an an overabundance of copper and old DDT in the person's body. That cocktail created the disease. I would encourage you to continue having an open mind and to check out the work of Medical Medium. It seems far out there, but I was desperate for healing after being injected with a dTap cocktail of poisons many years back. Those contain artificial constructs aka "viruses" that are very harmful to the body, along with the other toxic contents of the jabs. Medical Medium had the answers and the protocols he gives for healing using only food and herbs (not a product he sells) worked for me. Many jealous frauds out there in the "health and wellness" world despise him because he is legit. Viruses are manmade, disease causing and sometimes deadly. Period.

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Viruses (sic.) are the medical industries' appropriation of symptoms. Symptoms caused by many and varied causes.

Causes like Non trace elements in the food, water, air.

Causes psychosomatic, causes electro-magnetic and causes sympathetic.

Causes fungal and causes poisonous including adjuvants in vaccines.

What are not causes of symptoms are arbitrary, infectious and contagious nominals labelled viruses.

Viruses are the appropriation of symptoms.

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Could very well have been a reaction to a poison of some sort. When the shot also gives you the same reaction the same could be said. Many people think polio was a poisoning. And the polio shot caused as much polio and it purportedly prevented.

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McCullough is fully aware that he is a grand deceiver.

Forget the slack, gifted in mitigation for how he fooled you...and tighten the line around his neck.

We have to go through this phase of forgiveness, predicated on nothing more than it eases the realization and embarrassment that the deceiver initially deceived us.

That is forgiving the deceiver to forgive ourselves.

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Sounds to me like instead of the American Revolution wherein everyone on "our" side worked out their differences more-or-less peacefully, some want to turn this into the French Revolution wherein either you demonstrate your ideological purity or you get the gallows.

I'm not on board with the French Revolution people and I'd suggest that might be a psyop to get us tearing each other apart.

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Revolution, devolution, involution, evolution. All contingencies are catered for.

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Yep, I had to turn off the video upon seeing McCullough still spreading the nonsense of the 'virus spike protein' being the cause of the heart damage. I and many others have tried to reason with him, and he presents a stone wall, like every other dedicated Rockefeller priest. In my view this sends the video to the realm of propaganda, and just adds to the ignorance-induced tragedy that these parents are experiencing.

It's a pleasant surprise to see others raising the issues with the Rockefeller propaganda, as that's a huge improvement from a couple years ago.

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Yes, it's weird, because the same group who ignores the clear scientific evidence, i.e., the complete absence of scientific evidence for SARS-CoV-2 or any other "virus," simultaneously pushes all sorts of scientifically unproven hypotheses about the cause of adverse effects. Do we know the so-called "spike protein" sequence even exists in nature? Was the DNA sequence for that protein not patented implying a non-natural origin? Having spent 30yrs in genomics research science (including use of controls, replicates, and direct evidence,) the thought process of many in the scientific field is unimpressive.

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Indeed, he's totally trusting the story of the spike protein, knowing that the whole establishment is lying profusely about everything else, and knowing that the existence of the 'virus' itself is in doubt. I don't buy that he's so naive that he really trusts the spike protein story. He's obviously choosing to protect the establishment that he's invested in.

Of course they've never isolated the 'spike protein', and therefore can't possibly know if or how the mythical substance damages heart tissue.

Meanwhile, it's now known without a doubt that the vaccines contain graphene oxide, and it's also fact that the symptoms of covid vaccine injury precisely match the well-documented (by the chemical industry) toxicological effects of graphene oxide, yet McCullough and his ilk are absolutely silent, while claiming to be the truth-bearers.

Sadly, I think the prevailing thought process in the scientific field is "cooperate and get paid, or question/rebel and be permanently unemployed".

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Dr Tom Cowan and others have discussed the 'spike protein' at length. As it is allegedly the spike protein of a mythical virus, their general conclusion is that the spike protein is a nothing burger. In fact, I'd wager it's all part of a controlled op psyop to make people think they're going to get sick or die from the jab, and subsequently buy into (and buy) these 'doctors'' detox protocols. What people are getting sick and dying from is the usual bunch of toxic ingredients on steroids, added to all the other poisons they put in their bodies.

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It is a fly in the ointment although we can only hope that what he says about how the heart is damaged is accurate.

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Yes but, admitting the harm is not mitigation or dispensation for involvement..

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I get the Dr. Ana Mihalceam substack and it seems to be light years ahead of him. The other doctor in the movie was also a lightweight.

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I agree...I include McCullough in the same crowd as the other ‘Medical Freedom Movement Docs’ and ‘others’ that cling to the

Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System ‘model’.

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All this mounting evidence to militate against these horrible murderers, including the the stuff about DNA Plasmids a SV40 promoter genes, graphene, myocarditis etc... And yet STILL, we have "vaccine clinic"s being rolled-out in communities of color, like that's not just a targeted genocide.

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"Boosters" offered along with Flu jabs across the UK. The NHS sends your Vax invite with an eleven page brochure titled: "Don't let your protection fade." How kind of them to care.

There is certainly more than ample evidence that the jabs are weaponised. Even mainstream media can't ignore the personal and very tragic stories. Yet they still call jab complications 'rare'.

The 'victims' of AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine


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We're planning a protest, naturally.

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"They" just wanna help, is all. (coughcough)

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Celia, the Shot Dead link goes to A View From Israel by David Icke. This is a link to it on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/DP94xWwvZ0XM/

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And some people say there is no God. ;-p

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You.need to scroll down a bit. I managed to find it.

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Thanks for this post and as a user said, for facilitating this support. Haven't seen the movie yet, but wonder if it will have the same effect as "Vaxxed" did and really awaken people.

More and more people are waking up and indeed, that is a good thing :)

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"Waking up" to vaccine ineffectiveness and danger is something that comes with being still "half-asleep" to the fact that viruses do not exist.

Now it's time for the awake bit, to awaken and talk without prejudice, to the still half-asleep bit.

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A lot of people here seem to think viruses don't exist. I don't care if they do or don't. Don't want to argue about subjects I don't know doodly squat about. Especially with others as ignorant as I am.

Bottom line to me, there are things in nature that can make you sick or worse.

I trust my immune system

But I have also had icky things that went away with a shot & some pills.


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Your confession of yours' and others' ignorance is noted.

And corroborated by your belief in an "immune system (another projection of the vaxx industry)

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Backatya smart guy.

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I started to watch it on rumble. I couldn't finish it as it was devastating to hy heart. I think it was Jessica Rose that posted about it last week. I struggle managing all this information. MARANATHA!

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I completely understand. We follow along and grow our understanding as best we can, then share what we learn with those who have ears to hear. This is a marathon not a sprint. It took 50 years to corral big tobacco, and pharma has been strategizing its assault for as long. Neutralizing this evil is going to take a while. We must pace our efforts and each of us do what we can. The sun will rise tomorrow, the earth will continue to spin, and this too will pass.

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Thank you John. We are beginning a deep study of the book you were named after this morning at our men's fellowship Bible study

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Yet after 50 years big tobacco isn't corralled at all. Some lawyers made some money and some state governments. That's the size of it. Big tobacco isn't neutralized at all. We just stopped thinking about it and tobacco goes on making big money.

The same is true of the "opioid crisis". Oxycontin is still being manufactured and sold.

I don't have an answer to all this but I don't think working within the very system that created the problem will result in much.

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I put my big boy depends on this afternoon and went back to view shot dead. It was no easier to watch but it was important to invest some time in the stories of the lost ones and their survivors. Thank You Father for strengthening me to get through it.

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You're a better man than I am. I can't watch anyone treating children badly without wanting to take them out.

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It was seeing the parents grief, being a parent too and feeling cold fear for your family.

My kids are all adults, most of them fell for the propaganda and got various versions of the vaxx.

My wife did as well & tbh I would have as well if I hadn't contracted it months before any type of Vax was available and in the first several months were in short supply & the word at that time was if you had gotten and recovered to wait until others that were in higher risk categories had been inoculated.

then get in line.

By then reports of adverse reactions and deaths were circulating. Considering that I had already had contracted and recovered I decided not to get vaxxed. I have a gut feeling that this likely saved my life.

Not the first time I've dodged a bullet literally and figuratively.

Some say better to be lucky than good. I've had a hell of a lot of various other vaccinations including a full course of anthrax vaccine. Even so I have still contracted diphtheria as well as whooping cough despite being inoculated. At my age now I don't think I'd survive whooping cough again.had to be evacuated back to the states and took months to fully recover, "covid" or whatever it was was a walk in the park compared to that.

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C'est la guerre ..but it was not a 'virus" ..Covid or otherwise.

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Understood. Revenge is Mine, saith the Lord!

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"The Lord" is more than a little slow in his vengeance brief don't you think?

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Yes, He is demonstrating incredible patience because His wish is that no one will perish. It won't last forever.

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Submission isn't helpful or healthy Tom.

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God doesn't care about your opinion. Or timeline. Or extremely limited perspective.

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So your god is careless tyrant then?

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Watched 'Shot Dead' and 'Safe and Effective' yesterday, both with affecting, victims' stories. In the former, adding insult to injury was a government call to the motorcycle dad, Ernest Ramirez, plying him for 45 minutes to accept money to change the death certificate to say Covid (if I recall correctly).



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Thank you for facilitating this support.

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'Shot Dead': SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity. Vital documentary!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Celia Farber's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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That filibuster almost made me forget that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST.

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I agree with you. The more we put a human face on this tragedy, the quicker we'll wake those still in denial. Thank you.

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I cannot fathom how utterly shattered these parents are. Lord have mercy on them. I feel crushed just reading about it..... My adult son is vax injured from a DPT in 1985. Our whole family has paid a very high price because of all of the issues that created, but most importantly, HE has suffered the most, every day since then, in myriad ways. Many issues he had over the years were also ones that he has not wanted to attribute to that cause. It's as if a young man doesn't want to accept that he's been permanently poisoned. We all have been in various ways by this cartel. The flouride, the geoengineering, the gmos, the pesticides, the endless chemicals in so many products. It's overwhelming.

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Needless tragedies. One wonders, in this midst of all this suffering, if the medical professionals responsible will be held to account.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023


More and more, endless tears.


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Let's try and make that into a Haiku:

More and more

Endless tears

What life is left

Goes on


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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023


Hopefully the endless tears will drive more and more people to God the Father through Jesus the Christ; and to, not a counterfeit-"Christian" relationship with Him, but to a True, Full and Complete transformation of character, here and now, as is the ONLY Way we will be saved, and as the Apostles and Disciples set the example for on the Day of Pentecost, when they were completely transformed by being filled with the Character of God, the Holy Spirit.

(See Acts, Chapter 2.)


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I can't and won't watch 'Shot Dead' because the reality of evil that man is doing to the world's population - in the name of HEALTH - is unbelievable and unforgivable. I just hope the DEATH PENALTY will apply to those that modified the disease called Covid and those that created a DEADLY 'SAFE and EFFECTIVE' injection which they pretend is a vaccine. I hope others can learn from watching the TRUTH unfolding in this very brave film.

I've now lost faith in Doctors and all those in the medical profession because they either went along with the CULL or were too scared to question and withhold their participation.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Killing the children, teens, and 20-somethings is horrific. The smoke has yet to clear and the fact that too many people still avoid this conversation (vaxx-induced death), or deny that it is 'a fact' is also horrifying. The damage caused by the Global mega-PsyOp is truly unprecedented. I covered a screening(as a videographer) of a low budget doc entitled "Anecdotals" -and there were jabbed, and damaged folks in the audience. One young man of college age (now disabled) had a seizure and fell out of his wheelchair. I didn't turn the video cam in his direction due to feelings of courtesy and respect. Nonetheless, the day was well spent, and another detail that is not being discussed openly has to do with the divisions created within our own families. One woman(and mom) told me her story of divorce as a result of her Vaxx-Gung ho husband who wanted to vaxx their kids! The repercussions of the Vaxx-attack have barely been considered or assessed collectively. Thx for this heads up!

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