The water version of the fire in Hawaii. Criminals in plain sight.

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This could be very true, but Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street own pretty much everything, with that being said there are not many stocks to invest in that are not owned by one of these. In vid really didn’t say much about Emhoff but hey, the way things are going I am not surprised. I would like to see more documents with his name on them, but the VP (conflict of interest anyone?) would be the permit issuer. Yes, it stinks but need more documentation IMO

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You are correct. If Celia has any kind of retirement account, she is probably invested in some things that Black Rock and Vanguard are invested in as well. This is a clickbait story. I would be more concerned about "Puff Dougie" slapping women. Now that's a story that's getting basically zero coverage from the MSM!!!

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago


There’s no story here! They invested in ETFs like the entire country. If they were a top 10 INDIVIDUAL share holder, that would be different. But the video shows Institutional investors.,the ones listed: Vanguard, Staye Street, and BlackRock, are always in the top 4 Institutional.

I’ve not followed her for long, a couple of weeks maybe, She tends to write a lot of sensationalist bullshit.

Although The Harris Biden administration did award the company $90M 5-year contract (2025-2030) via the DoD. There were a lot of other awards too.

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Celia Farber has been doing high profile investigative journalism since the 1990s when she was a staff writer at Spin magazine. Do not "feel free" to impugn her based on your own incredulity.

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I was just about to say the same thing. Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street own pretty much everything, so of course they would be the biggest shareholders in that mining company as well.

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I'm not surprised. Been researching into Kamala and her parents and their tie-ins with the Theosophy Society. OMG. Had no idea. 'Brace yourselves. Its gonna be a bumpy ride'. If all this doesn't up your prayer meter(if you lean that way) nothing will.

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8 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I’ve been doing a lot of research on India as well. Pakistan too. Both are British Commonwealths.

It’s not just Harris. There’s Tulsi, Vance’s wife, Nikki Haley (she’ll show up again, I’m sure), Vivek, and many others in our Government. I like Vivek and Tulsi but why so many Indians or connections to India. I have my own theory. Anyway, To me, that’s the real stealth coup d’etat (warfare) via Corporate STEM.

Pakistanis ran computers for Congress under DWS, out of Broward County, FL,

I’m also convinced the illegal migration is to have a non-US workforce for the electrical, lithium mining energy grid.

That way, Energy sector can circumvent their own US Labor laws to ensure further profits.

No wonder the Longshoremen are so angry.

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I’d rather have my “worthless fiat” currency going to a hardworking American Longshoreman, than an illegal alien invader.

In fact…give them ANOTHER raise!

The government is the enemy of all Americans. They have been since before 1913. It’s been “hidden”.

Now what, my fellow countrymen?

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If you listen to the explanation from the President of the Longshoremen Union about what they have actually received in previous contract negotiations it just shows the lies Americans are told through the media. I was aghast at what he said. I wish they could get what they are asking for.

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It always is about the money. 'Follow the money" is such a truth in plain sight. Makes sense about the labor force. Time reveals the truth pretty fast these days it seems, so I don't think it'll be that long for that answer. But as with the BEST fake/man made magic tricks, misdirection makes it SEEM like it came out of nowhere.

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I thought Tulsi is Hawaiian

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I think they’re changing her history. She had an Indian wedding and they’re saying she was born in American Samoa and that her mother is from Indiana and practiced Hinduism, which Tulsi just so happened to adopt.

Seems contrived to me. Almost her whole wedding party was Indian.

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Interesting! Does not surprise me. History is whatever "they" say it is.

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Care to elaborate on those connections a bit at all?

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Absolutely. There is soooo much information on all this that the best starting point is https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/. Mathew Crawford has some of the most research I have found on the internet and with his diagrams he makes it very easy to extend your research. Very 'do your own research type of guy' and gives you the tools and directional helps to look into avenues you may not have thought of to do just that. That's why I like Celia and Jon and Mathew. Changes of perspective is nothing but good. Our tools.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Apparently a Chinese company supplies Tesla with its lithium. Yes, I know that Elon Musk has done some good things. But he remains the owner of Tesla, which is smack in the middle of these issues. How do we tally that?

China has had a great hankering for Canadian real estate these past 15 years or so. The provinces of Alberta and Quebec have lithium or lithium-brine capacities.

The beautiful town of Jasper, Alberta was recently burned to the ground. Forest management in preceding years had been very lax, though authorities had been warned. This of course has many folk wondering whether the Jasper area is resource-rich in whatever the predators want.

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Lithium is a minor resource compared to nickel, copper, oil & gas. You can always extract lithium from brines which are just evaporated seawater. You can't blame Tesla or Musk for using some Lithium, just as you use cobalt in various consumer products that comes from child labor in Africa.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Yes, I did mention lithium-brine.

The issue is that EVs are being forced upon consumers now. First in Canada, and then it will happen elsewhere. Qui Bono? Who benefits? Why the heavy-handed push for EVs, unless it is to the financial benefit of the power class? Huge conflict of interest if those who enact the legislation also own the corporate shares.

EVs and transhumanism, both, are the purview of that WOKE power class. Why is Elon Musk in the middle of either?

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First in Canada? They are doing that all over the Western World. And Elon Musk has nothing to do with it. Obviously it's not for Climate Change. Nothing they do is for Climate Change, that's just an excuse, spin or The Narrative. Their objective is to decimate and impoverish the Middle Class creating a World of poverty stricken serfs, with a managerial Aristocracy who will be fairly wealthy, and all ruled over by an oligarchy of uber-wealthy. In short a modern day version of Feudalism. Often called neo-feudalism or techno-feudalism, because they want to control the population through 24/7 pervasive surveillance, CBDC's, Digital IDs, Social Credit score and 15min ghettos. They are Malthusians and MisAnthropes, but have an extraordinary lust for power, that they want total World control, that's why they are pushing so hard to destroy Russia.

So the goal of the EV push is to make it too expensive for the masses to own vehicles. Bicycles only. Don't want us to eat meat. They really do hate us and want to get rid of most of us.

Transhumanism is SciFi crap, might be significant in a century or so but right now it is not relevant. But A.I. is significant. They relish the prospect of replacing most people with machines, not Cyborgs, just machines. They have many times stated their goal of reducing World population to between 500M and 2B.

On top of being Malthusian, MisAnthrope Psychopath Parasites, they are incompetent, decadent and have inflated opinion of their knowledge and ability, having lived in a protected bubble all their lives. I've read Klaus Schwab's books, schoolboy level, amazing how disillusional they are, promoting crap like that as though it was innovative and sublime. They really just don't have a clue.

Musk has nothing to do with that bunch. Musk is a humanist and a cornucopian.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Thank you for typing that out, but I could have told you. I have expertise in totalitarianism. I have been discussing and writing about such issues for many years. None of this is new to me. I could add a good deal more.

What you may have missed when I mentioned EVs and Canada is that Prime Minister Troodo has announced a date. That by 2035, no gas or diesel powered vehicles will be allowed in the country. That is, if he still holds power by then. In that sense, the issue in Canada is ahead of the EV issue elsewhere.

There are still questions around Musk. No one becomes a billionaire as a young man simply by working hard. He may have come around to the side of the good, but time will tell. The EVs and his Neuralink still raise concerns.

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Neuralink is behind other company's doing the same thing, one already has FDA approval. That is a non-issue, Musk is hoping for like a kilobit/sec data transfer from the Brain to electronics, you ain't gonna do any Cyber-Sci-Fi crap with even ten thousand times that. Forget Neuralink.

Musk is innovative. You have NASA and Big Aerospace claiming it would take 30yrs and $100B to develop a new heavy lift rocket, and that's not reusable. Musk makes a reusable, more powerful heavy lift rocket, that is fully reusable, for <$10B and <8yrs. He is just a really smart, talented dude, who is not the typical $billionaire who produces nothing, gets rich from financial manipulation and insider trading.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

If you say so, SmithFS.....

It sounds as if you have a hero-crush on Elon. I am more clear-minded. And I have learned a great deal more in this field. Including what I have gained from experience. You sound new and eager at this.

I will give you time.

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That's already happened in many jurisdictions, long before Turdeau obediently obeyed his Davos owners, in fact these places have already backtracked on their goals finding that they were both politically untenable and impossible to achieve. As they are. They can't even do heavy trucking in that time frame and if you don't do that the economy will immediately collapse. No farming, no food, no goods, no power, total economic collapse.

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Yes...normal people know that. However, it has not stopped deranged leftwing leaders from legislating it. With many implications. Such as shutting down the oil and gas industry and ripping out gas stations across the country between now and then. Spending a fortune by private owners to install EV charging stations. Once it is legislated, the damage can be enormous just in the run-up to 2035.

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𝑬𝒎𝒉𝒐𝒇𝒇'𝒔 retirement accounts are tied to Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.? So are the accounts of millions of Americans. Much of that is in mutual funds, and most Americans are clueless as to what the companies are and what they do in the mutual funds they own via Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, etc.,

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Everyone's retirement account, if they have one, is tied to Blackrock and Vanguard.

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Anyone who's retirement acct. has passive investment such as this must be made aware they are helping to finance their own enslavement. One can easily find out what is in their retirement accounts and make changes appropriate to their needs and desires.

The Emhoff/Harris aspect of this story simply points out the benefits to those "insiders" with the power of the pen for their outsized largess.

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briefly: if we don't stop the technocrats, the technocrats will bury us, burn or flood us. period. TECHNOCRATS chased the Indians from the Plains, along with the buffalo and prairie dogs. technocrats stripped the great forests. no living creature or plant or rock can deny them their Right of Way. we all comply, aid and abet their aims when we reboot our totally useless gadgets and beg them for more in prettier colors. people sell their souls to TECHNOCRACY and thereby, wield strange magnetic hypnotic powers over us, the plebes. it's all based on mathematics, and physics for its own sake. war is a great testing ground. war is the picnic of technocrats.

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This is fake news.

The investments listed in his financial disclosures are mutual funds and the mutual funds are pools of money that invest in thousands of companies. (If you read the perspectus carefully you'll even see the maximum percentage of each company that particular fund can own.)

Vanguard is one of the most popular mutual fund sponsors because they have lower fees than the majority of companies in that business.

My guess is over 50% of all retirement assets and qualified plans across America use Vanguard funds for their investments because of the low cost to the participants.

So the Vanguard small cap growth fund is invested in thousands of small cap companies that are considered growth companies.

In the official records of the company the owner of the shares is listed as Vanguard because they hold shares in their name on behalf of the mutual fund. The individual investors own shares of the mutual fund, which is a proportionate interest in all of the underlying companies.

So just because the disclosure form says Vanguard, Emhoff does not own shares of Vanguard.

So what I'm saying is on the mining company's records it says Vanguard owns the shares but in reality the shares are in vanguard's name on behalf of millions of investors.

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8 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Someone with common sense and knowledge!

The story is the Biden-Harris Admins financial awards to Lithium miners via the DoD.

Not to mention there is a directive by the WEF for countries and companies to extract every bit of lithium from land before they go to Ocean.

I’m tracing all CA fires and floods. So far, Seems they’re all in areas where there is a substantial amount of lithium.

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To my surprise, I recently found out that in administering the sale of shares, Vanguard and Blackrock also own shares.

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Well I think they have to purchase the shares as Institutional investors to then offer ETFs to their Clients, like employees of Iniversities and companies.

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Kamala was also connected/embroiled in that Jussie Smollet scam. These people are such grifters. Who knows what else Emhoff's hands are in? I think he's her handler, not her true husband.

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She is his auntie. I will never forget that disaster of a story!

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There’s no story here! They invested in ETFs like the entire country. If they were a top 10 INDIVIDUAL share holder, that would be different. But the video shows Institutional investors.,the ones listed: Vanguard, Staye Street, and BlackRock, are always in the top 4 Institutional.

I’ve not followed her for long, a couple of weeks maybe, She tends to write a lot of sensationalist bullshit.

Although The Harris Biden administration did award the company $90M 5-year contract (2025-2030) via the DoD. There were a lot of other awards too.

Let’s see if this gets censored.

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I'm sure they are profiting from who knows how many government contracts in one way or another. Remember, Witch Pelosi took her son to Taiwan.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Yes, of course. But again, the ETF narrative is not the story here.

This is the story:


And I’m thinking illegal migrants are the labor force for these initiatives.

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Right.....Mining.....That's what their countries put them to work doing. Even children!

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Well knock me over with a feather.

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He smells like a snake.

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Jan 2021

Emhoff’s Ex-Firm To Lobby For Defense Company Tied To Biden Cabinet | by Robbie Jaeger | Jan, 2021 | Medium


13 Aug 2015

Venable Names Douglas C. Emhoff Managing Director, West Coast and Mitchell Evall Partner-in-Charge of its Los Angeles Office | About | Venable LLP


25 Jan 2021

SolarWinds – Targeted by Massive Cyberattack – Hires Kamala Harris's Husband's Former CCP-Linked Law Firm As Lobbyists


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Thanks for Sharing

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Celia....i just cannot share this. I think we need a lot more research on this issue. Many people put their investments into the hands of someone to invest for them. I have no doubt Harris is as corrupt as can be but we need much stronger evidence than this guy.

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