It's worse now, in many respects. There are so many "educated" persons whose abilities to rationalize are stunning. The True Believer, written by a self-taught longshoreman, adeptly discusses this far better than current self-annointed analysts of mass-delusions.
A timely snippet: “Propaganda ... serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty, the more fervent our propaganda.”
I flash back to seeing his little tome in a college bookstore. I don't even think I was assigned to read it. I read Allinsky too, back then, along with books the titles of which I would not even put into text now for fear of having very bad things happen. I read Kahil Gibran back then also. I have a friend, Gibran, in Mexico. He is a musician/dj/stand-up-comedian, depending on what gigs are in fashion. Gibran says offending US'ers is bodily dangerous. He says Mexicans might cry. A bunch of strong-looking Mexican guys were around when Gibran said this. I said, "No! You wouldn't cry.!" They said, "yes. We might." I was fully astonished.
Russians are noble people. As are Serbians, Poles, and most Eastern Europeans. They see what is going on many years before it happens. I have a nephew who was accepted as an immigrant, married a Russian gal, learned the language, got a good job and thinks it is far better there than here in Canuckistan now. I agree. We have a used asswipe for a slime minister.
I met a Russian patriarch who was accompanied by two young men, at an OLA meeting years ago, and he approached me, talked to his bodyguards in Russian and they asked me if I was xxxxxx xxxxxxx to which I confessed. I was told they knew all about me, my arrests by the corrupt CYSTem, and my activism.
We talked a long time and it was cordial and informative. There was a new OLA satellite after that coming into existence. They are very observant and intelligently ordered, a people I admire and cherish
RHETORICAL ABUSES! That's a spot on term for the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" - confusing, bewildering people into silence as these underhand abuses are near impossible to counter.
Thank you--I enjoyed reading this. I think it's important to add that the relationship between the three brothers is key, and Dmitri is the brother who knows better but turns his back on Christianity. He is too caught up in the material world, and rejects the world as experienced by Alyosha--his younger brother--the Holy Fool.
As our systems are torn apart, it is more important than ever to find our inner core and to live it, as Alyosha does, regardless of the opinions of other men (and women). That's my ultimate takeaway from the novel. One of the truly great novels.
I remember reading this book as a child and being so confused. I knew what was being said was important but just could not understand. Now, I know, we are always confused when we come from our intellect. When we come from what our heart knows, we experience truth and are no longer confused. Love is reality.
in the U.S. it’s not right or left, it’s survival. Joe Biden’s administration has ruined the country—literally. If he wins another terms he might take us into WWIII and force vaccinate everyone in the country. The border is wide open and no wonder because all those people get more than most people get—even bank cards, I hear in New York. So.. sometimes it’s not just rhetoric, it’s existential.
I was 18 when I embarked on the Brothers. A guide suggested the four brothers and father were extrapolations of Dostoevsky's personality. A second reading later in life revealed the dark humor at play in the novel. Alyosha’s dream still resonates with me today.
yep. the truth is all ways in plain sight for those with i/eye to see. which means all of us. and i remain surrendered in the 1 i am and continue to seeeee the 1 i am no matter what .... loveiamyouareweareis
Still on that "SCHTICK" obsession I see but to be clear, why do you not answer the question of why you blamed the Israelis for defending themselves when your buddies you defend so staunchly gang raped little Jewish girls breaking their pelvises. Do you not find in disgusting grown moslems would gang rape little Jewish girls? As to you, the fake poet rapist defender of hamASS, your actions define you as a piece of shredded cockroach sh*t and I nor Zeke would piss on the best part of you. You come across a pervert of the worst sort but Zeke told me to tell you he wants you to take a big lick of this. (pointed to his paraphernalia)
I warned him because you give the impression in your defence of sadistic gang rapes by moslem trash hamASS that you are twisted in the worst possible way.
Actually in my whole life I have never met such a wing nut as you. Spare me your bs you asswipe. This is about to get really ugly fake poet in a piss pot.
Poor puppet in a douche bag. Okay, I got it, so just bend over sonny boy and take it like a man that should clear your mind and enlighten you to the cruelty and criminality hamASS moslems inflicted on little girls and women. I must say you have a limited vocabulary. Is that one liner all you can say? It is a small world sonny boy. Do not forget I told you that first. It is not necessary for me to make a fool of you, you do a bang on job of doing it to yourself. Poet in a paper bag...hahahahahahaha what a stupid handle but better fits poet in a douche bag. Chow.
A little birdie just told me the breaking news that turdo and biDUMB are secret lovers but are at wits end since both want to play the part of the woman in the twisted game. It appears that the ovomit and moochelle want to be included in the vile clusterXXXX that is to start at midnight tonight. They have all agreed to label the obscenity of the matter as a "thinkfest" but have agreed to use my suggestion in labelling it a "stinkfest" as all four have serious problems with hygienic matters.
Not to fear though, for hellery has agreed to be the dominatrix replete with her leather outfit and whip. Out of all this gaggery will come the solution to the pollution problem as greta stunnedburg will be on the scene to view the filth and go into a trance to formulate the cure for the problem.
So I am beginning to think all this makes no sense and it is true then I am in fact sooooooo bad. Alas, the scenario I just described is more often than not the reality of what occurs in the ranks of the loony left more often than not.
I have just been informed that my imagination is running rampant but I am holding tight to the reality that the mentioned characters have done this all before. The bells tolls for whom? That is the real question.
You fight your fight and I will fight mine. I shortly will jump into my 45 year old Chevy van and lead the OPP pigs on a wild goose chase on backwoods country roads while the distraction allows time for the plan to be instituted. What plan? If you do not know then I am not gonna tell ya.
No. I am not out of my mind and the secret message in all this will be deciphered by the good guys,
Arf. Scarf and barf. They just got it, caught it, sought it. Hmmmmm. Does anyone get it?
There comes a time in this current western world wasteland where the dark side seeks to impose all that is wrong on what is right and use the CYSTem in part or whole to enable their nefarious machinations. I dedicate this observation to the people therein whose prune sucking capability has reformed to a greater capacity in their switch to sucking the hairy asses of their political masters.
Tell me, what type of lining is in your used diaper bag? Does it exude a toxic noxious substance that clouds your penile thought processes or in any way inhibits rational thought and critical reasoning? How you fail to mentally process the reality that moslems invaded southern Israel is far beyond me. I suppose your defective mind would judge any aggressor as the innocent party. For example then, in your dreams, the Allies in WW2 would be guilty of defending their Freedom loving nations. Or that if CCP attacked Taiwan, then the CCP would be the good guys.
Somehow your "bagged" existence has clouded your mind and you now see ass backwards. Go bow before your god of Molech that moslem invaders offered Jewish babies to by burning them. Or that little Jewish girls gang raped whose pelvises were broken in the attacks are actually deserving and responsible of hateful HamASS attackers.
But since you also approve of hamASS jamming knives and other sharp objects into the anal and vaginal areas of little girls and women, I will be pleased to get a stick you so much desire, and jam it up your ample ass so you can then blame yourself as the aggressor.
Your twisted illogical idiocy continues but if you want to continue to bang your head against the wall or kick against the pricks I will be pleased to further engage your dilapidated brain and practice the art of verbal denunciation of the real puppet in the recycled paper bag that is your dwelling place.
Zeke my trusty malamute tells me that your mind is maggot infected and you are a loss cause. But you may have ascertained I never give up, especially on any whose problems are caused by squinting out of their left eye and speaking out of the left corner of their mealy mouth.
But are the rumors true that you and trudope have a "thing" going on, and you both agree that the budget will balance itself?
Chow for now peanut in a moldy nut shell but beware, squirrels will eat you for breakfast. Your handle is broken too, What waif would use the identifier poet in a bag? Ridiculous but fitting for one who thinks up is down.
I will ask the rastifarians to say a few chants for you.
I got it. Zeke chewed both ends to a sharp point. Now I can educate you. Just drop your drawers and bend over. I will deposit it into your anal area. Then maybe you will have an idea of what your hamASS heroes did in Gaza.
It's worse now, in many respects. There are so many "educated" persons whose abilities to rationalize are stunning. The True Believer, written by a self-taught longshoreman, adeptly discusses this far better than current self-annointed analysts of mass-delusions.
A timely snippet: “Propaganda ... serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty, the more fervent our propaganda.”
Hoffer was perspicacious.
I flash back to seeing his little tome in a college bookstore. I don't even think I was assigned to read it. I read Allinsky too, back then, along with books the titles of which I would not even put into text now for fear of having very bad things happen. I read Kahil Gibran back then also. I have a friend, Gibran, in Mexico. He is a musician/dj/stand-up-comedian, depending on what gigs are in fashion. Gibran says offending US'ers is bodily dangerous. He says Mexicans might cry. A bunch of strong-looking Mexican guys were around when Gibran said this. I said, "No! You wouldn't cry.!" They said, "yes. We might." I was fully astonished.
Russians are noble people. As are Serbians, Poles, and most Eastern Europeans. They see what is going on many years before it happens. I have a nephew who was accepted as an immigrant, married a Russian gal, learned the language, got a good job and thinks it is far better there than here in Canuckistan now. I agree. We have a used asswipe for a slime minister.
I met a Russian patriarch who was accompanied by two young men, at an OLA meeting years ago, and he approached me, talked to his bodyguards in Russian and they asked me if I was xxxxxx xxxxxxx to which I confessed. I was told they knew all about me, my arrests by the corrupt CYSTem, and my activism.
We talked a long time and it was cordial and informative. There was a new OLA satellite after that coming into existence. They are very observant and intelligently ordered, a people I admire and cherish
RHETORICAL ABUSES! That's a spot on term for the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" - confusing, bewildering people into silence as these underhand abuses are near impossible to counter.
Thank you--I enjoyed reading this. I think it's important to add that the relationship between the three brothers is key, and Dmitri is the brother who knows better but turns his back on Christianity. He is too caught up in the material world, and rejects the world as experienced by Alyosha--his younger brother--the Holy Fool.
As our systems are torn apart, it is more important than ever to find our inner core and to live it, as Alyosha does, regardless of the opinions of other men (and women). That's my ultimate takeaway from the novel. One of the truly great novels.
You can read the book for free through this pdf from the Gutenberg Project. I found most interesting the Grand Inquisitor, starting on page 309.
I remember reading this book as a child and being so confused. I knew what was being said was important but just could not understand. Now, I know, we are always confused when we come from our intellect. When we come from what our heart knows, we experience truth and are no longer confused. Love is reality.
Which is why libbie loons are so stundified and useless as a broken handled toothbrush to a man with no teeth.
in the U.S. it’s not right or left, it’s survival. Joe Biden’s administration has ruined the country—literally. If he wins another terms he might take us into WWIII and force vaccinate everyone in the country. The border is wide open and no wonder because all those people get more than most people get—even bank cards, I hear in New York. So.. sometimes it’s not just rhetoric, it’s existential.
I was 18 when I embarked on the Brothers. A guide suggested the four brothers and father were extrapolations of Dostoevsky's personality. A second reading later in life revealed the dark humor at play in the novel. Alyosha’s dream still resonates with me today.
yep. the truth is all ways in plain sight for those with i/eye to see. which means all of us. and i remain surrendered in the 1 i am and continue to seeeee the 1 i am no matter what .... loveiamyouareweareis
I remember reading in The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn something like: "Wherever 'the law' is, crime can be found." Ain't that the truth.
Still on that "SCHTICK" obsession I see but to be clear, why do you not answer the question of why you blamed the Israelis for defending themselves when your buddies you defend so staunchly gang raped little Jewish girls breaking their pelvises. Do you not find in disgusting grown moslems would gang rape little Jewish girls? As to you, the fake poet rapist defender of hamASS, your actions define you as a piece of shredded cockroach sh*t and I nor Zeke would piss on the best part of you. You come across a pervert of the worst sort but Zeke told me to tell you he wants you to take a big lick of this. (pointed to his paraphernalia)
I warned him because you give the impression in your defence of sadistic gang rapes by moslem trash hamASS that you are twisted in the worst possible way.
Actually in my whole life I have never met such a wing nut as you. Spare me your bs you asswipe. This is about to get really ugly fake poet in a piss pot.
Poor puppet in a douche bag. Okay, I got it, so just bend over sonny boy and take it like a man that should clear your mind and enlighten you to the cruelty and criminality hamASS moslems inflicted on little girls and women. I must say you have a limited vocabulary. Is that one liner all you can say? It is a small world sonny boy. Do not forget I told you that first. It is not necessary for me to make a fool of you, you do a bang on job of doing it to yourself. Poet in a paper bag...hahahahahahaha what a stupid handle but better fits poet in a douche bag. Chow.
Did you look at Golstein's lapel pin and necklace? The joo star of David!
I'm triggered...but I didn't shoot The Don.
A little birdie just told me the breaking news that turdo and biDUMB are secret lovers but are at wits end since both want to play the part of the woman in the twisted game. It appears that the ovomit and moochelle want to be included in the vile clusterXXXX that is to start at midnight tonight. They have all agreed to label the obscenity of the matter as a "thinkfest" but have agreed to use my suggestion in labelling it a "stinkfest" as all four have serious problems with hygienic matters.
Not to fear though, for hellery has agreed to be the dominatrix replete with her leather outfit and whip. Out of all this gaggery will come the solution to the pollution problem as greta stunnedburg will be on the scene to view the filth and go into a trance to formulate the cure for the problem.
So I am beginning to think all this makes no sense and it is true then I am in fact sooooooo bad. Alas, the scenario I just described is more often than not the reality of what occurs in the ranks of the loony left more often than not.
I have just been informed that my imagination is running rampant but I am holding tight to the reality that the mentioned characters have done this all before. The bells tolls for whom? That is the real question.
You fight your fight and I will fight mine. I shortly will jump into my 45 year old Chevy van and lead the OPP pigs on a wild goose chase on backwoods country roads while the distraction allows time for the plan to be instituted. What plan? If you do not know then I am not gonna tell ya.
No. I am not out of my mind and the secret message in all this will be deciphered by the good guys,
Arf. Scarf and barf. They just got it, caught it, sought it. Hmmmmm. Does anyone get it?
I think Mossad gets it.
There comes a time in this current western world wasteland where the dark side seeks to impose all that is wrong on what is right and use the CYSTem in part or whole to enable their nefarious machinations. I dedicate this observation to the people therein whose prune sucking capability has reformed to a greater capacity in their switch to sucking the hairy asses of their political masters.
That's no way to talk about the US Congress and the way they suck up to their Genocidal Israeli masters.
Actually I was talking about you fake poet in a diaper bag.
Good boy! fetch the stick..
Tell me, what type of lining is in your used diaper bag? Does it exude a toxic noxious substance that clouds your penile thought processes or in any way inhibits rational thought and critical reasoning? How you fail to mentally process the reality that moslems invaded southern Israel is far beyond me. I suppose your defective mind would judge any aggressor as the innocent party. For example then, in your dreams, the Allies in WW2 would be guilty of defending their Freedom loving nations. Or that if CCP attacked Taiwan, then the CCP would be the good guys.
Somehow your "bagged" existence has clouded your mind and you now see ass backwards. Go bow before your god of Molech that moslem invaders offered Jewish babies to by burning them. Or that little Jewish girls gang raped whose pelvises were broken in the attacks are actually deserving and responsible of hateful HamASS attackers.
But since you also approve of hamASS jamming knives and other sharp objects into the anal and vaginal areas of little girls and women, I will be pleased to get a stick you so much desire, and jam it up your ample ass so you can then blame yourself as the aggressor.
Your twisted illogical idiocy continues but if you want to continue to bang your head against the wall or kick against the pricks I will be pleased to further engage your dilapidated brain and practice the art of verbal denunciation of the real puppet in the recycled paper bag that is your dwelling place.
Zeke my trusty malamute tells me that your mind is maggot infected and you are a loss cause. But you may have ascertained I never give up, especially on any whose problems are caused by squinting out of their left eye and speaking out of the left corner of their mealy mouth.
But are the rumors true that you and trudope have a "thing" going on, and you both agree that the budget will balance itself?
Chow for now peanut in a moldy nut shell but beware, squirrels will eat you for breakfast. Your handle is broken too, What waif would use the identifier poet in a bag? Ridiculous but fitting for one who thinks up is down.
I will ask the rastifarians to say a few chants for you.
Good boy ...bring the stick boy ..good boy!
I got it. Zeke chewed both ends to a sharp point. Now I can educate you. Just drop your drawers and bend over. I will deposit it into your anal area. Then maybe you will have an idea of what your hamASS heroes did in Gaza.