Thank you for sharing my mother’s story and for being, as always, a voice that rises above the throng.

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Thank you for sharing, Ooana. Love you. XO from Miami Beach

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The reason that Communism is never properly held accountable is very simple.

The Commies invented the fiction that somehow communism was on the left and was altogether different from fascism / Nazism which was on the right.

That was how it absolved itself from the crimes of the Nazis and held itself out to be some kind of polar opposite.

The truth is that the Nazis were socialists. They were the National Socialist party. Sure, maybe a different flavor than international socialists. And their economy was more fascist in nature, much like the system that we have today in the West. But they were most definitely cousins to the Commies.

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It's to do with deep deep infiltration also.

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I think even claiming that the Nazis are socialists is falling into their trap to some degree. The whole right vs left, socialism vs capitalism construct is a trick no matter how you argue your position.

The scale on which we should measure a political system, the only one that matters is freedom vs slavery. And then we can easily see that Nazis and Bolsheviks belong on the same end of the scale - the wrong end.

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"The scale on which we should measure a political system, the only one that matters is freedom vs slavery." Good yardstick.

But in today's magic mirrored world - people don't even realise they are slaves.

The bread-and-circuses of the internet have enslaved our minds to constant entertainment and distraction. Coupled with 24/7 all channel propaganda, people will run to the 'solutions' offered. The vax was just a preview of compliance. CBDCs, 15 minute cities, carbon taxes - they will drink deeply of the slogan 'For the greater good'. "To save the planet'.

Of course, Gaia needs rest from 24/7 industrial poisoning - we had a glimpse during the first lockdown of clear skies and forgotten creatures. But the inversion or co-opting of all that is wholesome and loving in people and weaponising it is so heinous, good people won't even look at it.

We need more 'badasses with Spirit'.

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Well I wouldn’t be qualified to answer that. As I don’t think anyone has put their hand up for the job. But I don’t like those that are involved at the moment.

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the horseshoe theory never disappoints

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I agree with this. There is a meme or two out there that depicts this perfectly; a woman - blonde Bomb shell with her dress decorated with a Soviet hammer and sickle and the skirt flying up ala Marlyn Monroe - under her skirt you see a swastika.

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Wow, I will look for that.

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Tweet at me at @ooana and I’ll get it right to you.

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Thank you for the offer, but I am not on Twitter.

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I sent it to Celia. Perhaps she will share it. 😊

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We need to hear these things in our compromised, twisted version America has become. Thank you Celia.

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C'mon Celia! Communism is okay. They teach it in all our schools!😭

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What was called 'communism' was not a principled socialism but was a tyrannical government of elitists made possible by western banking elitists who benefited from revolutions and civil war.

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The only bit you got wrong was the idea that there is such a thing as a principled socialism. Socialism is predicated upon the [entirely fallacious, and deeply Satanic] concept that the end justifies the means. It is antithetical to the entire concept of principle.

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The Third Reich was a national socialist government, and its genocide is a trifling as far as 20th Century genocides go. The best estimate is 2 million Ashkenazim perished in Germany, not 6 million. None were gased and most perished from starvation, and communicable diseasess. The Ashkenazim Communists behind the massive genocides in 1917 Russia, at least 3 million people starved just in Ukraine, and Mao's Cultural Revolution were on par with the genocude by the Communist Khemer Rouge, and Pol Pot. Collectivism is a tool of genocide.

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Sir, I am Hungarian. My people were gassed. At least 400,000 of them murdered within 3 weeks. So please - while I am rising and raising my voice for what happened to my grandfather and so many and sharing those words as I have - do not erase one truth to amplify another. It’s how we get in this mess.

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It is very sad, but probably inevitable that people question whether this happened. I myself question it (although I would not claim certainty that it definitely didn't happen either) because, having spent the last fifteen years or so discovering that I have been lied to about *just about everything*, how can I accept anything as certainly true?

I am too young to have firsthand knowledge. Even my parents were small children during the war and in any case they were in England and know only what they read in the newspapaers at the time. However I would add that while I may be uncertain about what really happened, I have no doubt that the Nazis were *capable* of such a crime and perhaps that's all I need to know.

The key reasons for my doubt, aside from the polluted atmosphere of lies within which we live every day, are as follows:

- the general level of propaganda and lies during and after war means that, just as the Nazis were capable of gassing people, the Allies were capable of inventing it. Every enemy in every war is a child rapist who murders babies.

- there are real, hard to explain, oddities regarding Auschwitz (the Soviets building the iconic chimney two or three years after the end of the war for example)

- David Irving in particular appeared to me to be both honorable and genuine in his own doubts

- in general when it is forbidden to question something it is usually not because it is true.

While I do not wish you to spend any time dredging up answers if you do not wish to, if you are able I would very much appreciate you describing how you know this happened, since your mother (?) was there herself and you are therefore much closer to real events than many of us are able to get.

Thank you for any light your able to throw on this, and thank you as well if you choose not to.

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My father survived Auschwitz (95644) and had been experimented on. I know what I know is the truth. He was Polish. When he was tortured by NKWD and Polish communists they told him: "Hitler didn't kill you but we'll finish the job". It hurt the most, he often said

because it was after the war and he survived hell. They're like

evil siblings communism and nazism, probably born from same parents, delivered by the same midwifes.

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Yes. They are both the apotheosis of evil, and both indeed appear to have the same occult roots, and to have been devised by the same group.

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Mar 18, 2023
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No. I am convinced that concentration camps existed, that vast numbers died of starvation, and that all sorts of atrocities happened including murder.

The one aspect about which I am uncertain is whether or not there were actual gas chambers.

I do not wish to apologize for, or defend in any way, Nazis. As I said above I am convinced that they were utterly evil and perfectly capable of this so from that perspective it doesn't necessarily matter even if they didn't commit this particular crime.

I am interested however to discover the extent of any crimes committed, or lies told, by other groups.

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One had better start at the beginning (of the end): Havaara Agreement, 1933.


Clearly the top Zionists came to the conclusion that any price was worth paying for the state-to-be of Israel. It took two to tango.

Note that Berlin was allegedly inclined to support the creation of a Jewish homeland during WW1 already, and only the rushed and pressed Balfour Declaration took the wind from the German sails.

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Yes I was aware of this.

It also appears that there's a good chance that Hitler was the illegitimate grandson of the Austrian Rothschild, according to the book written after the war by the SS officer who had the job of covering it up.

What a crazy coincidence...

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There is ZERO compelling evidence that gas chambers were used to murder large number of nonSemittic inbred Ashkenazim in Germany or elsewhere during WWII. The evidence the number was 6 million is also non-existent, and most of those who died under the Third Reich were starved or diseased.

The nonSemitIc, inbred Ashkenazim Zionist terrorists who founded the Zionist terrorist state of Israel, against the wishes, for spiritual reasons, of the Semitic Hebrews who lived in the Levant who trace their lineage back to ancient Israel, are socio-psychopaths. They created the world's largest outdoor prison where the IDF uses innocent women, and children for target practice. They modeled their prison on the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Bolshevik Revolution, and Mao's genocidal Cultural Revolution were affairs of the inbred, nonSemitic. Ashkenazim who, historically, were chased out of any country to which they roamed.

The inbred, nonSemitic, homosexual Ashkenazim freak murdering Ukrainians while sacrificing other Ukrainians to fight a losing battle with the Russians should have been taken out by a sniper a long time ago. The Zionists are a scourge on planet earth.


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Well said And thank you. Those that try and rewrite our history are nothing but fools

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Also, my grandfather WAS ASHKENAZI. He was also a Hussar and nobility. What you are claiming here is not accurate nor is it fruitful in attempting to undo the decades of obfuscation to the reality of what socialism with power, whether national or Soviet or Bolshevik or Maoist or covidian DOES.

Stalin was not a Jew. Neither was Lenin.


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Btw. Stalin was Georgian.

And my family wouldn’t have had to flee if the Green Shirts hadn’t overtaken Hungary. So spare me.

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I love hearing your family history that you know is true, but you're also giving us some of the heavily-propagandized history that we're all drowning in.

Marx was Jewish, Lenin was Jewish, Trotsky was Jewish, and Stalin was Jewish.

Lenin, whose real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, was the grandson of a Jew, Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank, born in Odessa. The Blank family are Swiss Jews. Lenin's grandfather changed his name in order to work and marry his way into Russian nobility under the Romanov's, as did many other Jews.

Stalin's history is more difficult to uncover. His father's family name was Dzhugashvili, and was from Gori, Georgia. Several officers from the tsarist military who fled Russia when the Bolsheviks took over who knew Stalin said he was from a Jewish family. Once in power, Stalin surrounded himself with Jews, and married a Jew (after murdering his first wife). His key allies in government, Kaganovich and Molotov, were both Jews. Stalin was the first head of state to recognize the new state of Israel, and heavily armed the Zionist terror groups, enabling them to repel the Arab backlash. Stalin’s mother’s grave has a Jewish Shabbat Kiddish cup covered with a shroud, which is a standard mark for a buried Jew. And most telling, the family name Dzhugashvili literally means 'Son of a Jew' (shvili means 'son', dzhuga means 'mountain Jew')

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Stalin was NOT Jewish.

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That sounds so weird and obsessive.

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Right. Why would anyone search for truth when the propaganda is so convenient and incentivized, and the truth so heavily censored? Very weird.

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So, dear David, be a lamb and tell me why the idea of Hitler, that Jews were a race and not a religion, is a valid argument to justify the murder of innocent people to save a non-sensical political movement like Nazism, which destroyed Germany and other countries.

To be fair, I don't know if you think that any of the innocent victims of revolutionary political ideologies was innocent. It may be that you are a practical person and you surmise that if the victims of the revolutions died they were guilty of something.

I am assuming that you are something more than a heavily propagandized person.

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This is an interesting conversation.

David Lamb has suggested that Lenin and Stalin may have been Jewish, or at least partly Jewish. Whether true or false this is definitely relevant to the hidden roots of communism and this article. There is evidence that supports the idea that secret societies (Illuminsim, freemasonry) are tied to to many historical events (various revolutions including the Bolshevik revolution, world wars, the foundation of Israel etc.) to ideologies (Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism) and to organizations they may have inflitrated which include religions and especially, although not exclusively, Judaism.

Whether or not the evidence is sufficient to constitute proof is an open question and everyone will reach their own conclusion. But surely we cannot argue that the whole subject is taboo, and may not be discussed?

CA Roger however has reacted in a way that appears possibly to have been driven by emotion, and definitely appears to be designed to treat David's remarks as beyond the pale, and shut the conversation down.

So these questions are for Roger: Is my summary here fair? If not, why not? And if it is, why did you react that way?

I do appreciate that this is one of the most, perhaps the most, sensitive topics that exists in our society. It is difficult for anyone to talk about because anyone expressing anything other than the orthodoxy has been demonized for so long, and we have all been trained to reflexively respond by treating anyone raising questions as a pariah. It's like the covid narrative on steroids for decades.

Even so, I believe we need to talk about it. And, as I said in another thread, I do not accept that discussion, or even accusation, leads inevitably to atrocity. The Nazis were not evil because they accused. They were evil because of the actions they justified on the basis of the accusation.

Sorry if anyone is offended by this post. That is not my intention.

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I stand by the accuracy of all my claims. Collectivism is deadly. It's been fomented around the world by Ashkenazim.

My great grandfather, after whom I'm named, was from Ireland. He was murdered in the 1920's in Chicago. He was an electrician who worked for the infamous Armour & Company on Chicago's south side portrayed in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle." He was an electrician, and a founding member of the IBEW Local 134 murdered fotlr organizing the Armour & Company. There is nothing you could claim about his murder or the forces that murdered him that would upset me one bit. I'm not one who trades on using guilt to brow beat people based upon the legacy of my dead relatives.

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Regardless of the number (I know the arguments of David Cole) and how the victims were murdered, I recommend to you to write the number: 6,000,000.

Now imagine 6,000,000 things you like, all put together. Like music records or colorful tiffany lamps. And then comes an army of evil ideologues and ypu see them destroying everything.

It hurts.

The six and the six zeroes are not as important as the destruction of innocent, beautiful human beings.

Even one victim of politics is too much.

No one needs to distinguish between the crimes of the right hegelians and the left hegelians.

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You're appealing to sentimentality as an emotion masquerading as compassion, and love to make a case that, while being transparently obvious, that is that life is precious, is completely irrelevant to the case I made. So, since you resort to simplisticly transparent tactics to make a case that doesn't need to be made in that your cheap tactic infers something I did not imply, which is that somehow genocide is not tragic for ALL involved, perpetrators, and innocent victims, I'll remake my case so you may comprehend it while putting down your emotionally, and intellectually immature tactic of appealing to sentimentality. Your disregard of politics of genocide, implying you're so compassionate as to be morally above inserting into, or understanding how they apply to anthropogenic good, and evil, is particularly despicable. It's all so transparently vacuous.

Dating back to at least the destruction of Atlantis there have been humans who are socio-psychopaths who love genocide, and other evils. I don't understand the universal law of karma like highly attained spiritual beings such as Christ Jesus, and the Buddha do. I only understand how it works in my present life, and have vague understanding how my past lives impact my present life. Perhaps my perspective from having been almost murdered for civic work I was doing has given me a far broader perspective of evil, death, and karma than before I was put in an ICU. I often reflect upon the karmic causes, and conditions that led to someone trying to murder me. I understand those causes, and conditions in my present life, but it's those from my previous life that are of more value, and interest to me because something in my soul needed that experience. It is the best thing that has happened to me. I've been subjected to intense bodily trauma since I was an infant, some due to my own foolishness, and some imposed upon me by evil, and by others who I did not even know.

I was speaking to a woman yesterday who I dated for several years. We were discussing the present genocide by socio-psychopaths who used a GOF pathogen, and mRNA bioweapons. She dismissed it all by saying that (genocide) has been happening throughout human history so don't worry about it unless you can, and are going to do something about it.

In one sense she's correct. There are karmic causes, and conditions that led to all the human souls who left their dead bodies here due to genocide. It's possible you, and I were in past lives murdered by genocidal maniacs. It might have been a good thing in the long run of soul development as was my nearly being murdered.

I'd prefer that people don't have suffering, and death intentionally inflicted upon them by others. However, suffering is, without a doubt, an amazing teacher.

I regret that some multiple million humans were killed by the Third Reich. Some subset of those were Ashkenazim. It was a relatively small genocide by 20th Century standards. My regret is tempered by my resentment of the cheap political tactic the inbred, socio-psychopathic Zionist Ashkenazim use to brow beat humanity with cheap guilt to obtain a Zionist terrorist state from which they can launch more murder having been involved in allowing genocide of their fellow Ashkenazim to obtain a body count to use for political purposes. It's sad millions died in the Third Reich but no more sad than the many multiple millions more who died in Russia, China, Cambodia, and elsewhere. Why don't the Russians, and the Chinese brow heat the world about the genocides they experienced in which socio-psychopathic Ashkenazim played major roles?

Your transparently cheap attempt to rise above the politics of genocide by appealing to sentimentality masquerading as compassion is laughable.

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Hi Dennis, again. Isn't Substack great?

I have compassion for your past suffering. I understand.

I agree, who could not, with your description of the injustice of the political abuse that everyone suffers from this topic. Germans in particular have been conditioned to over-react all the time, as if they had any responsibility or guilt in event from before they were born. It is a fraudulent industry of emotional exploitation for political gain. Horrible stuff.

For me, it is not important the question whether this industry is exploiting a real event or a non-real event, or whether the number of victims is smaller or equal or greater than the official number, or the ways in which the mortal victims died. The current problem is that living people which are innocent, are suffering extortion, psychological abuse and horrible laws that damage their economy and their culture, all done by the people who run the holocaust industry for fun and profit. Every person who tries to think clearly sees the problem.

It does not seem to be the case minimizing the suffering of one group of victims of the Nazis helps to stop the evil that is being done today to everyone. And the living victims and their descendants suffer with this talk.

There is no connection in the current actions that have to be denounced and the events we are discussing. They are simply using this because it is more useful for their purposes.

Dennis, people like you and me, who have a few so called "mental disorders" of known cause, tend to become obsessed with controversial topics and take extreme positions. As if by helping to solve some general injustice we could reduce the particular injustices that afflict us. But we have to be smart, lest that we end up aggrandizing the general injustice everywhere.

The existence of censorship on this topic, and threats of fines and prison sentences, creates even more attention to all this. Traumatized people go like moths to a flame for this level of threat and censorship.

We have to rethink tactics and strategies. If it is not working, it has to be changed. We cannot substitute one injustice with another, because we will only end up with a different set of monsters abusing everyone. The target is to end all poltical abuse, or reduce it, not change the brand of the masters.

Please, consider the possibility that the obsession with seeing Jews everywhere doing evil things is hurting normal people who don't do evil things, and consider that your attacks and insults against the evil-doers are ineffective, and go against what you want to achieve. The psychopaths that rule us like that our attacks against them are not harming them, but harming us and everyone else.

We need a better defense to end their crimes.

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I don't see Ashkenazim everywhere doing evil things. I see a plan thoroughly exposed, and elucidated in great detail with meticulous evidence by Brendan O'Connell that involves socio-psychopathic Zionists who want to bring down the U.S., and who have long been working with Russia, and China, both countries which the Ashkenazim turned into Communist/Marxist slave societies, to do just that, bring down the U.S. enslave the entire planet. I'm not going to be a slave. They can torture, and kill me. I'm not afraid of pain or death.

I'm neither obsessed with controversial topics nor do I take extreme positions. If you believe you have mental issues you should work to resolve them, and, failing that on your own, seek professional assistance to resolve them.

I don't go like a moth to a flame toward anything except to God. I'm drawn to the divine like a moth to a flame.

I'm not aggrandizing "the general injustice everywhere" whatever you mean by that. I don't aggrandize anything. God is grand enough and far beyond my ability to know God thoroughly so I have no need to aggrandize anything.

Your writing lacks clarity. Lack of clarity in writing reflects lack of clarity in thinking.

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U mad bro? lol

M'kay. You seem to reject the olive branch. I will offer again.

I'm interested in knowing more about you, dear brother in Christ.

You have noticed that I have avoided taking your demeaning words as an insult, don't you? Why would that be?

I have mentioned "mental disorders" because you wrote you have "been almost murdered for civic work I was doing..." and "I've been subjected to intense bodily trauma since I was an infant, some due to my own foolishness, and some imposed upon me by evil, and by others who I did not even know."

I believe your words. I think you agree that people who go through such attacks suffer soul wounds, and from there they often develop unusual patterns of behavior, and opinions, that in our time are classified often as "mental disorders". I mean no offense by that.

Unlike the Government, I'm actually here to help. Really.

I have also gone through trauma. Probably less than you, but it's best to not compare these things. People who start badly in life have to overcome those difficulties. Against the prevailing notion of "self-salvation", I believe that the Holy Spirit is the one that helps the most.

Thank God for having blessed me with a thick skin.

I want to ask some questions, if you would kindly answer:

1. I don't believe in "past lives." For me that is only a figure of speech, or a myth. It's useful sometimes to make jokes. My question is why do you believe there are past lives? Do you have some proof?

2. I like when Plato has Socrates speaking about metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls. But I consider that as literature; fiction; a poetic way of expressing a philosophical thought. Do you think that Plato is more a fiction writer or more like prophet or a scientist?

3. You wrote about the Buddha. There are many opinions about that story. I think he was more of a man who was fed up with religious frauds, and simply decided to develop a method for people to escape charlatans. Can you give me a summary of your thoughts about the Buddha character?

4. Do you believe that good an evil are real? I do. But I have trouble believing that these days humans need to be corrupted by evil spirits in order to do evil. Humans corrupt one another. And each one has enough power to stop his collaboration with evil and the expansion of the corruption to others. Not an easy thing to pull, but doable.

5. I don't know this Brendan O'Connell fellow. A quick search tells me he is heavily criticized by the wrong people, so I am initially sympathetic to him, until I have enough information of his work to judge for myself. Can you tell me more about him?

6. Do you think the Ashkenazim Jews are human beings?

7. Do you think some of the Ashkenazim Jews are good or all are psychopaths or sociopaths?

8. Do you think that the Jews who claim for peace and speak against theft and mass murder speak sincerely?

9. Do you know, with data, that no human being was murdered by the Nazis using gas chambers? Either individually or in small groups or in large groups. Be careful in answering this because in some countries people can go to prison if they give the wrong answer. And the substack company needs not the problems of having to deal with complaints.

10. Did the Nazis kill anyone at all, Jewish or not, in any way? I think there is overwhelming evidence that they did.

11. Do you agree that people kill each other because of politics, ethnic hate or racial hate, or because of profit?

12. Do you think the ideologues who have gone to war to kill people and make prisoners were being used by leaders who were not so ideological and had other kind of intentions?

13. Do you think that the Grace of God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is Universal? I mean, that God does not see humans as humans see each other, limited by accidental categories, but rather that God knows more about each one of us than we know about ourselves. Which means that his grace, like the wind, knows no limits and moves freely according to his supreme will.

14. Do you think that people who toil under communist regimes have a desire to escape, to earn their freedom, to follow God, even under all the pressure and violence of their political system?

15. What is the correct thing to do with the enemies of God, from a Christian standpoint?

Thank you for taking the time to answer some of my questions, Dennis.


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Celia, I confess I feel bad because I like reading about these things, when people open up and tell their part of the story.

I am going to peruse all this. It is a great gift to be able to read this information. Thank you Ooana! Thank you Celia!

I am very critical of communist violence in particular and political/financial violence in general. One ancestor of mine, who was apolitical and only a simple Catholic layman asking for peace and order, was beaten to death by communists in 1936, which destroyed the family.

So, I am biased.

Like many millions of people, who inherited the ripple effect.

And I understand and don't deny the other horrors, the ones caused by "right wing socialism" as some people call it. My family had some of that too.

Everyone is affected to some extent by both wings of the death party.

But I understand that many people who defend social-democracy or socialism or communism today do not understand the reality of the violence. They have good intention. Except for those who only pretend to be ignorant. I know those too. They organize the useful idiots. They are grand users of the arts of propaganda.

One good thing I can say about some communists: they have good music and good poetry. There is talent there. It's too bad their talent serves an evil cause, but I can enjoy the art.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Yes, you are wrong.

Music is one of the tools that have been used to control people, to make us weak and helpless. To accept the unacceptable.

But one can enjoy the good parts without descending into throes of anguish, obsessing over the harm done.

An example: there is music from the renaissance and the baroque eras that is quite good. Enjoying it does not make the listener a member of the evil Dutch West India Company, or a servant of the Habsburg Emperor.

With regards to music from the communists or those who actively ignore the crimes of communism, I can enjoy that famous piano sonata of Shostakovich. I don't need to pretend he was a victim too in order to like his work. Of all human endeavors, music is the most blessed.

Popular music, including rock, is a minor form of art that is also enjoyable. If you don't like one song, you can move to another song, or enjoy the silence. No need to go to war over an idiotic star saying dumb shit.

Also, they hate the so called "piracy" (which is not piracy.) You can always enjoy a silly song of Metallica with the extra pleasure of knowing that somewhere, in a deep valley of darkness under the new moon, cold and dry, the drummer is crying and lifting his fist to the heavens over the non-purchase. What a crime!

All music is funnier when you imagine the idols at their lowest.

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Once again Celia you show how your gift for relating to real life in a kind and knowledgeable manner is why your Substack is so successful.

For anyone who might think communism is relegated to the CCP and North Korea I would suggest reading The Devil and Bella Dodd by Mary Nicholas and Paul Kengor. What will strike you is how many of the same tactics the communists used to infiltrate and influence those in charge in America over 50 years ago are not relics of the past. They are on full display - even at Warp Speed (intentional) for the past 3 years. If that isn’t enough read Kengor’s book The Devil and Karl Marx. Or if movies are your preferred mechanism, then spend a couple of hours with the 2019 movie ‘Mr Jones’.

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Our Lady[of Fatima] “messaged” the children, before “messaging” became the fashion… they were to let it be known to the Church authorities that unless Russia were consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, the errors of Russia would spread across the world.

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Ooana and Ildeka the same person?

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No Ildeka is Ooana's mother.

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Ildiko. 😉

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Ildiko is my mother.

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I learn so much from other peoples stories. Ooana is my friend too and I never knew about the Lippanzaner Stallions. I joined the Lippanzaner Stallions show when I was 14 after riding my entire childhood. Wild how the universe connects people. I think it’s god.

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❤️ xoxox

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Agree but the problem is the Israel of today is a different Israel from the forties.

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What do you mean?

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They’re globalist leaders and not the old Israel that we knew as good decent people.

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Which leaders of Israel would you hold up as good and decent people?

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Mar 18, 2023
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Well like the rest of our govts around the globe, they’re globalist and they are ring leaders of our problems.

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The great great person to read is Varlam Shalamov, particularly Kolyma Tales, and the two books by Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope, and Hope Abandoned.

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There are no words.

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