Mar 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for sharing my mother’s story and for being, as always, a voice that rises above the throng.

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The reason that Communism is never properly held accountable is very simple.

The Commies invented the fiction that somehow communism was on the left and was altogether different from fascism / Nazism which was on the right.

That was how it absolved itself from the crimes of the Nazis and held itself out to be some kind of polar opposite.

The truth is that the Nazis were socialists. They were the National Socialist party. Sure, maybe a different flavor than international socialists. And their economy was more fascist in nature, much like the system that we have today in the West. But they were most definitely cousins to the Commies.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Well, Hungary and Romania were already flipped on their heads by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920. But even outside of that, I’m surprised it took until 1946 for such upending to happen. For many other landowners in those countries, the Commies had already taken care of business* by then.

*This is what makes me laugh when I read about Americans who *prep*. I really shouldn’t laugh, I know. For these Americans really cannot fathom.

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We need to hear these things in our compromised, twisted version America has become. Thank you Celia.

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C'mon Celia! Communism is okay. They teach it in all our schools!😭

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What was called 'communism' was not a principled socialism but was a tyrannical government of elitists made possible by western banking elitists who benefited from revolutions and civil war.

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The Third Reich was a national socialist government, and its genocide is a trifling as far as 20th Century genocides go. The best estimate is 2 million Ashkenazim perished in Germany, not 6 million. None were gased and most perished from starvation, and communicable diseasess. The Ashkenazim Communists behind the massive genocides in 1917 Russia, at least 3 million people starved just in Ukraine, and Mao's Cultural Revolution were on par with the genocude by the Communist Khemer Rouge, and Pol Pot. Collectivism is a tool of genocide.

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Celia, I confess I feel bad because I like reading about these things, when people open up and tell their part of the story.

I am going to peruse all this. It is a great gift to be able to read this information. Thank you Ooana! Thank you Celia!

I am very critical of communist violence in particular and political/financial violence in general. One ancestor of mine, who was apolitical and only a simple Catholic layman asking for peace and order, was beaten to death by communists in 1936, which destroyed the family.

So, I am biased.

Like many millions of people, who inherited the ripple effect.

And I understand and don't deny the other horrors, the ones caused by "right wing socialism" as some people call it. My family had some of that too.

Everyone is affected to some extent by both wings of the death party.

But I understand that many people who defend social-democracy or socialism or communism today do not understand the reality of the violence. They have good intention. Except for those who only pretend to be ignorant. I know those too. They organize the useful idiots. They are grand users of the arts of propaganda.

One good thing I can say about some communists: they have good music and good poetry. There is talent there. It's too bad their talent serves an evil cause, but I can enjoy the art.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Why do you think we are treated to alleged mass shooting MSM productions that go on for multiple weeks with the national MSM crews who are miraculously on the ground from the very beginning with the witnesses or family members all talking in unison about "gun control"?


A heavily armed populace is not Communist-friendly.

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Once again Celia you show how your gift for relating to real life in a kind and knowledgeable manner is why your Substack is so successful.

For anyone who might think communism is relegated to the CCP and North Korea I would suggest reading The Devil and Bella Dodd by Mary Nicholas and Paul Kengor. What will strike you is how many of the same tactics the communists used to infiltrate and influence those in charge in America over 50 years ago are not relics of the past. They are on full display - even at Warp Speed (intentional) for the past 3 years. If that isn’t enough read Kengor’s book The Devil and Karl Marx. Or if movies are your preferred mechanism, then spend a couple of hours with the 2019 movie ‘Mr Jones’.

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Our Lady[of Fatima] “messaged” the children, before “messaging” became the fashion… they were to let it be known to the Church authorities that unless Russia were consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, the errors of Russia would spread across the world.

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Ooana and Ildeka the same person?

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I learn so much from other peoples stories. Ooana is my friend too and I never knew about the Lippanzaner Stallions. I joined the Lippanzaner Stallions show when I was 14 after riding my entire childhood. Wild how the universe connects people. I think it’s god.

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Agree but the problem is the Israel of today is a different Israel from the forties.

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The great great person to read is Varlam Shalamov, particularly Kolyma Tales, and the two books by Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope, and Hope Abandoned.

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