Dr. Robert Malone Issues Emergency "Before You Inject Your Child.." Warning In Video: "My Strong Recommendation To You Is To Resist And Fight To Protect Your Children"
"The Reason They're Giving You To Vaccinate Your Children Is a Lie. Your Children Represent No Danger To Their Parents Or Grandparents"
Calls Covid “Vaccine” agenda “..the most radical experiment in human history, and implores parents not to allow their children to be injected.
“Once these damages have occurred, they can not be reversed. You can not repair a genetically reset immune system.”
Why did Dr. Malone feel it was a good idea to “invent mRNA technology*” to begin with?
I welcome your thoughts.
We must award a benefit of the doubt that, during his youthful years, Dr. Malone did not understand the ramifications of his research, how it might be abused, or naively imagined that it would work flawlessly. Most of us deserve that consideration because when we were dumb and young we did stupid things, too (only it didn't have dire implications). Where Dr. Malone and others lose me, is in limiting their objections to just children,... implying that this radical potion (poison) is fine for the rest of God's children, which he know isn't. I am also skeptical, maybe even resentful, of those who vociferously assert being "Pro Vaccine", because that all-or-nothing assertion has been used to pillory, vilify and literally create a 2nd / coach-class citizenry out of those who have a mindful, critical-thought approach to vaccines. The low-balled death counts are in, they're staggering and cannot be denied: No one on God's earth should be taking these mRNA poison potions.
The bigger question I have is WHY is Fauci talking about ADE with the vaccines NOW? What is the motive behind admitting that the vaccines can actually worsen the disease??