We must award a benefit of the doubt that, during his youthful years, Dr. Malone did not understand the ramifications of his research, how it might be abused, or naively imagined that it would work flawlessly. Most of us deserve that consideration because when we were dumb and young we did stupid things, too (only it didn't have dire implications). Where Dr. Malone and others lose me, is in limiting their objections to just children,... implying that this radical potion (poison) is fine for the rest of God's children, which he know isn't. I am also skeptical, maybe even resentful, of those who vociferously assert being "Pro Vaccine", because that all-or-nothing assertion has been used to pillory, vilify and literally create a 2nd / coach-class citizenry out of those who have a mindful, critical-thought approach to vaccines. The low-balled death counts are in, they're staggering and cannot be denied: No one on God's earth should be taking these mRNA poison potions.
The bigger question I have is WHY is Fauci talking about ADE with the vaccines NOW? What is the motive behind admitting that the vaccines can actually worsen the disease??
I am new and there are many more very knowledgeable people here than I. I think in simple terms. As I watch God's creation spin further and further away from the majesty and unfathomable understanding of who He is, I see only disaster in our future. Science without God can only end in tragedy. He is God, and we are not.
I feel like our government is at war with the truth, at war with the people, and especially at war with our children. I cannot believe it is happening. People, including children, are dying from these jabs, or becoming severely ill or disabled.
Celia: He invented it because that is what scientists do; ponder, experiment, discover, invent. his warning is also what scientists do. Most of them, though remain silent, since Faucilini’s capture of virtually all the funding stream for basic science through NIH. “The Real Anthony Fauci” is an absolutely essential read for anyone who cares about what is good and right in this world.
Celia, you know the answer to that. Since the 18th century, the German allopathic school used poisons to cure. In fact, the poisons suppressed inflammations. But the mindset is that they don't view poisons in a rationale way. Decades ago, my friend asked me to draft a report to convince his upper west side libs that fluoride was more dangerous than lead. At the time, NYC was obsessed with high levels of lead in kids. One source of lead was tap water. Here's my report. It didn't phase anyone at the townhall meeting. The medical model uses poisons because poison is good for you. https://www.mediafire.com/file/py0cftdcgu39aff/Fluoride%252BLead.pdf/file
I don't understand this guy, something fishy about him. I have heard him speak many times and never did he acknowledge that his research was flawed or used inappropriately. Every time I hear him speak he says with a deceptively neutral tone that he himself took the experimental injection. I sense that he is purposely misleading people under the cloak of caring about children. Like he knows exactly what is going on but his conscience couldn't handle harming children so he is speaking up. He doesn't seem to give a damn about the elderly and seems perfectly fine with harming adults or teenagers. I don't believe for a second that he got the real jab. He's a doctor, not an idiot... well, on the other hand :).... but seriously he must know that if irrepairable damage is done to children and future generations that the same would go for a young woman of child bearing age. Does he think we are so far gone, so deeply traumatized by media b.s. that, just because he says he got the jab, we're going to think that gene therapy only affects children and that adults are all honky dory fine?! As my father used to say with his heavy Czech accent "Don't listen to dis guy, he talking from his asshole!"
I don't believe for a second that Dr. Malone didn't know what genie he was letting out of the bottle when he helped invent mRNA spike proteins. After all, this guy is supposedly pretty smart to be working with such a complicated idea such as re-inventing/altering/ influencing your DNA. There can be NO excuses in this matter. God only knows what major disaster awaits humanity in the coming years due to the wretched design and even more evil purpose of these mRNA injections. He is as culpable and responsible as the CDC, FDA, AMA, NIH, fauci, gates and big pharma. I am not giving this guy one bit of slack...not for something that is turning out to be truly devastating for mankind.
Another Robert Oppenheimer. I agree wholeheartedly that his credibility is limited. He took the jab. When did he discover what he says he invented is deadly? This shot is a form of nuclear ecocide through bioweapon injection. Nothing less. COVID is a cold with a PCR test as Kit Knightly succinctly puts it. Hundreds of thousands in the USA according to adjusted CMS numbers have died post-injection. From Steve Kursch:
So far most are not children. People who take this jab in this country (and elsewhere) are infantile in terms of critical thinking, arrested development. They are no more "responsible" than children. They've taken an experimental injection for the common cold and never received informed consent of the thousands of side effects (primarily in the beginning most were not known). Even children naturally pull their arm back when attacked with a needle injection.
I'm not intending to undercut myself BUT, I think the best thing about this place sometimes is the comments. "Came for the content but stayed for the comments." And always the best discussions break out when I toss off something I was vaguely wondering about but had no concrete facts to back up. It's great to experience that so many vibrant people and minds are here, eating attention and engaging. THANK YOU. I am a little behind on responding but will read every comment, over time.
It seems like he had very good intentions with this type of technology and had belief in vaccines in general. Heck, he even go the jabs himself before he realized what was going on.
"Why did Dr. Malone feel it was a good idea to “invent mRNA vaccines” to begin with?"
He didn't invent the pseudo-vaccines. He developed the mRNA technology. They were seeking ways to treat genetic diseases.
Also, in a documentary some years back, the developers of crispr, which enabled genetic engineering for a similar purpose, talked about their concerns over the potential abuse, how they considered not going public with it. I'm sure they're not thrilled with its use to make bioweapons.
People only get it when they get it. One of my hardest lessons was to give up being righteous about other people’s ignorance because it only prolongs the suffering for both of us. Like a bud in the sun, understanding unfolds at its own pace. Give space. Trust the mystery. Have faith in the power of the truth. People may have to suffer and experience death to discover their own sovereignty and power. It’s the Way of being human.
We must award a benefit of the doubt that, during his youthful years, Dr. Malone did not understand the ramifications of his research, how it might be abused, or naively imagined that it would work flawlessly. Most of us deserve that consideration because when we were dumb and young we did stupid things, too (only it didn't have dire implications). Where Dr. Malone and others lose me, is in limiting their objections to just children,... implying that this radical potion (poison) is fine for the rest of God's children, which he know isn't. I am also skeptical, maybe even resentful, of those who vociferously assert being "Pro Vaccine", because that all-or-nothing assertion has been used to pillory, vilify and literally create a 2nd / coach-class citizenry out of those who have a mindful, critical-thought approach to vaccines. The low-balled death counts are in, they're staggering and cannot be denied: No one on God's earth should be taking these mRNA poison potions.
The bigger question I have is WHY is Fauci talking about ADE with the vaccines NOW? What is the motive behind admitting that the vaccines can actually worsen the disease??
They realize that the shite is going to hit the fan soon.
I am new and there are many more very knowledgeable people here than I. I think in simple terms. As I watch God's creation spin further and further away from the majesty and unfathomable understanding of who He is, I see only disaster in our future. Science without God can only end in tragedy. He is God, and we are not.
I feel like our government is at war with the truth, at war with the people, and especially at war with our children. I cannot believe it is happening. People, including children, are dying from these jabs, or becoming severely ill or disabled.
Celia: He invented it because that is what scientists do; ponder, experiment, discover, invent. his warning is also what scientists do. Most of them, though remain silent, since Faucilini’s capture of virtually all the funding stream for basic science through NIH. “The Real Anthony Fauci” is an absolutely essential read for anyone who cares about what is good and right in this world.
Celia, you know the answer to that. Since the 18th century, the German allopathic school used poisons to cure. In fact, the poisons suppressed inflammations. But the mindset is that they don't view poisons in a rationale way. Decades ago, my friend asked me to draft a report to convince his upper west side libs that fluoride was more dangerous than lead. At the time, NYC was obsessed with high levels of lead in kids. One source of lead was tap water. Here's my report. It didn't phase anyone at the townhall meeting. The medical model uses poisons because poison is good for you. https://www.mediafire.com/file/py0cftdcgu39aff/Fluoride%252BLead.pdf/file
"the medicine is worse than the disease."
I don't understand this guy, something fishy about him. I have heard him speak many times and never did he acknowledge that his research was flawed or used inappropriately. Every time I hear him speak he says with a deceptively neutral tone that he himself took the experimental injection. I sense that he is purposely misleading people under the cloak of caring about children. Like he knows exactly what is going on but his conscience couldn't handle harming children so he is speaking up. He doesn't seem to give a damn about the elderly and seems perfectly fine with harming adults or teenagers. I don't believe for a second that he got the real jab. He's a doctor, not an idiot... well, on the other hand :).... but seriously he must know that if irrepairable damage is done to children and future generations that the same would go for a young woman of child bearing age. Does he think we are so far gone, so deeply traumatized by media b.s. that, just because he says he got the jab, we're going to think that gene therapy only affects children and that adults are all honky dory fine?! As my father used to say with his heavy Czech accent "Don't listen to dis guy, he talking from his asshole!"
I don't believe for a second that Dr. Malone didn't know what genie he was letting out of the bottle when he helped invent mRNA spike proteins. After all, this guy is supposedly pretty smart to be working with such a complicated idea such as re-inventing/altering/ influencing your DNA. There can be NO excuses in this matter. God only knows what major disaster awaits humanity in the coming years due to the wretched design and even more evil purpose of these mRNA injections. He is as culpable and responsible as the CDC, FDA, AMA, NIH, fauci, gates and big pharma. I am not giving this guy one bit of slack...not for something that is turning out to be truly devastating for mankind.
Another Robert Oppenheimer. I agree wholeheartedly that his credibility is limited. He took the jab. When did he discover what he says he invented is deadly? This shot is a form of nuclear ecocide through bioweapon injection. Nothing less. COVID is a cold with a PCR test as Kit Knightly succinctly puts it. Hundreds of thousands in the USA according to adjusted CMS numbers have died post-injection. From Steve Kursch:
So far most are not children. People who take this jab in this country (and elsewhere) are infantile in terms of critical thinking, arrested development. They are no more "responsible" than children. They've taken an experimental injection for the common cold and never received informed consent of the thousands of side effects (primarily in the beginning most were not known). Even children naturally pull their arm back when attacked with a needle injection.
I'm not intending to undercut myself BUT, I think the best thing about this place sometimes is the comments. "Came for the content but stayed for the comments." And always the best discussions break out when I toss off something I was vaguely wondering about but had no concrete facts to back up. It's great to experience that so many vibrant people and minds are here, eating attention and engaging. THANK YOU. I am a little behind on responding but will read every comment, over time.
It seems like he had very good intentions with this type of technology and had belief in vaccines in general. Heck, he even go the jabs himself before he realized what was going on.
"Why did Dr. Malone feel it was a good idea to “invent mRNA technology*” to begin with?"
If he had not, someone would have anyway.
It was the current path of man.
It is not the invention per se that matters; it is what we make of it that matters.
Another one is nuclear: many planets achieved nuclear technology; but, most make/made proper use of it or advanced beyond it.
Of course.
My understanding is that the technology was intended to cure genetic diseases. They never came up with a successful vaccine.
He didn't invent the jabs. He invented the mRNA tech looking to treat inborn genetic diseases. The tech has been grossly misused by big pharma.
Also, mRNA thought to be a platform for cancer treatment. Might work for that. NOT for “vaccines.”
Actually, so far it failed spectacularly. Made tumors grow.
You can't fix a desperately broken system by tiptoeing to only part of the solution. "...the darkness is well on its way to destroying itself..."
"Why did Dr. Malone feel it was a good idea to “invent mRNA vaccines” to begin with?"
He didn't invent the pseudo-vaccines. He developed the mRNA technology. They were seeking ways to treat genetic diseases.
Also, in a documentary some years back, the developers of crispr, which enabled genetic engineering for a similar purpose, talked about their concerns over the potential abuse, how they considered not going public with it. I'm sure they're not thrilled with its use to make bioweapons.
I dont think he actually invented the vaccines themselves. I think he was just part of a team that invented the mRNA technology that led to them.
People only get it when they get it. One of my hardest lessons was to give up being righteous about other people’s ignorance because it only prolongs the suffering for both of us. Like a bud in the sun, understanding unfolds at its own pace. Give space. Trust the mystery. Have faith in the power of the truth. People may have to suffer and experience death to discover their own sovereignty and power. It’s the Way of being human.