Richard has some interesting observations. The Epstein/Maxwell ring was apparently a Mossad run undercover ring to entrap and compromise billionaires and World politicians for later blackmail purposes. Likewise Bankman Fried was part of the funding going toward the WEF which openly promoted FTX! FTX also funded the bogus study published and then retracted in Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine which defamed Hydroxychloroquine as a viable cure for Covid. There were plenty more Billionaire and high political level Jews involved such as Soros, Schiff, etc BUT The Catholic Church is also deeply involved thru the Jesuits, one of whom, Pope Francis, is an avowed globalist and vaccine pusher! The Vatican Bank was involved in a HUGE scandal a few years ago which somehow dropped below the radar. There are of course many people who are fighting for Truth on the opposite side of WEF who are practicing Jews such as Dr Naomi Wolf and Dr Meryl Nass and Dr Simon Gold, to name a few and plenty of prominent Catholics like Bobby Kennedy Jr! Im sure there are plenty more. Interestingly enough, the Freemasons are apparently representing the White Hats through the efforts of Dr David E Martin whose home videos have displayed masonic symbols and paraphernalia hanging on the bookshelves behind him. The Catholic hierarchy has defamed the Masons for centuries for exposing and combatting the monarchical goals of the Church and now is no different. Many of the contributors and authors of various parts of the US Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were Freemasons! It was set up to counter the enslavement to the clergy that was prevalent at the time and exists in some places to this day!
My point is that according to Dr Desmet and his theory of Mass Formation Psychosis, adherents of strict religious beliefs are preprogrammed to accept irrational beliefs without question and both the Orthodox Jewish Community and the Orthodox Catholics fit that Bill to a Tee!
David Icke has tried to explain these "contradictions" about the Jews, he talks about those doing bad deeds (9/11) as "Zionists" and then other "good" Jews, of which there are many, as being religious but not fanatic or destructive. That is the best way I can put it, David Icke ascribes Zionism as more of a "philosophy," I guess you could say.
Real Catholics are learning the truth about the satanic subversion of the vatican. Books have been written... eg. Anne Roche-Muggeridge, author in the 70s. We need no central authority to intercede for the Creator on our behalf, especially when it is made of those 2most corruptible things: money and power/influence. The stuff between the ears of the communists who would enslave humanity for only their own ends.
I should question your use of "Orthodox": Was Dr. Zelenko in your perception and Orthodox (as ooposed to reformed) Jew? In my book (of translation), Orthodox Catholics would refer to true adherents of the church of St. Peter. Ever since the heretic Vatican II, they are no longer a willing part of the travesty of Rome. Irrational is a human concept, and thus has no place in the belief in God.
Isn't The Vatican opposed to freemasonry because, like The Knights Templar, the freemasons are Egyptian Gnostic Christians, whose beliefs and practices pre-date Jesus Christ?
He is correct that the LGBTQWTF nonsense is spreading. First year medical students in Japan have been telling me since 2018 or so that we are not allowed to speak of just two genders.
Why would the Japanese be into the New World Order? Are their economy and banking so destroyed that they do not have choice? Were their leaders bribed by the Western money creators?
Are you saying it is their religion that motivates them?
I doubt their religion has much influence in Japan. If we followed the fall out from Abe’s murder we would conclude that Christians were a motivating factor.
Then the same could be said of any and all religions as there have been and are many bad people in power who profess to believe one religion or another. How about Biden and Pelosi? They bath claim to be devout Catholics. I guess that all Catholics are like them, then.
Uh, no. Notice what a bishop or 2 did about pelosi then biden. Basically excommunicated them by refusing sacramental privilege not available to abortionists. Some of the heirarchy of the church at mid-level holds human life sacred, even if the pope doesn’t. Now, there’s a true globalist fellow who doesn’t believe there’s a hell to suffer in for his crimes against humanity.
I have no idea. I got hoodwinked into peer reviewing a student led study “proving” the “need” for medical professionals to use the proper pronouns with patients for an English medical educational journal here in Japan about a year ago. It is here and well established. That is all I know.
The Japanese, like the Europeans, have been militarily-occupied vassals of the US since 1945. The Japanese, like the Europeans, do as they are told. And the US pretends to wonder why the Europeans and even the Japanese are reluctant to pay for their occupation 🤣
Yes, indeed; but, ultimately, it is the military which reinforces the effectiveness of the control exerted through all avenues, including The Federal Reserve.
I doubt that it has anything to do with it, at all. The perp had a long standing resentment against several people over his mother’s church coercing his mother to make large offerings to them that led to the sell off family property to cover them. The church then made large donations to political candidates, of which Abe was one.
Even without cheating , voting is useless. If they don’t fiddle with the votes , they can always buy the politician. The only way for an individual to shape the future is to not comply with pos politicians. I also hope that everyone that is not happy with these elections didn’t take any c19 shots and refuses to pump their kids with industrial chemicals aka child vaccinations as this is best way to stay healthy and make your ‘vote’ count.
The more we force them to blatantly cheat, be blatantly corrupt, blatantly hypocritical, the more they expose themselves. That is the most important thing of all. Exposure. They want to continue their push for their global Totalitarian neo-feudal World State quietly, without being noticed. The Boiling Frog effect. Trump, if he did nothing else, he forced them out into the open. So yes voting is useful, you just need to document everything ten different ways. When 70% of the population no longer believes, when the realize how badly they have been hoodwinked, we can bring them down. That's exactly what brought down the Soviet Union, people just didn't believe anymore.
Oh FFS. Stop with that BS already and get a grip on reality. Every FUCKING BADDIE in the world is FUCKING jewish. YOUR comments are the reason it’s true. People are too chicken shit to embrace reality in fear of “insulting” people.
Ignorance and bigotry are not the worst. There are many ambitious, well educated and open minded people involved in some recent scams, such as covid, Pfizer, FTX...
I am so sick of the ‘find the Jew’ conspiracies. Or it’s the Zionists malarky. My father, a committed Zionist always thought it only about having a homeland where Jews could be free from persecution. After all, those who escaped to America had all their property and wealth confiscated! But you guys are continuing the persecution by claiming it’s the Jews all the time
Here’s a quick history lesson as to why Jews dominate banking, medicine, and entertainment.
Banking. Catholic Church and Muslims prohibit Usury. The lending of money with interest charged. The Jews did not outlaw lending.
Medicine. The Catholic Church made autopsy illegal. Judaism did not.
Entertainment. It was a travelling thing to put on shows around counties. Jews and Gypsies made up majority of traveling communities. Also US entertainment came from vaudeville. Vaudeville was a Jewish thing coming from Yiddish theatre. It was considered scandalous for Christians and Catholics to be on the stage.
Now about the traveling and the deep desire for a homeland. Jews in most European nations were historically outlawed from owning land. And even if they did these were very often confiscated during pogroms. So they historically were involved in any commerce that could be carried in trade. Including Horse trading where most in Germany before the war were Jews.
Now between pogroms, extermination Programmes, confiscation of any property, no homeland and more often than not crowded into ghettoes- what makes you think historically they had the wherewithal for plans of global domination? They were trying to survive.
Rockefeller, Gates, Bush, European Aristocracy- they have had global domination for centuries. And been successful. It’s just more in the open now for all to see. Even in Jesus’ time it’s true there were powerful Pharisees and Sadducees but it was the Romans and Egyptians and Syrians etc who ruled over them!
Thanks for the detail. I am Lutheran, so not all that knowledgeable on the plight of our Jewish brothers, though I was aware of much of what you wrote. The added detail adds a lot. Thanks agin.
Pogroms were common across Europe. Many fled to Germany after 1900’s to escape them as they felt they could live more freely in such a cosmopolitan country. My grandfather fled those in Russia in the 1890’s. My grandmother fled the Ukrainian ones in 1918. My other grandfather’s family fled persecution in Hungary/Romania in early 1930’s. Other grandmother’s family fled Romania after pogroms resulted in losing their farm turn of century. None were able to take their wealth with them. (Soros’s Hungarian family retained their wealth. Only those complicit would have been able to do so.
Russian pogroms 1880’s 1890’s.
Infamous pogroms of Ukraine long-standing.
Pogroms and exclusion in Spain and England 1600’s. Overt antisemitism in Britain is present today too.
Infamous site of Norwich Cathedral. They rounded up the Jews into the round house giving them the choice of renouncing Judaism and becoming Christian or death. Most were burnt alive.
After the collapse of the Hapsburg empire, the Jews of Hungary had property and citizenship removed from them. Many were sent to the ghettoes of Romania. This was what happened to my bourgeoise Grandfather’s family.
That some Jews did not help other Jews. What makes you think evil psychopathy or avarice/greed doesn’t exist in the Jewish population at the same rate as say Catholics? See Soros who funds anti-Jewish organisations. But then as he leaked with sparkling eyes and a smile during 60 minutes how his happiest memories was when he was living as a Nazi!
Now where would you have suggested that Europe and England solve the problem of containing those ‘dirty’ Jews (Ice been told in UK Jews are dirty and good at picking off ticks!)? Did you know Britain hid the facts they KNEW about the camps from the population as they felt the public wouldn’t support a war to help aid Jews?
Where should they have gone for that homeland? How about Donetsk in Ukraine? Wales? The Rhine!? How about Germanic Poland that after ethnic cleansing of Jews and Slavs had lands transferred to Germanic Aristocracy?
I can’t be bothered to go and get all the dates from such as Jewish Encyclopedia but be assured persecution is as old as Judaism. See Egyptian Pharos.
I know I sound like a broken record, but the reality is that, as bad as this is (and it is really bad), the end result is that they won, they always seem to win where it counts, and there appears to be little if anything we can do to stop them. We are left with scrambling around after the fact trying to find out how they did what they did, and who did it, but nothing we reveal is enough to change the outcome. They know that we likely will be unsuccessful and that the passage of time will work in their favor. Telling our "selected" leaders about this falls on deaf ears because nearly all of them are in on the grift, so we're unlikely to find a critical mass of politicians willing to make needed changes.
Not really. There are already several alternatives to SWIFT. What stops Japan from switching over to them? Political pressure backed by US military force.
With every day that passes, SWIFT is becoming increasingly irrelevant as The Shanghai Cooperation Organization's plan to de-dollarize global trade gathers momentum.
From Canada. Celia, This is almost a miracle in our neck of the woods.
The risk of developing heart inflammation is two to three times higher with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine when compared to Pfizer, according to a new Canadian study.
COVID-19: Canadian study finds heart risks like myocarditis higher with Moderna | CTV News
Well their beliefs do predate Christianity from what little I know about them but they were organized to oppose the monopoly of the Church and its corrupt ways so that is the real reason they are at odds from my understanding. The Masons were actually the Guild of stone masons who built the vast cathedrals based on building principles from ancient Egypt and have always been a secret organization because of their opposition to the Church which at that time was imprisoning scientists and burning them alive if they dared to speak the truth about such things as the earth traveling round the sun. The higher clergy were NOT “nice people”. That is my understanding of the role the Masons play. Maybe there are some Masons on this thread who could clarify or correct me if I am off base..
Richard has some interesting observations. The Epstein/Maxwell ring was apparently a Mossad run undercover ring to entrap and compromise billionaires and World politicians for later blackmail purposes. Likewise Bankman Fried was part of the funding going toward the WEF which openly promoted FTX! FTX also funded the bogus study published and then retracted in Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine which defamed Hydroxychloroquine as a viable cure for Covid. There were plenty more Billionaire and high political level Jews involved such as Soros, Schiff, etc BUT The Catholic Church is also deeply involved thru the Jesuits, one of whom, Pope Francis, is an avowed globalist and vaccine pusher! The Vatican Bank was involved in a HUGE scandal a few years ago which somehow dropped below the radar. There are of course many people who are fighting for Truth on the opposite side of WEF who are practicing Jews such as Dr Naomi Wolf and Dr Meryl Nass and Dr Simon Gold, to name a few and plenty of prominent Catholics like Bobby Kennedy Jr! Im sure there are plenty more. Interestingly enough, the Freemasons are apparently representing the White Hats through the efforts of Dr David E Martin whose home videos have displayed masonic symbols and paraphernalia hanging on the bookshelves behind him. The Catholic hierarchy has defamed the Masons for centuries for exposing and combatting the monarchical goals of the Church and now is no different. Many of the contributors and authors of various parts of the US Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were Freemasons! It was set up to counter the enslavement to the clergy that was prevalent at the time and exists in some places to this day!
My point is that according to Dr Desmet and his theory of Mass Formation Psychosis, adherents of strict religious beliefs are preprogrammed to accept irrational beliefs without question and both the Orthodox Jewish Community and the Orthodox Catholics fit that Bill to a Tee!
David Icke has tried to explain these "contradictions" about the Jews, he talks about those doing bad deeds (9/11) as "Zionists" and then other "good" Jews, of which there are many, as being religious but not fanatic or destructive. That is the best way I can put it, David Icke ascribes Zionism as more of a "philosophy," I guess you could say.
Real Catholics are learning the truth about the satanic subversion of the vatican. Books have been written... eg. Anne Roche-Muggeridge, author in the 70s. We need no central authority to intercede for the Creator on our behalf, especially when it is made of those 2most corruptible things: money and power/influence. The stuff between the ears of the communists who would enslave humanity for only their own ends.
I should question your use of "Orthodox": Was Dr. Zelenko in your perception and Orthodox (as ooposed to reformed) Jew? In my book (of translation), Orthodox Catholics would refer to true adherents of the church of St. Peter. Ever since the heretic Vatican II, they are no longer a willing part of the travesty of Rome. Irrational is a human concept, and thus has no place in the belief in God.
Isn't The Vatican opposed to freemasonry because, like The Knights Templar, the freemasons are Egyptian Gnostic Christians, whose beliefs and practices pre-date Jesus Christ?
He is correct that the LGBTQWTF nonsense is spreading. First year medical students in Japan have been telling me since 2018 or so that we are not allowed to speak of just two genders.
Why would the Japanese be into the New World Order? Are their economy and banking so destroyed that they do not have choice? Were their leaders bribed by the Western money creators?
The jewish Rothschilds control all countries but a few like Iran. Russia and N. Korea. Not bigotry...FACT
Are you saying it is their religion that motivates them?
I doubt their religion has much influence in Japan. If we followed the fall out from Abe’s murder we would conclude that Christians were a motivating factor.
I’m to understand their religion pushes them to not give a flying crap about you, your family or anyone else as long as money and power are achieved.
Then the same could be said of any and all religions as there have been and are many bad people in power who profess to believe one religion or another. How about Biden and Pelosi? They bath claim to be devout Catholics. I guess that all Catholics are like them, then.
Uh, no. Notice what a bishop or 2 did about pelosi then biden. Basically excommunicated them by refusing sacramental privilege not available to abortionists. Some of the heirarchy of the church at mid-level holds human life sacred, even if the pope doesn’t. Now, there’s a true globalist fellow who doesn’t believe there’s a hell to suffer in for his crimes against humanity.
Any religion involving God...was invented by jews. Do some research.
All religions are made up allegories by the way.
I have no idea. I got hoodwinked into peer reviewing a student led study “proving” the “need” for medical professionals to use the proper pronouns with patients for an English medical educational journal here in Japan about a year ago. It is here and well established. That is all I know.
The Japanese, like the Europeans, have been militarily-occupied vassals of the US since 1945. The Japanese, like the Europeans, do as they are told. And the US pretends to wonder why the Europeans and even the Japanese are reluctant to pay for their occupation 🤣
America’s control is far more wide spread than that, and through different avenues.
Yes, indeed; but, ultimately, it is the military which reinforces the effectiveness of the control exerted through all avenues, including The Federal Reserve.
Nope. SWIFT.
…abandoned how does the assassination of Shinzo Abi fit into this narrative?
I doubt that it has anything to do with it, at all. The perp had a long standing resentment against several people over his mother’s church coercing his mother to make large offerings to them that led to the sell off family property to cover them. The church then made large donations to political candidates, of which Abe was one.
Quick Celia, change Pampering to Tampering (unless it's deliberate and I didn't get it!)
thank you. done!
LOL. Thought thaat was a reference to good old Joe!
Even without cheating , voting is useless. If they don’t fiddle with the votes , they can always buy the politician. The only way for an individual to shape the future is to not comply with pos politicians. I also hope that everyone that is not happy with these elections didn’t take any c19 shots and refuses to pump their kids with industrial chemicals aka child vaccinations as this is best way to stay healthy and make your ‘vote’ count.
The more we force them to blatantly cheat, be blatantly corrupt, blatantly hypocritical, the more they expose themselves. That is the most important thing of all. Exposure. They want to continue their push for their global Totalitarian neo-feudal World State quietly, without being noticed. The Boiling Frog effect. Trump, if he did nothing else, he forced them out into the open. So yes voting is useful, you just need to document everything ten different ways. When 70% of the population no longer believes, when the realize how badly they have been hoodwinked, we can bring them down. That's exactly what brought down the Soviet Union, people just didn't believe anymore.
Spice this article up....11.15.2022 Interview 1764 - One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb
Our defacto 4th branch of gov....11.13.2022 - How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1: A Brief History of BlackRock
US and JEWISH ISRAELHELL...11.15.2022 - “Shared Values and Security Interests?”
Is that what the ‘wag the dog’ US relationship with Israel is all about?
For Celia...11.7.2022...Lev Gumilev and the Khazar Chimera
Hobbs is jewish of course.
Celia's father was Jewish and she is an honest person.
I have a strange total insensitivity to what is called anti semitism.
My parents split when I was 3 and my mother was a single mother, in another country for most of it.
I listen to the whole Jews conversation without ever feeling threatened.
Hardest thing I've ever been is a woman, and HIV denier, at the same time. I've been called EVERYTHING under the sun.
To dig into the history of Zionism is interesting...another taboo.
It ain’t black and white. Not all Italians are mafia.
It seems you're trying to be nice but you also appear to have no idea how insulting your comment is.
FTX - jewish
All media - jewish
The entire COVID scam - jewish
The VAXX bio weapon - jewish
The BANKING system - jewish
Wake the fuck up
Oh FFS. Stop with that BS already and get a grip on reality. Every FUCKING BADDIE in the world is FUCKING jewish. YOUR comments are the reason it’s true. People are too chicken shit to embrace reality in fear of “insulting” people.
Nice mouth. Did you know that people who yell and use bad language are often of low intellect?
I'm almost inclined to feel sorry for you, but nasty pieces of business such as yourself have caused a lot of grief in this world.
My time is too precious to waste any more of it on the likes of you.
Go back under your IGNORANT rock and come back when you want to join the rest of us in reality world.
I was arguing with Richard.
"Of course"? What the hell does that mean?
If you don’t know I ain’t gunna splain it
Just as well that you "ain't gunna splain it". It would only confirm you as the ignorant, bigoted person you are.
Ignorance and bigotry are not the worst. There are many ambitious, well educated and open minded people involved in some recent scams, such as covid, Pfizer, FTX...
They are not people. They are criminal murderous scum.
Go back under your ignorant rock.
I am so sick of the ‘find the Jew’ conspiracies. Or it’s the Zionists malarky. My father, a committed Zionist always thought it only about having a homeland where Jews could be free from persecution. After all, those who escaped to America had all their property and wealth confiscated! But you guys are continuing the persecution by claiming it’s the Jews all the time
Here’s a quick history lesson as to why Jews dominate banking, medicine, and entertainment.
Banking. Catholic Church and Muslims prohibit Usury. The lending of money with interest charged. The Jews did not outlaw lending.
Medicine. The Catholic Church made autopsy illegal. Judaism did not.
Entertainment. It was a travelling thing to put on shows around counties. Jews and Gypsies made up majority of traveling communities. Also US entertainment came from vaudeville. Vaudeville was a Jewish thing coming from Yiddish theatre. It was considered scandalous for Christians and Catholics to be on the stage.
Now about the traveling and the deep desire for a homeland. Jews in most European nations were historically outlawed from owning land. And even if they did these were very often confiscated during pogroms. So they historically were involved in any commerce that could be carried in trade. Including Horse trading where most in Germany before the war were Jews.
Now between pogroms, extermination Programmes, confiscation of any property, no homeland and more often than not crowded into ghettoes- what makes you think historically they had the wherewithal for plans of global domination? They were trying to survive.
Rockefeller, Gates, Bush, European Aristocracy- they have had global domination for centuries. And been successful. It’s just more in the open now for all to see. Even in Jesus’ time it’s true there were powerful Pharisees and Sadducees but it was the Romans and Egyptians and Syrians etc who ruled over them!
Thanks for the detail. I am Lutheran, so not all that knowledgeable on the plight of our Jewish brothers, though I was aware of much of what you wrote. The added detail adds a lot. Thanks agin.
Well said and explained.
Persecution didn’t occur before 1930’s Germany?
I suggest you research more.
Pogroms were common across Europe. Many fled to Germany after 1900’s to escape them as they felt they could live more freely in such a cosmopolitan country. My grandfather fled those in Russia in the 1890’s. My grandmother fled the Ukrainian ones in 1918. My other grandfather’s family fled persecution in Hungary/Romania in early 1930’s. Other grandmother’s family fled Romania after pogroms resulted in losing their farm turn of century. None were able to take their wealth with them. (Soros’s Hungarian family retained their wealth. Only those complicit would have been able to do so.
Russian pogroms 1880’s 1890’s.
Infamous pogroms of Ukraine long-standing.
Pogroms and exclusion in Spain and England 1600’s. Overt antisemitism in Britain is present today too.
Infamous site of Norwich Cathedral. They rounded up the Jews into the round house giving them the choice of renouncing Judaism and becoming Christian or death. Most were burnt alive.
After the collapse of the Hapsburg empire, the Jews of Hungary had property and citizenship removed from them. Many were sent to the ghettoes of Romania. This was what happened to my bourgeoise Grandfather’s family.
That some Jews did not help other Jews. What makes you think evil psychopathy or avarice/greed doesn’t exist in the Jewish population at the same rate as say Catholics? See Soros who funds anti-Jewish organisations. But then as he leaked with sparkling eyes and a smile during 60 minutes how his happiest memories was when he was living as a Nazi!
Now where would you have suggested that Europe and England solve the problem of containing those ‘dirty’ Jews (Ice been told in UK Jews are dirty and good at picking off ticks!)? Did you know Britain hid the facts they KNEW about the camps from the population as they felt the public wouldn’t support a war to help aid Jews?
Where should they have gone for that homeland? How about Donetsk in Ukraine? Wales? The Rhine!? How about Germanic Poland that after ethnic cleansing of Jews and Slavs had lands transferred to Germanic Aristocracy?
I can’t be bothered to go and get all the dates from such as Jewish Encyclopedia but be assured persecution is as old as Judaism. See Egyptian Pharos.
How in the hell is relating the experiences of his father “Copy and paste”?
About the post's title -- evidence of pampering or tampering?
I know I sound like a broken record, but the reality is that, as bad as this is (and it is really bad), the end result is that they won, they always seem to win where it counts, and there appears to be little if anything we can do to stop them. We are left with scrambling around after the fact trying to find out how they did what they did, and who did it, but nothing we reveal is enough to change the outcome. They know that we likely will be unsuccessful and that the passage of time will work in their favor. Telling our "selected" leaders about this falls on deaf ears because nearly all of them are in on the grift, so we're unlikely to find a critical mass of politicians willing to make needed changes.
Great job getting this info out Celia
God bless you
Not really. There are already several alternatives to SWIFT. What stops Japan from switching over to them? Political pressure backed by US military force.
With every day that passes, SWIFT is becoming increasingly irrelevant as The Shanghai Cooperation Organization's plan to de-dollarize global trade gathers momentum.
From Canada. Celia, This is almost a miracle in our neck of the woods.
The risk of developing heart inflammation is two to three times higher with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine when compared to Pfizer, according to a new Canadian study.
COVID-19: Canadian study finds heart risks like myocarditis higher with Moderna | CTV News
I’m astonished by this video but at the same time not surprised.
We are seeing more and more of this but our media is “too captured” to do anything.
I’ve learned over the years how impactful the media really is.
They became silent and just move on to something else.
Investigative reporters like Celia never get the respect they deserve.
It’s really simple why.
It’s because she seeks only the truth and
“they” would rather lie.
I find the work put out by Clif High fascinating on the topic of being Jewish.
He deals with the Khazarian Mafia; labels matter.
Thank you, yes.
shared to AZ and the Netherlands
Well their beliefs do predate Christianity from what little I know about them but they were organized to oppose the monopoly of the Church and its corrupt ways so that is the real reason they are at odds from my understanding. The Masons were actually the Guild of stone masons who built the vast cathedrals based on building principles from ancient Egypt and have always been a secret organization because of their opposition to the Church which at that time was imprisoning scientists and burning them alive if they dared to speak the truth about such things as the earth traveling round the sun. The higher clergy were NOT “nice people”. That is my understanding of the role the Masons play. Maybe there are some Masons on this thread who could clarify or correct me if I am off base..