evidence has been mounting that this derailment, other recent derailments and fires at chemical plants, food processing facilities, fertilizer plants, chicken farms, etc. are all planned and part of the psychopathic agenda to usher in the Great Reset and NWO. We have a pretty good idea who the culprits are and our government is involved.

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You say psychopathic agenda as though it's a bad thing.

I recently learned a new word: philanthropath.

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Margaret Anna Alice created that term of I'm not mistaken.


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The problem with research is that we often enter a topic with a preconceived notion. "I want this to be true"-attitude.

Then, for the inexperienced researcher, all evidence looks confirmatory of her biases, and there is almost no evidence to the contrary.

I think they are exploiting this. They are creating a mentality of scarcity, dependency, insecurity and helplessness. They don't really need to do anything bad. People are so spooked already that the simple inertia of all the daily bad things that happen and people ignore has enough force to grind people down.

It's all about control. And control is mostly about exploiting the self-deception of the individual.

We better focus on creating solutions for this one.

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our government has long been the property of the perpetrators. Who is the biggest influence on u.s. gov't policy? Let me think... The Israel lobby? Doofuses might say that this jewish guy is anti-semitic, this jewish guy suggests rather that, in the words of Bill Murray in Stripes, "that's the fack jack".

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In Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, they had to evacuate several towns because of" a rail disaster"

meanwhile, the distraction allowed an alien race to make contact.

They used fear to get people out of the area.


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how many people left the area? They're mostly farmers it seems, they have to stay there with the animals as they die, murdered by the u.s. gov't intentionally to get us to clamor for their sick central bank digital currency by destroying the dollar and bankrupting everybody smaller than bill gates.

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yes true. I don't know much about whats on the scene. but one can point to too may situations where distractions are being made and used.

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but this is not a distraction. they've made enough farmland to feed 330 million people polluted for a generation. That's more than a distraction. At same time, putting the bulk of the remaining family farms out of business forever.

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good memory!

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Jon Rappaport did a truly excellent podcast on this subject and I highly recommend everyone listen to it. He is such an incredible deductive reasoner with massive critical thinking skills Love the man! Anyway, the train was NOT deemed as hazardous because not every one of the boxcars contained hazardous material..how utterly absurd. Of course if even ONE boxcar carries hazardous material then naturally the whole train should be deemed hazardous. Easy to yell and say a bunch of monkey brains are running the show but sadly its more nefarious as it appears to be purposefully and specifically targeted

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An airplane flight is not considered dangerous if “some” of the passengers are not terrorists carrying heavy artillery.

Love the logic.

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Another planned Disaster. One coincidence after another.

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When a train equipped with the standard Westinghouse air brakes goes into emergency (such as during a derailment) the brakes on all the cars apply very quickly. The brake valves on each car are designed to sense a sudden drop in brake line pressure and respond with an immediate full brake application. ECP would have made little difference.

This derailment happened in a large part due to poor maintenance. The ECP brake thing is a distraction.

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no. this was done on purpose by the central bankers in order to get americans to beg for the central bank digital currency. Plese see that. The poor maintenance is just a cover. As usual a cover which permitted them to pocket the money which should have gone to maintain the infrastructure. You need to realize that the u.s.a. is the third world.

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Feb 24, 2023Edited
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From reply to other comment on different thread.


just now

Two of our unincorporated government bodies were dissolved with the start of the that war or as Anna calls it a mercenary conflict, the 3rd body "the States of America, Unincorporated" or the "Confederation of States" created in 1781 and the 4th body "the United States, Unincorporated" or "Federal Republic", who gave birth to the 5th body "the United States of America, Incorporated" or "British Territorial" in order to do business in the Sea Jurisdiction in 1787, and the 6th body "the United States, Incorporated" or "Municipal" DC government in a treaty to the Holy Roman Empire now dissolved thus transferred to the Papal controlling the Air Jurisdiction in 1789. The first two bodies the American government controlling the Land jurisdiction (that we've all been removed from by our birth certificates and why we've been labeled U.S. citizens or U.S. persons) "The United States, Unincorporated" or "Sovereign Union of States", "Union States", or "Nation States" that controlled the Land, Soil, and People and gives us control over the all of the governments thus "We the People", then "The United States of America, Unincorporated" or "Confederation of States" which was to conduct business on an International basis.

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I just posted this somewhere else, as there is an alternative and a reason for it when understanding our Federal Government is actually the British Territorial government or "the United State of America, Inc." that was created in 1789 and not the American government established in 1776 of which there were two, the second video explains it quite well.

Actually it was once, and Anna Von Reitz and many others have set up the American States Assemblies Lawfully in all 50 states trying to restore the government to what it was post Civil War. It's a process they have brought a long way, and is being set up in other Countries as well for a good reason.. I know Australia has one for sure, but there are others.


This video explains the actual governments the Founding Fathers set up and when and for what purpose. Don't be fooled by this little old grandmas appearance. She has a lot more information out, as do the Assemblies in each state trying to bring back the unincorporated government bodies initially set up.


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If we were to operate like they do we'd require all licensed lawyers to explain the above in their own words. If they can't do it convincingly, we disbar them. If they can, we execute them. We also pass a law that disbarred attorneys have to get vaccinated every day.

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Funny you mention the bar association, Anna Von Reitz talks about them in her blog posts, and their being headquartered in the City of London and under an Acting guild of some sort. I'll see if I can find it somewhere, she has over 4000 posts out though.

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Feb 24, 2023
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Feb 24, 2023
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See comment I posted in reply to Rae as it applies to your reply.

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Feb 24, 2023
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Rae, you might find info I posted regarding Wages not being taxable with details and links to IRS documents as my source of reference.

Maybe not?

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“My Conclusion: This country is utterly dysfunctional.” - Time for a good strong drink.

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We need a journalist as President.

My first choice would be Celia Farber but I would settle for Abby Martin.

Oriana Fallaci is dead—besides, she was Italian and ineligible.

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If Celia was POTUS she would fill the WH with candles and everything would be better.

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I’d definitely vote for Celia without a doubt

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How do we get to be delegates?

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The problem is a completely broken justice system.

1. Corporate personhood and limited liability should not exist at all. If people wish to form a partnership, then they may do so, but must bear full liability for their actions.

2. Courts must be made accessible to all people. Right now I know from experience that if a case looks even a little bit complicated, lawyers won't take it unless there are ten of millions in damages at stake AND a good chance of collecting. If someone who can afford lawyers screwed you out of $200K, or even $2million, you might as well whistle for it.

3. The law, and legal process must be massively simplified. It should not be possible for a large company to pay lawyers to delay cases for years and bury plaintiffs in paperwork.

If the law worked and the owners' money was on the line to compensate people in full for the damage they suffered, the rail companies would alter their behavior.

When the law does not work, then what happens is that any rail company which fails to take advantage of that is less economically efficient than its competitors and either goes out of business, or (in the case of a rail company which may not have direct competitors on its routes) gets bought out by someone willing to cut corners.

A bad legal system does not just enable immoral executives to behave badly - it goes much further and actually eventually ensures that all our executives will be immoral.

Trying to compensate for this by government regulation can never be as efficient as providing the right incentives in the first place even if we had a government of angels. In fact of course this system of government regulation is just another bad system that, through providing power to government officials, offers a much greater incentive to crooks to get themselves elected or appointed to office and therefore in turn gurantees that we will have crooks in office to police the crooks we have guaranteed we will have as executives.

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i love how mayor pete decides to finally make an appearance after trump shames him into it. i hope they stone him

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Stoning is a great idea.

Hanging would be better.

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stoning before hanging, the best of both worlds!

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Is there any energy being put into trying to help the people of that town, contain the disaster, quantify the range of effects both locally and nationwide, and taking all proactive protective and corrective actions to warn and aid people, (animals, water supplies, etc) about potential harms to the extent still possible and make recommendations so exposures can be limited ?

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I just read an article at Rense.com that suggested the origin and destination for the toxic chemicals contained in the last five cars of the train that derailed in East Palestine, which sounded plausible to me. Here's the link:


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It is frustrating. I dislike Behar, but she did not say "they deserved it" in the clip. I tend to agree with the skepticism about it being a "controlled burn." And the finger pointing is nauseating. Also the trivializing and shallowness. As you say, EVEN IF the braking regulation was in effect, it wouldn't have applied to the brakes on this train. THIS TRAIN, under the "regulation," would STILL NOT have been classified as "high hazard flammable!" So, what kind of "safety regulations" are Behar or any of them talking about? While she's mentioning the airlines, let's hear them talk about the "safety regulations" of mandating the injections on pilots (just joking, not asking for the impossible).

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Behar’s cherry-picked complaining that Trump’s had of EPA was connected with a chemical company is rich. Does she realize how many CDC and FDA types came from the drug companies? She’s a fool and a hypocrite.

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Feb 24, 2023
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I don’t know! It was okay years ago when Barbara Walters ran it. Now it’s just a bunch of crazy harpies.

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the problem is the product they make and that they are allowed to transport it--

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From what I heard, the product is mostly used for manufacturing pipes. Yes, why should it be transported by train at all. Make the pipes where the materials are.

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true in the sense that this IS a major disaster. Its major news and news needs to be covered. if the media were a real honest even keeled entity, it would cover all news equally not dropping one major story for another. but it runs around averting certain realities based on politics , bias and agenda. Nordstream is in my opinion MAJOR news. An act of war that could get the entire world into nuke war. And somehow, its been put in the distance. So we get tugged here and there, balloons ,rail disasters and such as to forget about the bigger issue.

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It also occurs to me that this is the place with the most remaining family farms. Family farms are the well known enemy of the philanthropaths. These good folks would have been able to set up commerce to feed the whole usa with clean food once the philanthropaths bring down the system in order to dominate it more (pit bull style). During the time of the "great reset" (jah-vol mein commandant) when they want to starve us, we could all stop buying big ag products and work with these people. They had to be killed (at least their farms had to be killed, probably eventually killing them). Worse, these people probably got vaccinated half to death as a patriotic gesture or by fear of the penalties, denial of access to markets. When will the rest of our "compatriots" stop letting their brains be too clean?

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I tend to analyze everything in terms of politics/economy and corruption. I also tend to see the infallible technique: scapegoating.

The oligarchy, the bullies, need to project their responsibility on other people. Their servants deliver the message: the disasters were caused because of a brake rule change.

Why not lie like that? What is there to lose, politically, for the oligarchs, by lying?

This is a compound lie. It includes a distraction from the main point: the problem is the existence of chlorinated compounds. What is the point in accumulating and handling large amounts of chlorine? The theme is the safety in handling that, not in brakes systems.

The conservatives are only reactive and helpless rhetorically, as always.

They should attack right where it hurts: the EPA should not exist. Like the FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS and NSA, the EPA does not work, cannot work, it is socialistic, collectivistic, it existence creates corruption and solves exactly zero problems and protects no one from anything.

Roll back the Federal Government.

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"Homendy directly acknowledged that the ECP brake rule would not have prevented the crash if implemented because the train that derailed in East Palestine was a mixed freight train that contained only three placarded Class 3 flammable liquids cars. Homendy said the ECP braking rule would have applied only to high-hazard flammable trains.”"

So while the distractions start in the MSM and amongst political factions amid all the finger pointing, THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE CONTINUE TO SUFFER!!

Does anyone actually watch the view, or care about their opinions?

Do they ever actually back up their trusted preferred comments with actual factual evidence?

I heard them mention photo op, but one has to wonder has anyone of them done anything to help the residents in the affected areas?

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Good question. Who watches those hags? I have no idea when they are on or what channel. Egads, how do people voluntarily view Whoopie the lying freak I cannot fathom.

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I stopped watching regular TV long ago, but bought an antenna for it just in case after canceling cable, and was sadly disappointed when checking it out remembering why I'd stopped watching it in the first place. All one has to see are the commercials, most of which are pharmaceutical saying "ask your doctor" and then hearing all the side effects being read so fast you can barely keep up, and saying oh yeah give me a double dose lol.

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