Edward Dowd: Covid Shots Have Devastated Millenials, Deaths Number In One Year The Number Killed in Entire Vietnam War
"These people are hiding now. We're in the hiding stage."
Extremely important new interview here. Please share far and wide.
Extremely important new interview here. Please share far and wide.
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Mass murderers and war criminals.
So in all likelihood, the vaxx was premeditated murder (with some greed thrown in). No surprise there, but still stunning news from the likes of Dowd and the actuaries. And Ukraine seems a distraction, started to divert attention from the vaxx murders and destruction (and will also be scapegoat for economic collapse). Putin was watching the Russians die in Donbass (14,000 or so) over 7 years and clearly also knew about the weapons labs the whole time. He did nothing. He decides to invade at just the right moment from the standpoint of the murderers. It's a big club, and you ain't in it.