Mass murderers and war criminals.

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So in all likelihood, the vaxx was premeditated murder (with some greed thrown in). No surprise there, but still stunning news from the likes of Dowd and the actuaries. And Ukraine seems a distraction, started to divert attention from the vaxx murders and destruction (and will also be scapegoat for economic collapse). Putin was watching the Russians die in Donbass (14,000 or so) over 7 years and clearly also knew about the weapons labs the whole time. He did nothing. He decides to invade at just the right moment from the standpoint of the murderers. It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

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P.S. Yes, a distraction from the vaxx, but also the new war will send the remake of society into overdrive:


Worth at least skimming through this article.

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9m04s: Edward Dowd: on the sheer number of vaccine-induced injuries:

"...a couple weeks ago, a German insurer, [named] BKK,... one of the board members came out and he said...

"-- and [he] used their [insurance] data, that...

"...the [German] government was under reporting injuries -- not deaths, forget deaths...

"...was under reporting injuries by a factor of 10 to 1.

"[extrapolating-out their injury data of their 11 million customers to the entire German population, they estimated that] 2.5 to 3 million Germans... were injured by vaccines enough so that they had to go seek medical treatment. That's 3.6% of the German population or 1 in 25."

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Celia - Thanks

Here's another very revealing conversation, this one between Steve Kirsch and a Politifact "fact checker", where Kirsch is pointing to possibly hundreds of thousands of deaths from the jabs:

Read the article at the following link:


but, watch the video at the following link, because the same video linked in the above article is corrupted and stops at time= 6:34:


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My barber just told me about a 27 year old family friend living a nightmare that started 12 days after the jab. She said he was still in a rehabilitation center after two major strokes and cardiac arrest. He cannot feed himself or walk. He has to wear diapers. His fiancé is going to try to care for him. What an unnecessary tragedy. He was very healthy before the shot.

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Oh my God almighty. How can this be happening? How?

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Mar 11, 2022
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John, you ask where I have been. I have to ask first if you want the full answer.

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People are dying and big pharma is crying because they ain't making enough profits. They want endless drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections for all humans forever. Humans living healthy lives and avoiding big pharma is not an option. Taxpayers pay for most of their faulty, corrupt drug research and yet we are the victims of those putrid drugs.

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Several points:

1) Haven’t listened to this Jones interview yet. I have high confidence in Dowd but consider Jones to be a terrible interviewer. A good interviewer talks 15% of the time and the interviewee 85%. Jones is far to egotistical to be a good interviewer. That said, I have listened to at least 4 extended interviews with Dowd,

2) Notice how quickly the propaganda blitz has followed to forget about cv-1984 with that new Hitler, Putin, front and center. I am tuning in to corporate media twice a day to practice my 2 minutes of hate.

3) The entire deep state is involved with this genocide. The chances that the courts will follow Dowd’s predictions are small. However, he is doing a great service by preventing people who are not total Cult Covidians from taking anymore of this poison. One thing which Dowd does not deal with is that 5% of the initial Moderna and Pfizer lot number shots account for 100% of the deaths and most of the severe injuries. Former VP and chief science officer of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, said that this must be deliberate and not a manufacturing fuck-up. Furthermore the release of the ultra toxic lots where separated time wise between Moderna and Pfizer, strongly indicated collaboration between the two for a variety of reason.

4) Finally, James Corbett released a video several months ago where he discussed world events analyzed from two or three dimensional chess. Not to get into detail in this comment, while, if one analyzes events on a two dimensional level regarding this shitshow in Ukraine with access to accurate historical information, unless one is a pacifist, Putin and Russia are quite justified in their actions. However, on a 3 dimensional level:

a) Klaus (the anal) Schwab has bragged that Putin was a “Young Global Leader” in its first year (along with Gates and Merkel), which could explain his meteoric rise from taxi cab driver to President of Russia under the drunkard, “rape of Russia” by the west, Yeltsin.

b) The Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, is a DNA altering “vaccine,” hidden by affixing it as a “vector" vaccine. All the fake vaccines are “vector vaccines” of one sort or the other, otherwise the cell walls would not permit this shit to enter. Russia has no program, even a fake one like VAERS, to report injuries. However, independent sources in Russia are indicating that they are massive. The owner of the Sputnik V company is s longtime total scumbag.

c) The net result of the Ukraine War and the apparently braindead Western economic response to it, will accelerate the collapse of the global financial system with mass starvation resulting, not only in “third world” countries, but also the EU and North America. All fiat currencies will hyperinflate to no purchasing power, at which point all governments will institute the 1984 CBDC. To “Build Back Better), the current system has to be burned to the ground and billions of people desperate. Bottom line, despite Putin being praised by many in the non neocon conservative and libertarian commentariat, he is controlled opposition and on the same team as say the horse-face from New Zealand or Fidelito from Canada, though playing a different role in this Kabuki.

d) The Wall Street banks are heavily invested in Russian debt. Expect a huge, Fed bailout of them shortly, because they are “too big to fail.” Since the system will collapse without a continuous exponential increase in global debt, the marking of Russian collateral to zero plus the initiation of a new cold war with a massive new arms race, obviously needed as an emergency (/s), will give the central banks the pretext to print trillions out of thin air to lend to national and supranational governments. When they own everything, they will pull the plug to the hyper-bubble bathtub, and we will see a fiscal implosion that will shake your teeth. Will make 2008 look like a sunny, Sunday walk in the park holding a Brandon ice cream cone. Try to prepare, as much as one can.

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I just had time to watch the Jones/Dowd interview. In certain respects it was the most powerful interview Dowd had done to date. As the incriminating evidence mounts, that this wasn't just greed inspired but actually satanic in scope, he is pulling fewer and fewer punches. And Jones did a credible job as an interviewer and didn't get in the way.

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Obviously the morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) statistics for the jab are vastly under reported. It is probably more than likely that at least 500,000 deaths have resulted already, and more will tally in as the adaptive immune systems fail in many of these people who were jabbed. This will be a slow death factor which will often go ignored or unreported as another cause over time.

But keep this in mind. There could be as many as 20,000 different medical experiments going on and each could have a saline placebo arm. This is NOT binary, as in JAB vs NO JAB. It shouldn't surprise us to see people who took both initial doses (both placebo controls) very healthy in the next five years, and there will be a multitude of different effects.: (as listed in the Pfizer data dump recently revealed).

Now at the end of this interview, Dowd makes another point concerning what Black Rock and the massive hedge fund privateers have planned. Dowd originally was profiling long-term strategies for Black Rock / Vanguard etc. which have a huge incentive in the mortgage/ housing markets. Black Rock and their ilk, have been artificially pumping up the housing and property markets recently with plans to buy MASSIVE amounts of property as these markets collapse and people are forced into foreclosures. They are already buying large swaths of real estate and virtually entire subdivisions to hold as rental properties with outrageous rents.

I think we can see the CRASH coming and who will benefit from it. The same people (Black Rock) who pumped and dumped Moderna and Pfizer, and who will take over foreclosure notes like they did in 2008. Massive numbers of Americans (and in other places) are about to become very ill, homeless and without jobs or any remedies.

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And/or massive numbers will also continuing counted among the dead, from covid, if not from the vax; remember, Hospitals do not get massive bonuses if you don't die there of covid, and which they can legally put on any death certificate they choose.

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Here are the total deaths I get - from all causes in all US states - from 2018 through 2021, age range 20-44 only:

2018 118706

2019 120440

2020 150993

2021 172214

Those are just raw numbers, all causes of death in the US.

I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but skeptics should note that Mr. Dowd has appeared on other shows with the same findings. Evaluate the message, not the messenger.

His claims fit with my high-level look at the CDC data shown above.

If anyone wants to go digging, here's your starting point:


Having a data/analytics background is very helpful in order to navigate the system and work with the data.

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We are being set up, preprogrammed, for a huge false flag in Ukraine and it will probably occur this month. It will be orchestrated by the CIA on instruction from the central bankers. Unlike most of the false flags in Syria, where the videos of victims were primarily crude staged hoaxes, and the objective was a pretext to unleash a series of cruise missiles against the people of Damascus, the coming false flag will be huge and the victims will be real. The western corporate media will inundate us with videos of dead people and people in agony. Dead and dying children will be front stage. You will be warned that the videos are not suitable for children, but the media whores really hope the children will see them so they will become as deranged with misdirected anger and hatred as their parents. The objective is to expand the war in Ukraine which is, at this moment, a proxy war between Russia and NATO and way to small. They must have the war vastly expanded in order to produce the fear and stupidity to allow the central banks to bring in debt from the future in unimaginable amounts to keep the financial machine running for a few more months before they pull the plug and we enter the Hunger Games,

Putin will be the culprit blamed for this horrendous act. He is to become our Emmanuel Goldstein (1984). Not that he isn’t a thug as James Corbett recently pointed out, though a shrewder thug than most of the other national leaders who are not the sharpest knives in the rack. Except perhaps Biden, who is below thug, and just a demented two bit grifter who collects his 10 percent. I doubt the false flag will be nuclear. Our Overlords do not want to wreck all the valuable stuff. They just want to own it all and get rid of us through other, more traditional means. They will use the coming famine which also leads to real plague through malnutrition, not the covid hoax plague, to accomplish this. I suspect it will be chemical. Bioweapons tend to be a little too slow and mind control results are wanted muy pronto. It will probably work. HL Mencken hit the nail on the head when he wrote that no one ever lost a buck underestimating the stupidity of the American people. Just look at the Cult Covidians. But for those who can maintain a clear head, the first question to ask when a potential false flag, or any crime for that matter, is perpetrated is, Cui Bono? Who benefits? And just remember that all wars are bankers’ wars.

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Sorry, Celia, I cannot in good conscience follow that one. No doubt he has much truth to reveal. So why is he tarnishing that with dubious characters like mr. jones? Yes, Jones can also at times reveal the truth. So can NYT. That does not make them exemplary characters.

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Would you care to understand the basis for The unwillingness to take the vaccine?

I will tell: an understanding of the premise - of how this new technology works.

I guarantee you , that if a doctor took the time to explain to you - the mechanism of this vaccine - and if they didn't stop until you completely understood it , understood what it was gonna do you - what mRNA is, what the genetic instructions were- that you would've never, ever- ever, let them inject it into your veins.

The most dangerous part of the virus is the spike protein ;


You know the graphic you've been staring at for nearly 3 years ? the graphic depiction of a coronavirus , with all the spikes on the surface , the scary graphic that Was shoved in your face day after day after day after day after morning after morning after afternoon after afternoon ; The graphic that manipulated you into wearing a mask and washing your hands and staying away from people? that spiky virus? this vaccine makes you make those spikes -

inside of you.

Did your doctor explain that to you?

Did the nurse that jabbed the needle into your arm explain that to you?

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Well, my experience with people like that (though, admittedly, it's limited) is that they hide while they're being "shot at," but quickly come out of the bushes again (it's how predators behave, that is).

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I'm sorry I have to put it like this, but this is old news. For instance, in Europe the official Euromomo site showed clearly from months ago the excess deaths at continental and country level, for each age bracket. People and authorities only had to look at it. And yes, the excess death is clearly starting from the 15-44 years old range.

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After 2 years of reported tens of thousands of deaths and disabilities from these vials of death vax and boosters many are still standing in line. Even after numerous experts and articles exposed the side effects and death attributed to these vials of death. This is why our government continues to disrespect the Constitution. Vaxs are slowing so inflation fills the profit gap. Nothing changes until you do something they notice, become a aware of and fear.

Now, we have a evil psycho tyrant, Putin, by force, by invasion, deciding to correct a neighboring country's, Ukraine, politics and independence. And threatens others countries to control their decisions for security. It never stops until WE STAND UNITED!!!

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At one point we had to search long and hard to find truthful information about the deadly shots and the medical tyranny we are experiencing. That paucity of information is turning into a flood of adverse information. Wonder how long they can ignore it; perhaps forever.

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