This is unbelievable. I've worked in industry all my life and I just can't believe what they did there. In the old days people did stuff like that, burn or spill toxic waste, a quick fix. You don't do that anymore, you get fired - IMMEDIATELY, likely a giant fine for you and your employer, and likely go to jail. This is just crazy. You NEVER burn toxic spills. First thing is always containment, pump into hazardous waste barrels or a tanker trucks for proper disposal. What can't be pumped must be trenched and then pumped or absorbed with special fabrics and then binned for safe disposal at an approved facility. And everything else must be localized with containment dikes. These cowboys broke every rule in the book.

Burning just takes a basic chemical, like vinyl chloride and changes it into a dozen or more worse toxins which then rain down over a wide area. It's in the nature of the carbon double bond. No reputable hazardous waste expert would even consider that option. Who is this corrupt Republican Governor? RINO/UNI-Party? Where's the EPA? Where's the chemical sample analysis, it doesn't take weeks, should be available in days.

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I know for a fact that the state environmental agency NORMALLY, back in the day, would have been out there THAT day to assess the situation. Cleanup would have been started the next day. The dirt would have been removed AND tested by one, if not more, accredited laboratories with results due at soonest possible. (Remember there are some tests that, with prep, can take a few days.) The results would have been supplied verbally and upon completion of the project supplied with copies of the raw data, testing, and preparation, to the company in charge of the remediation.

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Meh, that all seems to be irrelevant now. This is war.

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Yeah! Good comment on the Ohio governor ... RINO/UNI-Party! Another 'in on it' Woke Fake Conservative type. And a bit like my Virginia RINO governor, Mr. Carlyle Group, CFR.

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You seem to be assuming that East Palestine was not a deliberate act with intent to harm. Maybe that's the reason you're puzzled/confused?

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I ain't puzzled and I ain't confused. I'm pointing out the facts of modern industrial hazardous waste procedures. Getting into motivations, I'm well aware of what you are saying, I'll leave that for the reader to go down the rabbit hole. Think about the Las Vegas massacre. Think about who is running America.

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No need to go down the rabbit hole on this one: there’s just no other explanation for what they are doing to East Palestine except that it’s intentional.

There’s just no other answer.

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Going down the rabbit hole is believing that it was intentional.

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I'm not joining in your rabbit hole :-/ You will need to show evidence of willful and intentional harm to mankind that was planned by one man or by a collective of authorities and that would take a trial to bring it into the open. If anything its the love of money to get the railroad line opened up quickly and they made a mind-bending catastrophic industrial decision.

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Nice fantasy, the entire collective World can't even get them to investigate the origins of Covid-19, in spite of it costing the World economy $40T and killing 7M (and far, far more considering the vaccine & economic destruction effects. An obvious bioengineered bioweapon. Mums the Word. Zero prosecutions or even curtailment of that dangerous biowarfare mad scientist insanity.

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SFS, i would recommend spending some time in the bible. everything is going to collapse as we near the return of Jesus Christ. Deception is going to be paramount as mankind has chosen what side of eternity where they want to spend where much of the world is turning away from God and his laws and grace. We have entered into a time period of deception increasing exponentially as the bible predicts with increasing natural disasters and genocidal wars occuring. God bless SFS.

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I got a big problem with people who believe being a good Christian is sitting on their hands letting EVIL triumph while chanting: "Jesus is coming and will save us all". You ever hear the phrase "The Lord helps those who help themselves". And I see that as referring to the collective.

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Syd, think about what you are saying: ('I am going to kill thousands of people and poison the entire Ohio valley permanently'). Really? How many people do you know that are willing to do this?

And to be clear, so that you know, I am willing to believe the perpetrator of the covxx was willing to do this intentionally and not some kind of irrational scientific blunder. Covxx is in a league by itself and is the responsibility of a super malevalient evil person (or CCP communists) that has executed this plan with clear intentionality to kill off the worlds peoples and then to take over planetary resources (as in invade and conquer Australia and the United States).

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Are you kidding me? Our own politicians, paid by us, supposedly responsible directly to us are killing 10's of millions of our own citizens, trashing the economy, provoking endless wars killing millions and costing >$10T. They deliberately created massive inflation, are right now collapsing our economy, destroying our energy infrastructure. Energy is the life-blood of any economy. Lose that, it ALL falls down. I happen to know a lot about this. They are using a phoney climate change narrative to advance an energy/food supply agenda that I can guarantee you without a shadow of a doubt will kill billions. It is utter insanity. OUR OWN POLITICIANS.

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consider all of these technicians and middle management staff who 'decided' to do this burn have likely all been vxxed 3-4-5-6 times. We know the spike goes to the brain and causes people to experience all kind of brain fog and confusion and shortages of oxygen to their brain. I honestly am not willing to entertain it was intentional malfeasance ('lets kill thousands of people and poison the entire Ohio valley permanently') but rather brain dementia and lack of clearness of thinking. And if thats not acceptable to you, just realize industrial bad decisions are made every day around the world, from Chernobyl to Bhophal, India (500k injured in gas leak), the Boeing 737 Max software glitch killing hundreds, to launching the space shuttle in super cold weather resulting in the deaths of 7 astronauts. This accident was not intentional.

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Below is my general view of where we are. And it is not sanguine. And given the existential threat posed by my enemies, I am not apt to be too forgiving in the excuses department. And by the way, it doesn't have to be "('lets kill thousands of people and poison the entire Ohio valley permanently')". It can be all kinds of things in all kinds of admixture of murder, mayhem, panic and fear in order to destabilize what's left of the existing order and replace it with the Totalitarian Nightmare rule by lawlessness.

(the below as left in Comments on another Substack)

It appears to me that a 5th Generation civil war is ongoing in the United States ... and now for a very long time. Moreover, it is clear that the peoples of the many several countries of the Collective West have been and are being viciously attacked across almost any spectrum of societal organization one may care to think of. A Super Agency, composed of central banking interest, embedded parts of the various governments (CIA, FBI, DoD/intelligence - DARPA, JoJ -- Five Eyes), international agencies (US control UN and it agencies/NGOs, WEF, etc.,) and much more is orchestrating this ruination of the West. The aim of the orchestrators is to implement a total Techno-Tyranny administration of rule.

Such groups like BLM and ANTIFA are well-funded front shock troops doing the same kind of work as US sponsored Color Revolutions do in overthrowing legitimate governments in foreign lands, including the Ukraine. Communists/Marxists always use murder, mayhem, engineered attacks on people, infrastructure and institutions to undermine, disrupt and dismantle 'the existing order' in order to move in and seize total control. Once in, these people liquidate anything which stands in their way or has in the past obstructed their rise to power. 'The existing order' is in ditto marks because what's left of 'the existing order' is paper thin. We are on the edge of a horrible Dark Night. And make no mistake, no mercy will be shown to us. Therefore, we must prevail.

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Dave, your right. but I would clarity the enemy. Its the CCP that seeks to overthrow the United States of America. Sure the democratic party has become a totalitarian nitemare regime, but its because it was the target of Russian communist infiltration as defectors and other communist watchers have explored. All of the best of the best institutions of America have been taken over by a spirit of authoritarianism and the monoparty. The fasces on the side of lecturn in the US capital has been taken over by real totalitarians.

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Hi Arnold ...

I cannot argue against shadows dancing across the curtain which conceals the real power. Just cannot do it.

As to the CCP, the Communist Party of China knows that the US controlled Five Eyes/NATO Empire is in the process of destroying itself. Why interfere? Why not just sit back and enjoy the show? Meanwhile, China has secured access to all needed commodities, is the Workshop of the World and has large reserves of gold. Regarding Russia, Russia is now the holder of the strongest currency in the world, the Russian ruble ... and the Geniuses in the West are dumbfounded as to how this could have happened.

Here are two very valuable video presentations. This is how the Western controlled monetary power really works, has been acting. The rest of the world has had a belly full of the West, its Central Bank Tyranny ... and now are decoupling, de-leveraging themselves from the USD world reserve standard:



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You are right on the money. These Western Bankster elites don't own China or Russia, they want to own both and thus own the entire World. What they do LOVE about China (and have said so many times) is the Totalitarian oppressive government complete with their techno-feudal Social Credit system of total control and monitoring of the population (serfs or slaves if you like) and total media censorship. They want to bring that to us and are progressing in leaps and bounds.

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Yes, I think you are right. From the beginning, the Cretin Money Overlords of the West thought they could financially induce the Chinese into 'their camp.' I saw all of this delusional talk back in the Nixon years with the glorious Opening Up of China claptrap. Well now! The Chinese surely played them like a harp, out-mastering the Money Masters. The Chinese built up China on debt money with China knowing that the debt instruments (US Treasuries) could go up in smoke, but real things like industrial capacity endure.

To this day, China cannot believe that the West would build up China and gut their own industrial capacity. But money creates a blindness and a separation from reality, and from real things. A love of money will cause the money obsessed to burn down their own house ... and not have a clue as to how this all could happen.

And the same people are now busy bees in beating and scourging their own populations with multi-spectrum 5th Generational Warfare including the Kill Jabs? So! How do the Cretins Demons thinks this is going to play out. Any better!

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Actually Bhopal was intentional, some a-hole with an axe to grind. TMI also intentional. These things don't play out the way you are assuming. It is just like the gargantuan murderous covid plandemic and pseudo-vaccine assault on humanity. A gang at the very top planned it out and directed the operation. But people below it just got bribed or threatened to be obedient while being told incessantly by the media that it is all pure goodness. I know even some very anti-establishment types took the bribe money to cooperate on the evil plandemic scam. Sad fact is most people just shrug their shoulders and "go with the flow" when they get paid to do it.

More likely the derailment was just another screwup due to decaying infrastructure (what happened to all those 100's of $billions to be spent on infrastructure improvement?). After it happened someone in the top echelons of the ruling Psychopath Parasites decided it would be a good event to see how far they can manipulate the system to self-destruction. War-gaming type of Psyop. While killing/sickening lots of Trump supporters which they love to do, as a bonus. They are Psychopaths. They did 9/11. They are killing a million in Ukraine. Provoking global nuclear war. Pure evil. Don't ever forget that.

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SFS, agreed Bhopal looks like it could have been an intentional sabotage (or pure stupidity) but that does not mean the perp desired or intended to kill off 10,000 souls--big difference. Likely just simple revenge to get back at the company but the unintended consequences took over just as it did with the stupidity and arrogance of Chernobyl test and the driving of the Titanic at full speed into a field of icebergs on a night where there was no moon.

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Just listen to what their spokespeople/minions have said:

Former director of the Club-of-Rome, Dennis Meadows:

" Depopulation: "I Hope It Can Occur In a Civil Manner"

"The World can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion"

" I know in one way or another it's going to come back down so i don't hope to avoid that, I hope that it can occur in a civil way "

(i.e. Plandemic and deadly forced vaccines, energy & food poverty)

From THE GLOBAL REVOLUTION by The Club of Rome 1991 "Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified."[2] "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."[3]

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"

Paul Warburg, the International Banker testifying to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager

" A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environ­ment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation "

John Holdren Obama Science Czar

"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."

Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

"All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

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Beauty of a comment.

Where’s your substack, I can’t pay but I’d like

to follow …

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SWS, these are evil people bent on destroying God's creation. they are radical environmentalists--and to them Mankind is a scourge. they are Malthusian and Satanists. Fortunately they are limited in number so I have my doubts that the guy who authorized setting fire to a million gallons of VC is of that mindset. BUT the problem is their ideology has infected mainstream politicians and corporate leaders so that what was once limited to a real fringe lunatic sector is now spreading their insanity to mainstream academia...its like a cult. Indeed we are seeing the hatred of humanity spread like a cancer. This is why Green New Deal and the likes of this must be exposed for what it is--a malthusian depopulation tactic.

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They ain't environmentalists. They could care less about the environment. They just use it as a convenient excuse to beat people down. They are pushing for nuclear war, sure they care about the environment. These are the leaders of the Western World, they give orders to the Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg types. What they want is a World Totalitarian techno-feudal Dictatorship.

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There’s video of flames under the rail cars.

Maybe no one said lets kill them all, but who exactly said “We must save them?” ….anyone?…yet..?

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Here is a copy of a text sent to me by my cousin. David is our cousin and he is a retired VP from a company that makes lubricants.

“David is a chemical engineer familiar with PVC. He insists that all they needed to do was keep the car cool by spraying it with water. The contents were going through a reaction that would have resulted in hardened plastic. Then simply dispose of the train car. Blowing it was the worst possible thing to do.

There is a national number to call for any chemical event, staffed by experts. They never called.”

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thank you

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The globalist takedown.wants to create the deceit that the area is poisoned so this Amish + farm land can be confiscated 💀

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Everyone needs to be ushered (forced) into "Smart Cities"

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I would believe that.

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My thoughts exactly. And don't forget the oil and gas wells.

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The EPA tested all the wells and said the water is fine. OMFG are you kidding me? Safe and Effective, along with all the other lies the last 3 years and you think Ill believe ANYTHING YOU SAY???

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And we ain't seen nuthin' yet. They are just getting started. Notice the lack of backlash. I feel for anyone who is working to unravel everything about this crash and hope they watch their backs.

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I highly recommend everyone visit the following websites: 1. Sierra Club, 2. Greenpeace, 3. World Wildlife Foundation, 4. National Wildlife Federation. What do you see? Answer...Nothing! God has been running an experiment over the last 6 years. Who are legitimate? Who are frauds?

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Erin Brokovich will be speaking tonight--this just in from EC

Good afternoon. I am planning a new edition of Planet Waves FM for tonight. The program usually posts well ahead of its scheduled 10 pm time. There is a town hall meeting in East Palestine tonight where Erin Brokovich is expected to be speaking. We will be listening carefully for any mention of the word “dioxin” from the podium. I contacted her and asked her to say the words “split sampling,” which is the only legitimate form of testing. The samples must all go to two unconnected labs under different contracts, and a third set of samples kept.

Anyone with the least conflict of interest must get out of the way and off of this case. I will say that again: anyone with any conflict of interest must declare the issue, and be OVER AND OUT.

That includes Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who has reportedly received campaign donations from Norfolk Southern, the railroad responsible for this wreck and the recommending that five carloads of vinyl chloride be dumped and burned. DeWine went ahead and did it, agains all sanity, reason, or precaution for the safety of his apparent royal subjects. In allowing the decision to dump and burn, be has demonstrated his rank incompetence. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine toasts and drinks tap water with EPA administrator Michael S. Regan nearby. This is a standard ritual after a contamination release, right out of the government’s minimize/coverup playbook.

Important Dioxin Resources I have prepared two resources that are making the rounds: an easy-to-follow dioxin overview that has been read by nearly 70,000 people, and a resource for journalists and citizens that provides articles and documents going back to the behind-the-scenes discovery of dioxin by Monsanto Co. in 1956.

I will be reading from that document tonight. Monsanto admits the history back to the 1930s and acknowledges that it knew its chemical processes were contaminated and constituted the risk of chemical release to the environment.

The first press conference at SUNY New Paltz on Dec. 30, 1991, one day after the dioxin and PCB release in dormitories, a theater and a science building. The man in the gray coat is Dr Peter Haughton, the campus physician. He alone seems to understand the gravity of the situation.

Focus on Dioxin Testing and Evacuation

Many people are contacting me with proposed remedies for dioxin exposure. This is not the time to be putting that out front; the words “dioxin” and “evacuation” are what must get the focus. Nobody should be within a few miles of ground zero without full environmental protection.

Public officials responsible for ensuring public safety go white at the mere mention of dioxin. There is a good reason: the moment there is one single positive test result, the discussion shifts to getting the people out. Under the precautionary principle, this must be done immediately.

Otherwise, pregnant women, people’s children and pets will be used as “laboratory animals,” finally sending the message of the seriousness of the problem.

Hazmat workers clean up dioxin outside Bliss Residence Hall, a girls dorm where a PCB explosion created high levels of dioxin in 1991. This is the proper attire for anywhere near ground zero. Photo by Eric/SLNS.

A $50 Million Cleanup of Six Buildings in the 1990s

I know from personal experience what it’s like to have a dioxin release in my community: terrifying and enraging, in a way that is insidious due to the invisible nature of the toxins. This is compounded by the endless gaslighting of public officials, who show up, tell everyone how safe it is, have a sip of tap water, shake a few hands, and move on.

Part of my experience was engaging public officials throughout the New York State Government in the process of forcing them to test for the right contaminants in the right places. Here is my first article from that era. The editorial on the last page is the most memorable piece of writing.

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Did the Ohio governor decide to burn the vinyl chloride on his own? Did he get any advice from a scientist?

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Someone commented on Greg Reese’s video, “Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck,” that, “If Erin Brockovich shows up to comment on your catastrophe, then you know you’re f*cked.” And that couldn’t be more true! Someone needs to start a GoFundMe to get all those people out of that town asap and set up elsewhere. I fear they’re all going to be rounded up by the “government” and herded into a 15 minute city

Also, I would never trust any testing done by the EPA at this point, or any other 3 letter agency, for that matter.

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the epa is corrupted- eric did recommend that erin speak- to get media attention- he also said he will be watching closely to make sure she does address the real issues- let's see what unfolds tonight-

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I would not believe anything Erin Brokovich says on this disaster. She is just being paraded on the news because of her fame, she was probably paid to appear. A more honest "news" presentation/analysis would have included an EPA representative, even the janitor.

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I would believe Erin over any government agency or any person in government any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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the epa will never tell the truth- never- it is a captured agency- like the CDC, the US congress, the FDA- all of it- To get us ready for the plandemic, the bad guys put all their people in place in high positions-- check out the Plandemic movie- on solari.com to see the whole set up- well documented-

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Agree with your judgment of the EPA. Today I read a news article saying all the fish in Michigan rivers contain the "forever chemicals", the PFAs. Surely that situation has been growing for years, and without the notice of the EPA.

I'm willing to bet the EPA will be surprised in a few months to discover the likes of dioxin in the Mississippi River, of which the Ohio River is a tributary. Well, maybe not surprised as that would have required they actually monitor the river. Someone else will discover it.

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You’re 100% correct Valerie! I think the true, legitimate USA has been gone for a century +.

And it’s been hard for me to come to terms with this. But, I’m not in denial. I’m, “Now what do we do?”

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Anybody remember Christine Todd Whitman? She was the EPA official at 9/11/01 Ground Zero early in the cleanup operation. Her infamous quote: “THE AIR IS SAFE TO BREATHE.”

21 years later the death count continues to mount for first responders.

Brockovich acts as if that never happened. Why is she surprised by anything the EPA does?🤔

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I listened to the Fox things ... and I had to wonder if Brockovich is for real ... or maybe living in another time warp?

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Anyone with a large platform not telling the whole truth is bought and is a complete lying ass....

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I hope Erin Brockovich and others advocating for the residents of East Palestine encourage testing (as described by Mike Adams) for dioxin:


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That video of the roll is unfnbelievable. So they think on it for a bit, then torch it. Facts be damned. When I see this, I want to torch every MBA school who taught these cold mfs these kinds of priorities. Disgusting isn’t strong enough a description.

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had to destroy the contents , phosgene gas earmarked for false flag on western ukraine and poland! no trace of crimes against humanity here

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You're watching movie footage.

Erin is an actress.

Read Miles Mathis on this hoax.

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I am so confused right now... is this story being used to cover up for Ukraine, or is Ukraine being used to cover up for this story?

In terms of damage to the American people, this is clearly worse.

But in terms of damage to economic interests, I'm not sure which is worse.

Is everything that we see happening just the consequences of a war between families of power whose names no one knows?

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what is important for these deranged ones- is to create total chaos and interruption in our lives on every level- if you haven't watched Naomi Wolf's- 'The End of America'- where she outlines what the US has done in every invaded country- where she says- they are targeting us now- the time is now to watch it.

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and the hazardous material is being shipped to Texas (1300 miles away) for disposal.

Why? There are several hazardous material sites in Ohio! Why is the federal government putting more lives at risk transporting the hazardous material across multiple states?

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and they sent all the cargo ships from the WTC to China to be disposed of- that's how they do it.

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The hazardous material sent to Texas by the NTSB is being sent for analysis.

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