LOL! one guy had a sign with "FREXIT!"

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they are from a political party called “the patriots “, they want to leave EU. Just like the Brits did. Brexit..Frexit..

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More & more people worldwide are waking up & are fed up with the Deep State running things & are saying NO MORE!

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While the protesters are at it they should also be demanding Ursula give back the millions she lavished on Bourla and Pfizer for the secret "vaccines" deal they continue to hide from public scrutiny. The woman's a criminal.

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that’s exactly why she was chosen. She is a criminal and capable of unethical acts. When I think that this woman has 7 children I wonder what kind of love they get from her. She’s no empathy.

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Who voted for Ursula? Nobody.

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Link works for me, and there's a date at the bottom right corner of the video that says Oct 28, 2024, so presumably that was the date the demonstration occurred? Too bad it's a bit old, but still good to see!

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Interesting that the video dates back to 10/24. The French have been against aid to Ukraine for quite a while.

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8 mars they had one more demonstration. I thought the video was from that day? 🤔

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Whatever the date, the more people in the streets protesting, how are govts going to get people to fight in their wars

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to me it seems the EU just sort of showed up long ago and assumed power..... become the govt backed by big money and controlthe lives of millions

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yes, the wolf in sheep skin..

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More and more am convinced that the war in Ukraine was engineered to hoover all those billions. Main goal. Well oiled well planned well played . ( Even hired a professional actor for the Play. )

Ukraine is in the hands of Zionists bi-nationals in Israel too.

They have stronger bonds with Israel than Ukraine. They just plunder Ukraine. Laying hands on the assets as they’re Masters in robbery.They are NOT patriotic.

Have you read the EU rapport on corruption in Ukraine? So many billions disappear every year. But we continue sending them billions. How F* strange! 🤦‍♀️

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Sure, but Ursula is a psychopath perverse narcissist . What do those do? They ignore you.

They give you the silent treatment.

And just carry on like if you didn’t exist. Like if you were nothing, just air.

And they were from some superior race.

We , the europeans, are actually directly paying her wages.

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This is exciting news. Thank you for sharing. Seems the MSM wants to keep this on the down low.

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Seems to be 28 October 2024 (I could open it). No MSM will cover these protests, I guess. Thanks for posting.

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Thanks for showing this. Do you know that in France, most people don't have a clue this is going on because the media doesn't show anything that would displease Jupiter (Macron's nickname) or the Hyena (Van der Leyen).

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This one works!

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How much of the sinecure global orchestration was co-opted through intentional playing off of the widest extent of eurasian intelligence wirecard 'demise'' ?


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Yes, the X was available. It must have been fairly recent since Ursula von der Lyden (sp?) just spoke about supporting Ukraine recently.

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The Un- elected EU, American Run NATO are part of the "Rule-Based Order". The American (We-

-Rule-the-World) Empire. EU/NATO have just Cancelled the Democratic Election in Romania, because the "Wrong" Candidate Won. Who didn`t want a Gigantic Anti-Russian NATO Base in his Country. Romania is Sovereign State ; part of NATO and the EU. It`s People don`t want to be Ruled

From Brussels and Washington.

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