Sorry about that abrupt ending, to such a warm and connected 7.5 hour discussion.
We are reconvening April 8, at 6 pm (not 4:30 pm.)
I hope everybody comes back and trusts that we are learning as we go.
Bryan, and Siobhan will moderate and I will consider all the feedback today and adjust here and there.
We would not be family if we didn’t occasionally clash a little, right?
Well—we would be a WASP family, maybe.
See you Monday, 6 pm.
What a beautiful picture accompanying your brief article.
One thing I've noticed, the picture of a home with interior lights at twilight (about a half hour after sundown) is one of the most comforting images possible. It is like an invitation to come in out of the cold and dark and pull up a chair around the hearth (el hogar) and share conviviality. Deeply comforting and human.
Thanks for all that you do. I usually am not available on Saturdays, but Monday should work. I am excited about these meetings. We so much need to support each other these days.