It’s more obvious now than ever that we are at war - one started by the government and their communist overlords against we the people. Let’s just hope the Jan 6 revelations just exposed along with everything else coming out will finally crack this satanic spell that’s been cast to so many of us asleep and compliant while these bastards take a massive dump on our God given freedom.
It was Dr Eric Naputi that I learned of health benefits of having sufficent D3 and Zinc. This is absolutely shocking and I hope he comes through this and all the corrupt people get their just desserts.
Even the lying sack of shit Fauci said he took Vitamin D to protect himself from viral infections when asked a while back. In the Scandinavian countries where sunlight is a premium in the Winter months, D is a staple given out freely to everyone.
I’ve mentioned this often in the past few years when attempting to make some sense about the ignorance and arrogance I see. When I was 16, I stepped into a hotel elevator alone with Rod Serling. Couldn’t resist it so I asked him if the Twilight Zone is real. He took drag off his cigarette and smiled as he nodded his head. It took me a long time see it.
Many who actually committed crimes have never been charged or arrested, yet many who did nothing have been and sit in jail still awaiting DUE PROCESS. Their treatment is closetr to Guantanamo in many cases.
Will we see justice for them, will they?
Will Congress take action?
Action would have to go against many in Congress, those in Administrative leadership roles in the Capitol Police, and FBI, CIA, and across the DS and Intelligence agencies, not to mention some in the Biden Administration, and let's not leave out the MSM who participated unequivocally.
Bottom line People need to be held accountable, however COVID actually still takes precedent in accountability, but these individuals could and should be released NOW on their own cognizance WITHOUT BAIL like real criminals have been allowed unrestricted.
It's all one horrifying nightmare. However, we now have an unofficial army willing to fight the oppressors. That's not nothing. I love Ivor, btw, and am thankful for Tucker's reports no matter how many people scream that he's controlled oppo.
Sorry to go OT but a FB friend noticed we were FB friends and messaged me to ask if I would contact you regarding a book signing at his store in Chicago. He messaged you but wanted to make sure you got it. I will DM you on FB now. ox
Nothing new under the sun with Dr. Nepute; the roots of evil are decades long. If you look into the Texas experience of Dr. Burzynski with his unique cancer cure, the same under-the-color-of-law gangsters were at it then. Contemporaneous with the AIDS affair, I believe. It all must burn.
Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
Will the criminal cabal of DC face justice?
Will there be reparations for those wrongfully imprisoned?
Is this all just another distraction - like the Hancock WhatsAppGate IM's and the 'Lab Leak' Overton Window shift - to keep us from looking at the famine bearing down on our species and the eco-terrorism polluting our countries? Or MRNA jabs for cattle. On the Smart Cities about to go live then spread like a cancer around the world. Or the fact developed western nations are banning chemical fertilizers. It worked so well in Sri Lanka that the policy has migrated to Western Europe!
The Monster is Monstering on. Without pause. Without remorse. It has killed millions and it is hungry for more.
There is enough dirty laundry in DC alone to keep us distracted for the next decade. They just have to play for time - while playing the media like the owned puppets they are - and they will win.
And that is where the compounded lack of reckoning takes us. Decades of naked criminality has normalised the current democide.
Good analysis - and the unfortunate reality is that the masses would rather go on believing the original BS story rather than admit they were wrong and look what’s actually happening. The fact that they even let this air on FOX shows confident they are in the idiocy of America.
Looks like another limited hangout. Notice Tucker doesn’t go further & point out that all the thuggish vandals were feds which there is plenty of evidence to prove. The whole thing was just another false flag. Nothing the screen presents to us is real & that will never change. We just need to switch it off or at a bare minimum just look at it dispassionately and laugh at the absurdity of it all
As one who told forbidden stories originally from inside big media (if you can believe that) please believe me when I say Tucker is doing 1000% what he can and because he brings in so much $$ he has more leverage otherwise he would have 0.000 leverage. Imagine this hells cape without him. I think he's doing a miraculous job. Just pray for him. Limited hangout is a convenient myth for people who (not you Deenzy) who are hard to please. People all over cry out "limited hangout!" and or "controlled opposition!" Never does anybody consider HOW HARD it is to get anything across the truth line in any kind of "official" (corporate) media. Pray for Tucker and his family. He seems ok.
Thank you for saying this!! I feel the same and have been speechless at times by what Tucker manages to get put out there for all to see. Definitely praying for him 🙏🏻♥️
Yes, indeed, having been in such positions at various times myself & knowing the limitations, one does what one can & Tucker does a lot more than most, he does seem to stretch that very firm line as far as it can possibly go...
Saw Tucker interviewed on Dave Rubin pre-plandemic and was amazed that he stated he had complete freedom to do what he wanted on the show (well, at least a lot of freedom) and I suppose because he's the one who brings in the ratings he's still there. Another interesting tidbit in a later interview w/ Rubin is that he grew up without a TV in his home and he still does not own a television.
There is no such thing as complete freedom in the MSM. Self-censorship is their favorite way of censoring. You start out in that eco-system as a young intern and soon you learn what is permissible and what isn't. So many shows that crossed that line only to have their shows cancelled, in spite of being very popular. I could give you a long list.
Yes, I know. Those, or something like that, were the words he used, though it was clearly an exaggeration. However, he clearly has a lot of leash and he does utilize the freedom he has.
I certainly would not accuse Carlson of being anything but completely sincere. But the video has to come from somewhere — what’s missing from it?
The “Twaddle files” are an interesting case in point: curated and released through presumably independent intermediaries, yet it’s hard to believe that what’s been released to those intermediaries has not been manipulated or censored beforehand to avoid disclosure of even worse crimes. In fact, it’s well known that that was happening. What became of Musk’s declaration that there was damning information on “America’s Doctor”? Still waiting…
How do we know that complete disclosure has been made to Carlson? We don’t. Thus, suspicion is warranted.
There isn't complete disclosure, never was and never will be. Tucker is doing the best he can and so is Musk. Be thankful for the little bit of truthful information we do get. They already destroyed ~$300B of Musk's wealth by coordinated dumping of Tesla shares because he was a bad boy and didn't support the Davos narrative.
They've done this before, look up Saul Steinberg when he had the audacity to try and buy a Rockefeller controlled bank. Leasco stock rose >5000% in 4yrs, dropped 25% in 2 weeks after his Chemical Bank takeover attempt, and fell another 87% in 17months. After the disaster he made the now famous quote:
" I always knew there was an establishment, I just thought I was apart of it".
I’d also add that we have no idea who if anyone is in prison. The shaman guy was obv part of the psyop so if he is in “prison” as part of his role then I’m sure he is being well looked after & it will end up being worthwhile for him financially
We will never know what’s real / true. It’s literally impossible to verify anything the screen presents to us. With deep fake / Ai it’s only going to get worse. The screen wants our attention & energy, I’d suggest we stop freely giving it
It was already bad what they did to the gitmo prisoners, and they are not citizens of the US.
Twenty years ago, the people who fight for civil and human rights warned eveyrone: they start doing that for foreigners, they will progress to do it to citizens.
I'm sure everyone is aware of Julie Kelly's reporting. The prisoners are very real & it is an abomination what they've been put through, including the suicide of one who simply couldn't bear it...
thank you for this -- if one is human then there are no foreigners are there ?
cc. Guantanamo, prisoners suffered so, they quit eating, preferring to die; whereupon they were force-fed, by a means so painful that when André Conteris submitted himself to the procedure in public ( in front of the White House ), he could not withstand it and had to ask the person administering the procedure to cease
the twice-foreign Julian Assange too is being persecuted, in large part for having realized how through media integrity such as being shown by Tucker Carlson, with citation of source material, we could experience a peaceful world: for this he is now in his fifth year in the UK's Guantanamo, without any legal jurisdiction keeping him there, or any "protection"provided him except to ensure he cannot commit suicide
He's probably doing it in increments. While he can be fairly limited hangout, he also has done some ground-breaking stuff (like having the Bidens' ex-business partner on, attesting to their Ukraine dealings).
let's remember, as Tucker Carlson noted, "no matter what you think of him," it's thanks to Kevin McCarthy who as Speaker of the House had the authority to do so, that the tapes Nancy Pelosi had kept sequestered, have been released
Why does this make me so angry and ashamed of the people in the country I live in?? This shit show facade has been going on throughout my life and years before. But still it’s just so damned hard to fathom that people could be so cruel, so evil, so foolish, and so fucking asleep!
This is so true—this has been going on for a very log time but its something about the way Brandon & Co are doing it that, because it's so outrageous & overt, is meant to make our blood boil. It's quite a trick at which they are most adept...
The handling of the J6 defendants is dramatically changing the deteriorating landscape of judicial rights for them and future political prisoners of any political persuasion.
The entire shit-show, orchestrated by the deep state, was in order to distract from the evidence being brought in the case for a stolen/fraudulent presidential election. That is the session that was disturbed and ended by the fake "insurrection", and the congresscritters who were actually going to bring up evidence for election fraud and tampering were too afraid to come forward that day, and switched their positions. Mission accomplished.
Video of police letting protesters in has been circulating for at least a year now (why are they emerging now? Do we suppose that no one alerted Carlson to this earlier???) There are several documentaries out there, such as and in at least one of these documentaries we have several videos of police escorting protesters in at several locations. And then there are questions about who is Ray Epps and who is "the scaffold commander."
There can be no insurrection when police escort the supposed insurrectionists in.
Will any of this get through to the liberal press? Or will we now have more division, with the right saying that we have proof there was no insurrection and the left saying get the hell away from me you nutty conspiracy theorist? Is this leading toward legislation (with manufactured consent) to censor misinformation to ensure the safety of our nation, because obviously we have dangerous wild conspiracy theories floating out there that include "insurrection denial." Bad. Very bad.
Is all of this being orchestrated? Oh wait, Desmet, the one explaining how things are, says no conspiracy, it's just our mechanistic thinking operating.
Who is the scaffold commander? Who is the Q-shaman? Who is Desmet? Not trivial questions that depend merely on "interpretation."
It's not yet clear to me what Desmet said. But slow down. I believe there is some kind of anti-Desmet implant. We must not allow somebody's ideas to become some imaginary weapon. We have our own minds.
Mattias Desmet? He's an academic advancing his theories in his field in which he is highly knowledgeable, and he's never backed away from saying there are bad actors who put the whole thing in motion. Can it be denied that there is not something to his 'mass formation' hypothesis when looking at the entire 20th century when you consider Bernays and modern media and propaganda techniques. We ARE still herd animals and unfortunately we saw how willingly so many people (esp. the so-called educated class) just gave up their sovereignty and transformed into a mob that made it all too clear how quickly a society can be transformed and how easy it became to identify the "nazis" of today.
He clearly played it carefully and was not willing to go down the road of speculation too far, but this speaks to his background and the fact that he probably wanted to keep his university position- completely understandable. He's no fool and I think he was genuinely trying to understand the larger forces at work that cause most people to fall under the spell of what is clearly absurd. First time I saw him was with Reiner Fuellmich on the Corona Investigative Committee and no one knew who he was but he made a huge splash because he offered a bigger picture that helped offer and explanation of how people were so swiftly swept into a form of behavior akin to a hypnotic state. He NEVER proposed that this was an automatic process without bad actors and emphasized the power of media to accomplish this, but it seems his views did get promoted and spun in a way that made it seem as though that was his explanation. Will we ever truly understand why 80% or so of people just will apparently never truly think for themselves and default to go with the herd?
Thanks for your comment. I don't want to sabotage this thread; basically all I ask is for people to think carefully about what Desmet is saying.
We can grant that there was mass formation during Covid but this was induced and the chief mechanism for this wasn't that society was saturated with fear prior to Covid (Desmet) but because of massive censorship and propaganda, which as we all know is still ongoing. Desmet's position is that a large portion of society is mechanistic thinkers and this is what narrowed our attention and made us susceptible to a propaganda nudge. But, a large portion of society is not mechanistic thinkers. There may be people in power who are, but not the bulk of society. And, it was not a propaganda "nudge." It was and is a massive, planned, coordinated propaganda and censorship assault: a conspiracy of massive proportions that overwhelmed normal people who don't have the time to research and who trust their news sources (which as we know are controlled. Many people don't understand that. Isn't our main program to convince everyone that the authorities have been lying to us?)
Desmet says there was no conspiracy, very clearly and emphatically, yet true to form he says and not-says this so that people are deceived. In my opinion he is devious in that he both says and not-says manipulation at the same time, but his views on conspiracy solidify what he really means: no real manipulation, it was all steered by the ideology and the manipulation was really pseudo-manipulation. Yes, this is what he really says but in a very shifting, slippery manner. This is why he's earned the ire and disdain of some of us.
Desmet's interviews are an attempt to backtrack on what his book says, continuing his program of saying and not-saying the same thing at the same time.
I don't believe Desmet is a devious person. That's why I suspect he was in some way commissioned to say what he did.
I will admit that I have not read his book. I began listening to an audio version but it's just not the kind of book I can listen to and digest so I stopped. I'm going off of interviews he did well PRIOR to his book coming out, but I acknowledge I would have to read his material to get a better sense of his outlook. Yes, I believe his view wasn't conspiratorial in the sense of a 'plandemic', but rather someone who would believe there was an opportunistic power & wealth grab that set the hysterical propaganda in motion. I think we can agree he is wrong in that view, but the fact is that unless he was already well aware of contemporary false flags and the depth of depravity and nefariousness of our "elite class", this view is understandable. That and the fact his studies and training led him to quickly try to assess what was happening in real time within an academic social psychology worldview also makes it understandable to see why he wouldn't think of a grand conspiracy. This is his own limitation, but hardly something that would make me think he was a plant of sorts.
Just a couple of points without going in depth as I would need to look at the interviews I watched to refresh myself more thoroughly: I clearly recall his emphasis of the phrase "free-flowing anxiety" and the general lack of meaning more people were experiencing prior to Covid as being instrumental in giving such people a collective meaning and something to tangibly latch onto that required certain action and that this made them completely susceptible to the propaganda. Frankly, I find it very hard to dismiss this point and think he is spot on, though one could quibble with the 'free-floating anxiety' phrase. I personally never got the sense he underestimated the role of propaganda by using the word 'nudge' but perhaps this appears in his book.
The other point, and where I wholeheartedly disagree with you and agree with Desmet, is that most people simply do not think on their own and do 'think' mechanistically, that is, they've never analyzed the reasons they think the way they do-- social programming. All of modern society is a sort of mechanistic thinking in that it's reactive and instrumental rather than reflective and critical. And there's nothing quite like fear to cause most people to be purely reactive and really not think at all, certainly not critically, and add to that the perceived immediacy of the threat and the incessant messages from authority figures to follow specific dictates so they can get through the crisis, and voila!, there's your mass hypnosis/formation being formed. It absolutely is dependent on reaction and the absence of critical or reflective thought, and the vast majority of people are susceptible to it because they will fall in line if so instructed by authorities, especially while under duress. The Milgram experiment, versions of which were repeated many times, is most instructive here. I think you're overly optimistic about humanity in general with regard to the capacity to think freely, otherwise this stuff never would happen.
I must be on another planet. I see good, kind, caring people who make mistakes but overall do the best they can. People who do indeed think for themselves, as is required of life. I see no mechanistic thinkers at all, as Desmet paints them, "saturated with fear."
But I do see many, many people assaulted by massive propaganda and censorship-- which are the true conditions that lead people to assume the psychology of mass formation-- people who now live fairly normal lives now that the fear porn propaganda has relented. According to Desmet they should be latching onto any bad news to confirm the fears inherent in their mechanistic world view, but they aren't.
Do you not have any 'team democrat' people in your life (who you consider intelligent) who had to instantly shut you out if you so much as hinted at the fact that, even at the very least, the 'response' to the 'pandemic' was insane or simply made no sense? You haven't tried to make points to such people only to be immediately dismissed and/or labeled or simply ignored with no counter argument forthcoming because that would've required rational discourse? I'm surrounded by them--- they swallowed everything and they still get testy or angry or just shut down if any of the lies are broached as blatant lies. Also, I think we have a barrier with the word "mechanistic". How are you, or how do you think Desmet is deploying that term? I already laid it out in the previous message. Perhaps it's just relinquishing power to so-called authority figures, and I prefer the term reactive/non-reflective. Not saying people are always like this but fear is certainly a powerful force always operating unconsciously if not palpably present in a perceived crisis.
You've hit on a key point. Desmet says a large portion of society is mechanistic thinkers, by which he means that we long for a technological utopia to solve our problems and disregard intuitive realms of life, such as represented in the arts. Is that true? Seems to me like we crave the intuitive realm of emotion and spirit, and we understand intuitively that emotions connect us. Anyone who's experienced the death of a loved one knows how much they were/are a part of us, emotionally. This understanding is very common. Yet Desmet says we're saturated with fear because of our mechanistic focus, and this fear and anxiety causes us to latch onto worst-case scenarios to confirm our fears and that's what happened during Covid.
Got it yet? We succumbed to the fear porn not because it was shoved down our throats through relentless propaganda and censorship, but because we, the people, were compelled to choose the most fearful data. This is what Desmet says in black and white. His words, not mine.
Do you understand yet what Desmet is doing? He's dehumanizing us to he can prove there was no conspiracy, which in my view is the central point of his book. We, the people did it to ourselves, although of course some people manipulated the situation but only because they were part of the mechanistic ideology that did the real steering. This is what Desmet says.
I, too, am surrounded by people who think I'm crazy for stating any opinions that don't comport with what NPR says, which NPR, incidentally, just today said that Tucker Carlson was spreading misinformation about January 6 (does that surprise anyone?) My wife is one of these persons. None of these persons is stupid. They simply believe the propaganda, which they have no frame of reference to reject. That's what we're trying to do, isn't it, construct a believable frame of reference for them to reject propaganda?
I live in a heavily leftist state-- probably the most leftist. I know exactly what it's like for people to be captured by the propaganda but these are still good, decent people whose kindness and consideration are being weaponized against we, the people. How? By making them believe that everyone who disagrees with NPR is a racist hater spreading misinformation. Trust me on that last one.
Desmet is the Trojan horse. Why does he rail against Enlightenment reason? Because he wants us to put our faith in narratives and disregard the checks and balances of logic and reason.
Repeat: I do not believe Desmet is a bad person. But he was either commissioned or blackmailed to write what he did, and to defend it. The alternative view is that he of his own free will talks psychobabble with little relation to reality and is a sloppy scholar.
I think it’s cleat we need to be skeptical. FOX pays Tucker 35 Million a year. This is controlled opposition. I think it’s for more division. Be on guard and don’t get sucked in to their trickery. I’m glad Tucker showed the videos but stay alert.
Yes, the prisoners should be released but that will never happen under this regime. Reminds me of the Iran hostage crisis. Remember how the ones who survived looked? Skinny, long beards. I think we would be shocked to see these wrongly incarcerated AMERICANS locked up for 3 years under third world conditions how they will look. That would be the cherry on the top of how OUR own government treated us and them for the last 3 years. They can't put the toothpaste back in the tube so they will stall, distract and never let those prisoners see the light of day
I believe there are 2 factions within the deep state. The Russophobes Biden, Nuland & Blinken, and the Sinophobes.
The Biden team have failed in their quest to destroy Russia. The China haters are moving to take out Biden (yay!) before its too late so they can pivot to China.
Then there are the 2nd tier haters (eg Lindsey Graham who wants to follow "war to the last Ukrainian" with "war to the last Taiwanese") who hate everybody.
We need these genocidic psychopaths gone yesterday!
and I just watched this. no wonder I can't sleep.
It’s more obvious now than ever that we are at war - one started by the government and their communist overlords against we the people. Let’s just hope the Jan 6 revelations just exposed along with everything else coming out will finally crack this satanic spell that’s been cast to so many of us asleep and compliant while these bastards take a massive dump on our God given freedom.
It was Dr Eric Naputi that I learned of health benefits of having sufficent D3 and Zinc. This is absolutely shocking and I hope he comes through this and all the corrupt people get their just desserts.
Even the lying sack of shit Fauci said he took Vitamin D to protect himself from viral infections when asked a while back. In the Scandinavian countries where sunlight is a premium in the Winter months, D is a staple given out freely to everyone.
I also saw a notification where he stated that hydrocholoquine worked as a prophylactic and treatment for SARS1!
I’ve mentioned this often in the past few years when attempting to make some sense about the ignorance and arrogance I see. When I was 16, I stepped into a hotel elevator alone with Rod Serling. Couldn’t resist it so I asked him if the Twilight Zone is real. He took drag off his cigarette and smiled as he nodded his head. It took me a long time see it.
Just mind-blowing. Thanks, needs to be shared widely.
Many who actually committed crimes have never been charged or arrested, yet many who did nothing have been and sit in jail still awaiting DUE PROCESS. Their treatment is closetr to Guantanamo in many cases.
Will we see justice for them, will they?
Will Congress take action?
Action would have to go against many in Congress, those in Administrative leadership roles in the Capitol Police, and FBI, CIA, and across the DS and Intelligence agencies, not to mention some in the Biden Administration, and let's not leave out the MSM who participated unequivocally.
Bottom line People need to be held accountable, however COVID actually still takes precedent in accountability, but these individuals could and should be released NOW on their own cognizance WITHOUT BAIL like real criminals have been allowed unrestricted.
It's all one horrifying nightmare. However, we now have an unofficial army willing to fight the oppressors. That's not nothing. I love Ivor, btw, and am thankful for Tucker's reports no matter how many people scream that he's controlled oppo.
Sorry to go OT but a FB friend noticed we were FB friends and messaged me to ask if I would contact you regarding a book signing at his store in Chicago. He messaged you but wanted to make sure you got it. I will DM you on FB now. ox
Nothing new under the sun with Dr. Nepute; the roots of evil are decades long. If you look into the Texas experience of Dr. Burzynski with his unique cancer cure, the same under-the-color-of-law gangsters were at it then. Contemporaneous with the AIDS affair, I believe. It all must burn.
Will the criminal cabal of DC face justice?
Will there be reparations for those wrongfully imprisoned?
Is this all just another distraction - like the Hancock WhatsAppGate IM's and the 'Lab Leak' Overton Window shift - to keep us from looking at the famine bearing down on our species and the eco-terrorism polluting our countries? Or MRNA jabs for cattle. On the Smart Cities about to go live then spread like a cancer around the world. Or the fact developed western nations are banning chemical fertilizers. It worked so well in Sri Lanka that the policy has migrated to Western Europe!
The Monster is Monstering on. Without pause. Without remorse. It has killed millions and it is hungry for more.
There is enough dirty laundry in DC alone to keep us distracted for the next decade. They just have to play for time - while playing the media like the owned puppets they are - and they will win.
And that is where the compounded lack of reckoning takes us. Decades of naked criminality has normalised the current democide.
The Monster is Monstering on.
Good analysis - and the unfortunate reality is that the masses would rather go on believing the original BS story rather than admit they were wrong and look what’s actually happening. The fact that they even let this air on FOX shows confident they are in the idiocy of America.
Looks like another limited hangout. Notice Tucker doesn’t go further & point out that all the thuggish vandals were feds which there is plenty of evidence to prove. The whole thing was just another false flag. Nothing the screen presents to us is real & that will never change. We just need to switch it off or at a bare minimum just look at it dispassionately and laugh at the absurdity of it all
As one who told forbidden stories originally from inside big media (if you can believe that) please believe me when I say Tucker is doing 1000% what he can and because he brings in so much $$ he has more leverage otherwise he would have 0.000 leverage. Imagine this hells cape without him. I think he's doing a miraculous job. Just pray for him. Limited hangout is a convenient myth for people who (not you Deenzy) who are hard to please. People all over cry out "limited hangout!" and or "controlled opposition!" Never does anybody consider HOW HARD it is to get anything across the truth line in any kind of "official" (corporate) media. Pray for Tucker and his family. He seems ok.
Thank you for saying this!! I feel the same and have been speechless at times by what Tucker manages to get put out there for all to see. Definitely praying for him 🙏🏻♥️
Yes, indeed, having been in such positions at various times myself & knowing the limitations, one does what one can & Tucker does a lot more than most, he does seem to stretch that very firm line as far as it can possibly go...
Saw Tucker interviewed on Dave Rubin pre-plandemic and was amazed that he stated he had complete freedom to do what he wanted on the show (well, at least a lot of freedom) and I suppose because he's the one who brings in the ratings he's still there. Another interesting tidbit in a later interview w/ Rubin is that he grew up without a TV in his home and he still does not own a television.
There is no such thing as complete freedom in the MSM. Self-censorship is their favorite way of censoring. You start out in that eco-system as a young intern and soon you learn what is permissible and what isn't. So many shows that crossed that line only to have their shows cancelled, in spite of being very popular. I could give you a long list.
Yes, I know. Those, or something like that, were the words he used, though it was clearly an exaggeration. However, he clearly has a lot of leash and he does utilize the freedom he has.
I certainly would not accuse Carlson of being anything but completely sincere. But the video has to come from somewhere — what’s missing from it?
The “Twaddle files” are an interesting case in point: curated and released through presumably independent intermediaries, yet it’s hard to believe that what’s been released to those intermediaries has not been manipulated or censored beforehand to avoid disclosure of even worse crimes. In fact, it’s well known that that was happening. What became of Musk’s declaration that there was damning information on “America’s Doctor”? Still waiting…
How do we know that complete disclosure has been made to Carlson? We don’t. Thus, suspicion is warranted.
There isn't complete disclosure, never was and never will be. Tucker is doing the best he can and so is Musk. Be thankful for the little bit of truthful information we do get. They already destroyed ~$300B of Musk's wealth by coordinated dumping of Tesla shares because he was a bad boy and didn't support the Davos narrative.
They've done this before, look up Saul Steinberg when he had the audacity to try and buy a Rockefeller controlled bank. Leasco stock rose >5000% in 4yrs, dropped 25% in 2 weeks after his Chemical Bank takeover attempt, and fell another 87% in 17months. After the disaster he made the now famous quote:
" I always knew there was an establishment, I just thought I was apart of it".
rueful I assume not intended typo/pun: he thought he was/he was
of it
Knight of the Order of Saint Gregory Rupert Murdoch will no doubt catch the shrill ear-piercing rage of Pelosi over this.
Give it time.. 50k hrs of corruption has only begun to see light. The Year of Scam Revelation is upon us.
Arrogance brought down the Titanic, and its a long way to the bottom.
Wait until you hear the lies they strung together about the Titanic?
This one fascinates me.
it haunts me
In a world of censorship and promotion of lies, i can’t make a reference to anything historical anymore!
When you search online for the story about the Titanic, the death of 3 of the most influential men in the world who were onboard and the birth of the Federal Reserve, it’s treated just like the rest of the conspiracy theories (9/11, JFK, Covid plandemic) with the fact checkers swing into high gear to debunk it all. I did find this report -
I’d also add that we have no idea who if anyone is in prison. The shaman guy was obv part of the psyop so if he is in “prison” as part of his role then I’m sure he is being well looked after & it will end up being worthwhile for him financially
The Q-shaman could easily be a somewhat mentally imbalanced person who was taken advantage of and had no idea of the role he'd play in this.
I don't think we should assign blame or motive without knowing more.
We will never know what’s real / true. It’s literally impossible to verify anything the screen presents to us. With deep fake / Ai it’s only going to get worse. The screen wants our attention & energy, I’d suggest we stop freely giving it
The prisoners are very real. And we would be cruelly abandoning them entirely if we started to out of thin air suggest they too are part of a PSY Op.
It was already bad what they did to the gitmo prisoners, and they are not citizens of the US.
Twenty years ago, the people who fight for civil and human rights warned eveyrone: they start doing that for foreigners, they will progress to do it to citizens.
I'm sure everyone is aware of Julie Kelly's reporting. The prisoners are very real & it is an abomination what they've been put through, including the suicide of one who simply couldn't bear it...
thank you for this -- if one is human then there are no foreigners are there ?
cc. Guantanamo, prisoners suffered so, they quit eating, preferring to die; whereupon they were force-fed, by a means so painful that when André Conteris submitted himself to the procedure in public ( in front of the White House ), he could not withstand it and had to ask the person administering the procedure to cease
the twice-foreign Julian Assange too is being persecuted, in large part for having realized how through media integrity such as being shown by Tucker Carlson, with citation of source material, we could experience a peaceful world: for this he is now in his fifth year in the UK's Guantanamo, without any legal jurisdiction keeping him there, or any "protection"provided him except to ensure he cannot commit suicide
question AI
they want you to feel hopeless
question everthing, especially that which favors your enemy
He's probably doing it in increments. While he can be fairly limited hangout, he also has done some ground-breaking stuff (like having the Bidens' ex-business partner on, attesting to their Ukraine dealings).
Exactly. I realized that some time around 1980. Welcome to the club!
Only took 26 months for them to release the tapes. Where are they being held?
let's remember, as Tucker Carlson noted, "no matter what you think of him," it's thanks to Kevin McCarthy who as Speaker of the House had the authority to do so, that the tapes Nancy Pelosi had kept sequestered, have been released
It's for security, you know.
The fallacy of security.
The security of security for the security of security.
If you read that out loud very fast in front of a mirror it sounds so credible that you may buy a used car from the guy in the mirror.
Why does this make me so angry and ashamed of the people in the country I live in?? This shit show facade has been going on throughout my life and years before. But still it’s just so damned hard to fathom that people could be so cruel, so evil, so foolish, and so fucking asleep!
Thank you Jeff.
This is so true—this has been going on for a very log time but its something about the way Brandon & Co are doing it that, because it's so outrageous & overt, is meant to make our blood boil. It's quite a trick at which they are most adept...
The handling of the J6 defendants is dramatically changing the deteriorating landscape of judicial rights for them and future political prisoners of any political persuasion.
READ Report from Washington: DC Gulag Vigil for January 6 Political Prisoners, February 21, 2023
The entire shit-show, orchestrated by the deep state, was in order to distract from the evidence being brought in the case for a stolen/fraudulent presidential election. That is the session that was disturbed and ended by the fake "insurrection", and the congresscritters who were actually going to bring up evidence for election fraud and tampering were too afraid to come forward that day, and switched their positions. Mission accomplished.
Political prisoners. In my young 67 years of life, I'm beginning to realize, uh oh, we, the US is in trouble.
Video of police letting protesters in has been circulating for at least a year now (why are they emerging now? Do we suppose that no one alerted Carlson to this earlier???) There are several documentaries out there, such as and in at least one of these documentaries we have several videos of police escorting protesters in at several locations. And then there are questions about who is Ray Epps and who is "the scaffold commander."
There can be no insurrection when police escort the supposed insurrectionists in.
Will any of this get through to the liberal press? Or will we now have more division, with the right saying that we have proof there was no insurrection and the left saying get the hell away from me you nutty conspiracy theorist? Is this leading toward legislation (with manufactured consent) to censor misinformation to ensure the safety of our nation, because obviously we have dangerous wild conspiracy theories floating out there that include "insurrection denial." Bad. Very bad.
Is all of this being orchestrated? Oh wait, Desmet, the one explaining how things are, says no conspiracy, it's just our mechanistic thinking operating.
Who is the scaffold commander? Who is the Q-shaman? Who is Desmet? Not trivial questions that depend merely on "interpretation."
It's not yet clear to me what Desmet said. But slow down. I believe there is some kind of anti-Desmet implant. We must not allow somebody's ideas to become some imaginary weapon. We have our own minds.
The anti-Desmet implant comes from reading him carefully.
Mattias Desmet? He's an academic advancing his theories in his field in which he is highly knowledgeable, and he's never backed away from saying there are bad actors who put the whole thing in motion. Can it be denied that there is not something to his 'mass formation' hypothesis when looking at the entire 20th century when you consider Bernays and modern media and propaganda techniques. We ARE still herd animals and unfortunately we saw how willingly so many people (esp. the so-called educated class) just gave up their sovereignty and transformed into a mob that made it all too clear how quickly a society can be transformed and how easy it became to identify the "nazis" of today.
He clearly played it carefully and was not willing to go down the road of speculation too far, but this speaks to his background and the fact that he probably wanted to keep his university position- completely understandable. He's no fool and I think he was genuinely trying to understand the larger forces at work that cause most people to fall under the spell of what is clearly absurd. First time I saw him was with Reiner Fuellmich on the Corona Investigative Committee and no one knew who he was but he made a huge splash because he offered a bigger picture that helped offer and explanation of how people were so swiftly swept into a form of behavior akin to a hypnotic state. He NEVER proposed that this was an automatic process without bad actors and emphasized the power of media to accomplish this, but it seems his views did get promoted and spun in a way that made it seem as though that was his explanation. Will we ever truly understand why 80% or so of people just will apparently never truly think for themselves and default to go with the herd?
Thanks for your comment. I don't want to sabotage this thread; basically all I ask is for people to think carefully about what Desmet is saying.
We can grant that there was mass formation during Covid but this was induced and the chief mechanism for this wasn't that society was saturated with fear prior to Covid (Desmet) but because of massive censorship and propaganda, which as we all know is still ongoing. Desmet's position is that a large portion of society is mechanistic thinkers and this is what narrowed our attention and made us susceptible to a propaganda nudge. But, a large portion of society is not mechanistic thinkers. There may be people in power who are, but not the bulk of society. And, it was not a propaganda "nudge." It was and is a massive, planned, coordinated propaganda and censorship assault: a conspiracy of massive proportions that overwhelmed normal people who don't have the time to research and who trust their news sources (which as we know are controlled. Many people don't understand that. Isn't our main program to convince everyone that the authorities have been lying to us?)
Desmet says there was no conspiracy, very clearly and emphatically, yet true to form he says and not-says this so that people are deceived. In my opinion he is devious in that he both says and not-says manipulation at the same time, but his views on conspiracy solidify what he really means: no real manipulation, it was all steered by the ideology and the manipulation was really pseudo-manipulation. Yes, this is what he really says but in a very shifting, slippery manner. This is why he's earned the ire and disdain of some of us.
Desmet's interviews are an attempt to backtrack on what his book says, continuing his program of saying and not-saying the same thing at the same time.
I don't believe Desmet is a devious person. That's why I suspect he was in some way commissioned to say what he did.
I will admit that I have not read his book. I began listening to an audio version but it's just not the kind of book I can listen to and digest so I stopped. I'm going off of interviews he did well PRIOR to his book coming out, but I acknowledge I would have to read his material to get a better sense of his outlook. Yes, I believe his view wasn't conspiratorial in the sense of a 'plandemic', but rather someone who would believe there was an opportunistic power & wealth grab that set the hysterical propaganda in motion. I think we can agree he is wrong in that view, but the fact is that unless he was already well aware of contemporary false flags and the depth of depravity and nefariousness of our "elite class", this view is understandable. That and the fact his studies and training led him to quickly try to assess what was happening in real time within an academic social psychology worldview also makes it understandable to see why he wouldn't think of a grand conspiracy. This is his own limitation, but hardly something that would make me think he was a plant of sorts.
Just a couple of points without going in depth as I would need to look at the interviews I watched to refresh myself more thoroughly: I clearly recall his emphasis of the phrase "free-flowing anxiety" and the general lack of meaning more people were experiencing prior to Covid as being instrumental in giving such people a collective meaning and something to tangibly latch onto that required certain action and that this made them completely susceptible to the propaganda. Frankly, I find it very hard to dismiss this point and think he is spot on, though one could quibble with the 'free-floating anxiety' phrase. I personally never got the sense he underestimated the role of propaganda by using the word 'nudge' but perhaps this appears in his book.
The other point, and where I wholeheartedly disagree with you and agree with Desmet, is that most people simply do not think on their own and do 'think' mechanistically, that is, they've never analyzed the reasons they think the way they do-- social programming. All of modern society is a sort of mechanistic thinking in that it's reactive and instrumental rather than reflective and critical. And there's nothing quite like fear to cause most people to be purely reactive and really not think at all, certainly not critically, and add to that the perceived immediacy of the threat and the incessant messages from authority figures to follow specific dictates so they can get through the crisis, and voila!, there's your mass hypnosis/formation being formed. It absolutely is dependent on reaction and the absence of critical or reflective thought, and the vast majority of people are susceptible to it because they will fall in line if so instructed by authorities, especially while under duress. The Milgram experiment, versions of which were repeated many times, is most instructive here. I think you're overly optimistic about humanity in general with regard to the capacity to think freely, otherwise this stuff never would happen.
I must be on another planet. I see good, kind, caring people who make mistakes but overall do the best they can. People who do indeed think for themselves, as is required of life. I see no mechanistic thinkers at all, as Desmet paints them, "saturated with fear."
But I do see many, many people assaulted by massive propaganda and censorship-- which are the true conditions that lead people to assume the psychology of mass formation-- people who now live fairly normal lives now that the fear porn propaganda has relented. According to Desmet they should be latching onto any bad news to confirm the fears inherent in their mechanistic world view, but they aren't.
Read the book.
Do you not have any 'team democrat' people in your life (who you consider intelligent) who had to instantly shut you out if you so much as hinted at the fact that, even at the very least, the 'response' to the 'pandemic' was insane or simply made no sense? You haven't tried to make points to such people only to be immediately dismissed and/or labeled or simply ignored with no counter argument forthcoming because that would've required rational discourse? I'm surrounded by them--- they swallowed everything and they still get testy or angry or just shut down if any of the lies are broached as blatant lies. Also, I think we have a barrier with the word "mechanistic". How are you, or how do you think Desmet is deploying that term? I already laid it out in the previous message. Perhaps it's just relinquishing power to so-called authority figures, and I prefer the term reactive/non-reflective. Not saying people are always like this but fear is certainly a powerful force always operating unconsciously if not palpably present in a perceived crisis.
You've hit on a key point. Desmet says a large portion of society is mechanistic thinkers, by which he means that we long for a technological utopia to solve our problems and disregard intuitive realms of life, such as represented in the arts. Is that true? Seems to me like we crave the intuitive realm of emotion and spirit, and we understand intuitively that emotions connect us. Anyone who's experienced the death of a loved one knows how much they were/are a part of us, emotionally. This understanding is very common. Yet Desmet says we're saturated with fear because of our mechanistic focus, and this fear and anxiety causes us to latch onto worst-case scenarios to confirm our fears and that's what happened during Covid.
Got it yet? We succumbed to the fear porn not because it was shoved down our throats through relentless propaganda and censorship, but because we, the people, were compelled to choose the most fearful data. This is what Desmet says in black and white. His words, not mine.
Do you understand yet what Desmet is doing? He's dehumanizing us to he can prove there was no conspiracy, which in my view is the central point of his book. We, the people did it to ourselves, although of course some people manipulated the situation but only because they were part of the mechanistic ideology that did the real steering. This is what Desmet says.
I, too, am surrounded by people who think I'm crazy for stating any opinions that don't comport with what NPR says, which NPR, incidentally, just today said that Tucker Carlson was spreading misinformation about January 6 (does that surprise anyone?) My wife is one of these persons. None of these persons is stupid. They simply believe the propaganda, which they have no frame of reference to reject. That's what we're trying to do, isn't it, construct a believable frame of reference for them to reject propaganda?
I live in a heavily leftist state-- probably the most leftist. I know exactly what it's like for people to be captured by the propaganda but these are still good, decent people whose kindness and consideration are being weaponized against we, the people. How? By making them believe that everyone who disagrees with NPR is a racist hater spreading misinformation. Trust me on that last one.
Desmet is the Trojan horse. Why does he rail against Enlightenment reason? Because he wants us to put our faith in narratives and disregard the checks and balances of logic and reason.
Repeat: I do not believe Desmet is a bad person. But he was either commissioned or blackmailed to write what he did, and to defend it. The alternative view is that he of his own free will talks psychobabble with little relation to reality and is a sloppy scholar.
Maybe they will do a Smollett regarding these tapes to add more TDS to the woke.
these are the official video recordings
I think it’s cleat we need to be skeptical. FOX pays Tucker 35 Million a year. This is controlled opposition. I think it’s for more division. Be on guard and don’t get sucked in to their trickery. I’m glad Tucker showed the videos but stay alert.
What a tragic mess our media outlets & govt bureaucracies have become
Thankful for your Substack, Celia!
God bless Tucker for shining light on all the bs thar has been going on. I hope those people get released.
Yes, the prisoners should be released but that will never happen under this regime. Reminds me of the Iran hostage crisis. Remember how the ones who survived looked? Skinny, long beards. I think we would be shocked to see these wrongly incarcerated AMERICANS locked up for 3 years under third world conditions how they will look. That would be the cherry on the top of how OUR own government treated us and them for the last 3 years. They can't put the toothpaste back in the tube so they will stall, distract and never let those prisoners see the light of day
Hard to imagine this happened in front of our eyes. Another example of all those lies.
Mama always said the dirt comes out in the wash.
Who is releasing this? And why now?
I believe there are 2 factions within the deep state. The Russophobes Biden, Nuland & Blinken, and the Sinophobes.
The Biden team have failed in their quest to destroy Russia. The China haters are moving to take out Biden (yay!) before its too late so they can pivot to China.
Then there are the 2nd tier haters (eg Lindsey Graham who wants to follow "war to the last Ukrainian" with "war to the last Taiwanese") who hate everybody.
We need these genocidic psychopaths gone yesterday!
Why didn’t he show the footage of Antifa? Remember the footage of them inside of a room super ecstatic about making it inside