
This is what he talks about for those who don't have 90 minutes. Amendment slipped into the NDAA funding 2023 HR 7900 by traitor Adam Schiff to undermine house GOP efforts next year to investigate military. He also claims Biden will be assassinated after mid terms, (though that's doubtful when they can just oust him with the 25th) and they will install Gavin Newsom as President without elections. Some kind of dictatorship with martial law. Jones' claims don't actually line up with the text of the bill, but hey, it's hard not to listen to a guy who's rarely wrong.

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Thanks for the link. As far as killing Biden, Jones compares it to Hitler’s Reichstag (sp?) fire. Blame the right and use it to usher in the dictatorial powers as Hitler did.

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I agree that Jones confused the issue by holding up H.R. 4350 as if that was Schiff's amendment.

Actually, the end result of Schiff's amendment is the addition of a new paragraph to the United States Code (USC). Here's how that is done:

The text of Schiff's amendment is at https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/SCHIFF_073_xml220705100307358.pdf and states it is an "AMENDMENT TO RULES COMMITTEE PRINT 117–54 ; and instructs the amendment be added as a "new section", "At the end of subtitle E of title V".

So, we have to go to Rules Committee Print 117-54, which is at https://rules.house.gov/sites/democrats.rules.house.gov/files/BILLS-117HR7900RH-RCP117-54.pdf ; and then scroll down to Title V, Subtitle E on page 303 and then scroll down to the end of Subtitle E, Sect 546 on page 317; and, this is where Shiff's amendment would be added. As of now, if no other amendments are added to this Subtitle E, Schiff's amendment would be numbered Sec. 547.

But, then, Shiff's amendment instructs the following new paragraph to be added to USC Title 10, at the end of Sec. 271 (see https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/271 ):

‘‘(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any information obtained by or with the assistance of a member of the Armed Forces in violation of section 1385 of title 18, shall not be received in evidence in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or before any court, grand jury, department, officer, agency, regulatory body, legislative committee, or other authority of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof.’’.

This is why bug-eyed fascist Schiff is sometimes referred to as "Shifty Schiff" (see https://search.yahoo.com/search?n=10&ei=UTF-8&va_vt=any&vo_vt=any&ve_vt=any&vp_vt=any&vst=0&vf=all&vm=i&fl=0&p=%22Shifty+Schiff%22&vs= ) (-:

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I've thought that Brandon would be offed for a while now.

If so, it would serve multiple purposes. To vilify the Maga crowd and blame the hit on pro NRA republicans.

To enforce mandatory gun control laws, disarm the population, make Brandon a martyr and also rush through any other dubious laws they want to fly under the radar.

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I would agree for the most part. Yet the media exists entirely to vilify Maga no matter what happens. Everything is spun in that direction. Stories are amplifed or ignored based on this premise alone. As for making Brandon a martyr, I don't think anyone will miss him no matter how he goes, not even his family.

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But think how much more they can vilify Maga if they do act.

The overwhelming number of sheep, believe most of what they're told by the CIA, sorry, media, anyway.

They may (if they win) also control "the official history" and portray pedo pete as a saint, fighting against the evil republican barbarians.

Hopefully that's all just me talking drivel, but given the last two years.....

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gavin gruesome would not be a step up in any way shape or form

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Gavin should be in Gitmo for treason

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My book review of The Real Anthony Fauci was just published by UncoverDc.com. In the review, I argue that RFK, Jr's book could one day be considered "the most important book of our times." I also paraphrase Celia in the review. Kennedy quotes Ceila numerous times in his book.

I hope people continue to buy, read and think about Mr. Kennedy's brave and thoroughly-researched book.


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Bill, I can't wait to read your review. Thank you!

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Citizens Free Press, which has millions of readers, ran a link to the book review - which greatly helped advance my goal of getting a large number of people to read the piece. And the entire purpose of the piece was to get more people to hopefully buy the book.

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I also came across Celia's great past work via "The Real Anthony Fauci Book"....In my view it is virtually certainly the most mind blowing expose re trillion dollar fraud & corruption by public servants, Big Pharma, politicians, academia, WSI Complex & you name it ....They all out be hauled in and kept in custody until they have been thoroughly investigated/tried in a public jury court for crimes against humanity, mass murder & racketeering. The evil it documents is beyond imagination. DO READ IT! These criminals do not prosecute themselves....we need to sue them ourselves....Do check out Dr Reiner Fuellmich's legal actions & The "Covid investigative committee" https://corona-investigative-committee.com

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Bill Rice Jr. We will continue to think about Mr. Kennedy's brave and thoroughly-researched book. I'll read your book review too. Thanks.

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Here's an excerpt from a sidebar to my Real Anthony Fauci. This sidebar is basically just dozens of excerpts from the book. I ended this piece with a longer quote from Celia that Kennedy included in his book.

This "sidebar piece" (probably because it's too long) hasn't been published ... so I'll publish it in the Reader Comments!

The death of ‘real science’ ….

Future historians might also trace the death of authentic science to Fauci’s reign, according to Kennedy and other fierce critics of Fauci.

According to independent journalist Celia Farber, “Fauci switched the entire linguistic system of American science from classical ‘speak’ to woke ‘speak.’ … I documented … the horror and confusion among real scientists, as America’s science changes so radically before their eyes to accommodate HIV … The entire US media understood what to say and not to say, and not only because of the allegiance to the shadow government, but because the era of classical science had ended … It would henceforth be a crime against decency to, for example, address anything that could be making gay men sick other than ‘the virus.’ “

“… The real scientists were horrified. Suddenly a guillotine was present. A new and strange terror. People were ‘guilty’ of thought-crimes like ‘HIV-denialism.’ Fauci had made political correctness the new revolutionary language … that meant if you were ‘bad,’ if you didn’t push agenda driven science, everything was taken away from you. And the media cheered. And anybody who didn’t was destroyed, vilified, harassed, fired, in a word, cancelled.”

“Look, there’s no sociological mystery here,” observed Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, in one interview. “It’s just people’s income and position being threatened by the things Peter Dusberg is saying. Their personal income and positions are being threatened and that’s why they’re so nasty. In the 1980s, a lot of people started being dependent on Tony Fauci and his friends for their livelihood. All these people really wanted success in the sense of lots of people working for them and lots of power.”

Ortleb, the New York Native publisher, observed to Kennedy: “Science costs money and he who dispenses the money can control the science.”

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El Gato Malo has reported that Fauci intends to retire. That's great, but he still must be held accountable for his many crimes against humanity and science.

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This news does nothing for me. People are happy it seems but to me it's just...Fauci getting what he wants, again. Why are people (I don't mean YOU Mary Ann) so excited about this?

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I've been through similar experiences: the awful Dean of Faculty resigns and the faculty loses its mind in happiness that things will be better because the awful Dean is finally gone. I always used to say to them: the next one will be worse. And he/she usually was. People don't see that it's a failing system or an institution that is the problem.

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No it's not failing its fraud, bribery & corruption & as usual SELECTIVE PROSECUTION!

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Arrest him now before he kills millions more!!

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Cheers...and the book is packed full of similar manifestations & quotes of the lies & "mafioso" threats, tactics, destructions of careeers of the "non-scientifically corrupt& compliant" by Fauci & his bought "hench men" et al...Pure evil ....almost certainly they have murdered millions by putting down good science refutations by world leading scientists with terrible lies & smears....& of course cut all access to funding for them via a network of funding to Unis & research orgs...

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Pete Santilli covered this on his 2 hour show today. Pete is going to be on Alex Jones today at 2pm ET for a full hour to cover this. And over 100 Republicans voted for this complete violation of our civil liberties and our God given rights. The NDAA is unconstitutional and always has been. It should be repealed. The 9/11 event was an inside job in order to take away our freedom. George Bush Jr and Sr. are both globalist enemies of this country. Their George Sr's father Prescott was a communist traitor and had close ties to Hitler.

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Smells like the work of Obama, who used the NDAA to remove much of our freedom.

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Now listen to the other side.

Best explanation I've heard yet of what has happened and what will happen...

... shared not to allow people to sit on their hands, but to embolden them to stand up and speak.



P. S. This period was needed to wake people up. It'll get worse in the near future, before it turns around.

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And there was simple, silly ol' me thinkin' that people had coups against the government, and not the other way! There's nothing like conventional wisdom getting a good old make over - proves yet again (how much proof does one need I ask?) that the government is a criminal cabal and we are the enemy, not ISIS, BLM, the CCP, Al Quaida or Iran.

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That is what the Bible says too since they are controlled by Satan/Devil.

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Thanks, I will listen to it. I know there are other takes on this - Juan O'Savin as example- but to be honest I'm uncertain on both Jones and O'Savin. But I will listen and appreciate your call out. Fog of war, who the F knows what's going on?

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You're falling for the right and left paradigm.

We had military dictators clearly since Kennedy died.

Every single president has been able to wage war without Congressional approval.

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The legislation Jones says has passed the House will never pass the Senate. As for the rest of his prognostication, I don't put anything past the PTB at this point, but by getting the story out ahead of time, the chance of killing their plan goes up exponentially. That said, I don't think any human or group of humans is capable of pulling off a "Great Reset." Humanity is just too complex; life is just too diverse; and the issues these clowns think they can "solve" will sort themselves out or not. People with a "God Complex" will soon find themselves as did the ancient Greek gods: failing because of their own hubris.

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Amen. If you look closely, this living planet that we stand on was constructed to not necessarily need humans, and to always return to it's originally created balance.

And it will balance itself whether anyone wants that or not. I take comfort knowing that. Is it not arrogant for any human beings to believe they personally can control what ultimately happens here?😏 And that there are not any that can see mistake in their arrogance? Shall we be silent?

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Apparently, there's a group at https://www.reignitefreedom.com which intends to not be silent:

Its TIME for a GLOBAL event that CANT be ignored


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Thank you. I am investigating these options.

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This is controlled opposition. Have you read what the siecific GOAL is ? This reminds me of Occupy. To divert the energy and anger. I won’t be getting involved. Neither will others who refuse to be distracted again

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Do you have a link to where you read about "the siecific GOAL?" - DId you intend to write "the specific goal"? - Thanks.

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I find it very telling that instead of addressing the actual argument you as hominem attack me for the spelling error. I happen to be sight impaired and especially on my phone it’s difficult to correct. But you keep on insulting people who Are handicapped.

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I addressed the actual argument in my first sentence, when I asked you whether you have a link to where you read about "the Siecific GOAL". And, then asked you whether you meant to write "the specific goal"; and, ended that with a "Thanks". - That was not an "attack" on you. I simply asked you for a link, if you have one. I had gone to their website and did not readily see a goal of any sort, siecific, specific, or otherwise.

So, If you do have a link to a specific goal, I'd appreciate you revealing it. Otherwise, you're free to imagine you're being attacked. Most people at my age have various handicaps; but, we try not to dwell on them (-:

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In my opinion the Great Reset of WEF with the UN will be established initially in small countries, e.g. Sri Lanka, collapse their economy, have people fight over scarce essentials, bring in digital ID to track movement, limit purchases, etc.

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How many republicans are speaking out about this bill? What will Sen Mancin have to say?

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and the nine part series on rofkin- cult of the medic- vital to understanding all the players and history of where we are today---- the best overarching series i've found yet- -whitehead provides the research sources https://www.rokfin.com/post/92267/Cult-Of-The-Medics-Chapter-Eight-UNDERWORLD-

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Many years ago I interviewed Stewart Rhodes as he and others initiated Oath Keepers. which was started to repel this very thing. In spite of some issues with Stuart Rhodes, these Oath Keepers are fully aware of this scenario and logistics.

All of this is not legal and only functions under "Executive Orders" from an insane President. The John Durham investigation was declassified in the final weeks of Trump's administration, and includes what are now confirmed acts of 1. High crimes and misdemeanors; 2. Bribery 3. Treason. Now add to that Amendment 25, much less the "election" process,of what could be proven as a coup.

There are many people in the military now who will NOT stand for this. The biggest question our people in the military will be facing is the Constitutional issue of enacting power over US citizens, without any real jurisdiction or oversight by Congress. Even with that authority they face very strict limits and applications.

Biden, Schiff, Pelosi. etc. all are "going for broke." They know that their judgment is coming.

WHAT TO DO? It is important to contact your Congressional Rep and/or senators about how needless and DANGEROUS this maniac plan really is. This is insane and dangerous!

MORE IMPORTANTLY: It is better to get organized at the local level than fight D.C. (which is a waste of time and futile as we have seen). I recommend getting involved with local reps and Constitutional Sheriffs, who have the final authority over your county. (Above even federal "orders')

visit Sheriff Mack's site at www.CSPOA.org

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Absolutely agree local politics is the way as that level impacts the people more directly, and we can still make some impact, currently anyway.

Imo, historically, whoever possesses the fealty and loyalty of the military leaders will prevail. The military complex are holding all the "stopper cards". Why so much attention is payed to bringing "equity"into the military, and the "defund the police" movement. Wash out those who will follow their oaths to the best of their abilities, then install those who will follow orders no matter what those orders are.. those who would control us must have troops who will enforce, no? Is a central leg of the takeover imo

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Yes. I agree. There are many people in the military that really have no problems licking the boots of oppressors.,especially now with even foreign recruits and others who never really took their Oath at all. But there are a lot of great vets and police officers currently serving military personnel that will STAND after what they went through with the "jab" and other brain-dead commands. Biden doesn't rate very well with his imbecile leadership. We can only try to hold the line here. We need to stay local if possible all over the nation.

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Schiff's amendment would add a paragraph to the United States Code; so, unless I'm mistaken, which is quite possible (I'm not an attorney), if that addition was made, I would think it would have to be challenged in court as being unconstitutional.

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Yes. I agree that this HR 4350 bill empowers what are certainly Unconstitutional uses of arrest, detainment and imprisonment of Citizens who have rights. But look at the Jan. 6th detainees and Gitmo as "reclassified terrorists." (now including domestic terrorists) That is what the NDAA and Patriot "ACT" measures have continually expanded and tread over. The arrest of Assange and countless victims who have opposed the establishment of criminals are now prisoners of this system.

The only deterrent we might suggest to these Democrats, is that if there is a change of power, THEY could be apprehended and treated the same way by the angry right wing, The pit they have dug, they could end up in for life!

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I agree with your "only deterrent" statement; but, I'm afraid these Democrats believe their system of cheating is unstoppable.

About nine months ago, Stew Peters interviewed a billionaire, Phillipe Argillier (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/cPFmMYd8Yt2S/ ), who said he attended a meeting of the globalists who run the world and they stated that if Trump runs again, they'll beat him just like they did the last time.

I believe that if one looks deeply enough, they will find that it is the Democrats and the RINOs who are beholden to these globalists and that these globalists and the CCP control our electronic voting systems in key states. I believe we may see the same sort of last minute voting swings this fall, where Democrat and RINO candidates beat Republican front runners.

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You know, I don't have a lot of confidence in this upcoming midterm "election" either, due to the problems that we have seen for YEARS. But I do know that cheating will be harder for them, especially in thousands of local elections. The problem that the Deep State has though, is that the public is on edge everywhere around the world. If they try to go much further serious problems are going to FLARE up all over. as people lose patience and any respect for government. History records that this won't be the first time, elite leaders pushed things too far, and lost control of the masses. Many times it has turned VERY UGLY for these people.

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Adam Schiff’s original amendment to the NDAA in HR-4350 was scrubbed in the final bill. The original bill had the word 'Extremist' at least 72 times. The final bill had it about 6 and no mention of dictatorial powers. But did allow for a military purge of patriots. The current bill that just passed the house is HR 7900. Which seems to be mostly Schiff trying to remove congressional oversight. And it's good to see that he is scared. But there is nothing stopping these gangsters from doing anything except we the people.

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...and of course...the will of God

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Thanks for that. I didn't realize that H.R. 7900 is the 2023 version replacing H.R. 4350.

But, when you say "...mostly Schiff trying to remove Congressional oversight", are you referring to the fact that Schiff's amendment at https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/SCHIFF_073_xml220705100307358.pdf , which would add the following paragraph to USC Title 10, Sec. 271, is still in play? And, if so, wouldn't you agree that this potential restriction is significant?

‘‘(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any information obtained by or with the assistance of a member of the Armed Forces in violation of section 1385 of title 18, shall not be received in evidence in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or before any court, grand jury, department, officer, agency, regulatory body, legislative committee, or other authority of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof.’’.

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Well, the Newsom boy has been strutting and fretting much of late. About not running for POTUS. Ds are only half the problem; bipartisan consensus operates full time no matter whether Ds or Rs are nominally running the legalism factory and no matter who is POTUS. Both parties want whatever gets them more campaign $$. Thus WEF, CFR, Finance Industry govern. Keep voting; it hasn't change much of anything for nearly a century, except forever sending more of the budget into the forever wars, billionaire-manufacturing, gloablism swamp. Until we decide we are responsible for this, and change ourselves, the collapsing US empire will remain on the very same course. See Chris Hedges, about as left as any thinker we have had since both Kennedys, MLK, & Malcolm were assassinated for having been too much left.


That seems clearly the course we are now on, as the US is, with bipartisan-consensus approval and funding, subservient to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, and the US Financial Industry, et. al. at WEF.

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Note to all: For some reason Substack's code won't allow me to "heart" all the comments I try to, only some. I'm grateful for this discussion. Thank you all, and keep it going!

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I've encountered the very same issue; makes no sense unless substack is, or allows others to do the censoring.

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slow down on indicting all of the US Financial Industry:

J Powell and Jamie Dimon are not about to kowtow to the likes of German eugenicist Klaus Schwab. That would literally be committing suicide.

Those guys are a lot of things, rapacious blood suckers ok but not suicidal.

The Davos set are very angry with them- Christine La Garde is spitting blood that J Powell raised interest rates, thus refusing to tow the Euro Trash WEF line of intentionally destroying the US dollar...so the WEF Euro Trash can benefit.

It's not happening and they are really pissed!

Theres's a re-set coming for sure but it's not the one the Davos crowd is pushing for.

Iceberg straight ahead and no one can change course, but we will fare better than the collapsing Titanic that is the EU- happening as we speak...

And it's because of people like Dimon and Powell (and the BRICS)- yeah I know hard to believe but it's true-

plant your Victory Garden-

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Working on the garden almost daily, and have been for decades; it is a love thing; it is also now a permanent challenge/opportunity of adaptation.

Re: the FED, et. al.: I wish I could share your rosy picture of what they are & are not doing. I don't and will need to see lots of evidence before I can even consider it. Everything I have seen from them, especially since about 1992, has been progressively worse. It didn't start w/WJC & HRC, but, with the help of J B & BHO, et. al. among all elites in the bipartisan-consensus crowd, they cranked up the Financial Industrial obnoxiousness that WEF leads. The same crowd today totally obstructs everything possible about adapting to climate change; the same crowd insists upon one after another regime change forever wars; JB already telegraphed he is ready to take Iran into another one -- only the fourth one for that nation since WW II - almost catching up with Latin Americas nations on the US regime change forever war hit lists. If WEF is so offended by these folks, why do these folks continue investing US tax dollars in WEF projects, like provoking the war w/Russia inside & primarily at the expense of the Ukrainians? One can go on. One can also remain oblivious. J Powell only raises interest rates when the entire financial clan, J Dimon among their leaders, demands it. Spare the apologies for them. If you want to persuade someone, we might need actual evidence supporting the rhetoric. Otherwise we fall in line behind long strings of parroting true believers.

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Bless you....

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If I understand correctly, according to Pete Santilli, there is some concern that PDD-25 is invoked which gives UN "peacekeeping" troops command over our military at the behest of the president without needing to seek approval from Congress, thusly abnegating our national sovereignty to the United Nations and creating an unaccountable New World Order paramilitary police state in one fell swoop.

I dug the document out of the Clinton digital library and posted it on my site [see link above] and ROCK ON \m/

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