Fall Of The House Of Fauci Underway: Boston Herald Breaks Media Silence, Picks Up Report About 7 Hour Fauci Deposition In Scathing Piece
The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Was On The Table During Fauci's Deposition; And, My NEW Theory Of What We Totally Missed
In a text group chat, I got this link earlier this evening (now yesterday evening) from Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense.
Written by conservative radio host Howie Carr, it’s called “Fauci’s Deposition That State Run Media Doesn’t Want You To See.”
The Boston Herald, founded in 1846, may be the nation’s oldest newspaper, and to intensify the media drama, the author, conservative radio host and author Howie Carr, is no fan of the Kennedy family, to put it mildly.
External link:
I soon realized Carr picked up on and top-reported on a much more detailed article about the Fauci deposition, by Debra Heine, which you can read here.
Last night, it jumped out at me like a puma. This tweet, and this line, (I’m placing it in all caps:)

Wait. Did you know that? Did we know that?
”Oh, just one more thing…”
—Lieutenant Columbo
Postscript Nov 27, 2:19 pm EST;
Misunderstanding alert: I don’t think “China” is a nation, nor “the USA.” I am not “blaming” China. I am tracing how the violence of the lockdowns found their way to Main Street USA, via a very bizarre WHO field trip Fauci has now HAD to testify about. Will Cliff Lane throw Fauci under the bus, or vice versa? Covid lockdowns were as Dr. Kheriaty says “ahistorical” in all of history. This is about stopping the film, when “lockdown” comes via Cliff Lane and WHO from China to Fauci, then Trump. Stopping the Psy op and playing it back in reverse.
And this is about my own level of “WHAT? Really?”
Not universal level.
Rabbit holes last night
“They swallowed hook line and sinker what the Chinese fed them.”
—Aaron Kheriaty, to Jimmy Dore.
Who is Dr. Aaron Kheriaty? (Hard to know who people really are when we only see one digital dimension, but here:)

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty’s reports on the deposition here. Interview with Jimmy Dore here.
Dore is distracted, in the beginning. Kheriaty’s rooting and origins unclear. What he says is shocking but feels “normal.” We can only catch “truth” if we shed all our lenses. I’m adding sub-heads to try to make this piece clearer.
Subhead: Clifford Lane’s Fascinating and Important Field Trip To China, To Learn More About A Cluster of Atypical Pneumonias That Would Behave Like No Pneumonias EVER. King Kong Is Shaking The Empire State Building. That’s How Improbable This All Is. These “pneumonias” in Wuhan Bringing The World To Its Knees, Begging For Tyranny
So: Did that line leap out to you?
“Lane convinced Fauci that we should emulate China’s lockdowns.”
What, what, WHAT?
Thank you Question Everything, for this:
”Celia, if you haven't seen this: Michael Senger, author of "Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World," published a piece on his Substack in July about the power behind Dr. Brix -- he says it was a man by the name of Michael Pottinger. See "Matt Pottinger: The Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down America"
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, WH Covid advisor, has documented what went down inside the WH. I think we can’t handle what he is saying, ultimately. How is it possible unless we are fully controlled by “enemies foreign and domestic?”
Through decades of cultural emphasis and de-emphasis..
America missed it.
Well, yes. “Ordinary Americans” were not generally thrown by the question of why US was emulating China CCP lockdowns, and the media was praising China/CCP for its tough love, WHILE blaming Trump for being soft on (bat virus) crime.
Jon Cohen actually reported it in March of 2020, in Science.
We are going back to the genesis of the PSY OP, the first dark chords of America’s requiem, and like Lieutenant Columbo, we’re taking it all apart and putting it back together in a new way. Forget the origin of the “virus,” that we can’t even agree on if it exists, or if so, in what medium, is it biological or in-silico, etc.
We need to go to the origin of LOCKDOWNS. The wholesale importation of a new global ideology I call “brutalism” which caused the “west” to not be “the west” any more, almost overnight.
Biden embodies is more perfectly, even, than Fauci does.
Western Neo-Brutalism, Exhibit A:
It turns out, as Kheriaty spells out in the Jimmy Dore interview above, and in his book which none of us have read yet, (post edit) this was a transnational USA/DOP/ CCP poison pill that “jumped” via Cliff Lane to Fauci to Trump, while the rest of the world (except Sweden) (and Tanzania) followed the dance steps of the United States. All of course, under the coordination of the WHO.
Look at this:
Full article here (linked again.)
“Quarantined At Home Now, US Scientist Describes His Visit to China’s Hot Zone.”
Look for the spells. Go back in time:
Subhead: National Institutes of Health’s Clifford Lane joined select group of international scientists invited to tour country hardest hit by COVID-19
You may expect me to hold Jon Cohen in contempt but he is a skilled reporter, and although he has always stuck devotedly to the NIH et al party line on every horrifying development since 1984 (HIV/Gallo,) he keeps low tone and is not overtly propagandistic. He collects all the damnation, for the eternal record.
Look for the spells. Go back in time.
Something I often think of: Always the arse-end of their PSY OPs fall off, clumsily, after a few years. This is where you can see the whole anaconda of the PSY OP in perfect hindsight clarity, reviewed backwards. Try it with 9/11, or AIDS, or JFK or anything. The things we children were told in those crucial first days and weeks were to keep us as emotional and psychic hostages to the PSY OP/ dark fairy tale. Within 2-3 years, it’s such a paper tiger you can use it for fire kindling.
For example: Whatever happened to the “radical Islamic terrorists” who “hate us for our freedoms?”
I guess since we don’t have any, anymore, this cured their envy. So 9/11 is done.
So do we still have to remove our shoes when we fly?
I am in (sarcastic) Psy-Op speak when I say these things, not in “seen through it” speak. I am only trying to de-code the lockdown Psy op in this country, using my theory of “The ass end always falls off the op.”
They only write them to take off, never to land.
So, what you do is, you go to Psy Op junkyard, where they fall and rust, and see what they were.
(Or… you get a life?)
Inception: China Does Everything Better. Make America More Like China
Cohen’s March 6, 2020 Inception Of Covid Psy Op article opens:
“On 13 February, Clifford Lane went to a Washington, D.C.–area airport to catch a flight to Japan, where he would help launch a study of an experimental drug, remdesivir, against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Lane is a deputy director at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a right-hand man to Anthony Fauci, head of NIAID and the top research scientist in the country advising the White House on the outbreak of the virus. As Lane waited to board his plane, he was told that his final destination had changed. "I get an email, ‘You need to go to China.' It's like, are you kidding?"
“Lane had been selected as one of two U.S. scientists to join a World Health Organization team of 13 international researchers who would tour five different cities with 12 Chinese colleagues to get a firsthand look at the coronavirus epidemic there. The joint mission, which ran from 16–23 February led to a report that offered more details about the clinical course of COVID-19 and the epidemiology in China than had appeared anywhere before.
Lane is a clinician who has been on the front line of HIV/AIDS research and led studies of vaccines and treatments in Liberia during the West African Ebola epidemic in 2014–16. On 4 March, Lane, still under quarantine in his Maryland home, spoke with ScienceInsider about the China trip and his view of the situation in the United States.”
I sat with this for over 6 hours last night, then the FTX funded “investigative” media (Intercept et al) story broke and took me away from it. I was so clear what I wanted to say that I could not say it, simply. Let me try, now:
Americans are (post edit) programmed to be rewarded for hostility to investigations or awareness into the nature or history of “communism,” now better described as “globalism.” Basic idea includes: Jospeh McCarthy was a dangerous swine. Innocent Hollywood people lost work. etc
The CCP blind spot and aversion to being ‘anti-communist” coupled with the "Asian hate” propaganda campaign (ps for Asian hate, see history of CCP) made it ugly and bad to “blame China. But blame China for what exactly?
Why did no American all the way up to the President Trump, react when US took orders from a hostile communist entity, the CCP (not “China”) about how to “lockdown” America and destroy her?
Why did nobody say: “Since when do we take orders from China about our next moves in “public health"?” They’re worried we will get their new disease and they’re ostensibly trying to warn and assist us? How much sense does that make?
People obsessed about “the science” and the sequences and the bats and Wuhan and Fauci and Gain of Function, but no geo-political properly “anti-communist” or otherwise not spellbound grown up voice said: Why are we taking orders from the CCP, on anything, when it would be their wish that we be destroyed?
Why was it not seen as a Trojan horse attack on the US and the rest of the world, via lockdown fetishism, resulting from our China worship? Read Cohen. The PSY OP held, and I remember it well, that China was being beautifully TOUGH and we needed to emulate this virtuous toughness.
For a cluster of pneumonias in Wuhan China? Pneumonia is not contagious. It is acquired, The number one predictors are poverty, malnutrition and pollution. Last I checked, Angola had highest rate, Finland had lowest. To wit.
How did it raise zero eyebrows US gov was sending Fauci lackey Cliff Lane, his number two in command, to China, as part of this little school trip with its tour of Wuhan, the wet markets, etc? This is what communist regimes used to do. Potemkin village.
Hence, I am arguing that being naive about the nature of formerly known as “communist” (now techno-vaxx-globalist) regimes, and certainly about the CCP’s version, made us kind of miss how weird this all was.
Love In The Time of Corona, written by me, in the beginning. Based on Chinese dissident satirical Twitter accounts.
What makes CFR’s Laurie Garrett, once AIDS reporter for The Daily News, a “pandemic expert?”

New World Order’s First Real Moment, When US and China Become As One
So Lane comes back, is de-briefed by Fauci. What did the Chinese say that gave him such excitation, ostensibly? From trusted agent Jon Cohen’s March 6, 2020 article in. Science:
”There was a completely unified perspective of how this virus was the enemy, and we’re launching an attack and we’re going to defeat it.”
Sort of like the Allied forces against The Axis Powers, then.
Who could be against it? For 35 years Fauci, Lane, Cohen Garrett and all of them were preaching “Virus” As New Unifying “Enemy” And Human Body As Battlefield.
Laying down the foundations.
One dark day in 2020, Fauci and Deborah Birx, both of whom Paul Alexander calls “beasts” gain audience with then President Trump and tell him he has to “lock down” (suicide the) country, because China said so.
Trump bristled and fought but as we know, he agreed. Books have been written about this.
“Oh, I was told, you suffered too much at their hands. You can’t be objective. There must be a point beyond which the Soviet regime ceases to be the Soviet Regime, and the communists to be communists, so our hostility must be replaced by goodwill.
What could I answer? How is it possible to explain to people who have never lived under this regime that communism is not a political system and not even so much a crime as a sort of mass illness, like an epidemic of the plague? It is impossible to take offense at the plague, one can neither quarrel nor make amends with it, one can only become infected or not. Consequently there is no chance of “reconstructing” or “reforming” the plague: one must strive to recover from it, straining every sinew of the will to live. As a rule, the ones who do not try to fight and who sink into apathy do not survive.
This thoughtless euphoria in the West undermined the last chance of victory over communism, and alongside that the smallest hope for Russia’s recovery. “
Beyond doubt, glasnost and perestroika were a diabolical invention. It was not bought just by the Soviet intelligentsia, which was always up for grabs; the whole world bought it…
—Vladimir Bukovsly, Judgment in Moscow, Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity
Of course they tried to water it down with the insipid euphemism: "social distancing".
My initial gut feeling about what they were doing was: They were effectively running the economy off a cliff and that was going to hurt real bad. Far worse than what any virus was doing.
I also remember going to a grocery store in mar/April of 2020 and seeing this long line of people standing on hastily delineated marks made on the sidewalk, and my first though was: When have we EVER done anything like this in an effort to combat the spread of a pathogen? Where's the evidence, the experience that demonstrates this is effective? It was pure speculative nonsense...magical thinking, march-until-the-cargos-return.
I was born in Russia.
Although my mom claims it was my choice, she was sickly paranoid of the state, and went thru hell to get us out and honestly, I think you need to give more evidence because, honestly, having grown up in America, total torture and terror for decades, I wonder if she made the wrong decision¿
I mean, she wouldn't speak Russian to me, which makes it hard for me to contemplate a return , as does the same needlerape there as here.
But I am Listening to Russian and contemplating how to not be terrorized the rest of my life in San Francisco killafornia where I ran against Gavin. In 2007.
ScKamala put me in jail.
Ain't that what they did to me?