Of course they tried to water it down with the insipid euphemism: "social distancing".
My initial gut feeling about what they were doing was: They were effectively running the economy off a cliff and that was going to hurt real bad. Far worse than what any virus was doing.
I also remember going to a grocery store in mar/April of 2020 and seeing this long line of people standing on hastily delineated marks made on the sidewalk, and my first though was: When have we EVER done anything like this in an effort to combat the spread of a pathogen? Where's the evidence, the experience that demonstrates this is effective? It was pure speculative nonsense...magical thinking, march-until-the-cargos-return.
Although my mom claims it was my choice, she was sickly paranoid of the state, and went thru hell to get us out and honestly, I think you need to give more evidence because, honestly, having grown up in America, total torture and terror for decades, I wonder if she made the wrong decision¿
I mean, she wouldn't speak Russian to me, which makes it hard for me to contemplate a return , as does the same needlerape there as here.
But I am Listening to Russian and contemplating how to not be terrorized the rest of my life in San Francisco killafornia where I ran against Gavin. In 2007.
Yes! My point exactly. I was not entirely clear. Communism no longer bound by nation states' borders. Infiltration and seeding not acknowledged. We think "But this is America." We think wrong.
Jon Rappoport did say, early on, that the CCP invented lockdown as a weapon against the West because they knew the West would not be able to help themselves from copying them
But it seems that certain Malthusian environmentalists already decades ago reasoned that the developed countries ought to reduce their growth, but that they were not going to do it, and that therefore it was going to be necessary to wreck their economies. And I think there are enough people in the West adhering to that school of thought, and that the lockdown model was emulated with that purpose in mind... Taking the Communist model,completely aware how harmful it was, and adopting it not out of fear, but for destructive - but non- Communist purposes.
...and of course the REAL reason they advocated "lockdowns" was so that once the shots were rolled out, people would flock to take them, if only to escape from the tyrannical, soul-sucking, dehumanizing lockdowns. The same holds true for masking.
I admit it. I drove around with a bunch of office PPE in backseat a few months. Visited, had campfires in friend’s backyard, painted my canoe 7 times. At age 10, i once caged a chipmunk that died in 5 hrs. That was enough for me. Common sense learned. Simple. I resisted and lived. I’ll take my chances in future too, and may satan help the a-hole who tries to jab me. Lights out.
Who's still wondering if masks work? I don't even bother discussing that because it is painfully obvious that tons of people in the world are hypochondriacs. Some of them will be wearing masks for the rest of their lives.
Also, people locked up at home and unable to meet and exchange thoughts with friends and acquaintances, will be slower in making up their minds about what is happening (and they will also, just for instance, be safely removed from getting glimpses of what is happening in the hospitals. Also maybe it was useful for calibrating the facial recognition AI to intermittently have phases in which people intermingle, then phases where they are tidily separated from each other. Phases with masks and phases without. There are so many different aspects in which these measures worked to the advantage of different groups of profiteers. While at the same time working against the victim populations in so many different ways. It seems disheartening. But it's not necessary to be too impressed by the nefarious planning, though. The explanation is simply that the perpetrators have studied not much as as thoroughly as they have studied how humans tick, how humans are intimidated but more importantly, how humans are incentivized. I think the latter has been used much more intensively than has intimidation.
And, in the ghost-towns thus created, nobody would know anyone was left alive. I snuck around aplenty(i will not be caged, and satan help the fool who tries to trap me) and wondered..” where the hell are all the dead bodies?”
When the weather report says heavy rain, and the g dam sky is cloudless, “c’mon, no joke” u can smell the lie like a big. Dead, rotting, fish. For miles.
How, my mom, woman of strength of faith. A trusting soul who still acknowledged evil, lurking...🙏🏽🇨🇦🌎
Some of us, low-life "conspiracy theorists", DID ask the question about taking orders from China. But where I live, some highly placed folk admire their basic dictatorship, so...
Im guessing you live in Ottawa. That backward, semi-educated, groupthink backwater where so many are brainwashed zombies its surreal. It was the fine protest for freedom in February. During the evening gatherings and dancing to keep our toes alive, the government folk would shuffle thru or around us, briefcases dangling emptily, head down as if in shame.On their way to a subway or home of better sanity.Without having a clue what the hell was going on in the vast country they claim to serve.
My condolences. I escaped that place and will return only with a ticket to the public hangings.
"The CCP blind spot and aversion to being ‘anti-communist” coupled with the "Asian hate” propaganda campaign (ps for Asian hate, see history of CCP) made it ugly and bad to “blame China. But blame China for what exactly? "
The Asian hate that was actually happening was perpetrated by ghetto type black males who were punching geriatric Asian people in the back of the head for absolutely no reason. This was happening DURING the so called BLM riots that were erupting around the country. We had to watch as Asian people were singled out for violence in Philly, San Fran, Brooklyn ect, while a single black man took fentanyl that was made in China who died while resisting arrest was used as an excuse to a)violate lock down and b) to defund the police, which would surely lead to more crime.
They rubbed it in our face for months, now years. They, the powers that be, didn't give a shit at all if anyone was under lock down, else they would have opposed the blm riots (mostly peaceful?) . They were only interested in demoralizing us and getting us vaxed.
Stephen, the question becomes: Why would black males, in 2020, suddenly begin to attack geriatric Asians close to BLM riots, or elsewhere? My short answer is: Mind attack. Frequencies. Drugs that affect the mind, induce violence, supplied by US Gov, and/or, they were paid. (The base level of ops.) All of the above. They were certainly not suddenly becoming angry because of any notions about a "lab leak" causing "Covid 19," right?
False flag ops 101.
Make sure a smattering of weird/bad is amplified in media, then make your move, designed around people's sense of shame around this new problem with humanity.
Maybe, but we've been faced with 'the knockout game' at least since I lived on the East coast. That's just a fact. That the MSM doesn't report on black crime but goes on and on about anything that white people may or may not do is simply part of the psy op. I'm not blaming black people or anything like that. I'm saying that there are those in that community that do bad things and the media ignores it because of a narrative that they're pushing on the country in the name of 'change', as if the change they're pushing is somehow good. They know what they're doing: they're making 'racism' worse. And it's by design. One more act of malevolence toward the people of United States, white, black, Asian or any other,
Yes, the attacks on Asian people by black men in the United States had nothing to do with lab leak.
skin color warn't reported... they tried ta' cover it up... even the POST (the 'effin POST) erased mention've skin color...as if sayin' it was "hateful" / hate crime... all calc-ya-lated...
The "Attacks on Asians 2.0 the movie" WAS milked! (all over the press, police blotters, etc.... so sayin' boo against CCP was "not PeeCee" )
I don't exactly know what you're saying, but my contention is that the knock out game pre existed covid and it suddenly became an item when it's motivation was supposed to be covid. They weren't. The knock out game was ignored by the press for years.
Stephen Ericson wrote, "... the knock out game pre existed covid and it suddenly became an item when it's motivation was supposed to be covid. They weren't. The knock out game was ignored by the press for years."
^Astute observations like this^ keep me coming back to Substack. Like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates, you never know what interesting observations you may find here.
1. I'm agreein' that the game to not report black crime (WHILE increasin' city crime on the QT) was planned and fully in place fer years (years!) but I say it wasn't suddenly an item when this was turned towards the "White-Adjacent-Asians"-it wuz a planned "press release" so ta speak... like a movie script and...
2. turnin' the already woke-i-fried brains of men made ta feel that AmeriKa was inherently racist and that they could never git a leg up an' that it was all the falt've OTHER folks (white/white-adjacent no responsibility anywarz else includin' towards our various instee-two-shuns...)--turnin' this toxic mindset a little bit in the direction've the now robots "blame Asians" mentality could be done on a dime fer the already disenfranchised under-educated woke-i-fried poor who are steeped in victim-hood and blame game polly-ticks (jus' sayin')
Thought that m'self--all it'd take is one duty-ful "preacher" in the tunnel / shelter / under the BQE to "direct" already-bad energy towards Asians... just like in Rawanda--Hutus were groomed to hate Tutsis...then the "5g" from the plane ('er whatever frequency) and BOOM. I think this op was a little more subtle... (ever since I kin' member there was some brewin' black hate towards Asians -- never knew from whence it came... but it's decades old... am sure it wuz "goosed".... easy to bribe "community leaders"...)
I think that what has been going for a long time had suddenly become of interest because of their own interests. It's all a matter of what they shine a light on or not. That's it.
Very interesting analysis. And i simplemindedly chocked such violent behaviour to racism misplaced out of fear or hate by association. Thank you. Something else needed to be the cause of that rash of hate, timed to fall into biden’s relentless and galactically stupid and divisive notion that America is basically and officially racist. Enough already!
Having worked as a state legislative lobbyist on publc health policy issues for nearly two decades and been formally trained in mass media persuasion, including Soviet-era propaganda (one professor became a cofounder of factcheck.org, learned the magician's tricks from magicians working for the bad guys) I had a whole lot more innoculation to the PsyOps virus pandemic than most.
I knew the public health officials, the resources they are informed by, the billions of dollars of research grants they've appropriated over the decades to mitigate infectious disease, the plans that recognize civil liberties must be preserved even in a Spanish Flu-level pandemic. They knew masks were medically ineffective barriers to viral transmission. They knew you can't vaccinate your way out of a respiratory pandemic when you're in the middle of it. Every single bit of medical science and research knew these things as immutable facts. Pre-2020.
And official public health policy knew that travel bans were medically ineffective for pandemic influenza, viral respiratory disease. WHO, CDC, all pandemic plans said so. Informed by those billions of dollars funding a century of medical science research. They reasoned that when nations erect travel bans they are blaming other nations for the spread of infectious disease they are powerless over. And when nations blame other nations that nation leaders blame their people for the spread of infectious disease they are powerless over. Leaders don't like to be blamed; they shift it. And so the WHO, CDC, et al plans said the restrictions on people to be blamed for "risky" behaviors threaten liberal democracies that value individual liberty is too great a threat to western values, that travel bans must not be imposed. That they are a political act. And that politics and public health shouldn't be mixed like that.
This was Pres. Trump's original sin. The travel ban. That he was warned not to impose. Remember, they were called "xenophobic." Whether xenophobia was the motivation or not, the travel ban, in fact, was the moment infectious disease became an exercise in political science, not medical science-based.
All of the pandemic mitigation strategies imposed were/are an exercise in political science, social science, var. behavioral science. Epidemiology draws upon behavioral sciences, to change the behavior of populations to theoretically control the spread of infectious disease. The most effective behavioral science tool is fear. Fear amplification. Nothing motivates radical behavior change like fear. Which is why totalitarianism rides in on the back of fear. The perfect vehicle for radical political change that threatens free people. Just like the WHO, CDC, et al said in pandemic preparedness prior to 2020.
Behavioral Science is the science of the efficacy of propaganda, linguistics, symbols (like masks), opinion Ieaders, "nudges" that provoke a desired behavior change in a target population. When public health officials claim to be following the science, the best science, they are hiding in the ambiguity of the word "science." The pandemic public policy has been social and behavioral science-based. Not natural, medical science-based. Opponents waive medical science evidence of how the public policy fails medical science evidence. While officials yawn, knowing the wrong science is being challenged they ignore they medical science evidence.
For many reasons, many agendas, the pandemic became a battlefield for much larger political agendas than public health. Green-lighted by Trump's travel ban, an inherently political act known and cautioned against for that very reason. Prior to 2020.
Whether it be for China's geopolitical agendas, leftist/Marxist American and European domestic political agendas, rightist/corporatist/Fascist American and European domestic political agendas, good old-fashioned greed by Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, the pandemic was the purpose or excuse for a political science, behavioral science-based restructuring of global society.
Planned or seized upon by actors like the WEF, UN Agenda 2030, with people in powerful positions trained and ready to radically transform humanity and civilization into one of their utopian collectivist future designs.
This is where humanity finds itself. The Science (TM) must be called out, not allowed to hide in the ambiguity of the word. Behavioral science has masqueraded as medical science for too long. It is the science of totalitarianism. Deceit is it's hallmark. Dr. Sigmund Freud masquerading as Dr. Jonas Salk. Would you have a psychologist perform medical surgery on you? Both are doctors, right? All doctors are not the same. All sciences are not the same.
The distinction must be made. Sunlight disinfects best. This pathogen of totalitarian behaviorism needs a whole lot of sunlight. It's the same pathogen that is being deployed to make us happy owning nothing and eating bugs. Masquerading as equality and environmentalism. The most powerful weapon in the arsenal of political science information war armies. Deactivated by sunlight.
Fantastic, rich comment. Thank you. You worked inside the belly of the beast. And yet you read this Substack. I think we are living through something huge . If we are not afraid, it fills up with light.
"Planned or seized upon..." One question: Is this still a choice? How can it not be planned after Agenda 201 clips?
The belly of the beast. I use the same words to describe it. And that's just focusing on state legislative policymaking. Whenever I had dealings with national policymaking, policymakers, I knew it to be that much worse. I left the belly of the beast in 2015 after telling myself and others that it was irredeemable, the system was broken beyond repair, I'd enjoy the rest of my life outside of it, ride off in the sunset to a more peaceful existence for my time here. For my soul. Little did I know the system would reveal its monstrosity to the world and intrude on the peaceful existences of everyone, everywhere, no escape even where the sun sets. The system is irredeemable. It cannot be fixed. They've (we've all by our inattentiveness and lack of diligence to civic responsibilities enabled 'them') broken it beyond repair.
Planned or seized upon, at this point of little distinction. The debate over the genesis of it allows the guilty and brainwashed to point to the lack of a smoking gun, as much as Event 201 was, and the discussion gets bogged down into a debate about brilliant evil connivance or corrupt incompetent cowardice origins. When the truth is a lot of both. Top-heavy on the brilliant evil connivance, the corrupt incompetent cowardice found in the lower ranks of authority.
The evil atop wishes to Build Back Better to something we can only shudder to think about, the signs everywhere of what they consider "better" looking more like an Orwellian, hellish dystopia. But We, The People have a say in our future. And only an awakened people, to the awful reality of man's law elevated as superior to God's law will be able to create a future that is truly better. Back from my sunset ride, doing my part.
It was never about an illness but the financial system. Has any of you read this book yet? It's a free pdf download. Please read it and if you think relevant, share the heck out of it.
Communism is the satanic child of the Jesuit Paraguay Reductions and Liberation Theology. The Jesuit General in 1720 boasted that he controls China and the world. He certainly does now.
Eric Berman, Eric777, reads Theodore Greisinger's account of the Jesuit's key role in the genesis of communism.
Fauci did attend a Jesuit high school in Manhattan from 1955-1958, then graduated from College of the Holy Cross 1962. Not sure of the year he went over to the dark side ...
Jesuits are the masters of the dark side. Having experience with the occult practices of every culture over their 500 years of missionary endeavours.
They are taught that they can do the Devil's work if it's for the greater good. Part of their " the end sanctifies the means" doctrine. Whatever it takes to bring the world under the power of their church. They have been thrown out of over 80 nations due to their corrupting and murderous acts.
"Why did nobody say: “Since when do we take orders from China about our next moves in “public health"?” They’re worried we will get their new disease and they’re ostensibly trying to warn and assist us? How much sense does that make? "
Meanwhile the ink wasn't even dry regarding the whole trade deal that Trump bet his presidency on? The media at the time was in full hype mode and Trump got no honeymoon at all. I contend that the American public was being primed to hate Trump and that he being somehow blamed for it was the broth of the soup of the pandemic.
Right. But we rubes on the street. Why did we normalize it? Kind of. Because unpacking "communism" and infiltration is dirty. Still.
Formerly "red-baiting" now "Asian hate." Nobody hates Asians! We hated LOCKDOWN. And now the Chinese people are being slaughtered and burned because we were so infatuated with the "Chinese model," and I'm making noise, because I know this is where they got us. They always put shame in the most critical portals of study.
Irrationally here'bouts in woke-fried "Greenpernt" there are young'uns namin' their lil' dogs Mao and tee-(hee) shirts silkscreened with Che on'em...some name their babies after this madman. One've the assembly"womyn" is an avowed socialist... So nu? Not only can'ye not diss Communism/CCP, it's "cool" (in 20-sumthins' that know jack squat 'bout his-try... or I guess it's her-story now???) eek
already sold the economy to china for a long time, opening borders to trade with china. Wasn't that nixon? i was a kid so i am not so sure. But the fact that everything is made in china is where things were going wrong. As to the virus, for once i think Xi might be right. It was probably made in USA.
You may recall that we attended a wedding in Long Island in Sep 2021. The 27 y/o bride required everyone to be vaxxed or tested. We asked her to reconsider and warned her of the dangers of Fauci's deadly vaccines. She got the last word and, to make matters worse, she got jabbed.
Two weeks later, she was hospitalized with mini-strokes. Sometime during her recovery she became pregnant. A few weeks ago when a California hospital leaked a 500% increase in stillborns and miscarriages, she had an emergency delivery because their baby had stopped growing. Today, the incubated baby is suffering from "RSV" - the latest euphemism for the "vaccine injury" that the doctors refuse to mention for fear of losing their medical privileges and credentials.
If the baby survives, she'll likely suffer from a lifetime of medical problems and the parents will likely be blamed for their own genetic defects or the bad choice to subject themselves, their extended family and loved ones to this deadly fraud.
I forgive them because that's what I am called to do. But if our loving Father is a just God, Fauci, his satanic disciples, and the Democrat and Communist Party Branch Covidian Cult members will suffer a painful and eternal damnation. Bring on the fire and brimstone!
And, how convenient is that RSV is turning out to be for the perpetrators!? E.G., Colorado and a few other states just amended and extended their ''health emergencies'' by adding RSV cases, and flu cases, to ''Covid'' cases in order to justify the extension of the so-called emergency. That happened 2 days after election day. Coincidence? Methinks NOT.
Virology is to biology what astrology is to physics. Biological testing is designed to convince healthy people to accept needless, costly, and deadly interventions, drugs, and vaccines. Once just one of their NIH/CDC shell games is fully understood (i.e., HIV, HPV, HCV, Zika, Ebola, SARs, etc.), it's easy to recognize ALL of their variations.
The next time some ignoramus covid death cultist opines that it would be impossible for this all to have been coordinated, I'm sending them this article.
When I said I didn't believe covid19 was deadly (except for already dying people) and that there was no way I was getting the jab, I was called a Trumper/conspiracy theorist, so that was the last of my warning them (my family & friends). The irony is that Trump orchestrated the lockdown and Operation Warp Speed. So.... how was I the Trumper? LOL.
Not to mention, who’s laughing now( without choking on heart inflammation or 1001 other new diseases). The pathology book will take decades to rewrite. Somebody’s gotta revive those evil politicians on their deathbed.
Of course they tried to water it down with the insipid euphemism: "social distancing".
My initial gut feeling about what they were doing was: They were effectively running the economy off a cliff and that was going to hurt real bad. Far worse than what any virus was doing.
I also remember going to a grocery store in mar/April of 2020 and seeing this long line of people standing on hastily delineated marks made on the sidewalk, and my first though was: When have we EVER done anything like this in an effort to combat the spread of a pathogen? Where's the evidence, the experience that demonstrates this is effective? It was pure speculative nonsense...magical thinking, march-until-the-cargos-return.
Not sure everyone knows about Feynman's cargo-cult science:
“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
~ Richard P. Feynman
I was born in Russia.
Although my mom claims it was my choice, she was sickly paranoid of the state, and went thru hell to get us out and honestly, I think you need to give more evidence because, honestly, having grown up in America, total torture and terror for decades, I wonder if she made the wrong decision¿
I mean, she wouldn't speak Russian to me, which makes it hard for me to contemplate a return , as does the same needlerape there as here.
But I am Listening to Russian and contemplating how to not be terrorized the rest of my life in San Francisco killafornia where I ran against Gavin. In 2007.
ScKamala put me in jail.
Ain't that what they did to me?
Yes! My point exactly. I was not entirely clear. Communism no longer bound by nation states' borders. Infiltration and seeding not acknowledged. We think "But this is America." We think wrong.
They locked down the whole world
They locked me in to jail
Could you clarify?
Check my substack.
I think the lockdown is ongoing
Я тоже изучаю русский. Однако ситуация там такая же, как и в США. You can run but you can't hide.
Jordan Schachtel called it. China used this and the phony images of dead people in the streets to sell us the Zombie Apocalypse.
Jon Rappoport did say, early on, that the CCP invented lockdown as a weapon against the West because they knew the West would not be able to help themselves from copying them
But it seems that certain Malthusian environmentalists already decades ago reasoned that the developed countries ought to reduce their growth, but that they were not going to do it, and that therefore it was going to be necessary to wreck their economies. And I think there are enough people in the West adhering to that school of thought, and that the lockdown model was emulated with that purpose in mind... Taking the Communist model,completely aware how harmful it was, and adopting it not out of fear, but for destructive - but non- Communist purposes.
...and of course the REAL reason they advocated "lockdowns" was so that once the shots were rolled out, people would flock to take them, if only to escape from the tyrannical, soul-sucking, dehumanizing lockdowns. The same holds true for masking.
I admit it. I drove around with a bunch of office PPE in backseat a few months. Visited, had campfires in friend’s backyard, painted my canoe 7 times. At age 10, i once caged a chipmunk that died in 5 hrs. That was enough for me. Common sense learned. Simple. I resisted and lived. I’ll take my chances in future too, and may satan help the a-hole who tries to jab me. Lights out.
This is a poem, a sad one:
"At age 10, I once caged a chipmunk that died in 5 hours. That was enough for me."
So poignant. So true.
And yet here we are, still wondering if masks work.
No. They didn't prevent anything.
Who's still wondering if masks work? I don't even bother discussing that because it is painfully obvious that tons of people in the world are hypochondriacs. Some of them will be wearing masks for the rest of their lives.
Nobody sane.
Mask wearers are not my people.
They prevented the evil tyrants from thinking we were anything but sheep, collectively speaking, of course.
Also, people locked up at home and unable to meet and exchange thoughts with friends and acquaintances, will be slower in making up their minds about what is happening (and they will also, just for instance, be safely removed from getting glimpses of what is happening in the hospitals. Also maybe it was useful for calibrating the facial recognition AI to intermittently have phases in which people intermingle, then phases where they are tidily separated from each other. Phases with masks and phases without. There are so many different aspects in which these measures worked to the advantage of different groups of profiteers. While at the same time working against the victim populations in so many different ways. It seems disheartening. But it's not necessary to be too impressed by the nefarious planning, though. The explanation is simply that the perpetrators have studied not much as as thoroughly as they have studied how humans tick, how humans are intimidated but more importantly, how humans are incentivized. I think the latter has been used much more intensively than has intimidation.
Yes. The perfect storm.
And, in the ghost-towns thus created, nobody would know anyone was left alive. I snuck around aplenty(i will not be caged, and satan help the fool who tries to trap me) and wondered..” where the hell are all the dead bodies?”
When the weather report says heavy rain, and the g dam sky is cloudless, “c’mon, no joke” u can smell the lie like a big. Dead, rotting, fish. For miles.
How, my mom, woman of strength of faith. A trusting soul who still acknowledged evil, lurking...🙏🏽🇨🇦🌎
Some of us, low-life "conspiracy theorists", DID ask the question about taking orders from China. But where I live, some highly placed folk admire their basic dictatorship, so...
Im guessing you live in Ottawa. That backward, semi-educated, groupthink backwater where so many are brainwashed zombies its surreal. It was the fine protest for freedom in February. During the evening gatherings and dancing to keep our toes alive, the government folk would shuffle thru or around us, briefcases dangling emptily, head down as if in shame.On their way to a subway or home of better sanity.Without having a clue what the hell was going on in the vast country they claim to serve.
My condolences. I escaped that place and will return only with a ticket to the public hangings.
I got a bag of rice for you too, friend.
Also, taking masks and testing equipment from China.
For sure. Duh. And the deals for vax development
"The CCP blind spot and aversion to being ‘anti-communist” coupled with the "Asian hate” propaganda campaign (ps for Asian hate, see history of CCP) made it ugly and bad to “blame China. But blame China for what exactly? "
The Asian hate that was actually happening was perpetrated by ghetto type black males who were punching geriatric Asian people in the back of the head for absolutely no reason. This was happening DURING the so called BLM riots that were erupting around the country. We had to watch as Asian people were singled out for violence in Philly, San Fran, Brooklyn ect, while a single black man took fentanyl that was made in China who died while resisting arrest was used as an excuse to a)violate lock down and b) to defund the police, which would surely lead to more crime.
They rubbed it in our face for months, now years. They, the powers that be, didn't give a shit at all if anyone was under lock down, else they would have opposed the blm riots (mostly peaceful?) . They were only interested in demoralizing us and getting us vaxed.
Stephen, the question becomes: Why would black males, in 2020, suddenly begin to attack geriatric Asians close to BLM riots, or elsewhere? My short answer is: Mind attack. Frequencies. Drugs that affect the mind, induce violence, supplied by US Gov, and/or, they were paid. (The base level of ops.) All of the above. They were certainly not suddenly becoming angry because of any notions about a "lab leak" causing "Covid 19," right?
False flag ops 101.
Make sure a smattering of weird/bad is amplified in media, then make your move, designed around people's sense of shame around this new problem with humanity.
Maybe, but we've been faced with 'the knockout game' at least since I lived on the East coast. That's just a fact. That the MSM doesn't report on black crime but goes on and on about anything that white people may or may not do is simply part of the psy op. I'm not blaming black people or anything like that. I'm saying that there are those in that community that do bad things and the media ignores it because of a narrative that they're pushing on the country in the name of 'change', as if the change they're pushing is somehow good. They know what they're doing: they're making 'racism' worse. And it's by design. One more act of malevolence toward the people of United States, white, black, Asian or any other,
Yes, the attacks on Asian people by black men in the United States had nothing to do with lab leak.
skin color warn't reported... they tried ta' cover it up... even the POST (the 'effin POST) erased mention've skin color...as if sayin' it was "hateful" / hate crime... all calc-ya-lated...
The "Attacks on Asians 2.0 the movie" WAS milked! (all over the press, police blotters, etc.... so sayin' boo against CCP was "not PeeCee" )
I don't exactly know what you're saying, but my contention is that the knock out game pre existed covid and it suddenly became an item when it's motivation was supposed to be covid. They weren't. The knock out game was ignored by the press for years.
Stephen Ericson wrote, "... the knock out game pre existed covid and it suddenly became an item when it's motivation was supposed to be covid. They weren't. The knock out game was ignored by the press for years."
^Astute observations like this^ keep me coming back to Substack. Like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates, you never know what interesting observations you may find here.
1. I'm agreein' that the game to not report black crime (WHILE increasin' city crime on the QT) was planned and fully in place fer years (years!) but I say it wasn't suddenly an item when this was turned towards the "White-Adjacent-Asians"-it wuz a planned "press release" so ta speak... like a movie script and...
2. turnin' the already woke-i-fried brains of men made ta feel that AmeriKa was inherently racist and that they could never git a leg up an' that it was all the falt've OTHER folks (white/white-adjacent no responsibility anywarz else includin' towards our various instee-two-shuns...)--turnin' this toxic mindset a little bit in the direction've the now robots "blame Asians" mentality could be done on a dime fer the already disenfranchised under-educated woke-i-fried poor who are steeped in victim-hood and blame game polly-ticks (jus' sayin')
Candyman 2021 Monkeypaw Productions
Psy-op 102
Watch, really watch right through the credits…
Thought that m'self--all it'd take is one duty-ful "preacher" in the tunnel / shelter / under the BQE to "direct" already-bad energy towards Asians... just like in Rawanda--Hutus were groomed to hate Tutsis...then the "5g" from the plane ('er whatever frequency) and BOOM. I think this op was a little more subtle... (ever since I kin' member there was some brewin' black hate towards Asians -- never knew from whence it came... but it's decades old... am sure it wuz "goosed".... easy to bribe "community leaders"...)
I think that what has been going for a long time had suddenly become of interest because of their own interests. It's all a matter of what they shine a light on or not. That's it.
Very interesting analysis. And i simplemindedly chocked such violent behaviour to racism misplaced out of fear or hate by association. Thank you. Something else needed to be the cause of that rash of hate, timed to fall into biden’s relentless and galactically stupid and divisive notion that America is basically and officially racist. Enough already!
Paper Tiger
It’s powerless to hurt
But still you are afraid
Like many fears it’s overplayed
Like a shapeless fear
It stalks your heart
It can touch you
Or tear you apart
It’s made out of paper
That’s all it is
Is powerless and your powerful
Don’t be fooled by paper fears
That are baseless and faceless
and shaped by tears.
It’s not alive
and will never be real
so heal yourself of your paper fears!
Daniel Hooks
Having worked as a state legislative lobbyist on publc health policy issues for nearly two decades and been formally trained in mass media persuasion, including Soviet-era propaganda (one professor became a cofounder of factcheck.org, learned the magician's tricks from magicians working for the bad guys) I had a whole lot more innoculation to the PsyOps virus pandemic than most.
I knew the public health officials, the resources they are informed by, the billions of dollars of research grants they've appropriated over the decades to mitigate infectious disease, the plans that recognize civil liberties must be preserved even in a Spanish Flu-level pandemic. They knew masks were medically ineffective barriers to viral transmission. They knew you can't vaccinate your way out of a respiratory pandemic when you're in the middle of it. Every single bit of medical science and research knew these things as immutable facts. Pre-2020.
And official public health policy knew that travel bans were medically ineffective for pandemic influenza, viral respiratory disease. WHO, CDC, all pandemic plans said so. Informed by those billions of dollars funding a century of medical science research. They reasoned that when nations erect travel bans they are blaming other nations for the spread of infectious disease they are powerless over. And when nations blame other nations that nation leaders blame their people for the spread of infectious disease they are powerless over. Leaders don't like to be blamed; they shift it. And so the WHO, CDC, et al plans said the restrictions on people to be blamed for "risky" behaviors threaten liberal democracies that value individual liberty is too great a threat to western values, that travel bans must not be imposed. That they are a political act. And that politics and public health shouldn't be mixed like that.
This was Pres. Trump's original sin. The travel ban. That he was warned not to impose. Remember, they were called "xenophobic." Whether xenophobia was the motivation or not, the travel ban, in fact, was the moment infectious disease became an exercise in political science, not medical science-based.
All of the pandemic mitigation strategies imposed were/are an exercise in political science, social science, var. behavioral science. Epidemiology draws upon behavioral sciences, to change the behavior of populations to theoretically control the spread of infectious disease. The most effective behavioral science tool is fear. Fear amplification. Nothing motivates radical behavior change like fear. Which is why totalitarianism rides in on the back of fear. The perfect vehicle for radical political change that threatens free people. Just like the WHO, CDC, et al said in pandemic preparedness prior to 2020.
Behavioral Science is the science of the efficacy of propaganda, linguistics, symbols (like masks), opinion Ieaders, "nudges" that provoke a desired behavior change in a target population. When public health officials claim to be following the science, the best science, they are hiding in the ambiguity of the word "science." The pandemic public policy has been social and behavioral science-based. Not natural, medical science-based. Opponents waive medical science evidence of how the public policy fails medical science evidence. While officials yawn, knowing the wrong science is being challenged they ignore they medical science evidence.
For many reasons, many agendas, the pandemic became a battlefield for much larger political agendas than public health. Green-lighted by Trump's travel ban, an inherently political act known and cautioned against for that very reason. Prior to 2020.
Whether it be for China's geopolitical agendas, leftist/Marxist American and European domestic political agendas, rightist/corporatist/Fascist American and European domestic political agendas, good old-fashioned greed by Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, the pandemic was the purpose or excuse for a political science, behavioral science-based restructuring of global society.
Planned or seized upon by actors like the WEF, UN Agenda 2030, with people in powerful positions trained and ready to radically transform humanity and civilization into one of their utopian collectivist future designs.
This is where humanity finds itself. The Science (TM) must be called out, not allowed to hide in the ambiguity of the word. Behavioral science has masqueraded as medical science for too long. It is the science of totalitarianism. Deceit is it's hallmark. Dr. Sigmund Freud masquerading as Dr. Jonas Salk. Would you have a psychologist perform medical surgery on you? Both are doctors, right? All doctors are not the same. All sciences are not the same.
The distinction must be made. Sunlight disinfects best. This pathogen of totalitarian behaviorism needs a whole lot of sunlight. It's the same pathogen that is being deployed to make us happy owning nothing and eating bugs. Masquerading as equality and environmentalism. The most powerful weapon in the arsenal of political science information war armies. Deactivated by sunlight.
Fantastic, rich comment. Thank you. You worked inside the belly of the beast. And yet you read this Substack. I think we are living through something huge . If we are not afraid, it fills up with light.
"Planned or seized upon..." One question: Is this still a choice? How can it not be planned after Agenda 201 clips?
The belly of the beast. I use the same words to describe it. And that's just focusing on state legislative policymaking. Whenever I had dealings with national policymaking, policymakers, I knew it to be that much worse. I left the belly of the beast in 2015 after telling myself and others that it was irredeemable, the system was broken beyond repair, I'd enjoy the rest of my life outside of it, ride off in the sunset to a more peaceful existence for my time here. For my soul. Little did I know the system would reveal its monstrosity to the world and intrude on the peaceful existences of everyone, everywhere, no escape even where the sun sets. The system is irredeemable. It cannot be fixed. They've (we've all by our inattentiveness and lack of diligence to civic responsibilities enabled 'them') broken it beyond repair.
Planned or seized upon, at this point of little distinction. The debate over the genesis of it allows the guilty and brainwashed to point to the lack of a smoking gun, as much as Event 201 was, and the discussion gets bogged down into a debate about brilliant evil connivance or corrupt incompetent cowardice origins. When the truth is a lot of both. Top-heavy on the brilliant evil connivance, the corrupt incompetent cowardice found in the lower ranks of authority.
The evil atop wishes to Build Back Better to something we can only shudder to think about, the signs everywhere of what they consider "better" looking more like an Orwellian, hellish dystopia. But We, The People have a say in our future. And only an awakened people, to the awful reality of man's law elevated as superior to God's law will be able to create a future that is truly better. Back from my sunset ride, doing my part.
It was never about an illness but the financial system. Has any of you read this book yet? It's a free pdf download. Please read it and if you think relevant, share the heck out of it.
Communism is the satanic child of the Jesuit Paraguay Reductions and Liberation Theology. The Jesuit General in 1720 boasted that he controls China and the world. He certainly does now.
Eric Berman, Eric777, reads Theodore Greisinger's account of the Jesuit's key role in the genesis of communism.
boom. Thank you.
I always feel like there is so much more to learn when I read all these comments ...
fwiw Fauxchee is a Jesuit (an' Trumpy went to Fordham--Jesuit College...) Hmmm....
Biden at Scranton, Harris at San Francisco University, Fauci's wife, Georgetown,
CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, Newsome at Santa Clara U, and don't forget Schwab and Melinda Gates.
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and went to Georgetown.
Harris went to Howard University and then to law school at Hastings, not USF.
Fauci did attend a Jesuit high school in Manhattan from 1955-1958, then graduated from College of the Holy Cross 1962. Not sure of the year he went over to the dark side ...
Jesuits are the masters of the dark side. Having experience with the occult practices of every culture over their 500 years of missionary endeavours.
They are taught that they can do the Devil's work if it's for the greater good. Part of their " the end sanctifies the means" doctrine. Whatever it takes to bring the world under the power of their church. They have been thrown out of over 80 nations due to their corrupting and murderous acts.
"Why did nobody say: “Since when do we take orders from China about our next moves in “public health"?” They’re worried we will get their new disease and they’re ostensibly trying to warn and assist us? How much sense does that make? "
Meanwhile the ink wasn't even dry regarding the whole trade deal that Trump bet his presidency on? The media at the time was in full hype mode and Trump got no honeymoon at all. I contend that the American public was being primed to hate Trump and that he being somehow blamed for it was the broth of the soup of the pandemic.
Because they've been taking orders from China for a loooooong time?
Right. But we rubes on the street. Why did we normalize it? Kind of. Because unpacking "communism" and infiltration is dirty. Still.
Formerly "red-baiting" now "Asian hate." Nobody hates Asians! We hated LOCKDOWN. And now the Chinese people are being slaughtered and burned because we were so infatuated with the "Chinese model," and I'm making noise, because I know this is where they got us. They always put shame in the most critical portals of study.
Irrationally here'bouts in woke-fried "Greenpernt" there are young'uns namin' their lil' dogs Mao and tee-(hee) shirts silkscreened with Che on'em...some name their babies after this madman. One've the assembly"womyn" is an avowed socialist... So nu? Not only can'ye not diss Communism/CCP, it's "cool" (in 20-sumthins' that know jack squat 'bout his-try... or I guess it's her-story now???) eek
already sold the economy to china for a long time, opening borders to trade with china. Wasn't that nixon? i was a kid so i am not so sure. But the fact that everything is made in china is where things were going wrong. As to the virus, for once i think Xi might be right. It was probably made in USA.
Or at least by American money and design.
You may recall that we attended a wedding in Long Island in Sep 2021. The 27 y/o bride required everyone to be vaxxed or tested. We asked her to reconsider and warned her of the dangers of Fauci's deadly vaccines. She got the last word and, to make matters worse, she got jabbed.
Two weeks later, she was hospitalized with mini-strokes. Sometime during her recovery she became pregnant. A few weeks ago when a California hospital leaked a 500% increase in stillborns and miscarriages, she had an emergency delivery because their baby had stopped growing. Today, the incubated baby is suffering from "RSV" - the latest euphemism for the "vaccine injury" that the doctors refuse to mention for fear of losing their medical privileges and credentials.
If the baby survives, she'll likely suffer from a lifetime of medical problems and the parents will likely be blamed for their own genetic defects or the bad choice to subject themselves, their extended family and loved ones to this deadly fraud.
I forgive them because that's what I am called to do. But if our loving Father is a just God, Fauci, his satanic disciples, and the Democrat and Communist Party Branch Covidian Cult members will suffer a painful and eternal damnation. Bring on the fire and brimstone!
And, how convenient is that RSV is turning out to be for the perpetrators!? E.G., Colorado and a few other states just amended and extended their ''health emergencies'' by adding RSV cases, and flu cases, to ''Covid'' cases in order to justify the extension of the so-called emergency. That happened 2 days after election day. Coincidence? Methinks NOT.
Virology is to biology what astrology is to physics. Biological testing is designed to convince healthy people to accept needless, costly, and deadly interventions, drugs, and vaccines. Once just one of their NIH/CDC shell games is fully understood (i.e., HIV, HPV, HCV, Zika, Ebola, SARs, etc.), it's easy to recognize ALL of their variations.
" This is what communist regimes do. Potemkin village."
It's moments like this that made me a fan of Celia Farber.
The next time some ignoramus covid death cultist opines that it would be impossible for this all to have been coordinated, I'm sending them this article.
I would forward it to family but, alas, its too late.
When I said I didn't believe covid19 was deadly (except for already dying people) and that there was no way I was getting the jab, I was called a Trumper/conspiracy theorist, so that was the last of my warning them (my family & friends). The irony is that Trump orchestrated the lockdown and Operation Warp Speed. So.... how was I the Trumper? LOL.
Not to mention, who’s laughing now( without choking on heart inflammation or 1001 other new diseases). The pathology book will take decades to rewrite. Somebody’s gotta revive those evil politicians on their deathbed.
Dying to know the identity of the stuntman who face planted on that Chinese street.
Which, is NOT how people here are dying, prior to any shots. If people here died that way, it was post shot.
I think his name is Wee Ful Yu.
Yes, that's why he's a stuntman.