Wow Cecelia, you are one excellent journalist. I’m not sure how to describe the craftsmanship of layering fact with historical perspective and the human heart - but you are a true artisan.
Peter Gabriel, sits on the Advisory Council to a group known as "The Elders". Many obvious liars make up this organization. People associated with U.N. etc etc
and I don't give a shite about Gabriel's politics. In fact, the less I know about any author/musician/actor and their political beliefs the better. NOW I can't listen to Bruce Springsteen without thinking about the requirement to be vaxxed at his concert. Steven King has major TDS and caved to the woke mob instead of supporting JK Rowling, Neil Young pulling out of spotify because Covid/Rogan/Vaccines. Leonardo and climate change from the bow of his mega yacht. UGH. I know there's terrible manipulation/control of us being attempted all the time. I just want to be able to choose my momentary distractions without being reminded of all this crap.
Peter Gabriel has made much good music. I think Bremer was an MKUltra type programmed assassin like Brinkley. Compare his travels to his known finances. His shooting of George Wallace did affect the '72 Presidential race. Talent is not 'only given' to wise and compassionate people. The Elders are up there with the new billionaires like Pierre Omidyar and Bezos and Musk and ... They do seem to have better taste than the old aristocrats of the British Empire or the New England aristocrats of Post WW2. " 'Here were decent Godless people: Their only monument the asphalt road And a thousand lost golf balls.” ― T S Eliot The pr of the Omidyar's Intercept sounded good. What happened to the other 90% of the info that Snowden collected about the CIA and the NSA that Greenwald gave to Omidyar in exchange for funding his reporting. These people have enough insight to see the good and put it in their public statements but I don't think they truly believe they need the 'mandate of heaven' to run the world.
whatever: I was watching in real time.. it was not staged... at all: there was some stupidity involved that is for sure but security is as good as the people standing in the way of the Bullets. As an long time "buff" of all things false flags including watching every possible bit of evidence about 9/11 and JFK.. that was a real event; We will just have to double down on our security efforts and be more vigilant at those big events.. and pray more. I look forward to seeing what happens at DNC in Chicago. That will be a giant disaster because of the LEFT WING BERNIE BROS will be there again and Antifa and the Left Wing who are the most bitter, and LACK ANY VISION OR PLAN OTHER THAN DESTRUCTION.
I like the new "pope mobile"...He sits on a moving throne totally visible to his adoring worshipers. But totally safe from bullets. Great idea. Think I will get me one....
Even with that, I thought the bigger point was made with the timing of the SS sniper's shot in relation to when Trump hit the ground. A WTC 7 twilight zone type thing. On the original reports, I and others I know thought we heard at least 7-8 shots total, not just 3. If that's true, where did they come from (real bullets or not)? Apparently not from the "lone shooter" on the roof.
He also said only 5 min or so that he was trying to get any LE attention.. not 20 like the video guy said... also.. ears do not bleed that much.. the guy is spouting off on things to try to prove his beliefs
I think now that this guy is simply there to lay groundwork that 'hey there's a shooter on the roof' (really he's pointing at a possible patsy that was used). But they would want the patsy to have been out'd, and have it seem like police error, because then there's a lot of attention thrown at it. then they just blame the cops some, and say we'll have to do better next time.
Where there is no VISION, the people PERISH.. and the LEFT WING TRUMP DERANGED people have NO VISION. (to paraphrase) other than destruction and petty envy and life is unfair.. them's the breaks. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.. get over it left wing nut jobs.
This video was not as good as I originally thought. But, it was the first thing out. Its much more likely that the 'Crooks' culprit is a patsy that they lured onto that rooftop, and then sharpshooters engage him. I don't personally think he was allowed to shoot at Trump, and the 'blood' on his ear is moulage; planted while he's covered up by a pile of morons in suits. For example, they smear the 'blood' all across his face but not a single drop falls DOWN onto his suit/lapel. Goofy. The SS would never have sat there for that long just motionless, that is not their protocol.
This guy is off on details... the red headed witness said it was only about 5 min he had been trying to get attention but not just from roof snipers but police nearby... question everything everything.. even those questioning things.. also... ears do not bleed that much... nonsense for him to say you'll bleed out... guess he doesn't know any pierced ears
I agree, the nonsense about the entire body bleeding out is just silly. I think the sound signature is also off, and not as synched up as I originally thought.
If interested, find the article I just posted from 'The Good Citizen' at his Substack. very good points he makes, especially regarding how they could have created a patsy to be up on that rooftop. Then SS sharpshooters engage (if someone was in fact shot up there). A good read.
Thanks - I subscribe to him... lots of ideas floating around... I'm trying not to let this take over or distract from what they may be doing with our attention shifted. Only I don't know which way to watch.... lol... it's like being on a swivel head. Ukraine? Israel? Nukes? China? supply chains? sickness? taxes? new laws?.... all around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel.........
What happened yesterday (not staged and/or staged; stand down and/or no stand down) must be breathing new life into many, many people across the country -- who want the multifaceted AMERICAN LUNACY SINCE 1963 TO NOW END...
NOW, we're less fearful... NOW, we're less demoralized,... NOW we've found our RIGHTEOUS ANGER.
RIGHTEOUS ANGER is a powerful force that can be put to good use to make things better!
The story/symbolism should be provoking RIGHTEOUS ANGER in many, many Americans right now: "Trump was 1 centimeter away from being assassinated -- with only bottle-bar-fight blood on his ear. A bullet -- being so tiny, the head as a target -- being so small, either hits or misses; but, to nick his ear?! Impossible! -- only in Hollywood..."
Each individual in America -- who cares, now needs to exercise RIGHTEOUS ANGER in their own way, in their own sphere of influence!!!
I get what Mr Kudla meant to say. Those of us who have been awake for sometime (whom I believe are most of Ms Farmer's readers) are tired, fed up and have been waiting for the rest of America to wake up. The gravest of injustices have been carried out against what should be souverain people(s) for ages. We can NOT just roll over: We now have to take on the perpetrators, who are layers deep in the Deep State. This is a cancer that must be excused once and for all.
These are weird concepts. The disease of "cancer" has multiple origins and may be deeply systemic or not. The "deep state" is like the Holy Ghost....who is it and where is it and how to get at it. Can I negotiate with it....does it "love" me? Is the AMA my friend or is it part of "the deep state"?my most deadly enemy? Many questions....answers must be individually a sculpture. The statue is never finished.
I had "cancer"....I ended it with a complete change of food. Nothing processed. Fresh is best. "Give your digestion a rest" fasting--a juice press for carrot juice. Cane sugar is literally white death. "No--you cannot have ice cream." Sweat a lot to get out more "toxins"....forgive those that can "eat anything" with no consequences.
Learn to use an enemal bucket. Find a good source of herbal medicine....etc etc.
Cancer....the loathsome boogey man....or Cancer the teacher....Your choice.
I'm interested in Freedom. I am compassionate for freedom too. Not only it rains on the just and unjust wisdom of the heart that I definitely feel and the examples of taking a break in war and celebrating Christmas day with the enemy in war just to return to the bidding of ??? I never want to see anyone killed ever. I want to see policies that take away freedom, killed. I want to see war shunned and ridiculed except in defense to protect from thieves and the scum intentioned in the world.
"I never want to see anyone killed ever. I want to see policies that take away freedom, killed. I want to see war shunned and ridiculed except in defense to protect from thieves and the scum intentioned in the world."
I love this, Sean. Thank you.
I will steal this and say that I want policies/statutes/"mandates" that take away freedom shunned and ridiculed, along with the people who put them forth.
Obama calls this a Democracy. The U.S. is a Republic, not a democracy. He also says, "Although we don't yet know exactly what happened." We do know what happened. He wants to downplay it. And the fact, you so aptly mentioned, they even stopped short of mentioning prayers. They are atheists. This speaks volumes on what the unsaid message really is and its atheistic, neo-marxist political blabber.
I was in tears watching the videos. And I felt shame of having compassion for him and the terrorized audience, the Trump worshipers. Shame because I felt like betraying the victims of covid.
I was watching Scott Adams this morning. I was crying again from watching his emotion. I've never seen him like that. His face and gestures were comparable to the face and gestures some people make when they see images of the crucifixion of Jesus.
I felt compassion for Scott.
Was it real? I don't care about that at this moment.
We are--everyone of us victims of "covid"---But anyway I had fun during "covid"...I helped homeschool grandkids and went walking in the early dawn before the Karens were on patrol...It was a surreal interlude. Walmart WAS favorite little health restaurant combined shop was boarded up. Never opened again. Dryer broke. Had to hang out my clothes to dry. I liked the way they smelled after that. "covid" was kinda a gas. Sorry.
"Covid" was nothing---but Gene "therapy"???...a constant and unrelenting horror show that is destroying humanity. They are going to use this "platform" mRNA--to kill children. We won't be able to tell because they will all die of different things at different times. The lovely untraceable "soft-kill" genocide we could get on board with....There are too many people...leave room for penguins -- not to mention our reptilian overlords/
Be careful how much you want to pin on revelations. There are many guesses as to its interpretation and no one... no one... can be sure they have it right. There are many others with good arguments against Scofield's interpretation.
ESPECIALLY THE WORD OF GOD. We do not know as we are living in totally different era, in a totally different culture as were the writers of God's OWN WORDS.
It is thundering outside....Is that God's word? Now there is a that God's we are on the roof riding out of town in a that God's word? My dog floated away on a board....never to be seen that God's word? I like God....he has many words for all the different beautiful and horrible things that befall us....I forgive him for making a mistake now and then. Who doesn't? Will I see HIM/Her when I die? I'll let you know via email.
Thank you, Celia. I looked forward to hearing from you this morning.
I remember the song. I especially remember Peter Gabriel's first and second albums, as well as his time with Genesis. Originally edgy, creative, alternative (for real). Now he, too, promotes bioweapons.
"... an expedition to a clearing in the woods where we can grieve, weep, and come back out as something more human that what they had in mind for us."
Perhaps this is an expedition many of us are ready to begin (or are already upon), whether with RFK Jr or not. *Whatever* happened yesterday - and I imagine no one knows the whole of it - may it serve a purpose of at least some of us drawing closer to one another's orbits as sovereign humans choosing love.
It's interesting to me that Peter Gabriel spoke of Sledgehammer being inspired by his boyhood love of soul music. I think he even mentioned Otis Redding in the interview.
I found Sledgehammer to be ... creepy. Nothing even vaguely resembling what I consider to be soul music. Catchy, to be sure. But soul music? Yikes. Not even close.
Not sure what shifted in his interior life in the mid-late 80's, but his music changed tremendously. GLOBO yuck!
Not "staged", but a bit of wind, and a head-turn as the trigger was pulled prevented the AR-15 bullet from splattering Trump's brain, and resulted in it just clipping his right ear.
The globalists desperately need the emergency-powers of WW-3 to maintain control of their financial empire, as the Ponzi-bubble collapses and everybody discovers they don't own any stocks, bonds, bank accounts or retirement plans.
Trump and the nationalist elites should now fight no-holds-barred against the globalist faction, since an elite shooting-war has begun with an "own goal" for the globalists.
There is never only one "faction" in politics. By definition, a faction must be a group within a large group.
Although you could be referring to "the faction in power" or "the ruling faction," implying that Trump and all the other politicians from both main parties competing for votes and positions are part of the same big club while there are other politicians we seldom if ever get to hear about who are not part this big club. In that case, Trump could be part of the "faction".
But if every politician is in the "faction", then it isn't a faction, and we might as well retire that word.
A major problem with Substack is that it is often difficult to be sure which comments or posts a previous commenter was referring to, due to all the lines that look like they might be sets of parallel contrails or chemtrails.
Do you agree?
This problem is compounded by commenters who often don't specify what they are referring to, which creates ample space for misinterpretation and ambiguity.
For instance, you didn't specify precisely what your initial comment was referring to. Your use of 'the "faction"' could have been referring to 'the globalist faction' that Dr. John named in his comment, or to some other faction the post that Dr. John linked to but that nobody would know about without visiting the linked post, or to some other "faction" that you might be implying that the cognoscenti should or would know about without explanation. That's what I mean by ambiguity.
Your writing here is obtuse, and unnecessarily so. I don't know if this is deliberate or the product of a subconscious habit of not writing clearly, but the result is question marks in the mind of people who attempt to make sense of what you are writing.
I don't expect you to write like Orwell or Dostoyevsky, but a few more "clues" to help those of us whose psychic powers are at a low ebb—like "This is what I'm talking about" followed by a quick quotation of the relevant section—would do wonders for international understanding and world peace.
Personally, I blame the smartphone. Those tiny virtual keyboards make typing such a chore that people are no longer bothering to write full sentences. Writers were so much more erudite and lucid when they wrote with quills or fountain pens.
Trump-hate disease is not suddenly over. It’s just putting on some fresh lipstick.
The Unhinged are now manufacturing self-terror of some imagined revenge that will be purportedly wrought by MAGA folk. They are cats high up in the tallest tree quivering in fear.
The man is not a racisct nor is he a threat to democracy.
How do The Unhinged come down off the precipice? When do they sober up? What’s it gonna take?
This seems to be me to be one of the most concerning issues we face as a society.
"How do The Unhinged come down off the precipice?"
My experience with multiple cats is ...You have to get a ladder and rescue them. Be sure to bring a cloth bag to put them in because otherwise they will claw you and cause you to fall off the ladder. Or if you can afford it--call the fire department. They will send you a bill.
Forgot how good P Gabriel is. On the JFK ritual: "King/Kill-33" by Michael A Hoffman and James Shelby Downard. Yesterday's attempt does bring up questions about lapsed security measures, as were also seen in the Oct 7th event in Israel. Interesting that Europeans don't pray for fallen figures. Had not heard that comparison previously. Thank you for these reminders and insights.
"Europeans don't pray for fallen figures"....Or maybe they pray quietly in their magnificent churches and cathedrals. Or maybe they just ignore them like the sensible folks they are. How does an American know the prayer rituals of the Europeans?
But I do agree we are not talking Jimmy Swaggert in those countries. Or even Billy Graham.
Oct 7th is not "lapsed security" was murder. And we all know who is behind it.
"The only thing Americans know for sure is that Americans can’t know anything for sure." That is the best summary of where we are at that I have read in a long time. And very well-crafted too!
We are down to a handful of mainstream media outlets (that only differ on a limited number of wedge issues) and some people get their news from People magazine! I will take a wait and see attitude and assume it will take a long while until the truth surfaces.
I was wondering what you thought about this show. I also read Jon Rappoport’s take on it. Here is also an excellent take from UK journalist Miri A Finch:
I pray for my family every night and I also pray for the TRUMP family every night. I am well aware of prior "incidents" and attempts on Donald Trump's life and I was watching the RALLY in real time when it happened. I am sure there is nothing I can say that will not be said by others: including a tight review of the security hole at the Rally. MSNDC and the LEFT WING will stop at nothing to prevent Donald Trump from being Potus 47; we have to double down on our security and prayers. As a long time JFK buff and I was old enough to watch that in real time.. the post JFK news.. I know the difference between false flags and real happenings. Thanks for your post. and KEEP PRAYING. Praise the Lord. I also pray for the other families and the loss of the person at the Rally. In Jesus Name.. I pray. take care..
The inspirers or intuitors of humanity are exalted beings. Famously known by various names throughout history: Archangel Michael, Krishna, Buddha, Christ Jesus, and, of course, the angelic host. They are further down (or up) the evolutionary path of organic, Divine consciousness. We all have a chance to join their ranks (it ain't easy but available).
Us current, lower-level humans engulfed in material consciousness don't yet have the "knowing" to directly steer our future. Which is why exalted guidance is necessary but beguiling in a free-will universe. Place to start is rein in your ego and admit how much more we have to learn. Even if it's come to be seen later as a temporary decline, Humanity will continue to forge forward unconscious (for now) of the help we are constantly given.
Thank you for this. One thing that has been learned is that the Democrats... the crazy fascist far left woke ones.... will do anything for power. Anything... including murder.
I think we knew this already as a collective but people have been in denial it could happen to them.
Wow Cecelia, you are one excellent journalist. I’m not sure how to describe the craftsmanship of layering fact with historical perspective and the human heart - but you are a true artisan.
Also, a deeply empathic human. A gift, indeed.
Thank you Celia.
My heart has been shattering into a million pieces for over four years, but truth, good, and light always prevail.
I've been around for 82 years. I'm not sure your last sentence has any accuracy.
Fair comment. I have found that it to be true, at least in my personal experience.
Please allow the man some allegory, some metaphorical leeway, and some poetic license.
Peter Gabriel, sits on the Advisory Council to a group known as "The Elders". Many obvious liars make up this organization. People associated with U.N. etc etc
Video evidence the entire thing was staged in Pennsylvania -
I KNOW. But it's still a haunting and evocative song. Compare with…Taylor Swift?
That entire album was amazing...
and I don't give a shite about Gabriel's politics. In fact, the less I know about any author/musician/actor and their political beliefs the better. NOW I can't listen to Bruce Springsteen without thinking about the requirement to be vaxxed at his concert. Steven King has major TDS and caved to the woke mob instead of supporting JK Rowling, Neil Young pulling out of spotify because Covid/Rogan/Vaccines. Leonardo and climate change from the bow of his mega yacht. UGH. I know there's terrible manipulation/control of us being attempted all the time. I just want to be able to choose my momentary distractions without being reminded of all this crap.
Taylor Swift🤣😂🤣 a billionaire musician with zero singing skills....only in THIS Clown World.
Yes but not as bad as that jive sh*t rap crap nonsense.
Peter Gabriel has made much good music. I think Bremer was an MKUltra type programmed assassin like Brinkley. Compare his travels to his known finances. His shooting of George Wallace did affect the '72 Presidential race. Talent is not 'only given' to wise and compassionate people. The Elders are up there with the new billionaires like Pierre Omidyar and Bezos and Musk and ... They do seem to have better taste than the old aristocrats of the British Empire or the New England aristocrats of Post WW2. " 'Here were decent Godless people: Their only monument the asphalt road And a thousand lost golf balls.” ― T S Eliot The pr of the Omidyar's Intercept sounded good. What happened to the other 90% of the info that Snowden collected about the CIA and the NSA that Greenwald gave to Omidyar in exchange for funding his reporting. These people have enough insight to see the good and put it in their public statements but I don't think they truly believe they need the 'mandate of heaven' to run the world.
LOL ... great comment.
whatever: I was watching in real time.. it was not staged... at all: there was some stupidity involved that is for sure but security is as good as the people standing in the way of the Bullets. As an long time "buff" of all things false flags including watching every possible bit of evidence about 9/11 and JFK.. that was a real event; We will just have to double down on our security efforts and be more vigilant at those big events.. and pray more. I look forward to seeing what happens at DNC in Chicago. That will be a giant disaster because of the LEFT WING BERNIE BROS will be there again and Antifa and the Left Wing who are the most bitter, and LACK ANY VISION OR PLAN OTHER THAN DESTRUCTION.
I like the new "pope mobile"...He sits on a moving throne totally visible to his adoring worshipers. But totally safe from bullets. Great idea. Think I will get me one....
anomalous farrier - thanks for the bitchute video. There was one anomaly in that the red haired guy said 5 shots were fired. Huh?
Even with that, I thought the bigger point was made with the timing of the SS sniper's shot in relation to when Trump hit the ground. A WTC 7 twilight zone type thing. On the original reports, I and others I know thought we heard at least 7-8 shots total, not just 3. If that's true, where did they come from (real bullets or not)? Apparently not from the "lone shooter" on the roof.
He also said only 5 min or so that he was trying to get any LE attention.. not 20 like the video guy said... also.. ears do not bleed that much.. the guy is spouting off on things to try to prove his beliefs
I think now that this guy is simply there to lay groundwork that 'hey there's a shooter on the roof' (really he's pointing at a possible patsy that was used). But they would want the patsy to have been out'd, and have it seem like police error, because then there's a lot of attention thrown at it. then they just blame the cops some, and say we'll have to do better next time.
Where there is no VISION, the people PERISH.. and the LEFT WING TRUMP DERANGED people have NO VISION. (to paraphrase) other than destruction and petty envy and life is unfair.. them's the breaks. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.. get over it left wing nut jobs.
This video was not as good as I originally thought. But, it was the first thing out. Its much more likely that the 'Crooks' culprit is a patsy that they lured onto that rooftop, and then sharpshooters engage him. I don't personally think he was allowed to shoot at Trump, and the 'blood' on his ear is moulage; planted while he's covered up by a pile of morons in suits. For example, they smear the 'blood' all across his face but not a single drop falls DOWN onto his suit/lapel. Goofy. The SS would never have sat there for that long just motionless, that is not their protocol.
This guy is off on details... the red headed witness said it was only about 5 min he had been trying to get attention but not just from roof snipers but police nearby... question everything everything.. even those questioning things.. also... ears do not bleed that much... nonsense for him to say you'll bleed out... guess he doesn't know any pierced ears
I agree, the nonsense about the entire body bleeding out is just silly. I think the sound signature is also off, and not as synched up as I originally thought.
If interested, find the article I just posted from 'The Good Citizen' at his Substack. very good points he makes, especially regarding how they could have created a patsy to be up on that rooftop. Then SS sharpshooters engage (if someone was in fact shot up there). A good read.
Thanks - I subscribe to him... lots of ideas floating around... I'm trying not to let this take over or distract from what they may be doing with our attention shifted. Only I don't know which way to watch.... lol... it's like being on a swivel head. Ukraine? Israel? Nukes? China? supply chains? sickness? taxes? new laws?.... all around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel.........
Thanks for the Bitchute
Did you mean Bitch ute? If you did and were referring to hellery and maxine and piglosi, it is qualifiable. I am a terrible man.
Here's something from Jimmy Dore and Candace.
What happened yesterday (not staged and/or staged; stand down and/or no stand down) must be breathing new life into many, many people across the country -- who want the multifaceted AMERICAN LUNACY SINCE 1963 TO NOW END...
NOW, we're less fearful... NOW, we're less demoralized,... NOW we've found our RIGHTEOUS ANGER.
RIGHTEOUS ANGER is a powerful force that can be put to good use to make things better!
The story/symbolism should be provoking RIGHTEOUS ANGER in many, many Americans right now: "Trump was 1 centimeter away from being assassinated -- with only bottle-bar-fight blood on his ear. A bullet -- being so tiny, the head as a target -- being so small, either hits or misses; but, to nick his ear?! Impossible! -- only in Hollywood..."
Each individual in America -- who cares, now needs to exercise RIGHTEOUS ANGER in their own way, in their own sphere of influence!!!
I get what Mr Kudla meant to say. Those of us who have been awake for sometime (whom I believe are most of Ms Farmer's readers) are tired, fed up and have been waiting for the rest of America to wake up. The gravest of injustices have been carried out against what should be souverain people(s) for ages. We can NOT just roll over: We now have to take on the perpetrators, who are layers deep in the Deep State. This is a cancer that must be excused once and for all.
Cancer? "ended once and for all"?
These are weird concepts. The disease of "cancer" has multiple origins and may be deeply systemic or not. The "deep state" is like the Holy Ghost....who is it and where is it and how to get at it. Can I negotiate with it....does it "love" me? Is the AMA my friend or is it part of "the deep state"?my most deadly enemy? Many questions....answers must be individually a sculpture. The statue is never finished.
I had "cancer"....I ended it with a complete change of food. Nothing processed. Fresh is best. "Give your digestion a rest" fasting--a juice press for carrot juice. Cane sugar is literally white death. "No--you cannot have ice cream." Sweat a lot to get out more "toxins"....forgive those that can "eat anything" with no consequences.
Learn to use an enemal bucket. Find a good source of herbal medicine....etc etc.
Cancer....the loathsome boogey man....or Cancer the teacher....Your choice.
I don't think you understood my comment. I was talking about the SYSTEM. It needs to be uprooted, destroyed and replaced. Period.
I also had cancer. I've done and am doing everything you've said.
We can work with cancer; we can't work with this system.
I'm interested in Freedom. I am compassionate for freedom too. Not only it rains on the just and unjust wisdom of the heart that I definitely feel and the examples of taking a break in war and celebrating Christmas day with the enemy in war just to return to the bidding of ??? I never want to see anyone killed ever. I want to see policies that take away freedom, killed. I want to see war shunned and ridiculed except in defense to protect from thieves and the scum intentioned in the world.
"I never want to see anyone killed ever. I want to see policies that take away freedom, killed. I want to see war shunned and ridiculed except in defense to protect from thieves and the scum intentioned in the world."
I love this, Sean. Thank you.
I will steal this and say that I want policies/statutes/"mandates" that take away freedom shunned and ridiculed, along with the people who put them forth.
You're welcome. I like that. And thanks.
Obama calls this a Democracy. The U.S. is a Republic, not a democracy. He also says, "Although we don't yet know exactly what happened." We do know what happened. He wants to downplay it. And the fact, you so aptly mentioned, they even stopped short of mentioning prayers. They are atheists. This speaks volumes on what the unsaid message really is and its atheistic, neo-marxist political blabber.
I was in tears watching the videos. And I felt shame of having compassion for him and the terrorized audience, the Trump worshipers. Shame because I felt like betraying the victims of covid.
I was watching Scott Adams this morning. I was crying again from watching his emotion. I've never seen him like that. His face and gestures were comparable to the face and gestures some people make when they see images of the crucifixion of Jesus.
I felt compassion for Scott.
Was it real? I don't care about that at this moment.
We are--everyone of us victims of "covid"---But anyway I had fun during "covid"...I helped homeschool grandkids and went walking in the early dawn before the Karens were on patrol...It was a surreal interlude. Walmart WAS favorite little health restaurant combined shop was boarded up. Never opened again. Dryer broke. Had to hang out my clothes to dry. I liked the way they smelled after that. "covid" was kinda a gas. Sorry.
"Covid" was nothing---but Gene "therapy"???...a constant and unrelenting horror show that is destroying humanity. They are going to use this "platform" mRNA--to kill children. We won't be able to tell because they will all die of different things at different times. The lovely untraceable "soft-kill" genocide we could get on board with....There are too many people...leave room for penguins -- not to mention our reptilian overlords/
Why would you feel shame over the emotion of compassion? It's a good thing and sadly lacking these days.
Be careful how much you want to pin on revelations. There are many guesses as to its interpretation and no one... no one... can be sure they have it right. There are many others with good arguments against Scofield's interpretation.
Indeed, even the word of God was penned by stenographers.
ESPECIALLY THE WORD OF GOD. We do not know as we are living in totally different era, in a totally different culture as were the writers of God's OWN WORDS.
It is thundering outside....Is that God's word? Now there is a that God's we are on the roof riding out of town in a that God's word? My dog floated away on a board....never to be seen that God's word? I like God....he has many words for all the different beautiful and horrible things that befall us....I forgive him for making a mistake now and then. Who doesn't? Will I see HIM/Her when I die? I'll let you know via email.
Ninety percent of all religions are apostate and of course man made. It is written in scripture as a double reference prophecy.
Saint Lucy of Syracuse is the saint patron of blind people.
Thank you, Celia. I looked forward to hearing from you this morning.
I remember the song. I especially remember Peter Gabriel's first and second albums, as well as his time with Genesis. Originally edgy, creative, alternative (for real). Now he, too, promotes bioweapons.
"... an expedition to a clearing in the woods where we can grieve, weep, and come back out as something more human that what they had in mind for us."
Perhaps this is an expedition many of us are ready to begin (or are already upon), whether with RFK Jr or not. *Whatever* happened yesterday - and I imagine no one knows the whole of it - may it serve a purpose of at least some of us drawing closer to one another's orbits as sovereign humans choosing love.
Everything went GLOBO yuck with Peter Gabriel when he made the album with Sledgehammer and all that. But the first 3 solo albums were really good.
It's interesting to me that Peter Gabriel spoke of Sledgehammer being inspired by his boyhood love of soul music. I think he even mentioned Otis Redding in the interview.
I found Sledgehammer to be ... creepy. Nothing even vaguely resembling what I consider to be soul music. Catchy, to be sure. But soul music? Yikes. Not even close.
Not sure what shifted in his interior life in the mid-late 80's, but his music changed tremendously. GLOBO yuck!
Not "staged", but a bit of wind, and a head-turn as the trigger was pulled prevented the AR-15 bullet from splattering Trump's brain, and resulted in it just clipping his right ear.
The globalists desperately need the emergency-powers of WW-3 to maintain control of their financial empire, as the Ponzi-bubble collapses and everybody discovers they don't own any stocks, bonds, bank accounts or retirement plans.
Trump and the nationalist elites should now fight no-holds-barred against the globalist faction, since an elite shooting-war has begun with an "own goal" for the globalists.
He's a nationalist-elite, not a globalist-elite, as I see it.
Doctor knows best....or does MD stand for Mad Dog?
Medical Doctor, treated COVID with early antivirals until fired for vaccine-refusal.
Mad Dog here....treated "covid" with hot fresh lemonade made with real lemons and an herbal infusion nebulizer. Never killed one patient.
I was all fired up for vaccine refusal which I would implement over and over again no matter how many new boosters hoved into view.
There is never only one "faction" in politics. By definition, a faction must be a group within a large group.
Although you could be referring to "the faction in power" or "the ruling faction," implying that Trump and all the other politicians from both main parties competing for votes and positions are part of the same big club while there are other politicians we seldom if ever get to hear about who are not part this big club. In that case, Trump could be part of the "faction".
But if every politician is in the "faction", then it isn't a faction, and we might as well retire that word.
. . . . something wonderful will happen?
A major problem with Substack is that it is often difficult to be sure which comments or posts a previous commenter was referring to, due to all the lines that look like they might be sets of parallel contrails or chemtrails.
Do you agree?
This problem is compounded by commenters who often don't specify what they are referring to, which creates ample space for misinterpretation and ambiguity.
For instance, you didn't specify precisely what your initial comment was referring to. Your use of 'the "faction"' could have been referring to 'the globalist faction' that Dr. John named in his comment, or to some other faction the post that Dr. John linked to but that nobody would know about without visiting the linked post, or to some other "faction" that you might be implying that the cognoscenti should or would know about without explanation. That's what I mean by ambiguity.
Your writing here is obtuse, and unnecessarily so. I don't know if this is deliberate or the product of a subconscious habit of not writing clearly, but the result is question marks in the mind of people who attempt to make sense of what you are writing.
I don't expect you to write like Orwell or Dostoyevsky, but a few more "clues" to help those of us whose psychic powers are at a low ebb—like "This is what I'm talking about" followed by a quick quotation of the relevant section—would do wonders for international understanding and world peace.
Personally, I blame the smartphone. Those tiny virtual keyboards make typing such a chore that people are no longer bothering to write full sentences. Writers were so much more erudite and lucid when they wrote with quills or fountain pens.
Trump-hate disease is not suddenly over. It’s just putting on some fresh lipstick.
The Unhinged are now manufacturing self-terror of some imagined revenge that will be purportedly wrought by MAGA folk. They are cats high up in the tallest tree quivering in fear.
The man is not a racisct nor is he a threat to democracy.
How do The Unhinged come down off the precipice? When do they sober up? What’s it gonna take?
This seems to be me to be one of the most concerning issues we face as a society.
"How do The Unhinged come down off the precipice?"
My experience with multiple cats is ...You have to get a ladder and rescue them. Be sure to bring a cloth bag to put them in because otherwise they will claw you and cause you to fall off the ladder. Or if you can afford it--call the fire department. They will send you a bill.
Forgot how good P Gabriel is. On the JFK ritual: "King/Kill-33" by Michael A Hoffman and James Shelby Downard. Yesterday's attempt does bring up questions about lapsed security measures, as were also seen in the Oct 7th event in Israel. Interesting that Europeans don't pray for fallen figures. Had not heard that comparison previously. Thank you for these reminders and insights.
"Europeans don't pray for fallen figures"....Or maybe they pray quietly in their magnificent churches and cathedrals. Or maybe they just ignore them like the sensible folks they are. How does an American know the prayer rituals of the Europeans?
But I do agree we are not talking Jimmy Swaggert in those countries. Or even Billy Graham.
Oct 7th is not "lapsed security" was murder. And we all know who is behind it.
I think your observation is a huge part of being uniquely American 🇺🇸.
"The only thing Americans know for sure is that Americans can’t know anything for sure." That is the best summary of where we are at that I have read in a long time. And very well-crafted too!
We are down to a handful of mainstream media outlets (that only differ on a limited number of wedge issues) and some people get their news from People magazine! I will take a wait and see attitude and assume it will take a long while until the truth surfaces.
I was wondering what you thought about this show. I also read Jon Rappoport’s take on it. Here is also an excellent take from UK journalist Miri A Finch:
I pray for my family every night and I also pray for the TRUMP family every night. I am well aware of prior "incidents" and attempts on Donald Trump's life and I was watching the RALLY in real time when it happened. I am sure there is nothing I can say that will not be said by others: including a tight review of the security hole at the Rally. MSNDC and the LEFT WING will stop at nothing to prevent Donald Trump from being Potus 47; we have to double down on our security and prayers. As a long time JFK buff and I was old enough to watch that in real time.. the post JFK news.. I know the difference between false flags and real happenings. Thanks for your post. and KEEP PRAYING. Praise the Lord. I also pray for the other families and the loss of the person at the Rally. In Jesus Name.. I pray. take care..
The inspirers or intuitors of humanity are exalted beings. Famously known by various names throughout history: Archangel Michael, Krishna, Buddha, Christ Jesus, and, of course, the angelic host. They are further down (or up) the evolutionary path of organic, Divine consciousness. We all have a chance to join their ranks (it ain't easy but available).
Us current, lower-level humans engulfed in material consciousness don't yet have the "knowing" to directly steer our future. Which is why exalted guidance is necessary but beguiling in a free-will universe. Place to start is rein in your ego and admit how much more we have to learn. Even if it's come to be seen later as a temporary decline, Humanity will continue to forge forward unconscious (for now) of the help we are constantly given.
Thank you for this. One thing that has been learned is that the Democrats... the crazy fascist far left woke ones.... will do anything for power. Anything... including murder.
I think we knew this already as a collective but people have been in denial it could happen to them.
It can. And it will.