Father Whose 7 Year Old Son's Heart Was Destroyed By Myocarditis After Covid Shot Calls Up Pharmacist In Apoplectic Anger: "What Is Wrong With You?"
"Are you braindead?..You know what the prognosis is? 20% of people with myocarditis die!"
On these recordings, the raw, agonized truth if this epoch emerges. A father whose son was injected against his will rages at a pharmacist, for not having let the parent know about the documented risks.
“So you don’t want to scare the parents with something that is actually happening, that’s happened to my kid. Are you out of your mind? “
[Note: On the possibility these recordings are fake: Impossible to say at present. My gut says no, they are real. If they are proven not to be authentic, I welcome analysis. In my opinion, this is too sophisticated for a “PSY Op.”]
Shocking phonecall recording with a pharmacist who administered the jab to a child now in hospital with myocarditis. Part 1.
It's the banality of this evil that is so astonishing. That pharmacist was inconvenienced by the call, but essentially untroubled. She won't have lost sleep. I imagine her employers will install a phone triage system with a recording 'Press 1 for repeat prescriptions, Press 2 for hayfever, Press 3 for enraged bereavement'.
That poor father, so many others will sadly land in that awful place too. I pray Americans wake up to the damage and death being caused by these poison shots…and the dangers of all vaccines. Without medical freedom, we are not free.