It's the banality of this evil that is so astonishing. That pharmacist was inconvenienced by the call, but essentially untroubled. She won't have lost sleep. I imagine her employers will install a phone triage system with a recording 'Press 1 for repeat prescriptions, Press 2 for hayfever, Press 3 for enraged bereavement'.

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... they all sound like programmed robots. They are trained to NOT think, and they obviously do not care. But losing their job and their license to practice will change that. We need a 'Class Action Suit' from parents! ... Sadly, our Supreme court is plagued by felons who are on the payroll of this crime. But we cannot be silenced by anything.

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A group of us here in NZ (where this was recorded) have taken a case in the High Court against our government for approving the jab for children. We are currently waiting on the ruling. Not highly optimistic that it will go our way (due to intense political pressure on the judiciary), but the judge at least seemed thoughtful and considered. I hope so much that he at least offers a strong caution to parents in his ruling. Not that our media is likely to report on it.

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This is so important, and it need to be done worldwide. Thank you for taking this step. For our innocent healthy children to be damaged by a government mandate, under the guise that it protect you from a virus which is a bio weapon, is a crime against humanity like non other; it's beyond words.

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You are so right. When my little girl is grown up, I want to be able to look her in the eye and tell her that I was on her side throughout all of this. I feel heartbroken for the parents who have been duped and failed to protect their kids.

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Same ... sorry for the typos, but my hands literally shake ... I am so heart broken, some days I can barely speak. I can't believe this is being done to innocent children. ) ' Children are prey to so much harm, they fall by the waste side of our 'self possessed society, they are sold, they are abused, and now our government use them like test tubes so billionaires can profit. It's an ABOMINATION of impossible proportion. Thank you for caring.

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Our generation will go down in history as the one that sacrificed our children to try and save our old people. It is indescribably shameful and cruel. My grandma in 100. She would never for a second want to be prioritised over my daughter - but our insane government decided that the future of children is worth burning down to try to add a few months to an old lady’s already long life. The world has gone mad. Thank you for caring too.

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That poor father, so many others will sadly land in that awful place too. I pray Americans wake up to the damage and death being caused by these poison shots…and the dangers of all vaccines. Without medical freedom, we are not free.

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When are the masses who have been JAB injured going to get angry? Too many wont even admit it was the JAB.

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They are even remaining quiet when their children die from shame and remorse and guilt, which I completely understand, but it only perpetuates the crime!! Where is the OUTRAGE!

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Most in the medical community are clueless because they follow the dictates of big pharma, the FDA, CDC and AMA. The system is pure poison to health.

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All newly minted M.D.s whom I've spoken with state their training with regard to vaccines was to be shown the vaccine schedule and told to follow it. This is how Rockerfeller cookbook medicine is structured. If the globalist cult can eliminate the doctors from the equation, they will.

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yes! They are doing it.

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What many governments of the world are doing by legislating taking this potentialy harmful injection is absolutely shameful. So many have been harmed. It is the resposibility of world leaders to protect their people, but so many have not seen that as their responsibility. I'm an old man, and probably won't be around for a long time, but I am concerned for my kids and for their kids. God help us all.

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This is gut-wrenching to listen to. And a helpful reminder that so much of the rage and hostility we’re witnessing in the world is rooted in grief. I really don’t want this to be the way people wake up.

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It's rooted in that they are trying to kill us.

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Sage, a friend developed vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus from both moderna and pfizer jabs. Hasn't gotten covid and glad she took the jabs. When will, or maybe never will there be anger. Buyers remorse compartmentalized, safely locked away. We will be lucky if there are true "hold accountable" hearings. If it doesn't happen, there will be fires of anger.

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To the point that people are controlled is horrifying. It's like 'voluntary suicide'.

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The analogy I always use is "sheep trampling off the cliff all the while apologizing for their shepherd"

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And since people either realize this on some fundamental level, or cannot cross the psychic Rubicon to realize some very dark things about humanity, we will see a lot of "Kumbaya" let's talk about our feelings stuff.

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I was in conversation with several people I know and two of mention getting a "flu" which produces a lingering dry cough which may last weeks. Both said it wasn't covid, but the cough was hard on them. I just mentioned that its good to get your vitamin d level up as high as you can. An immediate response from one was--"did you get your shots"? I guess that's a give away of the possible flag I fly. I didn't answer with just a quick brush off which worked, because it wasn't in a setting where constructive discussion would take place. Will see.

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All this has happened before 'Leicester England, where ‘anti-vaxxers’ rebelled against compulsory vaccination in 1885. Some parents were fined and imprisoned for refusing to vaccinate children after their siblings had been injured or killed' https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense

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Aug 7, 2022
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Rockefeller medicine will choke on their narrative like the scripted response list the incapable foreign speaking voice had at the ready-

Seven years of an awakening from vaxxer pusher date, or wuhan "games" date-

Choose either one and we are at or close enuf to 2028 for everyone to understand under their shitheels go all liberty or what is happening n o w will ruin all their frightened frantic planning upended by a convergence date (2012) that also grows beyond the seven year itch, and their ilk narrative is a broken beaten and scarred one like this example :: what more will the todays bring?

More straddling of a public message with goyim vulgar profane normie on one side taking their Rockefeller media daily cognitive dissonance coping over dosage, and those on the other side playing the waitingwatching game of a morbid genocidal gates ghoul whose hidden agenda is thin as rice paper that the shaolin priests may walk across butt the ilk rip tare right thru and never again can fool masses as has been done for millennia, between veils meaning u, ur parents, and ur parents parents spanked into first breath, all being manipulated by a shitheel 33 agenda actuated thru craven satanic desire because fallen angel so pitifully scared knows from fourth density lost already, and knows demise grows ever closer here, with each rotten soiled mental circular mauled creation move(s) like moneypox is from climate change and please love our new central digital currency that will be hacked before we can actually launch it...

Shorter? ChuckSchumers or they will chuck you and vaxx Off Pfizer the horde is coming to bloodlust and eviscerate-

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Fathers & Hearts.

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This will not be a popular comment, but I'm a researcher and I must ask: Does anyone know with certainty that this call is authentic, and is not staged - ? I fully recognize the father and the pharmacist sound equally convincing - I am not oblivious to that.

Yet I have also come to recognize that this is a topic so charged that it makes a perfect trap for those of us who recognize what is truly happening and have been aching for a moment just like this to become public.

Please, Celia and supporters of this page, can you verify the authenticity of this call? If it cannot be verified, it may be that we are playing into a well-executed fake.

(I also posted this comment on Marc Crispin Miller's page, as I heard it via MCM first, last night)

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TheLibertyBeacon is in the process of ascertaining the veracity of this recording: See https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/shocking-phone-call-recording-to-pharmacist-over-child-injected-now-with-myocarditis/

If the son received the Pfizer or Moderna, the FDA added a myocarditis/pericarditis warning to the fact sheet insert about 14 months ago.

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Thank you so much for this. I appreciate that folks are attempting to confirm either way.

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It’s Pfizer in NZ. The Govtmt website information section for parents states that there was myocarditis in the 5-11yr old trials - thus implying it isn’t a thing for kids. We have friend who have jabbed their kids who have never heard of myocarditis - they did not understand what they were consenting too.

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Truly Heartbreaking....the words hit me hard Because my own beautiful son did not heed my warning’s and got two shots and now has myocarditis himself ...I was gritting my teeth in anger listening to the father and the cold robotic response from the pharmacist just infuriated me...It’s all about the money with these FKN bastards!!! each and everyone of them needs to be held accountable!!!

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My adult daughter had them even though being asthmatic was contraindicated against her maintaining drugs, she has been sick ever sick and her stable asthma is now almost constant again.

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I am SO sorry. ) ' I tried so hard to warn people, only to be mistreated. My heart breaks for all the parents and children who are being injured.

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We live in a post-literate age, where people don't read labels, don't ask enough questions, and trust AI/Techie apps to do all the thinking for them[I am sorry for the father's harsh wake up call]. I've been a proponent of holistic health practices almost my entire life and have witnessed ignorance re diet-wellness-drug dependency-and (the 500lb Gorilla) mental well-being. So what's new? ...What's new is the macro-psyop that's played out these last 3 or more years. As long as people still believe what the media-medical establishment-Pharmafia-and compromised politicians tell them to believe, this sort of covert genocide will continue. Myocarditis is just another blip on the radarscreen of a diabolical deceptive (Psychopathic) group of individuals who consider themselves above the law, and god-like. Will We create a People's Tribunal and hold the perpetrators responsible? There are many freedom fighters to observe and support: Reiner Fuellmich for one. Pax

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Governments that are still pushing the vaccine have blood on their hands. Remember the excuse for committing atrocities at Nuremberg, "We were just following orders." Nothing has changed and no one is going to take responsibility for deliberately destroying lives.

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This phone call must go VIRAL. Bullshit goes viral, this is only being heard by a few of us. fb completely blocked it when I tried to share. I found a way, because I've learned to go around them. Every parent should hear this, and every pharmacist, every doctor who does not provide informed consent, should lose their license and be charged with crimes, especially when someone is harmed. I am not attaching the medical profession or all pharmacists, but there has to be accountability for this medial RAPE, so it NEVER happens again. These healthy children have been sentenced to death.

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Sad to say but this call needs to go out to roughly 90% of the people in healthcare. I do not forgive these people, ignorance is not a good enough excuse. They either didn't care or they didn't do their homework. Some of them outright murdered knowingly. The biggest disappointment with all of this is how many people can be bought in this country and the lack of any character or integrity is astonishing.

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Yes, hold healthcare workers who are administering jabs of death and destruction to account! This must stop!

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