Fauci-Ism As Transition Out Of American Identity
Using Contagion Panic For Social Engineering
I’m en route to be interviewed about Anthony Fauci, and have been reflecting.
Mainly what comes to me is that he is not seeking (as we know) to lower American Death, but rather to re-shape our society radically and entirely. To reshape how we live, think, interact, project moral conduct, how we love, how we celebrate, how we eat, study, how we die, and even how we bury our dead.
Fauci is a social engineer. A social scientist, would be a milder term, still accurate.
I lean toward social engineer.
Post war Sweden is one of its (social engineering’s) crowning achievements. The Swedish word is “ingenjörs konst.” (Engineering Art.)
[Look up Gunnar and Alva Myrdal.]
HIV/AIDS messaging, embodied by Fauci, told people that love and intimacy could lead to death, of self or other. Told people there was a “virus,” which, though not alive, not possessing any agency, or will— not belonging to any known kingdom of life, could linger on a dinner plate if your son was gay. (1980s) That it could spread on toilet seats. Or by encounters with Haitians. And so forth. All of it abject fantasy. Not an iota of “science.”
Covid is the same brew of contagion fantasies with a vastly broader reach and infinitely greater capacity to demoralize.
Being patriotic, believing in liberty, is now but one of the gateway drugs to becoming “infected.” And I’ve heard Fauci speak derisively about people who say their freedom is important to them.
In other words, he’s changing the very core of what it is to be an American.
We are all hostages of his far out ideas, none of which have precedence in epidemiology.
Fauci declares, like the Oracle at Delphi, the degree of threat from the unseen thing, and his media projects this fantasy into a new Psy Op.
Then people follow that—the Psy Op.
“Psy Op says masks on. Psy-op says double mask. Psy Op says don’t even talk to your neighbor. Psy Op says pretend you never liked Thanksgiving anyway. Psy Op says pretend you never really needed people anyway. Not even your family. Psy Op says you are a new kind of American, a Covid-American: Your chief, reigning concern is to react appropriately to an internalized set of terrors around a “virus” you are told is new and trying to kill you. Your chief moral act is to mask up, get “vaxxed and boosted,” and (equally vital) scorn anybody who presents any challenges to the invisible “science.”
Once America ceases to identify with liberty, sovereignty, and the right to take risks, she will meld perfectly in the nationless, borderless, One World Government, in which all that exists are imaginary viruses, while the only way to be loved is to pretend they’re there, and pretend you take them very seriously.
That’s how they think, the social engineers of globalism—of Pandemic Disaster-ism.
Fauci is the central weaver, who has been weaving, weaving, weaving his web around your mind and mine, through the media, for 40 years.
And now the boy has cried: “He’s naked!”
It is much too generous by far more than half to suggest Fauci is an engineer; his competence is a cold-dead-hearted pushing of toxic propaganda brews, fermented in the bowels of cold-hearted bureacratic regimes rewarded for rewarding the billionaires and their enablers -- elected and appointed. Most important among those enablers are we citizens who appoint ourselves as citizens, while both voting for the same sleaze agents and agencies over and over, and simultaneously declining to inform our radically individuated selves of how to become actually competent civic participants, creating the futures we want for our children, instead of going along to get along, then falling back into our cheesy comfort zones of quiet desperation that things are not quite right, and I am always too tired to deal with it, thus alcohol to take me to sleep, and caffeine to wake me again. These comfort zones are our most malicious threats right now. It is our duty to shake ourselves awake, cut out the stimulants and relaxants that are worse than no help at all; they are but band-aids on never-ceasing to metastasize spiritual cancers.
As one can note, I, too, love hyphenations; I also love Confucius for insisting we get the words put as precisely as possible, and I also love Wendell Berry for his brilliant book, Standing By Words. Thus I cannot resist calling Faucism for what it is; besides, when the hyphen interrupts the truth, mustn't we put the word where it belongs - in the company it keeps most appropriately?
Faucism is one among many status-quo-conservativisms now plaguing the whole Western world. It could be a compliment and a complement to our culture; yet, it is so dictatorial, authoritarian, and totalitarian at this moment in our history where we most need to let the creative arts, our childish innocence and honesty, come forth and put all the muddy fuddy duddy befuddlementism into its proper place. Conserving self-befuddlement is not always good for anyone.
Thank you all for being who you are, each and every one of you. Having spent many hours reading alarming details from Faucism's long, muddy, befuddling & self-befuddling, toxin-pushing corruptions-galore career, I am convinced that unless we make his presence too expensive electorally for the Ds to retain, he will remain. As will Faucisms. All of them.
For those supposing this is a plea to support the other teams of totalitarians, please, honor your own integrity, and don't jump into that self-debilitating spider hole again!
Good luck! I just got deplatformed again! From Youtube. Again! Lol. It was a video i made, using a story you told on a podcast. Its ok, I don’t need them anyway. https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=628ab8f093d99417f59e4324