It is much too generous by far more than half to suggest Fauci is an engineer; his competence is a cold-dead-hearted pushing of toxic propaganda brews, fermented in the bowels of cold-hearted bureacratic regimes rewarded for rewarding the billionaires and their enablers -- elected and appointed. Most important among those enablers are we citizens who appoint ourselves as citizens, while both voting for the same sleaze agents and agencies over and over, and simultaneously declining to inform our radically individuated selves of how to become actually competent civic participants, creating the futures we want for our children, instead of going along to get along, then falling back into our cheesy comfort zones of quiet desperation that things are not quite right, and I am always too tired to deal with it, thus alcohol to take me to sleep, and caffeine to wake me again. These comfort zones are our most malicious threats right now. It is our duty to shake ourselves awake, cut out the stimulants and relaxants that are worse than no help at all; they are but band-aids on never-ceasing to metastasize spiritual cancers.
As one can note, I, too, love hyphenations; I also love Confucius for insisting we get the words put as precisely as possible, and I also love Wendell Berry for his brilliant book, Standing By Words. Thus I cannot resist calling Faucism for what it is; besides, when the hyphen interrupts the truth, mustn't we put the word where it belongs - in the company it keeps most appropriately?
Faucism is one among many status-quo-conservativisms now plaguing the whole Western world. It could be a compliment and a complement to our culture; yet, it is so dictatorial, authoritarian, and totalitarian at this moment in our history where we most need to let the creative arts, our childish innocence and honesty, come forth and put all the muddy fuddy duddy befuddlementism into its proper place. Conserving self-befuddlement is not always good for anyone.
Thank you all for being who you are, each and every one of you. Having spent many hours reading alarming details from Faucism's long, muddy, befuddling & self-befuddling, toxin-pushing corruptions-galore career, I am convinced that unless we make his presence too expensive electorally for the Ds to retain, he will remain. As will Faucisms. All of them.
For those supposing this is a plea to support the other teams of totalitarians, please, honor your own integrity, and don't jump into that self-debilitating spider hole again!
Thank you! This essay by Celia Farber is dear to my heart, as are other comments here. Enough so that even though I try to limit my subscriptions (those $5/month add up!) I subscribed so I could comment.
Ms. Farber hits the nail on the head. What exactly is the "public health" that Fauci was promoting? I'm not even looking for a definition: I'm looking for the ontological reality. To what does it refer? If 'a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet,' that's because the rose has ontological reality: real being. What's the real being of this public health Fauci was/is promoting?
Is 'public health' destroying society and jobs? If we're germ-free but without jobs, is that public health? If people are scared by 24/7 fear porn, is that public health? If society is sick with fear and if we see people driving around in their cars alone with masks on, is that public health? Is masking children and making them learn at home on their computers public health? Is pretending that the virus could kill everyone public health? Is vaccinating children with an experimental vaccine with virtually no public health safety monitoring when children are at nearly zero risk of serious Covid, is that public health?
So, what's the ontological reality of this 'public health' that Fauci and company are promoting, and who gets to decide what 'public health' is? Does Fauci's idea of public health comport with our definition of 'America,' land of liberty, the identity that we ourselves have given to it? Do they now get to arbitrarily dismiss an ideal (existing with its own ontological status) of a country wherein independent self-determination within the broad confines of the law has held sway, and has been defended by the blood of our countrymen and women? A country of government of the people, by the people, and for the people?
So Celia Farber is exactly right: these folks want to create another being, another ontological reality, completely opposed to the identity that we ourselves have given to our country and defended over the centuries, and they want to slip this reality under the radar by giving it the name of "public health" or "stay safe" or "we're all in this together." A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but now we want to know, and we need to see, exactly what this rose is that Fauci and company are shoving down our throats.
Yes, it's about language and words. But more than that, it's about ontological realities, the things beyond the words, that things what would smell just as sweet (or noxious) no matter what name we give them.
"I'm looking for the ontological reality. To what does it refer?" Thank you, Jim Reagen, for these points of clarity, and for these words. I never would have thought of "ontological." I'm happy you are here. I just love these simple words: "To what does it refer?" We must all adopt it. Welcome, Jim!
Many thanks, Celia. On my substack I'm trying to clarify what's happening with logic and reason; this has become my mission and contribution. I see simple, basic, everyday logic as a powerful tool to cut through words to the reality itself. My next post will have to explain more clearly what this means.
Paradoxically, using logic frees up intuition: it helps us to see what's really there when the facade of (deliberately?) obscuring words falls away. Paradoxically, when we use the sword of logic we can "see" (intuit) more clearly.
Thank you. I love the way you name things so perfectly. Yes, to everything you said. And so we must hug and laugh and cry and breathe and make mistakes and be bold and try and fail and grow and evolve... and all the things that make us human. He can scheme all he wants, but we will be holding onto our hearts and souls.
The description seems eerily similar to the definition of a "Criminal Cabal': it still amazes me that after all the crap eminating from the mouths of the so-called 'medical experts' (that oxymoron again!) that (1) These unelected gobshites are allowed to hold court, and (2) People still actually believe them. At least 30% of the human race is doomed, and so they should be.
FWIW, I see Fauci as more of a puppet among many, many other puppets, albeit with his own profit-making agenda. He's not smart enough, in my opinion, and his intellectual reach is not far enough, to be an engineer. Rather, he's more of a coaler on the train to a globalist nirvana, where the likes of Fauci will no longer be required. He's more of a tool for the "elites" to get them to the place they want us to be; i.e., culled to about 1 Billion useless eaters who can work as slaves to satisfy the remaining globalists who will need a certain number of slaves to satisfy their needs and desires.
We are the authorities-- we individuals. We each have innate logic and reason. Now they want to kill this and say that we know nothing, that we have to leave it all to the authorities.
This is backwards. Authority and intelligence come from individuals, not from institutions. Institutions are comprised of individuals; these institutions gather individuals together and may be able to supply labs, funding, etc., but intelligence and judgment come from individuals.
We all know this, we can all see this. But they want to seduce us, perhaps so that in the not-distant future we'll have authoritative algorithms determining our fates.
We as a society need to see. Logic is the weapon; it's that which allows us to see that a rose by any other name is just as sweet. It's innate to us, we use it every single day, and this is why they want to destroy it: this is how they will blind us.
They want to create monsters. Goya, circa 1799: 'the sleep of reason produces monsters.' Reason is: seeing the ontological realities and not getting sidestepped by the words.
It is much too generous by far more than half to suggest Fauci is an engineer; his competence is a cold-dead-hearted pushing of toxic propaganda brews, fermented in the bowels of cold-hearted bureacratic regimes rewarded for rewarding the billionaires and their enablers -- elected and appointed. Most important among those enablers are we citizens who appoint ourselves as citizens, while both voting for the same sleaze agents and agencies over and over, and simultaneously declining to inform our radically individuated selves of how to become actually competent civic participants, creating the futures we want for our children, instead of going along to get along, then falling back into our cheesy comfort zones of quiet desperation that things are not quite right, and I am always too tired to deal with it, thus alcohol to take me to sleep, and caffeine to wake me again. These comfort zones are our most malicious threats right now. It is our duty to shake ourselves awake, cut out the stimulants and relaxants that are worse than no help at all; they are but band-aids on never-ceasing to metastasize spiritual cancers.
As one can note, I, too, love hyphenations; I also love Confucius for insisting we get the words put as precisely as possible, and I also love Wendell Berry for his brilliant book, Standing By Words. Thus I cannot resist calling Faucism for what it is; besides, when the hyphen interrupts the truth, mustn't we put the word where it belongs - in the company it keeps most appropriately?
Faucism is one among many status-quo-conservativisms now plaguing the whole Western world. It could be a compliment and a complement to our culture; yet, it is so dictatorial, authoritarian, and totalitarian at this moment in our history where we most need to let the creative arts, our childish innocence and honesty, come forth and put all the muddy fuddy duddy befuddlementism into its proper place. Conserving self-befuddlement is not always good for anyone.
Thank you all for being who you are, each and every one of you. Having spent many hours reading alarming details from Faucism's long, muddy, befuddling & self-befuddling, toxin-pushing corruptions-galore career, I am convinced that unless we make his presence too expensive electorally for the Ds to retain, he will remain. As will Faucisms. All of them.
For those supposing this is a plea to support the other teams of totalitarians, please, honor your own integrity, and don't jump into that self-debilitating spider hole again!
Good luck! I just got deplatformed again! From Youtube. Again! Lol. It was a video i made, using a story you told on a podcast. Its ok, I don’t need them anyway.
Jamie, luv you man! Your piece on Celia's take on Fauci is classic!
"If Edward Bernays is the father of 'Public Relations', then Anthony Fauci is the father of 'Cancel Culture'"
Thanks man! I appreciate it! Anything i can do to help and get the truth out!
Thank you! This essay by Celia Farber is dear to my heart, as are other comments here. Enough so that even though I try to limit my subscriptions (those $5/month add up!) I subscribed so I could comment.
Ms. Farber hits the nail on the head. What exactly is the "public health" that Fauci was promoting? I'm not even looking for a definition: I'm looking for the ontological reality. To what does it refer? If 'a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet,' that's because the rose has ontological reality: real being. What's the real being of this public health Fauci was/is promoting?
Is 'public health' destroying society and jobs? If we're germ-free but without jobs, is that public health? If people are scared by 24/7 fear porn, is that public health? If society is sick with fear and if we see people driving around in their cars alone with masks on, is that public health? Is masking children and making them learn at home on their computers public health? Is pretending that the virus could kill everyone public health? Is vaccinating children with an experimental vaccine with virtually no public health safety monitoring when children are at nearly zero risk of serious Covid, is that public health?
So, what's the ontological reality of this 'public health' that Fauci and company are promoting, and who gets to decide what 'public health' is? Does Fauci's idea of public health comport with our definition of 'America,' land of liberty, the identity that we ourselves have given to it? Do they now get to arbitrarily dismiss an ideal (existing with its own ontological status) of a country wherein independent self-determination within the broad confines of the law has held sway, and has been defended by the blood of our countrymen and women? A country of government of the people, by the people, and for the people?
So Celia Farber is exactly right: these folks want to create another being, another ontological reality, completely opposed to the identity that we ourselves have given to our country and defended over the centuries, and they want to slip this reality under the radar by giving it the name of "public health" or "stay safe" or "we're all in this together." A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but now we want to know, and we need to see, exactly what this rose is that Fauci and company are shoving down our throats.
Yes, it's about language and words. But more than that, it's about ontological realities, the things beyond the words, that things what would smell just as sweet (or noxious) no matter what name we give them.
"I'm looking for the ontological reality. To what does it refer?" Thank you, Jim Reagen, for these points of clarity, and for these words. I never would have thought of "ontological." I'm happy you are here. I just love these simple words: "To what does it refer?" We must all adopt it. Welcome, Jim!
Many thanks, Celia. On my substack I'm trying to clarify what's happening with logic and reason; this has become my mission and contribution. I see simple, basic, everyday logic as a powerful tool to cut through words to the reality itself. My next post will have to explain more clearly what this means.
Paradoxically, using logic frees up intuition: it helps us to see what's really there when the facade of (deliberately?) obscuring words falls away. Paradoxically, when we use the sword of logic we can "see" (intuit) more clearly.
engineer? scientist??? More like a creepy worthless eater cockroach.
I meant "social engineer" as opposed to any kind of "infectious disease expert!"
I know. Even calling these lunatics coackroaches is am insult to the cockroaches. :-)
Thank you. I love the way you name things so perfectly. Yes, to everything you said. And so we must hug and laugh and cry and breathe and make mistakes and be bold and try and fail and grow and evolve... and all the things that make us human. He can scheme all he wants, but we will be holding onto our hearts and souls.
The description seems eerily similar to the definition of a "Criminal Cabal': it still amazes me that after all the crap eminating from the mouths of the so-called 'medical experts' (that oxymoron again!) that (1) These unelected gobshites are allowed to hold court, and (2) People still actually believe them. At least 30% of the human race is doomed, and so they should be.
FWIW, I see Fauci as more of a puppet among many, many other puppets, albeit with his own profit-making agenda. He's not smart enough, in my opinion, and his intellectual reach is not far enough, to be an engineer. Rather, he's more of a coaler on the train to a globalist nirvana, where the likes of Fauci will no longer be required. He's more of a tool for the "elites" to get them to the place they want us to be; i.e., culled to about 1 Billion useless eaters who can work as slaves to satisfy the remaining globalists who will need a certain number of slaves to satisfy their needs and desires.
Clue: His wife.
Heidi, not at present. I was interviewed for another documentary connected to the Fauci book recently. I don't know when that will be out.
We are the authorities-- we individuals. We each have innate logic and reason. Now they want to kill this and say that we know nothing, that we have to leave it all to the authorities.
This is backwards. Authority and intelligence come from individuals, not from institutions. Institutions are comprised of individuals; these institutions gather individuals together and may be able to supply labs, funding, etc., but intelligence and judgment come from individuals.
We all know this, we can all see this. But they want to seduce us, perhaps so that in the not-distant future we'll have authoritative algorithms determining our fates.
We as a society need to see. Logic is the weapon; it's that which allows us to see that a rose by any other name is just as sweet. It's innate to us, we use it every single day, and this is why they want to destroy it: this is how they will blind us.
They want to create monsters. Goya, circa 1799: 'the sleep of reason produces monsters.' Reason is: seeing the ontological realities and not getting sidestepped by the words.