I'm gonna dispute the better food. It's communism but with much much more hormone laden meat and junk food to fatten you up and keep you fat, sick and on drugs for the rest of your lives. We're not much further behind our role models in the UK- 2/3rds of us are overweight or obese

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I believe this is reaping the "reward" of a generation of helicoptered kids, now all growed up😉😂🤣

Combine that with the parents of said helicoptered, who were too busy being angsty to deal with THEIR trauma from childhood, and instead chose to sanctimoniously "never parent like my ***** (insert applicable adjective here) parents". Now we have two generations of entitled, angsty, school bullies that need more than a twitter "time out" and some sensory blankies!

In trying to protect the kids from "school of hard knocks" style, we have inadvertently created privileged monsters that don't even understand how far past wrong that behaviour (doxxing) IS!!

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Twitter is still a no-go zone for me and the UN doesn't give a flying fuck.

Lone Skum lied.

He said that accounts which had not broken the law or published spam would be restored - weeks ago.

Where is that happening?

On another planet?

Come on peeps.

The guy is attention seeking and so are all the idiot journalists playing along with the game.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Journalists no longer speak truth to power, they speak lies on power's behalf.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

These people are either completely co-opted by the Khazarian Mafia or they are insane. Or both.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

That I agree with everything you're saying in this article should be obvious.

I think it's time that we start attacking the roots, the foundation of their paradigm, attack their basic assumptions, at least when we talk among ourselves. I mean at this point why not?

"I published a newsletter taking a close look at kind of his brand of populism, and how he postures as a populist but he's really kind of appealing to the far right and trying to marginalize people who are already marginalized, trans people, LGBT people."

Let's be clear: there is no 'Far right'. That thing doesn't exist. At all. We all remember Ruby Ridge and Waco and Tim McVeigh but that was back in the 9o's.

Since that time Antifa occupied Portland for over a month. They attacked a police station. Did the dreaded, violent 'alt right' show up with their horrible AR15's and do the work that the POLICE REFUSED TO DO? No. What did happen that involved the FAR right? Nothing.


Name one story that's happened anywhere that's involved the 'far right doing' anything terror related. Just one. They were supposed to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, turned out to be the FBI.

Jan 6, turned out to be the FBI.

What far right? There is no far right. The far right has been put out there to terrorize and villainize white people who have no political power in the United States. White people in the United States are being told that they're the problem EVERYDAY. We're the ones killing people and we're the ones who need to be watched.

We know that the powers that be want to track us, trace our contacts, take away our guns, defund the police who are already worthless*...white people in the United States are being terrorized every day. The worst thing we can do is go online and talk about it. Celia knows what they'll do, if you write about their goals, they'll destroy you.

Those "journalists" who were doxing Musk and threatening his child...THEY WANTED TO BE BANNED FROM TWITTER...so they could scream at the top of their lungs about how their rights were being infringed. This is a formula that they're using, it's easy to see.

*remember the cop from Uvalde, in full tactical gear, stopping to put anti germ cream on his precious tender hands rather than just shooting the killer?

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Dear Celia, we're actually a WORLD of damned judgemental illiterate schoolyard bullies.

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Upside-down, inside-out world continues. Thank you for having the stamina and stomach to report on it.

"We no longer produce any culture—our culture is online mockery. Nobody can conceive of respecting somebody they “disagree” with."

Surely, we must be coming to the end of this version of the world ?- its absurdity on full display. Surely.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

My parents didn't open their Stasi files. And I was only 16 when the wall came down, so I probably didn't have a file on my own but would have been included in my parents' file. At the time I didn't care much. But today, over 30 years later, I wished I had looked...

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San Francisco killafornia is the meanest place on the planet.

As bad as your trx was, when I opposed Gavin I went to jail, thanks ScKamala Harris. There, I named her. And Carol Yaggy, and Janet Vandebos. Nice girls.

Yes it sucks the way you were treated.

I got all that plus jail, so count the blessing that you are free to leave.

Of course, the whole world became a jail, terror that.

FBI has office at Chavez around Marin st. In SF killafornia.

Will they kill my stack for saying so¿

That the spooks are creeps? Newsflash.

They wanted to shut me down for years before they succeeded, I found out after.

You have to wonder who isn't the FBI....?

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"They don’t have a fair bone in their body. If they had one fair bone it would cause them to limp." Best line I've read in a long time! LOL & thanks.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I'm not sure what Lee Fang thinks that FBI is going to do. Clearly, obviously the SEC is utterly toothless. They couldn't stop Bernie Madoff and from the time of that to the time of Sam Bankman Fried, aka. now nothing's changed. All of the financial stuff is the jurisdiction of the SEC, and clearly they're not interested in doing their jobs...at all.

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As a fellow American eyeball deep in the slime of which you speak I second this information.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

cc. Stasi files, have you read Christa Wolf's City of Angels ?

I read in translation but, even so, it was quite an encounter recalling

Balzac's diagnosis-- but not an accusaation ; more suggesting

Natalia Ginzburg's oblique invitations to self-perception

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Wait… is there a link to the cia jfk news you mention?

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My culture is songs from the scamdemic I produced demos . In substack.

Please check Thanksgiving 3 in the post thru link by my name above., If you wanted.

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