Fear, Hypoxia, Copper, Iron, Magnesium and The Fatigue Epidemic: Morley Robbins, Part 1
What Did All That Fear Unleashed In 2020 and 2021 DO To Our Magnesium and Copper Levels, Our Oxygen, Our Adrenals? I Will Never Forgive Them—But Morley Robbins Can Help Us
I am in a familiar phase in which I write several articles every day but they pile up on the draft heap because I lose (subtle) contact with myself; I can write but I can’t quite accept anything I write, so I write the next thing and the next thing. This has been worsening in recent months.
I remain very focused on human physiology.
I have 2302 unpublished pieces in the draft folder.
How many Morley Robbins interviews must I listen to before I can cure this compulsive not publishing, but drafting and hoarding? Almost twice as many unpublished as published.
I’ve listened to many Morley Robbins videos over the last 3 days and written several drafts about his work, what he is saying—and I believe it is crucial.
This one below was the first one I really listened to—3 days ago.
This is NOT the big article I promised. That’s still in draft form too—about something else entirely.
(RCP stands for ROOT CAUSE PROTOCOL and you can read more about it here.)
The main thing for people who want to deal with this issue is to get out of the radiation. It is the extreme exposure to wireless radiation and devices that is making people exhausted and ill with a laundry list of symptoms they have no idea is actually from radiation sickness. I agree with the thought that people need to get rid of all the supplements and start using whole organic foods for health. But if you are chronically exposed to wireless radiation, there will be sickness and extreme fatigue no matter what you eat. People have got to start dealing with the radiation issue. Please see my website for more info: www.RadiationDangers.com.
I think Robbins is wrong about copper. Copper is a toxic heavy metal. I work with a naturopathic doctor who has to fix people who've poisoned themselves following his protocol which calls for supplementing copper. Be careful.