While you were wondering if "SARS-Cov-2" was a Wuhan lab leak, uncle joe was signing this EO.

See how it works.

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Yes, and according to attorney Tom Renz, in his newsletter, he thinks the bill they just signed off on to release the info about the fake lab leak of the fake virus, was all about getting the US into war with China.

Whenever both parties sign off on something, its safe to assume it's all about screwing the American people. Whorehouse on the Potomac!

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I've heard that. I think these conflicts serve the same purpose as the fake leak. It's all about keeping "us" divided and pre-occupied. The US MO is disruption and money laundering and land grabs.

I think that every news event is a distraction from what is being put in place while the news spews one event after another. (Would be interesting to know what was signed off on during the @metoo episode, and the Kavanaugh performance, etc.)

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Regarding land grabs, Catherine Austin Fitts mapped out where these were occurring using where enterprise zones were designated. She noted that the riots of 2020 were all in enterprise zones. Destroying these districts would allow big capital to come in and buy up all the destroyed property for pennies on the dollar with tax incentives to boot. All planned.


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"While you were wondering if "SARS-Cov-2" was a Wuhan lab leak, uncle joe was signing this EO."

They wrote the "escaped from biolab" bullshit back in 2017. Page 66, last sentence of 2nd paragraph.

"Conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons."

Grab yourself a copy and follow the fun.... https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/Center-projects/completed-projects/spars-pandemic-scenario.html Its the link right under the big blue SPARS book.


"As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits."

"That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax."

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Before the jab campaign started I thought countless people would be injured and many killed by the effects of the injection coupled with contaminated vials and perhaps some intentional poisoned batches.

Simple logic, you shoot people up indiscriminately with various heavy metals and a variety of toxins, virtually no oversight at warp speed on a billion people with no known medical history and what can you expect. All of this under DOD which means the entire process subverted any and all laws starting with the US Constitution.

I don't think there's evidence of mRNA or spike protein in the sample vials that have been tested. That's a myth much like the "pathogenic virus" that supposedly launched this operation. Any expert/doc that tells you otherwise is highly suspect.

I think we have a false notion of what science is and isn't. None of this is based in scientific inquiry. It's a product that doesn't require any so-called science.

Operation Covid was launched to cover a complete reset of the failing speculative global economy. Period. The plan is to phase out the dollar, and put all debt on the back of sovereign nations (US) which will (as they plan) force people into a digitized system of exchange and the whole 4IR set up to manage the huge disruption and expect riots/dissent.

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100% and now they want to drop the WHO Slave Ship on top of us.

This is where they got their "covid deaths" from. And fake death certificates etc...


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You're assertion that because the DOD was involved the U.S. Constitution and any and all other laws are subverted is abject nonsense, as numerous court cases have been litigated successfully. Your assertion that mRNA was not found in viles is nonsense and it's not difficult to find not only lab baeed evidence but numerous peer-reviewed publications about mRNA technology, and Pfizer, FDA, and other docs about the vials. If COVID19 is a myth please tell me what respiratory virus I had for about 5 days last month? It was not influenza.

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As a DOD operation run as countermeasures and acts/laws for such an operation it circumvents laws allowing CDC/FDA to essentially rubber stamp approvals. If you want to know how this analysis of the operation were established I suggest you follow the work of Katherine Watt and her substack.

mRNA was not found in the sample vials tested nor spike protein. I'd go further and say any such formula is at best synthetic since no SARS-Cov-2 has ever been isolated per scientific method. Even if the synthetic version could be made, scaling it up to the level of hundreds of billions of vials is virtually impossible. It was never able to fly with animal studies.

But if you have proof please provide.

Pfizer is the front end marketer contractor of DOD. This is a DOD operation and they provide Pfizer with the specs (countermeasures). Pfizer long ago stopped their production operation and outsource when needed.

First COVID-19 requires a cause - a specific pathogen which has never been isolated. If you can prove otherwise than the burden of proof is in your court. Respiratory illnesses are a build of toxins. Nothing novel about this label called COVID-19.

Yea I've been sick for longer periods of time than 5 day - respiratory - way before 2020. What was that? You should look at the Pfizer/Moderna fact sheets and tell me how what they state as symptoms is any different than the flu.

Btw, you know that the "test" used does not test for a "viral infection". Even the WHO/CDC admitted this. A peer review was done in November 2020 indicating all the flaws and that the RT-PCR should be stopped immediately. So whatever you may have had you can't say it was "COVID-19".

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I've long followed Katherine Watt and participated in a couple of Zoom calls with her, Todd Calendar, Sasha Latypova, and others. Your assertion about DOD invalidating the Constitution and laws is incorrect as numerous law suits regarding COVID19 or the mRNA bioweapon have been filed, and won. Katherine has not made the claim you make. She makes far more sophisticated politico-legal claims. mRNA has been shown to be in vials of the injectables and its production of spike protein observed en vivo. D dimers alone nearly verify spike protein production. I'm a bioengineer so I know the PCR is not a diagnostic test. The isolation argument is nearly absurd as the clinical presentations of the respiratory illness due to a genetically engineered virus with GOF confirms the GOF inserts from HIV, and the ones targeting the ACE system in the lungs. I had COVID19.

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If you've read Watt's research than you should know the contracts she speaks to and the products (jabs) as countermeasures. And the relationship between DoD and Pfizer. I'm not writing a substack just a response to your points. I find it hard to believe you've actually followed and read either Katherine's or Sasha's research.

Neither Sasha nor Katherine speak to vial content. That information is found elsewhere.

But I would ask: do you even know what mRNA is? Or spike protein? The dimmer is for blood clots. Assumptions made are based on believing the injections actually are designed to do what we've been told. As I said SAMPLES of vials do NOT show anything that could be construed as mRNA or spike protein. Random samples, not the entire lot.

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They seem to have ignored all the solid proof of this being worked on and funded by the us in labs in Ukraine. What a shocker

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TV drama is not proof and you wouldn't be seeing it unless they wanted you to see it.

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The globalists want to tank all economies to the extent that people will be begging for UBI and not caring if it comes via CBDCs. There will be totalitarian strings attached of course. There couldn’t be a more serious line in the sand moment for freedom supporting politicians than this.

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“There couldn’t be a more serious line in the sand...” for sovereign citizens. At some point, we’re gonna have to fight back. Fight, not pi$$ and moan.

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Re: "begging for UBI"...I feel this scenario is realistically plausible. We've already seen them use the "pLandemic" to their RESET advantage. Now...I'm wondering if there's a Swiss white hat faction who may be engaged in counter-measures. Tracking BIS activity is as slippery as a rattlesnake.

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Mar 12, 2023
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Hear ya...And language correctness cages "minds" and also separates and marginalized People...The World is full of educated "Derelicts"...!!!!

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The attacks - real and fake - are coming on many fronts. Balloons and lab leak theories are nothing but distractions. Like Patton's pre- D Day fake 1st US Army Group at the Pas de Calais, these are designed to take our eyes off the real invasion target. CBDC is the ultimate goal of these globalist scumbags because it will give them veto power over individual freedom.

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The dots are coming together BTX and SVB and Yellin waging a war on the competing cryptos (Bitcoin ey al) for the CBDC slavery racquet!

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Don't despair! Their evil schemes will not succeed. The bad guys are going down.

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Ok Mr. Weiner, I’m sure their evil schemes won’t succeed because you said so

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Never underestimate the power of our words and mindset. It makes ALL the difference.

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You have a point.

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Digital currency is the lock in the door of the invisible jail the cabal is building around us. This war is about to get really ugly and I hope there is enough freedom inside the people to see through this. The banking disaster will easily introduce digital currency.

If my views are not in line with the one government narrative they can shut off my income with the click of a mouse.

I’m stocking up on essentials, non gmo seeds and increasing the size of my chicken “herd”. I’m lucky to live in a climate where warm clothes will suffice for the winter.

It’s time to fight back now and establish an alternative economy where communities work together but away from the federal mess. Is there enough time left?

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Let’s have LT General Flynn be in charge of “The Correction of Treasonous Activity Tribunal.” The states of the Union shall mint their own gold & silver Coin since the president, Treasury and Mint are circumventing the Law of the Land. What a mess we are in.

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Bastards. Always nothing Democratic about their behaviour. I’m not up for the CBDC’s and won’t comply. Will remove all money from bank and put it into metals.

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Here is a good presentation from 2 legislators in my state of TN. We are doing everything at our state level to save TN and hopefully other states that join a compact to stop these evil bastards. The only chance we have is WE THE PEOPLE demanding our states do what is needed to stop this in its tracks. It won't be easy but it can be done. BUT it will never happen at the federal level. The Rs are every bit part of the agenda as the Ds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWcZhcaLwwM

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That is an incredibly informative video about what preventative actions some Tennessee legislators are taking to forbid CBDCs taking over their state. I’m sending the link to folks I know in other states who feel helpless about what is coming. I live in a free state but have heard nary a peep from our lawmakers about this issue (CBDCs) of paramount, dire importance.

Big thanks Karen for this link. The time to actively fight this is NOW.

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Thank you for taking the time to watch the recorded meeting. And thank you for sharing. Time is not on our side so people need to share and act quickly. I know both of these legislators and they have been trying to get this stuff passed for years but unlike the Democrat party Republicans do not stick together and that is because many of them are not constitutionally conservative Republicans. In TN many of them are flat out Democrats running as Republicans because they know if the run as a Democrat in TN they most likely will never win an election.

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Executive Orders.

May as well put me in jail now. I'm not doing them.

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They want everyone in a digital prison with CBDC.

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By the present day Plantation owners & Slavery

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It's just the beginning of the end.

All of this has been prophesied throughout the Bible for thousands of years. If you like to read the end of a book first, the last chapter of the Book of Revelation is a good place to start at this point in time.

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The train of tyranny will be hard, if not impossible, to stop.

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But Joe Biden is not the “real” president. He stole the election, so it doesn’t matter what he signs


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Jim Rickards has been warning about this for over 8 months...


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