This just breaks my heart ..there is nothing more dangerous than the loss of hope. In Canada at the first sniff of depression, you would have somebody smiling knocking on your door, asking if you’d like help being suicided with M.A.I.D (medical assistance in dying) truly satanic.

I am trying to stay strong, but my Lord, it’s very difficult these days.

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All strength and hope comes from GodSpirit.

Take yours now.

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Absolutely and shall keep doing so❤️

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the people who have no hope will find it through the Lord.. still doesn’t make our journey easy but thank you for the reminder

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Spirit of Love God is the only weapon against the mindless evil....

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We love you

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God Bless

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The Canadian people appear to be the canary in the coal mine for America and the world.

The idea of actually setting up "safe" places for junkies to use instead of treating them came from British Columbia.

Brazilians protesting their rigged election are getting their bank accounts shut down, implemented by Justin Castro against peaceful protesters who would not take the killer shots!

Canadians have a history of being proud and FREE! Stay strong!

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Israel also, followed by much of the industrialized world. There are control populations in the world, countries that opted out of the WHO/drug company project. Haiti is one, and among the larger nations, Nigeria, Tanzania. There are several countries where the mRNA shot (Pfizer, Moderna) were rarely injected, providing varying groups in this world: no shots, "vaccines" but not Pfizer/Moderna, and countries where the mRNA is the main option.

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FRIGHTENING: Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination

"This case indicates a strong causal relationship between the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine injection and the onset of psychosis."


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Read the same thing that the jab and increasing with each booster is a link between psychosis and the mRNA vaccines. Thanks for the informative link

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More awful news. I have a nephew in law who is in the Navy in Virginia. One of my sons was in the Navy as an electronic specialist. Terrible what has been done.

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Why are they destroying our military with Harmacide scamdemic injextions?

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Ah, murder and slavery both.

To keep the military healthy to go kill.

They care so much they started a war in nUkraine newkraine against my homeland Russia

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This guy is yet one more POS member of the military.

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Funny they. The military, got put in Charge of public health

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P.S. I just had a "retired litigator" tell me that the Congressional oath of office is "ceremonial, not legal." Who knew? And all this time...

Looks like that might be the case for the military, too. They can just do whatever the hell they want, Constitution be damned. Oath to it? Pffffff.

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Likely same with the Hippocratic( now HYPOCRITICAL) Oath. Designed to cover up the nefarious activities and goals of Rockefeller medicine

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Dec 3, 2022Edited
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Thank you, BF. I got set back in my chair when I read this in a Comments section -- and I'm still recovering. ;) I'm only a teeny bit joking about that.

So funny you should refer to these criminals and their involvement in all these crimes; I said almost exactly the same thing to my hubs earlier when I shared with him that according to a "litigator," Congressional oaths are "ceremonial, not legal."

I think it's true -- we're doomed.

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𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩? Funny dat.

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WIth the goal being that it's to be sold to the civilian population as a GENERAL "HEALTH" BENEFIT. There will be the usual morons out there shilling for it, insisting that it cannot possibly be the M.O.B. unless people know beforehand that this is exactly what they're taking and go ahead and take it anyway

Failing to take into consideration that we are in an age of deception, and that many have already turned their backs on God, and are bowing before high technology as their IDOL. These are precisely the ones that stand in line to recieve WHATEVER that IDOL says is in their best interests.

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Its common practice to use the word group once then followed by the acronym in parentheses in a article. In this particular one are the periods necessary? I like it and will begin to use it. Thanks.

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Mob, mob mafia ¿


Don't know ¿

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M.O.B. stands for Mark of the Beast signifying those who decided to join up with the Beast system.

But MOB fits the Government/MedicalPharmaceutical Cartel as the carrier for Satan's plan.

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Yeahs of course

And thanks

Also the luminescent quantam dots are a mark, in beasts.

But they may self replicate and come for the rest of us, pity.

Also mob mafia and is mob like group mentality.

All government is a mob, Cat

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The damage being done to the body includes the brain, as the LNP mRNA crosses the blood-brain barrier. Anything is possible.

"Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection" (With Fuellmich, Wolf, and Breggin) Powerful. https://video.icic-net.com/w/42W6eytcy6xgckk1v5vxDy

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Thank you so much. I have been trying to find out about what happened with Reiner Fuellmich. This video is excellent. BTW, Dr. Breggin is being sued for $25 million by Dr. Robert Malone. This cannot end well. After listening to this video, I am even more upset. I had no idea Dr.Breggin more or less single-handedly ended the practice of lobotomy. The points made in the video are stunning. Well worth the listen.

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Thanks for the link!

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This is not my Navy.

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Oh, Dear God! 😢

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Thank you Celia, for bringing this story to our attention.

This paragraph in the NBC News / Yahoo News article also jumps out at me:

"Of the roughly 3,000 people assigned to MARMC [the Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center, which maintains military ships and is based in Norfolk, Virginia], *many* are on limited duty because they either have mental or physical disabilities or are dealing with personal circumstantial stressors that are preventing them from full unrestricted duty, Arestivo said."

Many? How many of the 3,000?

How many are men? How many are women?

In a supposed non-combat unit like this, what does "on limited duty" mean? Work 20-hours a week instead of 40?

Is this supposed land-base non-combat Navy unit a "dumping ground" for sailors who've wigged out while on a ship at sea?

If so, then, in this day and age, my speculation is that as soon as a sailor 'wigs out a little'... that they then 'immediately' prescribe them psychotropics -- while on ship duty. (Wasn't there a 'fundamental shift' in the Army 10 to 15 years ago -- that patrol soldiers in Afghanistan were pro-actively prescribed psychotropics -- just because they're patrol soldiers?)

Military life is hard enough to begin with -- poor food, water, and living conditions, and, dangerous working conditions -- then, add psychotropics into the mix PLUS the additional negative effects that happen when taking those drugs if one does not take the dose regularly PLUS the slew of vaccines that a soldier receives (not only when joining but also when deploying to a new Theater of War (new 'exotic' continent or ocean)) PLUS the ANNUAL flu shot (every year, Oct 1 thru Dec 15 is mandatory Flu shot time in the military for every soldier -- regardless of where in the world you may be stationed) PLUS, now, the dreaded covid juice injection -- that's enough to put anyone over the edge.

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Celia, I will donate too. Thank you for encouraging that.

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Who is the photo of Celia? If a reference was made, I missed it. Also, could you please provide the link for the website you mentioned, I also will donate. Thanks Celia

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The suicide rate is always relatively high in a professional military. Same in police departments. It's the only field I've worked in where I knew several people who blew their brains out.

I think the poison 'vaccines' are just adding to the stress, and so I'd expect there to be even more suicides than normal. And it's not just the injections, but likely also the fact that the injections are under duress for a lot of the members, so they're experiencing a higher degree of coercion and hostility from the leadership than in the past. And it's not fair to assume that the vax is always a factor in current suicides, because life for the purebloods who are still trying to survive in the military must be pure hell, as they're being overtly discriminated against and bullied.

Lots of good info on Paardekooper's website, but the "spike protein" assumption is a big turn-off for me. It's difficult to fathom how, seeing the damage and the cover-up, anyone would believe any aspect of the official narrative, including that the damage is being done by a so-called 'virus spike protein', without a shred of evidence. Almost no one seems interested in finding out what's really in the injections, and the fringe attempts to do so are ignored or ridiculed, because everyone's sure the establishment actors wouldn't lie about THAT.

What if people are just being poisoned, no mRNA and no 'spike protein', and we'll never know for sure because no one's investigating?

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The source article says that the suicide rate for soldiers is more than double the rate for sailors, but says nothing about trends. The Navy rate of 17/100,000 is a bit higher than the national average of 14/100,000. (national data from https://time.com/6219004/us-suicide-rate-2021/). A lot of unexplored issues here.

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exacerbated by a lack of mental health resources.


Mental Health Resources have been growing exponentially in America from

zero 100 years ago to now.

Maybe they are the problem.

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A huge part of the problem is the explosion of people on antidepressant drugs. It's long been known that they dramatically increase the risk of suicide, and yet every year the number of people taking them goes up. Somewhere around 40 million Americans are on antidepressants. The clear link to suicide risk is ignored by the medical establishment, same as they're ignoring the VAERS data on vaccine injuries.

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The service member appears to be wearing a Junior ROTC uniform. His medals are all wrong - unless they're JROTC medals. That pic detracts from the serious nature of this story.

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That's the only picture of sailor in uniform, one of the four who died, the article I linked to had. Should I delete it?

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Not sure - The photo that depicts an obese JROTC member and his proud mother (?) detracts from the story about four Navy vets who harm themselves. He may be one of the victims but, if so, a line about who he is or that the photo was taken before he joined the Navy would help. Without further info, I'd leave it out.

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Yeah thats an awful lot of salad on his chest. And I was wondering as well this a SEAL? Maybe in some supporting role. Did he have to be taped to make weight? But yes the image does not do this particular article justice.

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None of his medals make sense until you notice his JROTC markings - all earned at school or college.

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I would rather drink drano than speak to nbc spews

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That’s a JROTC uniform.

Imagine a professional football player for a big team like the Patriots died, so you post his highschool photo, in his high school uniform.

JROTC is what people who want to be in the military do.

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