I just want to say, at the end of this day:
Please always remember that you have every right, and every duty, to scrutinize your political leaders at every level, but especially spiritually. Anybody who tries to tell you you are wrong, bad, divisive, or anything else, is blocking your spiritual growth.
If something feels wrong to you, something feels wrong to you.
You are the authority.
It may seem like a minor thing, but it’s a fairly serious violation— to suggest to another person that their mind should be just like yours.
Earlier today I got an email, after posting this. Not for the first time, not for the last.
She wrote: “Please unsubscribe me.”
I was in a taxi.
I normally reply: “Sorry, you have to unsubscribe your self. It’s very easy.”
As a matter of principle, I won’t go root around for an email to unsubscribe somebody when they can do it in one simple click.
But they don’t want me to perform the “click.” They want something else.
I wrote back, this time, a longer reply:
“You have to unsubscribe yourself, and you could have. But you wanted me to feel ashamed of my thoughts and perceptions. How weird.”
Now, if it’s a paying subscriber, and they want their money back, that’s different.
But I’ll be damned if I’m going to move one single key on this keyboard to enact somebody else’s notions of a just punishment for my own mind.
A counter-argument of any kind is find, but seeking to punish somebody, wanting them to feel bad?
Departed reader, I don’t feel bad for stating what I observe, and I won’t tomorrow either.
Always go with your gut. The only time(s) I have created problems for myself is when I second guessed myself.
You are right. They wanted to communicate their "rejection" of your work. Kudos to you for realizing it & writing about it.