Some Reflections On The Trump Administrations Punishments Of Student Protest Movements, And MAGA Fatigue
"No Easy Way To Be Free." Pete Townshend
“The cuts are “only the beginning” according to Trump’s anti-semitism task force.”
I want to reframe how we think about things, and try to break free of the binary Monarch system straight jackets.
I once said, quoting a Swedish friend’s friend: “If it isn’t hopeful, it’s evil.”
Now I’m honestly struggling with this concept. I want to be allowed to report facts and observations without being asked to be responsible for morale. Maybe we re-write is as: “If it isn’t true, it’s evil.” Or, if it isn’t meaningfully true.
Doublethink, And Us
On March 7 President Trump announced he was pulling $400 million in funding from Columbia University, which hosted protests by Palestinian cause supporting student activist groups, leading to Jewish students saying they felt threatened.
He has also threatened one student organizer with deportation, and threatened future protesters—consistent with Leslie Wexner’s funds-pulling pogroms.
(And this is the very least of it. You can enter the Wexner rabbit hole at your own risk here.)
This is all cast by your Bari Weiss/ Jordan Peterson axis as fighting “ far left wing ideology,” which normally, I’d be on board with.
Who wants to get placed in the Leslie Wexner/Jefferey Epstein boat in the name of fighting “far left wing ideology?” Not me.
What do we do with something like this? The only thing you can do is not “think” anything anymore, not cultivate opinion-ism.
You can get your leg caught in the binary Israel-Palestine fight, and either appear to be supporting “far left” subversion, (in this case, of Israel’s scorched earthing of Gaza,) OR to be supporting an assault on free speech on campus and the right to non-violent protest. That’s it.
What we call MAGA (which really is a blind support of Trump, on the mass media level) is “sympathetic” to Israel’s high dudgeon at every turn. Counter-MAGA are (have been) radical rich money laundering Democrats who very recently tried to kill us all with mRNA shots, by way of unprecedented media propaganda an social engineering never before imagined. That’s only one of their recent acts of ultra violence against human liberties.
My camp, my feeling, super obscure, is that Columbia University should have been raided and shut down over 120 years ago.
The Student Protest Trap
For President Trump to start moving against “far-left wing ideologies” at universities now, is de-contextualized at best and driven by NWO AIPAC Globalist War Payola Politics at worst. (It’s “worst,” in this case.)
I see a pattern of never being “permitted” to organize values, ideas, fact, or history outside of the mimetic assaults, where they cross wrong with wrong, lock the exits, and demand you pickle in each day’s fresh humiliations. The attacks, the follows, the platforms—are the engine that drives it all.
“The medium is the message.”
—Marshall MacLuhan
Presently, today for example, the meme storm is that MAGA—all MAGA—is a stupid battered wife, who “fell for it again.”
Also A Trap
I’m not interested in bashing and mocking hard working people who hoped for something better, and saw a savior in Trump. Bashing innocent people for being too credulous is cowardly. But people do it for clicks and cash.
I still can’t bring myself to completely (I said “completely”) turn against Trump for reasons having nothing to do with him, but everything to do with people’s battered souls hanging in the precipice. There is (politically, I mean) nowhere to “go,” and it’s impossible to think or believe anything, just about. Is that “nihilism?”
It’s a good time to be a small fish, or try to morph into an amateur historian.
Elon Musk Anxiety, (Despite DOGE Reveals)
Today I saw a video clip of Trump, Musk, and Musk’s child X, dashing out of the White House to a gleaming Tesla car Trump can’t drive, donated by Musk.
I’m very tired of all these garish stunts, and all these figures declaring their toughness in staged photo ops and X storms. They’re milking us lumpenprolatariat’s infinite desire to see our values reflected, and our wounds redeemed.
By MAGA doctrine, you’re not allowed to observe that Elon Musk is functionally uncontactable by way of childhood trauma, or even to consider that he grew up in ultra violent South Africa, with both parents disassociated/abusive, and a grandfather who founded the technocracy cult in Canada.
You’re supposed to pretend it’s normal to want to go to Mars and to name one of your 14 children “X Æ A-12”, de-mother him, and wear him as a prop.
You’re supposed to pretend that bringing 14 children into the world by multiple mothers, none of them raised in a two parent home, is the new conservatism.
You’re never to take note of the fact that both Trump and Musk make Masonic hand signs all the time. You can be a red-pilled useful idiot or a black-pilled agent of demoralization.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
I did, admittedly, “fall for” a fair amount of anti-left hopium, but did not vote for Trump this last time, and felt guilty about that too.
In other words, I am concluding that, yes, the entire script is a Masonic Disneyland, where all I can hope for is to be manipulated by a lesser of evils, in exchange for tribal belonging, or “followers,” or protection from the wrath of the ADL and AIPAC.
It’s like being Finland during WW2, every day.
I can’t even tell, anymore, where my own mind leaves off and implanted PSY OPs begin. That’s when I start writing about the cats, or quoting Cervantes, or posting Peter O’Toole’s drunk tales. To say “it’s all theater” is wrong and callow. It’s not theater, for the dead, who, like in Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt” were killed by fake lions on a projected screen in the nursery.
Go look at the White House website.
It is…
…weird. (
Click around.)
Waiting For Godot
When and how exactly does the “golden age of America” begin to be felt—or has it been, and I fail to appreciate it? That is possible. Many injustices are being addressed. It’s just that other ones are blooming on the sides, and it feels like yes, we’re foolish to believe the actual billionaire technocrat globalist class, now on the “right,” can favor “freedom.”
Still, when he (President Trump) talks, he makes it sound good, and his frowning enemies in the Democrat party are baying for more Ukrainian blood, perpetual war, and as many vaccine assaults and abortions as possible. So of course he seems like a better option. I just have a sinking feeling, (yet do not want to sink you all,) or encourage despondency. If he ends any war, I will cheer him. And now I feel like I am insufficiently appreciative of his opposition to Europe’s war on Russia, aka WW3. I’m concerned, because he always morphs.
I want to see public WH “support” for Romania, Serbia, Hungary, or a strong objection to the EU-fueled massacres of thousands of Alawites and Christians in Syria.
As for Columbia University, everybody is more than 120 years too late. The fix was put in around 1909.
I tweeted this, this morning:
Tweet here. (I was banned from Twitter in 2021, but you can follow me if you use X. I remain very shadow banned and don’t care much about X, except to find things.)
What Is My Point?
George Trow was darkly right, in “Within The Context Of No Context,” the scariest book ever written about post television America. I’d like to be able to reject it.
It did not start with television. It’s the creation of “The Matrix” over more than a century, and the dis-freedom syndrome that resulted, like a form of parasitic infection.
1909, (lots of nines) was a big year for the Masons and mind controllers.
The “Imperial Press Conference” in London, in 1909, does seem to me to be the track-switch of our whole history. You can learn about it from this video, which I have posted before. This channel says the Brits invented “Communism,” and started all wars.
It means none of the stuff we’ve been fed was meaningfully true, or true at all.
And none of those Titanic truthers caught the bigger story either. They just kept obsessing about the ship itself—the “what,” always eclipses the “why” and the “who?”
Tweet here.
"I can’t even tell, anymore, where my own mind leaves off and implanted PSY OPs begin. That’s when I start writing about the cats, or quoting Cervantes, or posting Peter O’Toole’s drunk tales."
It's probably why I started watching cute kitten videos.
Assuming that life itself and humans are part of an intelligent and benevolent Source that created us - and I do assume this - then despite the parasitic-like take over of 'reality' - there is a way back to actual reality. I'd suggest Nature points us in that direction.
Less screens, more walks in woods will perhaps tip the balance back into something real. What a time. I so appreciate your self-reflection and honest attempts at sorting through, Celia. A consistently human voice. Thank you.
"When the people need a hero, we shall supply him." Albert Pike 33rd Degree Freemason
It's too simple for most folks to accept. Hopium is much more appealing.