The ultrapsychotic left who invented and sustained masking tyranny for years pretends the right is more authoritarian than they are.

As Kyle Broflowsky would say "You bastards!"

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This can’t be real.

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Why are "they" always obsessed with pornography and sex? It's so tiresome.

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"MAGA Republicans banned abortion."

It's scary to ponder how many low-information people accept that claim at face value.

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Naw this is real. The left embraces these ideals. They find it acceptable to live, think, act, embrace these concepts. Now this kind of behavior is really good for all of mankind. Folks this real and absolutely sickening

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I goes to show you how they really view men.

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Jeepers! Even Central Casting had to search long and hard to find weirdos like those guys:).

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OK, wait what??

What was that even about??

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If you know someone who even thinks about voting for the D's, please do what you can to help them. Be kind. Not voting could possibly be a better choice. R's are really no better.

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Politics is a roman circus to distract us all from what really matters. Both corrupt wings belong to the same putrid, detestable bird.

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Oh I disagree. R's are much better!

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Not my intention to make a blanket statement. As a reader of this publication, I'm sure you are one that will take the time to dig, as deep as you can, into the qualifications and values of each candidate that your "choice" allows you

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Babylon Bee I hope. The cringiest part of the entire ad is the "men" themselves. Out of shape, sweaty, unattractive. Who would be having sex with them anyway? And several looked like they preferred other men so no worries on conceiving there. Here's the emojis I would use: 🤣😝🤮😵‍💫😖🤡

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Jul 30Edited

OK let me guess, a commercial featuring perverts and molesters? I did not think they could do it. I can only imagine the script that they used to hire them..."want some candy little girl?" Perfect, your hired!

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How do you spell “PURE” Sodum and Gamorrah?

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That is some sick shit.

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OMG - I’m so scared!!!

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Couldn't see video, drat it!

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My link won’t play. Any alternates?

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