I have absolutely no idea, same as everybody. We are beyond the beyond. It's way beyond our "control" but not beyond our capacity to at least not look away or pretend somehow it's not happening. Sending money is perhaps a sound idea but nothing in the world will "help" when a genocide of this scale is underway. Do any of you have any ideas what we can do?
You won't believe the Evil depth of this genocide. Our only chance to stop it is through prayer. We need to discuss more on this to make it go world-wide.
The genocides are the UN Relief NGOs and the UN's attempts at world control
BECAUSE it is THEIR FAILURE to DISTRIBUTE the 150 SEMIs of food, groceries, water and fuel that were SAFELY DELIVERED to the UN distribution point ON AVERAGE *EVERY DAY* since the WAR WAS STARTED by HAMAS...
AND it's HAMAS who makes their CHILDREN into MARTYRS...
AMMUNITION and JETS are NOT CHEAP when you're fighting on 5 fronts, so the ISRAELIS ain't stupidly wasting it on tents and places UNLESS HAMAS HAS MADE those places and CHILDREN TARGETS by hiding their missiles and fighters at that target....
and the Israelis even do leaflets and warnings so as to minimize civilian losses, which experts on CITY WARFARE have analyzed as stunningly minimal compare to all past wars....
OTC, it's you who blaspheme and support those demiciders using their own people as CONVENIENTLY PROFITABLE-in-propaganda MARTYRS when you go around blaming those actively minimizing the deaths of civilians
TODAY CAMERA CREWS were able to finally get photo coverage of the resources delivered into the Palestinian side of the border crossing point...
If you thought FEMA was bad at delivering aid, wait til you see THE UN RELIEF WORKERS and the International Aid ''workers''
60,000 truckloads brought in successfully since Oct 2023
Yes 150 PER DAY.......
Per google's AI......[quote].....
A semi truck can typically carry around 42,000 to 48,000 pounds of food, depending on the type of trailer and the specific cargo, as the federal limit for a fully loaded semi-truck is 80,000 pounds including the weight of the truck itself;
[end quote]
So 150 semis per day means about 6,750,000 POUNDS of food and groceries and FUEL and WATER.. PER DAY...
Per Google.. there are 2.23 MILLION GAZANS living there.....
So THREE POUNDS of FOOD, WATER and FUEL ***per PERSON per DAY*** for every day since Oct 2023...
#ExitUN They are no peace keepers, no relief workers, ALL FRAUDS, LIARS
I've thought about this for a while. We have the most powerful country in modern history directly engaging in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people as it self-destructs. It is no longer pretending to be in a war for some just purpose. If larger, more powerful countries are unable or unwilling to do anything, there is nothing we as individuals can do - except watch, learn, plan, and prepare.
Comment removed??? Why? Poet taught me a new word Godot which could be used anywhere? Poet: Thanks for the new word. On paperbags, my daughter gave me one the other day that looks exactly like paper, but made from a thick cloth. Indestructible!
Poet: Think 'if' the USA would use the money spent on religion and their tax free status on jobs for the homeless. I've hugged M.M.O'Hair many times. I (think) I know more of her death than the Austin newspaper that did the documentary.
That'll be nothing compared to what will happen if the War Hawks succeed with their efforts to start an Iran war. I'm pretty sure that war will not remain "over there".
Yes. Bizarrely enough I've read that the War Hawks believe that any "limited" nuclear exchange will be isolated away from the continental US. That view is just stupid beyond belief.
I am convinced voting doesn't matter other than to make us think we have a choice. Their actions in representing us alone should be proof and when proof is presented in Congress, nothing happens. They are above the law, not just major crimes and mass genocide, but the stock market, and all the tricky laws... Evil never ends and we can only beat it back. Still, all that is nothing new and I believe there is a lot of good and we should focus on the good. God will reward and punish when it is time, and it sure feels close. God bless.
Voting does matter. Else you would have Kamala as fake President and the USA will be run by the Davos Psychopaths, who really just hate us. Last election is proof positive that voting does matter.
That it is deeply flawed, and laden with corruption, is also true, but in spite of that we are still able to exercise some control over who rules over us. When that control ceases, Dystopia begins. Don't think it means the Status Quo, if only it did, but it that it will not be.
Well, once Demented-and-Bought Buyden freed up those billions that Trump had locked out of Iran's reach, the Iranians' RUSH was on to REACH the 60% purity in NUKE MATERIALS to MAKE WARHEADS...
according to the INTERNATIONAL NUKE AUTHORITIES OVERSEEING IRAN's VIOLATIONS of the RULES, they estimate that by now it's only a matter of weeks or thereabouts til your friends in IRANIAN REVOLUTIONS can launch NUKES AT YOU [the Great Satan]...
fortunately, the Israelis VERY RECENTLY blasted a majority of Iran's LAUNCH CAPABILITIES...
the clock's ticking til Iran can rebuild enough launch vehicles...
Without adequate launch vehicles the hypothetical war might stay ''over there''
and better yet maybe not enough NUKE materials to qualify as ''limited''...
What we can do is to consult with the Holy Spirit.
Today 27th is the day of Saint John Evangelist.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."
Later, John the Evangelist writes of John the Baptist: «And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”»
The gospel of St. John ends with these lines:
«Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?”
This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true.
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.»
"All it takes for Israel to drown is one major blow. It has no natural support (meaning not one offered through coercion and manipulation, but out of genuine solidarity and goodwill) and no friends in the region, and it only appeals to obvious psychopaths. An Apartheid South Africa on steroids already, its legal standing, reputation, and economic forecast are only set to deteriorate further, or actually collapse in case of a major war or mass migration out of the country - both very probable scenarios.
Israel only enjoys success in Western propaganda, and citizens of Western countries are paying dearly, financially, culturally and reputationally, for that fake success."
Way back when in the time of Charles Finney there was a huge wave of the demonstration of 'true' power sweeping across the country. The stories go that a single man would go into a town before Finney and begin to pray and intercede. Father Nash. And one by one people in the town would begin to join this man praying. The documented things that happened in these towns was astronomical. So 1 person, like a drop, 2 like a creek, 3 like a stream, 4 like a river(you get the idea) and eventually an ocean that can sweep bad things away. So ,when's the next zoom meeting? Everyone together, agreeing for the help and protection of the people of Gaza for a few minutes? Just a thought.
I give out footage of the massacre and the aftermath. I let them hear criminal Netanyahu (the Luciferian puppet's) own words bragging about his crimes. I included testimony from his own IDF soldiers that convict him of war crimes. He is just another masonic stooge doing the bidding of his Luciferian masters to start WW3. Testimony from American doctors sharing the horror over there. Far too many witnesses and video everywhere, even AI can't stop it.
No one talks about REAL CIVIC ACTION. Praying wont do anything, on the short term, to even mention it in this context is hypocritical and utterly coward. Prayingappeals the energetic field of things, it works in time, it is long term strategy, by design! Their actions are real and brutal, so our counteractions should be equally rapid and firm. Not violent. 30 years ago when i was doing a master in politics, a top EU official was lecturing us about EU policies etc. I asked him, what is the greatest fear of the EU leadership? The answer came very quickly: MILLIONS of people taking the streets, REPEATEDLY and with a CLEAR AGENDA. Another student said that most people are stupid, so it wont make a difference. But he answered: stupid yes but MANY! We worry about the `many`. Then of course, `The Crowd, a study of the popular mind` from Gustave Le Bon was discussed..and about how to manipulate the `stupid` aspect in your advantage , despite the `many`. If you watch this and all you feel to do is go an pray, you will be next. Because velocity is on their side.
Bobbo: What holocaust? If you're mean the one of 1939 to 1944/5 that's already proven to be a GR8 (Great) lie by Dr.Faurisson/Zundel/Leuchter David Irving and many others.
There were no masskillings in the camps until 1942, when Heinrich Himmler took over SS. He is taped talking about it. Four of my relatives were among 700 jews in Norway that were sent to Auschwitz. All four died. I’m not interested in discussing details. Ofcourse there are propaganda among the testimonys, like in all wars.
Bobbo: Those tapes certainly would be important today, and would change the minds of many important people today that attest to no killings outside the laws of the Geneva Convention. Does Youtube or Google have those tapes??? "DETAILS"?of their death. Certainly not the gas chamber, as the one you visit today was built in 1949 by the Polish/Russian gov't. Most deaths were from typhus and starvation. You do understand Zyklon B turns to a gas about 80 F which is roughly 25-30 C?. Poland rarely gets that warm, and alleged gas chambers is shown ground level. Highly explosive too, yet lighting in all photos never shows explosion proof lights. In Novemer 1944 the prisoners that could travel at Aushwitz were given their choice to stay there or go west. When the Russians arrived, no photographers were with them. Photos you see were taken 10 days after and the remaining prisoners were not fed well. There is so much proof prisoners at Auschwitz were treated well, but our news media is joo controlled. Would you believe they had a swimming pool within the fence and some of it still exists today ???
Winston Churchill wrote five books one on top of the other immediately after and did not mention any holocaust
Then a few years later, they tried to say 1 million Jews died
Then a few legs after that, they said 6 million died and people have proven from history. They have used that 6 million number again and again and again all throughout history
Listen to Himmler on the tape. There were masskillings of jews with the goal to get rid of all jews. I’m not interested in exactly how many that got killed.
Generally, holofrost believers aren't interested in the 'details', because the jews have no understanding of how to actually build anything, so their lies are insanely transparent. I mean... they gassed 2000 people at a time, but only had 15 ovens to process the dead... bottlenecks are the antithesis of engineering.
I'm surprised that Celia hasn't figured this out. But maybe she doesn't need any more deception in her life.
If Celia needs no more deception in her life ..She seems awfully tolerant of deceptive religious shysters and exorcist nutters ...And bizarrely tolerant of edward and his ilk.
I can never in a million years hit the “Like” button for something this heinous. How sad it is to see people who celebrate and support it believing any good could ever come from it.
Bad as that is, I expect there is much worse going on in Syria now, which the media is suppressing. And certainly much worse in the Ukraine, where there are fields of dead bodies, the media won't show us the carnage resulting from their "we're going to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian" proxy war with Russia.
And we're going to experience much worse ourselves if the war hawks have their way. An end to our facade of innocence. Sending bombs over there and somehow think that will never come back to us over here.
Our best hope is that Trump will pull us back from the precipice to which we are heading.
You: Our best hope is that Trump will pull us back from the precipice to which we are heading."
Trump is a blatant Zionist and will not be the solution. Although I voted for Trump, this is the one main issue where I will vocally oppose him and most of his cabinet.
Trump has basically told Netan-Yahoo to kill the Palestinians and do it quickly (so there's less international fuss about the genocide). Once Trump is sworn in, I expect him to let Netan-Yahoo have free rein to try to form "Greater Israel" by annexing Lebanon, Jordan, most of Syria, and the portions of the other territories show in the following maps and "purifying"/genociding the populations of those territories. I believe Netan-Yahoo is gearing up for this and is expecting the U.S. to further arm the IDF and the U.S. military to assist:
Sadly, that is true of almost every politician in Washington. And AIPAC spends $millions against the election of any politician who doesn't kowtow to the Israel agenda. Nice to see their efforts & $millions in ads failed to unseat my favorite politician, Tom Massie.
But, there is some evidence that Trump is wary of war with Iran, and there is a fair chance he will not take the bait on that quagmire. He's a fool if he does.
Other than that, though, Trump is claiming he will pull out of Ukraine, which is the big one, by far. That makes Gaza look like a picnic. If he at least does that it will be a great achievement.
Yes. Trump's basic adversity to war is the main reason I have voted for him, now twice. I hope you are right about Iran. Trump must realize that Russia will not permit Iran to be devastated.
I haven't taken the time to look at the complete list of politicians not bought by AIPAC; but, when I was looking at Gaetz for DOJ AG, I did check to see that Massie has taken $0.
Jill is jooish. I met her in Portland, OR about 10 years ago with a professional made 2'x3' sign with star of David, anti-i$rahell comments. Only a few words, but she did not knock my sign. She is against i$rahell too, as I have found a few joos. I am a born again National Socialist (joo term Nazi).
I was born in Chicago, a usa citizen, I am also against U.S.A., so I understand how there are good joos. 88&8s,Dave
Remember when she took a whole bunch of money from Democrat victims(lol) who wanted to recount the vote in 2016? Conservative people were trying to show the Democrats look at this, it says you will not get your money back and you are guaranteed no recount.
People gave her millions and she absconded with the money.
Jews. If one is a Jew in Australia, I ask you; are you Australian OR are you a Zionist butcher of children? IF YOU ARE "Australian", I demand your rejection of the Apartheid rogue nuclear nation of Israel. They are Anathema. Ostracised. Cursed. Murderous NAZIs, born in the furnaces of Dachau, now committed to Genocide.
Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries. There is a reason for that. No nation can be preserved with THEM in it. Here is just one of the dastardly things they do:
Bobbo: Your URL did not work. Copy/pasted to Google: "Your search did not match any documents". Try again?
The Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden would like to get your information, if it is valid. I believe Norway banned them recently, but they accept true, free speech. 88 Dave Westerlund
In my 90 years, from the age of 5, I always resisted except to my religious parents & minister. It cost me much including ~2 years in Lompoc prison. At about 45 I met National Socialists which has made me an even stronger resistor. We MUST RESIST and it appears the joos cause 90% of our problems.
Netanyahu - his last name originally was Benzion Mileikowsky -
Even the Rothschilds changed their name…wonder why they do this? Just curious.
Netanyahu’s father Benzion Netanyahu was a secular Jew from Poland.
His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, and then changed his name to Benzion Netanyahu after he settled in Palestine.
Then who exactly are The true semites who also have a right to be there and lay claims to the Semitic name?
When you call someone an ANTI-Semite it is not accurate to be ANTI- ONLY “Zionist Jews or people of Jewish descent” then. If you take the hatred being expressed by Zionist Jews against Gaza Arabs they could be accused of being ANTI-Semites too because the Arabs are ALSO Semites…
This is what DUCK DUCK NO’s AI says about who the SEMITES really are:
Semites are members of a group of peoples who speak or spoke Semitic languages, which include Jews, ARABS,
and others from the Middle East and parts of Africa.
The term originates from "Shem," one of Noah's sons in the Bible
, and is now largely considered OBSELETE in racial categorization.”*******
So why is this term “ANTI-Semite” been taken hostage and weaponized?
It’s use is NOT accurate.
If anyone criticizes unacceptable behavior or conduct, this weapon seems to be used to SHUT down debate. Just like CENSORSHIP has on the “vax”
Or anything the powers that be do not want exposed.
The CIA created the term CONSPIRACY THEORIES too to demoralize and discourage investigation and exposure of crimes and things they did not want the public to become aware of.
In a free country we MUST be able to have open DISCUSSION, difference of OPINION and RIGHT to Autonomy. .
If we don’t have these things - we are NO LONGER Free.
You are very much on the right track. They all change their names constantly as a deception. All the Pope's have two names, one is for the public, the other is their true bloodline family name that they don't want us to know about. The CIA did indeed create the phrase Conspiracy Theory, to discredit those who witnessed the JFK Staged Event, look into it more and you will find the CIA Standing Down in the footage is bit if a red herring, you need to look at the Driver, Jackie's actions, and learn how many eye witnesses were bumped off, it was all Staged, and it goes higher than the CIA. The Trump "Assassination" attempt was the same, pre-staged Acting then put together with AI/GAN/CGI, the "Shooter" did adverts for Blackrock. The Southport "Stabber" was perpetrated by a Welsh Rwandan Choir Boy Actor for the BBC, heart strings, but if you look at the advert he did for Doctor Who/"Chidren in Need"/BBC it's CGI, the man never existed, it was all a Hollywood Lie. All the Mainstream "Terror" Attacks are a Lie, it's International Military Intelligence who orchastrate them, then, as you are seeing in Palestine, people Copy them, and commit Real Attacks, they are controlling everything we see, say, and do. The Palastine conflict, can't remember the date, was it Oct 7, was pre Staged then put through Generated Advasarial Network. They have been using the same Divide and Conquer tactics for thousands of years, but the Wars these High Priest’s create are just a Cover, they look pretty bad to those watching, but there is much worse going on in secret...I can no longer see your post, and I didn't take the time to look at your other posts, so I don't know what else I can tell you. Next time, and we'll done. Oh yes, the Jews, look at all the Pope's, and the "Car"dinals, they all wear a Jewish Yarmulke, it says it all. 🙄
Dearest Dawn, gentle sweet woman, "sister" of other real women here, whose precious spirit also has been torn asunder, please understand the whole world has never been in His will and will not be seen as being so until the events in Revelation announce the beginning of the end. Some Bible scholars thinking the end times have already started and the ones I have talked to are numerically in accord thinking we are there now, with things to soon unfold. The problem with opinions are they tend to ignore the scriptures that say God is the Author of time and a thousand years are as a day with Him. His omniscience is unfathomable to the point many do not "believe" nor can grasp He is the Father of time. Applying our limited temporal knowledge to Him is a fool's game.
Isaac Isamov was probably one of the most intelligent men who ever lived and his pronouncements I read appeared to be not merely temporally applicable. Case in point was a piece he wrote in the seventies titled "Praise Excellence" which I believe may well have been written with God in mind though I think he was an atheist.
We cannot second guess Him in any way and have not the beans to FULLY comprehend the simplest words he spoke that can have many different applications than our finite minds can sort out. So what He says may not be really what we think He says. Proof is the multiplicity of many religions that I believe according to comparative double reference prophecies indicate over 90% of religions are apostate.
We could discuss this small point forever and still fail in any comprehensive way to realize the Truth. He does however indicate the message of salvation in the KISS context as that was and is His mission through His son Jesus as the only Way to salvation and eternal life. But we as humans cannot even read the scriptures correctly that brings us back to the end result being world wide apostasy with only a small number clearly getting it by way of one quintessential verse..."I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man cometh to the Father but by Me." Jesus said that and with those words compelled me, a rough man, to accept this is Truth. The insanity of fools who think throwing homosexuals off rooftops and murdering anyone who do not believe as they do is a testimonial to the lost state of man wherein we are told "Hell hath increased itself."
IQ is no harbinger of intelligence and common sense for He covered that by saying "The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God" but that has also been rendered " The fool hath said in his heart, "No God" which refers to the state of fools refusing to have God in their lives or in the affairs of man.
As the quintessential example of woman, Dawn is emotionally hurt in her spirit by a conflict I believe will not end until Jesus comes as the Glorified Christ. I have always focused on women as superior to man and this is another indicator of that I witness all the time. Women are more "emotionally/spiritually tuned to what is all around them. They suffer sorrow more deeply than men. I will stop there but believe they are God's most beautiful and precious creation.
That reality brings me to a quandary as to how any male could prefer the physical aspects of man over the soft skin, feminine demeanor and physical pulchritude of woman. The hairy legs and whiskered cheek are more than enough to put me off man, and draw me to the gentle mind and soul inner and outer beauty of woman. I have emphasized this over and over and over and consider God may be kind to me and let my last visual sight be a nurse who I adore with every ounce of my being. That is no secret to anyone nor the previous night's accolades and offering of affectionate recognition I gave to women as His most beautiful and precious creation.
That is a simple and obvious truth so this is a good place to leave it, roll over and go back to sleep. Always Edward
I think I got tricked by this "man", or one very similar. In my opinion, it could very well be an "International" Military Intelligence account. The reason I say that is, I have seen proof that the start of the Gaza conflict was all Prestaged Acting that was then glossed over with Generated Advasarial Network, or AI, or CGI, call it what you want. I am not saying there aren't real life atrocities being committed, there are, but so as to keep the narrative going/keep in control of our beliefs, they Stage a Lot of Footage then enhance/manipulate it with software. The Internet is soon to go Dead, in that it will be almost entirely taken over by AI's Duplicating Us, which will keep us all in our Bubbles and well Under Control.
How are people supposed to…detect this? It could also be an OP to make us not believe anything bad is happening, no? The CGI and AI thing. This footage is real. I mean…isn't it clearly real??
fwiw-on AI, I started watching this video below last night, Max Igan interviewing a film/video/editing expert who is able to go frame by frame and detect AI. I'm still going through it, but it fits with what I've been suspecting--there's been more fakery than just the 40 beheaded baby hoax. In one film clip (not from video below) that I saw early on in this horror show, it was supposedly of "Hamas" taking hostages with a pick-up truck, but I could clearly see (when I paused it and looked closely) that it was not a real person in the back of that truck, it looked like a rubber doll because the leg was bent in a way that a human leg simply does not bend.
Anyway, IMO this video is worth going through, but it's slow, the only way to detect the AI is going through footage very slowly--this is how they get away with this, when played at normal speed, nobody would suspect.
How Israel Faked the Oct 7th Attack - A Conversation with Matt Guertin
There are a few people on x who are pointing out the AI/fakery with the hostages from video and photos. Apparently, AI has trouble with small details (ear lobes, teethy, hands/fingers). There's a photo of a hostage, but when you zoom in, you can see that AI has the mustache going into his mouth. There's a photo of a woman who is supposed to be a British hostage, but when you zoom in, her teeth are strange. And she or another hostage has a dog, but when you zoom in, it looks like the dog has human teeth. Also, even the film of Sinwar's death is highly suspect (hands look very strange).
As for the genocide, I honestly don't know what to do or how to stop it. I just picked one fundraiser that I've been trying to support (teenager raising money for his parents and siblings to survive and escape), but that's been difficult too. Apparently, there's lots of fraud out there. He started w/a gofundme, but then that got show down on him (operated by someone in UK), now he has a chuffed.org fundraiser--that one would not take my credit cards, so I had to use the paypal option, but now the paypal option is going, so there's no way for me to support this family.
I watched that video from Max Igan from The Crowhouse. The world is really going to hell in a handcart. There seems we can do bugger-all to help. I tried to send help to Max's friend Nadal in Gaza but I was unable to. 😔 It's coming for all of us, this destruction of our civilization. Just my thoughts after seeing how the past civilisation was destroyed by the same demons.
You: "the leg was bent in a way that a human leg simply does not bend."
I remember the photo with the leg in an abnormal position. It was of a young woman in the back of a truck full of Palestinians. That was NOT AI. That was because the lower limb was damaged at the knee joint, damaging the internal cartilages and tendons in the knee and forcing the leg into an abnormal position with respect to the thigh. Same thing could happen to you if you were hit by a car.
Yes. The photo I"m thinking of was of Shani Louk and three or four male Gaza terrorists in the back of the white Toyota pickup truck. Wikipedia talks about her and how one of her legs was bent at an abnormal angle. I believe the particular photo showing that leg has been culled from the Internet. I was it during the first two days and it was very graphic and disturbing.
but, the photo was dead straight on from the rear and you could see her other leg bent at an unusual angle. I've a PhD in human anatomy who has taught anatomy to medical students and I specialized in the function of the lower extremities. The other leg was definitely damaged at the knee joint and was not oriented normally.
I can't recall more than that to me it looked like a rubber doll/mannequin- it didn't look real (and I've caught them/TPTB using fakes in psyops before). I can't remember where I saw it, but it was very early on, will probably come to me over the weekend. If I find it, I'll drop it here.
You are exactly write, I know the man who did a GAN breakdown, and I warned him about Max Igan, Max is a Grifter, he won't tell you everything to keep himself in work, and he has a trick of making school boy errors, he does this to discredit his viewers should they try to inform others, probably to please who he works for. As for what to do, that's very simple, stop Worshipping Diety's and all the Mainstream Atrocities will go away, and as for the hidden Evil of this World, that works under the Cover of War, that too can be beaten if we all stopped Be-Lie-ving in It.....
Some of it is real, some of it isn't, they are drip feeding us the fake stuff so one day it takes over. It's Mind Control/Brian Washing/Perception Management. They want us All sat at home, too scared to do a thing, so we cannot help anyone, and they way to do that is Control what we See. Before it was Church Theatres, then Public Theatres, then Books, then Newspapers, then Radio, then TV, then Satalite TV, then the Internet, and now the Dead AI Internet. It's a vicious cycle, the more we know the better the Propaganda has to be to Control Us, so they make the Technology better, but when the technology gets better we get to know more, so they have to keep raising the bar. The point is the Gaza conflict was started on an enormous Lie, and that lie is both sides are owned and controlled by the same people/social engineers, and the real war is on Us, the viewer, it's an Information War to Control our Minds. Yes, people are suffering Immeasurable, but it's all for Show, to show to us, we the people, to outrage us, scare us, confuse us, Divide Us, etc, Divide and Conquer, Orchastrated by International Military Intelligence, working for the Ashkanasi Karzarian Banking Mafia, working for the Stakeholders of the Church Crown Corporation, working for the Worlds High Priest’s, working for the Vatican, and at the Head of the Vatican is the 3 Pope's, the White Pope is just the Fall Guy Pedophile Patsy, the Black Pope is in Charge of All the Militaries, and the Grey Pope is the Chair to the Trustees of the the Church Crown Corporation. Sorry if I went on a bit there, but "The Whole World is a Stage, we are All but Players", but the bit the Writers of Shakespeare didn't tell us is "We are All being Played". 🙄
The thing is -- if we don't call on God through our prayer--THEY WILL come for us in the same way they are doing the Palestinians. Remember also, we are all in their depopulation program--Gaza / Holy Land has been their test case and practice -- besides getting off on their Satanic jollies.
Hi, thank you for your reply, I have refined my post a bit since this morning and I would like to show you that first, then at the end I will try and quickly tell you what the Gaza conflict, and all the other conflicts are realy about, so.....
"Be-Lie-ving, War-shipping, and Prey-ing to a God/Die-ty Causes War, and, Prey-ing is Witchcraft.
To Prey: To Exploit, Victimize, or take Advantage of someone.
A Predator: An animal that lives by Preying on other animals.
2. A person that Victimizes, or Exploits others for Gain.
When you Prey you are Praising a Diety, whatever the Diety, and that praise is to give You, and/or Your loved ones, Favour, favour Against Others, Others you are Preying On..…..It Is Witchcraft.
But it's worse than that, Worshipping Your favourite Diety causes Division. There are thousands of "God's" and Believing, and Worshipping just One, or a few Diety's (Die-ty, to Die for a/Your God, Zeo-lot, Zealous to Die for a/Your God, Bi-got, By a/Your God) Divides you against All Others.
That's why our High Priest’s spend all day venerating God's, and, keep making up new God's, to keep the overall population Divided, then, under the cover of "Salvation", they forment Wars, then, they Profit from those wars in never ending ways. This is an age old Trick, a Witches Trick, and it needs to end.
It is not just the cause of all War, but the root of All Taxation. Humans are the Only animal that Pays to Live, why, because the High Priest’s of all our Religion’s (To Tie/To Bind/To Contract) Lay Claim to All Our Land, And, the High Priest’s Control All The Mafia's, And, All Ritual Sacrifice.
Believing, Worshipping, and Preying to a Diety/God is Witchcraft……
It's Costing Us Our Lives…….
You Know Who You Are.......
Now Stop It."
So, let me just copy and paste something I just wrote to another Substacker.....
OK, that's not going to work, I can't copy what I wrote to them, so I will try to send you a link straight after this.....
You are mixing the dark and light here. This is all so much mixed up ideas and concepts. We all have one Creator-God--as per the Declaration of Independence. And there is much there to say why we need to pray through Jesus (in His name) to get directly to God.
The Vatican Controls all the Dark and the Light God's, two days ago the Pope Opened the Gates of Hell, and if you mark the coordinates of those Gates it makes the perfect shape for the Sigil of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, What You See, Your Perception of What You See, in other words What You Think You See. They are Masters in Perception Management, you see Jesus, but, those with eyes to see, see a Pagan Sun Diety. I could go on, and on, and on about what has taken me the most of ten years to learn. It's all an Illusion, the Story of Jesus is an Allegory, an Allegory for the Sun, all the Symbols in every Church will prove that. It is Atonism, Pagan Sun Worship. I don't want to go on too much more, but you are being deceived, and it is that global religious deceptions that is what the High Priest’s of All the Religions Hide Behind. I shouldn't really be telling you it's all so serious, my intent was to firstly make people understand that fighting over their belief in a God is extremely dangerous, and maybe they could find something else to do. I myself Beleive in Creation, but I can't prove it, and worshipping something I can't prove, knowing it will cause conflict with others is not good. You see, it's all about Dividing Us, to cause Conflict, and that's what you are watching day, after day, 'they' love it, the High Priest’s, getting all that attention for their dirty work, to distract us from much worse Atrocities.
P.S. I'm also seeing a lot of other different types of AI Accounts here on Substack. They are not easy to detect, you first need to know all the narratives that are being pushed, and I'm sorry to say, and this very much applies to YouTube, and all the other Social Media/Alternative Media, these International Military Intelligence Accounts will push Religion all day long, because they know, 'they' created, own, and control All the Religions. So, they will push other narratives, like viruses are real, global warming is real, the terror attacks are real, the start of the Palestine Conflict was real, and alike, that's their job to keep the Mainstream Narratives going, and when you write to them they give unusual replies, they might disagree with you but give you a Like, they could agree with something terrible you have pointed out but then say something to calm you down, like a friend, or your mother would do. But what's very telling is the way they write, their grammar is bad, and they either deliberately, or accidentally, consistently make typo's, these are "Government Bots", International Military Intelligence Church and State Sponsored Personnel/Persons aided by AI/"Fringe Media Magnets", there to co-opt you, get you attention and then lead you astray, misdirect you to other Church and State Government Agents, or just Troll You. I can't remember if I've already said but soon, very, very soon the vast majority of all Social Media will be made up of AI that has been Copying Us for Years.
Atrocities galore are happening in Gaza and its surrounding areas no doubt about that. However, I would not give money out to anyone on these social platforms. The most effective thing we can all do is PRAYER--where Godforce comes in and destroys the Evil strongholds that are there at the spiritual level: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12
Hi again, despite me Subscribing and Following you your name is not coming up as an option to send a link to, but I noticed Celia Farber is in this thread, so please just read the reply I gave to her regarding the Gaza conflict and everything else.
Hi -- thanks for this. You can contact me at the site at the links given in my previous post(s) here with Celia. I will read what you have said--first chance.
I also had a person follow me here on substack who claims to be a reporter "Wizard" something, from Gaza. I followed back but wondered if it was a real person or not.
Of course she is. She has witnessed a liar, a fake poet, a legend in its own mind, a pipet, a puppet in a douche bag try to impose his insane Jew hating anti Semitical craziness here but the block to that is me. And you cannot get rid of me. So you are like the coward who attacks a man who kicks your fat ass pipet but gets his own booted royally. So your solution is to pick a woman, and in this case it is Celia with the pretty name. But she is intelligent. And I am still in but you are trying like a cowardly bully to isolate her. Yup, you are a real scumball pipet in a barf bag but you cannot get by me. The real who and what you are is seen and it gets worse as time flies. Nope. Celia does not want to be contaminated by a deadhead demonically inclined perverted pos. Were I not away she would ignore you because you are the problem, you are the liar, you are the coward, you are the bully, you are the bigot etc and she wants nothing to do with you, perhaps a proven pedo with a twist...your sex perverted tendency to hate little Jewish girls. Yup. It all is coming out pipet to prove just what you are. And I am not the only one.
You are outed pipet. You are an ugly anti Semite pervert. Celia has the right to block you or me or anyone. Yours is to STFU if she so desires and yours is to FO if she wants to get rid of you. If she banned me I would still adore her. If she banned you dipsh*t I would still adore her. See the diff? You carry on like a drunken sailor lying and abusing your privilege to be here. Everyone wants her to ban the dimsh*t pipet but she has to make the choice herself.
So bigot, the diff is you are maladjusted. I adore Celia unconditionally. You try to use her and pressure her. News is she is aware I will defend her and answer your bs as long as needed to fully expose you. So go back to the drawing boards pipet.
Israel positions its own Jews for sacrifice by killers that it facilitated.
So in a retaliation strategy and tactic, Israel can sacrifice others and dispossess them, with the blessing and facilitation of so-called Christian States.
I have absolutely no idea, same as everybody. We are beyond the beyond. It's way beyond our "control" but not beyond our capacity to at least not look away or pretend somehow it's not happening. Sending money is perhaps a sound idea but nothing in the world will "help" when a genocide of this scale is underway. Do any of you have any ideas what we can do?
You won't believe the Evil depth of this genocide. Our only chance to stop it is through prayer. We need to discuss more on this to make it go world-wide.
A Conscience for Palestine and a Cosmic Event
The Devil Went Down to the Holy Land
The genocides are the UN Relief NGOs and the UN's attempts at world control
BECAUSE it is THEIR FAILURE to DISTRIBUTE the 150 SEMIs of food, groceries, water and fuel that were SAFELY DELIVERED to the UN distribution point ON AVERAGE *EVERY DAY* since the WAR WAS STARTED by HAMAS...
AND it's HAMAS who makes their CHILDREN into MARTYRS...
even to the point of watching them suffer..
AMMUNITION and JETS are NOT CHEAP when you're fighting on 5 fronts, so the ISRAELIS ain't stupidly wasting it on tents and places UNLESS HAMAS HAS MADE those places and CHILDREN TARGETS by hiding their missiles and fighters at that target....
and the Israelis even do leaflets and warnings so as to minimize civilian losses, which experts on CITY WARFARE have analyzed as stunningly minimal compare to all past wars....
OTC, it's you who blaspheme and support those demiciders using their own people as CONVENIENTLY PROFITABLE-in-propaganda MARTYRS when you go around blaming those actively minimizing the deaths of civilians
TODAY CAMERA CREWS were able to finally get photo coverage of the resources delivered into the Palestinian side of the border crossing point...
If you thought FEMA was bad at delivering aid, wait til you see THE UN RELIEF WORKERS and the International Aid ''workers''
60,000 truckloads brought in successfully since Oct 2023
Yes 150 PER DAY.......
Per google's AI......[quote].....
A semi truck can typically carry around 42,000 to 48,000 pounds of food, depending on the type of trailer and the specific cargo, as the federal limit for a fully loaded semi-truck is 80,000 pounds including the weight of the truck itself;
[end quote]
So 150 semis per day means about 6,750,000 POUNDS of food and groceries and FUEL and WATER.. PER DAY...
Per Google.. there are 2.23 MILLION GAZANS living there.....
So THREE POUNDS of FOOD, WATER and FUEL ***per PERSON per DAY*** for every day since Oct 2023...
#ExitUN They are no peace keepers, no relief workers, ALL FRAUDS, LIARS
and GENOCIDERS-for-PROFIT for the FAKE NGOs...
And YOU are so twisted in your ISRAEL-DERANGEMENT-SYNDROME that FACiNG FACTS makes you dissolve into name-calling.... ttyna
I've thought about this for a while. We have the most powerful country in modern history directly engaging in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people as it self-destructs. It is no longer pretending to be in a war for some just purpose. If larger, more powerful countries are unable or unwilling to do anything, there is nothing we as individuals can do - except watch, learn, plan, and prepare.
We should also RESIST. 88 Dave
14 Sharon
Comment removed??? Why? Poet taught me a new word Godot which could be used anywhere? Poet: Thanks for the new word. On paperbags, my daughter gave me one the other day that looks exactly like paper, but made from a thick cloth. Indestructible!
Poet: Think 'if' the USA would use the money spent on religion and their tax free status on jobs for the homeless. I've hugged M.M.O'Hair many times. I (think) I know more of her death than the Austin newspaper that did the documentary.
What do you mean by "...Godot."? Do you mean the GR8st (greatest) lie in history J.C.?
That'll be nothing compared to what will happen if the War Hawks succeed with their efforts to start an Iran war. I'm pretty sure that war will not remain "over there".
Yes. Bizarrely enough I've read that the War Hawks believe that any "limited" nuclear exchange will be isolated away from the continental US. That view is just stupid beyond belief.
Demented psychopaths. Why are people so stupid as to keep voting for these miscreants?
I don’t vote. Anymore. But I understand people who do.
I am convinced voting doesn't matter other than to make us think we have a choice. Their actions in representing us alone should be proof and when proof is presented in Congress, nothing happens. They are above the law, not just major crimes and mass genocide, but the stock market, and all the tricky laws... Evil never ends and we can only beat it back. Still, all that is nothing new and I believe there is a lot of good and we should focus on the good. God will reward and punish when it is time, and it sure feels close. God bless.
I agree. There’s a famous quote about how the powers that we would not let us vote if we would actually change something.
Voting does matter. Else you would have Kamala as fake President and the USA will be run by the Davos Psychopaths, who really just hate us. Last election is proof positive that voting does matter.
That it is deeply flawed, and laden with corruption, is also true, but in spite of that we are still able to exercise some control over who rules over us. When that control ceases, Dystopia begins. Don't think it means the Status Quo, if only it did, but it that it will not be.
Well, once Demented-and-Bought Buyden freed up those billions that Trump had locked out of Iran's reach, the Iranians' RUSH was on to REACH the 60% purity in NUKE MATERIALS to MAKE WARHEADS...
according to the INTERNATIONAL NUKE AUTHORITIES OVERSEEING IRAN's VIOLATIONS of the RULES, they estimate that by now it's only a matter of weeks or thereabouts til your friends in IRANIAN REVOLUTIONS can launch NUKES AT YOU [the Great Satan]...
fortunately, the Israelis VERY RECENTLY blasted a majority of Iran's LAUNCH CAPABILITIES...
the clock's ticking til Iran can rebuild enough launch vehicles...
Without adequate launch vehicles the hypothetical war might stay ''over there''
and better yet maybe not enough NUKE materials to qualify as ''limited''...
the Great Satan may be DIRECTLY uninvolved..
What we can do is to consult with the Holy Spirit.
Today 27th is the day of Saint John Evangelist.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."
Later, John the Evangelist writes of John the Baptist: «And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”»
The gospel of St. John ends with these lines:
«Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?”
This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true.
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.»
I do. One of the 49 Muslim majority countries could offer the people of Gaza citizenship and help them relocate there.
Anything but their own country, or your country?
"All it takes for Israel to drown is one major blow. It has no natural support (meaning not one offered through coercion and manipulation, but out of genuine solidarity and goodwill) and no friends in the region, and it only appeals to obvious psychopaths. An Apartheid South Africa on steroids already, its legal standing, reputation, and economic forecast are only set to deteriorate further, or actually collapse in case of a major war or mass migration out of the country - both very probable scenarios.
Israel only enjoys success in Western propaganda, and citizens of Western countries are paying dearly, financially, culturally and reputationally, for that fake success."
Way back when in the time of Charles Finney there was a huge wave of the demonstration of 'true' power sweeping across the country. The stories go that a single man would go into a town before Finney and begin to pray and intercede. Father Nash. And one by one people in the town would begin to join this man praying. The documented things that happened in these towns was astronomical. So 1 person, like a drop, 2 like a creek, 3 like a stream, 4 like a river(you get the idea) and eventually an ocean that can sweep bad things away. So ,when's the next zoom meeting? Everyone together, agreeing for the help and protection of the people of Gaza for a few minutes? Just a thought.
I give out footage of the massacre and the aftermath. I let them hear criminal Netanyahu (the Luciferian puppet's) own words bragging about his crimes. I included testimony from his own IDF soldiers that convict him of war crimes. He is just another masonic stooge doing the bidding of his Luciferian masters to start WW3. Testimony from American doctors sharing the horror over there. Far too many witnesses and video everywhere, even AI can't stop it.
No one talks about REAL CIVIC ACTION. Praying wont do anything, on the short term, to even mention it in this context is hypocritical and utterly coward. Prayingappeals the energetic field of things, it works in time, it is long term strategy, by design! Their actions are real and brutal, so our counteractions should be equally rapid and firm. Not violent. 30 years ago when i was doing a master in politics, a top EU official was lecturing us about EU policies etc. I asked him, what is the greatest fear of the EU leadership? The answer came very quickly: MILLIONS of people taking the streets, REPEATEDLY and with a CLEAR AGENDA. Another student said that most people are stupid, so it wont make a difference. But he answered: stupid yes but MANY! We worry about the `many`. Then of course, `The Crowd, a study of the popular mind` from Gustave Le Bon was discussed..and about how to manipulate the `stupid` aspect in your advantage , despite the `many`. If you watch this and all you feel to do is go an pray, you will be next. Because velocity is on their side.
Terrible! As terrible as the Holocaust. It’s human sacrifice, black magic.
Bobbo: What holocaust? If you're mean the one of 1939 to 1944/5 that's already proven to be a GR8 (Great) lie by Dr.Faurisson/Zundel/Leuchter David Irving and many others.
There were no masskillings in the camps until 1942, when Heinrich Himmler took over SS. He is taped talking about it. Four of my relatives were among 700 jews in Norway that were sent to Auschwitz. All four died. I’m not interested in discussing details. Ofcourse there are propaganda among the testimonys, like in all wars.
Bobbo: Those tapes certainly would be important today, and would change the minds of many important people today that attest to no killings outside the laws of the Geneva Convention. Does Youtube or Google have those tapes??? "DETAILS"?of their death. Certainly not the gas chamber, as the one you visit today was built in 1949 by the Polish/Russian gov't. Most deaths were from typhus and starvation. You do understand Zyklon B turns to a gas about 80 F which is roughly 25-30 C?. Poland rarely gets that warm, and alleged gas chambers is shown ground level. Highly explosive too, yet lighting in all photos never shows explosion proof lights. In Novemer 1944 the prisoners that could travel at Aushwitz were given their choice to stay there or go west. When the Russians arrived, no photographers were with them. Photos you see were taken 10 days after and the remaining prisoners were not fed well. There is so much proof prisoners at Auschwitz were treated well, but our news media is joo controlled. Would you believe they had a swimming pool within the fence and some of it still exists today ???
The camp was not a deathcamp until Himmler came with The Final Solution. It was black magic. Here is the tape: https://youtu.be/mRO04q_lQi4?si=-1fMPVpCIHVbuILb
Winston Churchill wrote five books one on top of the other immediately after and did not mention any holocaust
Then a few years later, they tried to say 1 million Jews died
Then a few legs after that, they said 6 million died and people have proven from history. They have used that 6 million number again and again and again all throughout history
Listen to Himmler on the tape. There were masskillings of jews with the goal to get rid of all jews. I’m not interested in exactly how many that got killed.
Generally, holofrost believers aren't interested in the 'details', because the jews have no understanding of how to actually build anything, so their lies are insanely transparent. I mean... they gassed 2000 people at a time, but only had 15 ovens to process the dead... bottlenecks are the antithesis of engineering.
I'm surprised that Celia hasn't figured this out. But maybe she doesn't need any more deception in her life.
If Celia needs no more deception in her life ..She seems awfully tolerant of deceptive religious shysters and exorcist nutters ...And bizarrely tolerant of edward and his ilk.
I can never in a million years hit the “Like” button for something this heinous. How sad it is to see people who celebrate and support it believing any good could ever come from it.
They have been thoroughly deceived by the narrative and the lying Scofield bible.
Bad as that is, I expect there is much worse going on in Syria now, which the media is suppressing. And certainly much worse in the Ukraine, where there are fields of dead bodies, the media won't show us the carnage resulting from their "we're going to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian" proxy war with Russia.
And we're going to experience much worse ourselves if the war hawks have their way. An end to our facade of innocence. Sending bombs over there and somehow think that will never come back to us over here.
Our best hope is that Trump will pull us back from the precipice to which we are heading.
Don't ever forget this: WAR IS HELL.
All Wars Are Bankers Wars – by Michael Rivero
You: Our best hope is that Trump will pull us back from the precipice to which we are heading."
Trump is a blatant Zionist and will not be the solution. Although I voted for Trump, this is the one main issue where I will vocally oppose him and most of his cabinet.
Trump has basically told Netan-Yahoo to kill the Palestinians and do it quickly (so there's less international fuss about the genocide). Once Trump is sworn in, I expect him to let Netan-Yahoo have free rein to try to form "Greater Israel" by annexing Lebanon, Jordan, most of Syria, and the portions of the other territories show in the following maps and "purifying"/genociding the populations of those territories. I believe Netan-Yahoo is gearing up for this and is expecting the U.S. to further arm the IDF and the U.S. military to assist:
Sadly, that is true of almost every politician in Washington. And AIPAC spends $millions against the election of any politician who doesn't kowtow to the Israel agenda. Nice to see their efforts & $millions in ads failed to unseat my favorite politician, Tom Massie.
But, there is some evidence that Trump is wary of war with Iran, and there is a fair chance he will not take the bait on that quagmire. He's a fool if he does.
Other than that, though, Trump is claiming he will pull out of Ukraine, which is the big one, by far. That makes Gaza look like a picnic. If he at least does that it will be a great achievement.
Yes. Trump's basic adversity to war is the main reason I have voted for him, now twice. I hope you are right about Iran. Trump must realize that Russia will not permit Iran to be devastated.
I haven't taken the time to look at the complete list of politicians not bought by AIPAC; but, when I was looking at Gaetz for DOJ AG, I did check to see that Massie has taken $0.
I wonder what Massie thinks of Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party?
Why do you wonder? I'm not up on Stein's views.
Jill is jooish. I met her in Portland, OR about 10 years ago with a professional made 2'x3' sign with star of David, anti-i$rahell comments. Only a few words, but she did not knock my sign. She is against i$rahell too, as I have found a few joos. I am a born again National Socialist (joo term Nazi).
I was born in Chicago, a usa citizen, I am also against U.S.A., so I understand how there are good joos. 88&8s,Dave
Remember when she took a whole bunch of money from Democrat victims(lol) who wanted to recount the vote in 2016? Conservative people were trying to show the Democrats look at this, it says you will not get your money back and you are guaranteed no recount.
People gave her millions and she absconded with the money.
Jews. If one is a Jew in Australia, I ask you; are you Australian OR are you a Zionist butcher of children? IF YOU ARE "Australian", I demand your rejection of the Apartheid rogue nuclear nation of Israel. They are Anathema. Ostracised. Cursed. Murderous NAZIs, born in the furnaces of Dachau, now committed to Genocide.
We need to join BRICS. 🤷
Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries. There is a reason for that. No nation can be preserved with THEM in it. Here is just one of the dastardly things they do:
Bobbo: Your URL did not work. Copy/pasted to Google: "Your search did not match any documents". Try again?
The Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden would like to get your information, if it is valid. I believe Norway banned them recently, but they accept true, free speech. 88 Dave Westerlund
The first casualty in any war is truth.
In my 90 years, from the age of 5, I always resisted except to my religious parents & minister. It cost me much including ~2 years in Lompoc prison. At about 45 I met National Socialists which has made me an even stronger resistor. We MUST RESIST and it appears the joos cause 90% of our problems.
Netanyahu - his last name originally was Benzion Mileikowsky -
Even the Rothschilds changed their name…wonder why they do this? Just curious.
Netanyahu’s father Benzion Netanyahu was a secular Jew from Poland.
His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, and then changed his name to Benzion Netanyahu after he settled in Palestine.
Then who exactly are The true semites who also have a right to be there and lay claims to the Semitic name?
When you call someone an ANTI-Semite it is not accurate to be ANTI- ONLY “Zionist Jews or people of Jewish descent” then. If you take the hatred being expressed by Zionist Jews against Gaza Arabs they could be accused of being ANTI-Semites too because the Arabs are ALSO Semites…
This is what DUCK DUCK NO’s AI says about who the SEMITES really are:
Semites are members of a group of peoples who speak or spoke Semitic languages, which include Jews, ARABS,
and others from the Middle East and parts of Africa.
The term originates from "Shem," one of Noah's sons in the Bible
, and is now largely considered OBSELETE in racial categorization.”*******
So why is this term “ANTI-Semite” been taken hostage and weaponized?
It’s use is NOT accurate.
If anyone criticizes unacceptable behavior or conduct, this weapon seems to be used to SHUT down debate. Just like CENSORSHIP has on the “vax”
Or anything the powers that be do not want exposed.
The CIA created the term CONSPIRACY THEORIES too to demoralize and discourage investigation and exposure of crimes and things they did not want the public to become aware of.
In a free country we MUST be able to have open DISCUSSION, difference of OPINION and RIGHT to Autonomy. .
If we don’t have these things - we are NO LONGER Free.
Read more: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/29/who-is-benjamin-netanyahu-explainer#ixzz8vf9DNy6D His new far-right government – the most religious and hardline in Israel’s history – is made up of ultraorthodox parties, an ultranationalist religious faction and his Likud party.
I am for peace for the Hebrew people of Israel, and for peace for the Palestinians.
Noahide Law is what they want.
Trump has surreptitiously endorsed these as have previous Presidents I believe.
You are very much on the right track. They all change their names constantly as a deception. All the Pope's have two names, one is for the public, the other is their true bloodline family name that they don't want us to know about. The CIA did indeed create the phrase Conspiracy Theory, to discredit those who witnessed the JFK Staged Event, look into it more and you will find the CIA Standing Down in the footage is bit if a red herring, you need to look at the Driver, Jackie's actions, and learn how many eye witnesses were bumped off, it was all Staged, and it goes higher than the CIA. The Trump "Assassination" attempt was the same, pre-staged Acting then put together with AI/GAN/CGI, the "Shooter" did adverts for Blackrock. The Southport "Stabber" was perpetrated by a Welsh Rwandan Choir Boy Actor for the BBC, heart strings, but if you look at the advert he did for Doctor Who/"Chidren in Need"/BBC it's CGI, the man never existed, it was all a Hollywood Lie. All the Mainstream "Terror" Attacks are a Lie, it's International Military Intelligence who orchastrate them, then, as you are seeing in Palestine, people Copy them, and commit Real Attacks, they are controlling everything we see, say, and do. The Palastine conflict, can't remember the date, was it Oct 7, was pre Staged then put through Generated Advasarial Network. They have been using the same Divide and Conquer tactics for thousands of years, but the Wars these High Priest’s create are just a Cover, they look pretty bad to those watching, but there is much worse going on in secret...I can no longer see your post, and I didn't take the time to look at your other posts, so I don't know what else I can tell you. Next time, and we'll done. Oh yes, the Jews, look at all the Pope's, and the "Car"dinals, they all wear a Jewish Yarmulke, it says it all. 🙄
My heart breaks. Beyond words. This cannot be God's will.
Dearest Dawn, gentle sweet woman, "sister" of other real women here, whose precious spirit also has been torn asunder, please understand the whole world has never been in His will and will not be seen as being so until the events in Revelation announce the beginning of the end. Some Bible scholars thinking the end times have already started and the ones I have talked to are numerically in accord thinking we are there now, with things to soon unfold. The problem with opinions are they tend to ignore the scriptures that say God is the Author of time and a thousand years are as a day with Him. His omniscience is unfathomable to the point many do not "believe" nor can grasp He is the Father of time. Applying our limited temporal knowledge to Him is a fool's game.
Isaac Isamov was probably one of the most intelligent men who ever lived and his pronouncements I read appeared to be not merely temporally applicable. Case in point was a piece he wrote in the seventies titled "Praise Excellence" which I believe may well have been written with God in mind though I think he was an atheist.
We cannot second guess Him in any way and have not the beans to FULLY comprehend the simplest words he spoke that can have many different applications than our finite minds can sort out. So what He says may not be really what we think He says. Proof is the multiplicity of many religions that I believe according to comparative double reference prophecies indicate over 90% of religions are apostate.
We could discuss this small point forever and still fail in any comprehensive way to realize the Truth. He does however indicate the message of salvation in the KISS context as that was and is His mission through His son Jesus as the only Way to salvation and eternal life. But we as humans cannot even read the scriptures correctly that brings us back to the end result being world wide apostasy with only a small number clearly getting it by way of one quintessential verse..."I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man cometh to the Father but by Me." Jesus said that and with those words compelled me, a rough man, to accept this is Truth. The insanity of fools who think throwing homosexuals off rooftops and murdering anyone who do not believe as they do is a testimonial to the lost state of man wherein we are told "Hell hath increased itself."
IQ is no harbinger of intelligence and common sense for He covered that by saying "The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God" but that has also been rendered " The fool hath said in his heart, "No God" which refers to the state of fools refusing to have God in their lives or in the affairs of man.
As the quintessential example of woman, Dawn is emotionally hurt in her spirit by a conflict I believe will not end until Jesus comes as the Glorified Christ. I have always focused on women as superior to man and this is another indicator of that I witness all the time. Women are more "emotionally/spiritually tuned to what is all around them. They suffer sorrow more deeply than men. I will stop there but believe they are God's most beautiful and precious creation.
That reality brings me to a quandary as to how any male could prefer the physical aspects of man over the soft skin, feminine demeanor and physical pulchritude of woman. The hairy legs and whiskered cheek are more than enough to put me off man, and draw me to the gentle mind and soul inner and outer beauty of woman. I have emphasized this over and over and over and consider God may be kind to me and let my last visual sight be a nurse who I adore with every ounce of my being. That is no secret to anyone nor the previous night's accolades and offering of affectionate recognition I gave to women as His most beautiful and precious creation.
That is a simple and obvious truth so this is a good place to leave it, roll over and go back to sleep. Always Edward
Jesus told us what we should be doing was “to LOVE your neighbor and to LOVE God with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength
28Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together,
perceiving that He had answered them well,
asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
29Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is:
‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
30And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.’
This is the first commandment.
31And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
There is no other commandment greater than these.”
MARK 12:27
I think I got tricked by this "man", or one very similar. In my opinion, it could very well be an "International" Military Intelligence account. The reason I say that is, I have seen proof that the start of the Gaza conflict was all Prestaged Acting that was then glossed over with Generated Advasarial Network, or AI, or CGI, call it what you want. I am not saying there aren't real life atrocities being committed, there are, but so as to keep the narrative going/keep in control of our beliefs, they Stage a Lot of Footage then enhance/manipulate it with software. The Internet is soon to go Dead, in that it will be almost entirely taken over by AI's Duplicating Us, which will keep us all in our Bubbles and well Under Control.
How are people supposed to…detect this? It could also be an OP to make us not believe anything bad is happening, no? The CGI and AI thing. This footage is real. I mean…isn't it clearly real??
fwiw-on AI, I started watching this video below last night, Max Igan interviewing a film/video/editing expert who is able to go frame by frame and detect AI. I'm still going through it, but it fits with what I've been suspecting--there's been more fakery than just the 40 beheaded baby hoax. In one film clip (not from video below) that I saw early on in this horror show, it was supposedly of "Hamas" taking hostages with a pick-up truck, but I could clearly see (when I paused it and looked closely) that it was not a real person in the back of that truck, it looked like a rubber doll because the leg was bent in a way that a human leg simply does not bend.
Anyway, IMO this video is worth going through, but it's slow, the only way to detect the AI is going through footage very slowly--this is how they get away with this, when played at normal speed, nobody would suspect.
How Israel Faked the Oct 7th Attack - A Conversation with Matt Guertin
There are a few people on x who are pointing out the AI/fakery with the hostages from video and photos. Apparently, AI has trouble with small details (ear lobes, teethy, hands/fingers). There's a photo of a hostage, but when you zoom in, you can see that AI has the mustache going into his mouth. There's a photo of a woman who is supposed to be a British hostage, but when you zoom in, her teeth are strange. And she or another hostage has a dog, but when you zoom in, it looks like the dog has human teeth. Also, even the film of Sinwar's death is highly suspect (hands look very strange).
As for the genocide, I honestly don't know what to do or how to stop it. I just picked one fundraiser that I've been trying to support (teenager raising money for his parents and siblings to survive and escape), but that's been difficult too. Apparently, there's lots of fraud out there. He started w/a gofundme, but then that got show down on him (operated by someone in UK), now he has a chuffed.org fundraiser--that one would not take my credit cards, so I had to use the paypal option, but now the paypal option is going, so there's no way for me to support this family.
I watched that video from Max Igan from The Crowhouse. The world is really going to hell in a handcart. There seems we can do bugger-all to help. I tried to send help to Max's friend Nadal in Gaza but I was unable to. 😔 It's coming for all of us, this destruction of our civilization. Just my thoughts after seeing how the past civilisation was destroyed by the same demons.
Totally agree-coming for all of us.
You: "the leg was bent in a way that a human leg simply does not bend."
I remember the photo with the leg in an abnormal position. It was of a young woman in the back of a truck full of Palestinians. That was NOT AI. That was because the lower limb was damaged at the knee joint, damaging the internal cartilages and tendons in the knee and forcing the leg into an abnormal position with respect to the thigh. Same thing could happen to you if you were hit by a car.
I wasn't saying that was AI- I was saying it looked fake, kind of like a large rubber doll
Yes. The photo I"m thinking of was of Shani Louk and three or four male Gaza terrorists in the back of the white Toyota pickup truck. Wikipedia talks about her and how one of her legs was bent at an abnormal angle. I believe the particular photo showing that leg has been culled from the Internet. I was it during the first two days and it was very graphic and disturbing.
Was the woman hostage in a white pickup truck?
I'm trying to find the photo I'm thinking of. It was this white Toyota truck with the dead young woman in the back of it;
but, the photo was dead straight on from the rear and you could see her other leg bent at an unusual angle. I've a PhD in human anatomy who has taught anatomy to medical students and I specialized in the function of the lower extremities. The other leg was definitely damaged at the knee joint and was not oriented normally.
I can't recall more than that to me it looked like a rubber doll/mannequin- it didn't look real (and I've caught them/TPTB using fakes in psyops before). I can't remember where I saw it, but it was very early on, will probably come to me over the weekend. If I find it, I'll drop it here.
You are exactly write, I know the man who did a GAN breakdown, and I warned him about Max Igan, Max is a Grifter, he won't tell you everything to keep himself in work, and he has a trick of making school boy errors, he does this to discredit his viewers should they try to inform others, probably to please who he works for. As for what to do, that's very simple, stop Worshipping Diety's and all the Mainstream Atrocities will go away, and as for the hidden Evil of this World, that works under the Cover of War, that too can be beaten if we all stopped Be-Lie-ving in It.....
Some of it is real, some of it isn't, they are drip feeding us the fake stuff so one day it takes over. It's Mind Control/Brian Washing/Perception Management. They want us All sat at home, too scared to do a thing, so we cannot help anyone, and they way to do that is Control what we See. Before it was Church Theatres, then Public Theatres, then Books, then Newspapers, then Radio, then TV, then Satalite TV, then the Internet, and now the Dead AI Internet. It's a vicious cycle, the more we know the better the Propaganda has to be to Control Us, so they make the Technology better, but when the technology gets better we get to know more, so they have to keep raising the bar. The point is the Gaza conflict was started on an enormous Lie, and that lie is both sides are owned and controlled by the same people/social engineers, and the real war is on Us, the viewer, it's an Information War to Control our Minds. Yes, people are suffering Immeasurable, but it's all for Show, to show to us, we the people, to outrage us, scare us, confuse us, Divide Us, etc, Divide and Conquer, Orchastrated by International Military Intelligence, working for the Ashkanasi Karzarian Banking Mafia, working for the Stakeholders of the Church Crown Corporation, working for the Worlds High Priest’s, working for the Vatican, and at the Head of the Vatican is the 3 Pope's, the White Pope is just the Fall Guy Pedophile Patsy, the Black Pope is in Charge of All the Militaries, and the Grey Pope is the Chair to the Trustees of the the Church Crown Corporation. Sorry if I went on a bit there, but "The Whole World is a Stage, we are All but Players", but the bit the Writers of Shakespeare didn't tell us is "We are All being Played". 🙄
The thing is -- if we don't call on God through our prayer--THEY WILL come for us in the same way they are doing the Palestinians. Remember also, we are all in their depopulation program--Gaza / Holy Land has been their test case and practice -- besides getting off on their Satanic jollies.
Hi, thank you for your reply, I have refined my post a bit since this morning and I would like to show you that first, then at the end I will try and quickly tell you what the Gaza conflict, and all the other conflicts are realy about, so.....
"Be-Lie-ving, War-shipping, and Prey-ing to a God/Die-ty Causes War, and, Prey-ing is Witchcraft.
To Prey: To Exploit, Victimize, or take Advantage of someone.
A Predator: An animal that lives by Preying on other animals.
2. A person that Victimizes, or Exploits others for Gain.
When you Prey you are Praising a Diety, whatever the Diety, and that praise is to give You, and/or Your loved ones, Favour, favour Against Others, Others you are Preying On..…..It Is Witchcraft.
But it's worse than that, Worshipping Your favourite Diety causes Division. There are thousands of "God's" and Believing, and Worshipping just One, or a few Diety's (Die-ty, to Die for a/Your God, Zeo-lot, Zealous to Die for a/Your God, Bi-got, By a/Your God) Divides you against All Others.
That's why our High Priest’s spend all day venerating God's, and, keep making up new God's, to keep the overall population Divided, then, under the cover of "Salvation", they forment Wars, then, they Profit from those wars in never ending ways. This is an age old Trick, a Witches Trick, and it needs to end.
It is not just the cause of all War, but the root of All Taxation. Humans are the Only animal that Pays to Live, why, because the High Priest’s of all our Religion’s (To Tie/To Bind/To Contract) Lay Claim to All Our Land, And, the High Priest’s Control All The Mafia's, And, All Ritual Sacrifice.
Believing, Worshipping, and Preying to a Diety/God is Witchcraft……
It's Costing Us Our Lives…….
You Know Who You Are.......
Now Stop It."
So, let me just copy and paste something I just wrote to another Substacker.....
OK, that's not going to work, I can't copy what I wrote to them, so I will try to send you a link straight after this.....
You are mixing the dark and light here. This is all so much mixed up ideas and concepts. We all have one Creator-God--as per the Declaration of Independence. And there is much there to say why we need to pray through Jesus (in His name) to get directly to God.
Prayer has a power:
The Vatican Controls all the Dark and the Light God's, two days ago the Pope Opened the Gates of Hell, and if you mark the coordinates of those Gates it makes the perfect shape for the Sigil of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, What You See, Your Perception of What You See, in other words What You Think You See. They are Masters in Perception Management, you see Jesus, but, those with eyes to see, see a Pagan Sun Diety. I could go on, and on, and on about what has taken me the most of ten years to learn. It's all an Illusion, the Story of Jesus is an Allegory, an Allegory for the Sun, all the Symbols in every Church will prove that. It is Atonism, Pagan Sun Worship. I don't want to go on too much more, but you are being deceived, and it is that global religious deceptions that is what the High Priest’s of All the Religions Hide Behind. I shouldn't really be telling you it's all so serious, my intent was to firstly make people understand that fighting over their belief in a God is extremely dangerous, and maybe they could find something else to do. I myself Beleive in Creation, but I can't prove it, and worshipping something I can't prove, knowing it will cause conflict with others is not good. You see, it's all about Dividing Us, to cause Conflict, and that's what you are watching day, after day, 'they' love it, the High Priest’s, getting all that attention for their dirty work, to distract us from much worse Atrocities.
P.S. I'm also seeing a lot of other different types of AI Accounts here on Substack. They are not easy to detect, you first need to know all the narratives that are being pushed, and I'm sorry to say, and this very much applies to YouTube, and all the other Social Media/Alternative Media, these International Military Intelligence Accounts will push Religion all day long, because they know, 'they' created, own, and control All the Religions. So, they will push other narratives, like viruses are real, global warming is real, the terror attacks are real, the start of the Palestine Conflict was real, and alike, that's their job to keep the Mainstream Narratives going, and when you write to them they give unusual replies, they might disagree with you but give you a Like, they could agree with something terrible you have pointed out but then say something to calm you down, like a friend, or your mother would do. But what's very telling is the way they write, their grammar is bad, and they either deliberately, or accidentally, consistently make typo's, these are "Government Bots", International Military Intelligence Church and State Sponsored Personnel/Persons aided by AI/"Fringe Media Magnets", there to co-opt you, get you attention and then lead you astray, misdirect you to other Church and State Government Agents, or just Troll You. I can't remember if I've already said but soon, very, very soon the vast majority of all Social Media will be made up of AI that has been Copying Us for Years.
In that publication his name is written in two words and it ends with a q instead of a p.
Q and P are mirror images, almost. Why do they transliterate arabic letters with so much ambiguity, anyway?
Atrocities galore are happening in Gaza and its surrounding areas no doubt about that. However, I would not give money out to anyone on these social platforms. The most effective thing we can all do is PRAYER--where Godforce comes in and destroys the Evil strongholds that are there at the spiritual level: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12
Hi again, despite me Subscribing and Following you your name is not coming up as an option to send a link to, but I noticed Celia Farber is in this thread, so please just read the reply I gave to her regarding the Gaza conflict and everything else.
Hi -- thanks for this. You can contact me at the site at the links given in my previous post(s) here with Celia. I will read what you have said--first chance.
I also had a person follow me here on substack who claims to be a reporter "Wizard" something, from Gaza. I followed back but wondered if it was a real person or not.
They were "martyred" by Hamas.
Of course she is. She has witnessed a liar, a fake poet, a legend in its own mind, a pipet, a puppet in a douche bag try to impose his insane Jew hating anti Semitical craziness here but the block to that is me. And you cannot get rid of me. So you are like the coward who attacks a man who kicks your fat ass pipet but gets his own booted royally. So your solution is to pick a woman, and in this case it is Celia with the pretty name. But she is intelligent. And I am still in but you are trying like a cowardly bully to isolate her. Yup, you are a real scumball pipet in a barf bag but you cannot get by me. The real who and what you are is seen and it gets worse as time flies. Nope. Celia does not want to be contaminated by a deadhead demonically inclined perverted pos. Were I not away she would ignore you because you are the problem, you are the liar, you are the coward, you are the bully, you are the bigot etc and she wants nothing to do with you, perhaps a proven pedo with a twist...your sex perverted tendency to hate little Jewish girls. Yup. It all is coming out pipet to prove just what you are. And I am not the only one.
You are outed pipet. You are an ugly anti Semite pervert. Celia has the right to block you or me or anyone. Yours is to STFU if she so desires and yours is to FO if she wants to get rid of you. If she banned me I would still adore her. If she banned you dipsh*t I would still adore her. See the diff? You carry on like a drunken sailor lying and abusing your privilege to be here. Everyone wants her to ban the dimsh*t pipet but she has to make the choice herself.
So bigot, the diff is you are maladjusted. I adore Celia unconditionally. You try to use her and pressure her. News is she is aware I will defend her and answer your bs as long as needed to fully expose you. So go back to the drawing boards pipet.
Israel positions its own Jews for sacrifice by killers that it facilitated.
So in a retaliation strategy and tactic, Israel can sacrifice others and dispossess them, with the blessing and facilitation of so-called Christian States.
SING! if you are glad to be Christian or Jew.
PRAY! to their Gods and saviors