Always appreciated Morrissey for his honesty. Even though he’s written many morbid songs, he cares about human beings and animals as well. There are probably a great number of musicians who wanted to speak out but were afraid of being cancelled by the wokesters. If you haven’t heard this song by Five Times August, give it a listen:


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He's against klawtshawts, but is ok with being run over by a 10 ton truck and a double decker bus.

Isn't it ironic?

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Good for Morrisey. He isn't wrong. Just a side note ... he is amazing in concert.

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Wow! Highest profile Morrissey dares to suggest Klauwn Schwab, Pie Face Gates, and Dr Franken-Fauci are Covid Coup criminals?! Now that's my kinda singer/songwriter!!

German Panel... could this be a sign Reiner Fuellmich gettin closer to prison release?

Thank you for these updates!!

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if one tenth of all the bloated rock pop schlock billionaires ever sang a useful sentiment in a crisis, we could turn this death march around.

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Foo-fighters said no jab, no show.

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I remember, and how did that work out for drummer Taylor-I-Don't-Want-the-Jab-Hawkins? Hmm!

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Seeing as how you have asked me "how did that work out".., I'll tell you what I know about what I don't know.

One media story was he was your typical "Rock Star" died of a cocktail of drugs.

Another media story that he was murdered for his no-jab position.

And the most ABSURD story off them all, that he died from COVID (sic.)

So, did you take the jabs to get in to see the Poo-Shooters?


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I can't 'heart' your comment for some reason that continues to bug me on substack, so I'll comment instead.

Intriguing that SADS is not on your list. Pretty sure it's the real reason, you too?

No way would I bother to go see them. I liked them but never enough tofork out that much cash. I can go to my local and be entertained all night for free with world class amateur bands or get an entire days worth of 6 bands of top music for $30 and not need a cocktail shot in the arm.

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Even more intriguing that you, and many others; use the term SADS, in pretty much the same way the Medical Industrial Complex uses it.

As a multi-dialectical, convenience.

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I used it as shorthand for deadly injectables reaction. Just like SIDS is code for the same thing, not that MIC would acknowledge it but Sth Australian Dr. Archie Kalokorinos figured it out in the 70's.

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.....everyday I look at my 3 children am I reminded that we made the right choice

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it's about time bastards

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Sadly, the apologies are/were a planned contingency.

Forgive and forget is the shtick.

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Yeah, but can't we get this turnaround to go any faster? Giddyup.

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NO. This is a planned contingency.

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Anyone who complied and took the vax can consider their health as a ticking time bomb, with no advance knowledge on the length of the fuse.

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Exactly. Forget about a bucket list and just do as much as you can now.

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Winners are grinners! Vaccine "refuseniks", anti-vaxxers, Fauci haters, Covid deniers, medical skeptics of all stripes, people who call doctors quacks - you guys rock!

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The liars are always in a contest with the truth and the liars always win, because those who fell for the lie will NEVER face the truth.

We spoke the truth, but the truth never wins, because the truth is never in a contest.

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Hello everyone.

For those not familiar with german language, please note that what the journalist on the left says can be summed up as:

"Based on what the recently released government protocols reveal: Today's winners (the show's theme) are those who come out of C-era unvxcntd while Today's losers are those who at that time declared it " a panda. of the unvxcntd".

He then says - answering to a statement by former health minister Jens Spahn "We will have a lot of FORGIVING to be done" - he would really like if someone finally had the courage to step up and say "Okay I'm sorry, I was wrong" yes (he continues) ask us "please forgive me!"

That of course is another classic for your "controlled opposition" collection.

The government protocols unmistakeably reveal htat everybody in the government and it's subordinated research dept. (The "Robert-Koch-Institut") KNEW that

• It was a lab kid,

• the serum was harmful

• there was no panda of unvxcntd.

• there was no panda at all

• without the faulty testing they would have been able to create the panic

• masks didn't work (they knew they harmed people!)

I think, based on what the protocols reveal that there's going to a lot of TIME to be done.


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Here's another fellow CA musician, with lots of revolt songs:


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The scamdemic was a lie. I know because I had it in 2020 in Kearney Nebraska and was down four days very tired but then came back to full strength. It does target cardiac problems, obesity, breathing difficulty and other things in people but it does NOT kill. Did not kill me.

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How do you know you "had it in 2020"?

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Medical opinion from a specialist who is in my client list and became very angry when I asked her if it was correct info that I read recommending that advised a jab to strengthen immunity even if one had been infected and recovered. She told me before she was given her medical degree that she had done a paper on natural immunity and to forget the jab because my BRAS (broad range antibody spectrum) was far better.

In my curiosity, I listened to a presentation by two virologists who in the session stated:

-we have a BRAS at birth that will protect us by attacking any disease/invasion

-if you take the jab you MIGHT have immunity added but it will weaken your BRAS

-that will cause a problem as any new variants will easily walk over your weakened defence mechanisms

That was good enough for me, I totally rejected the fake jab, and have been in subsequent contact with others who had covid and I was not infected. I rarely am ill. I am fortunately in a profession where I have had contact with tens of thousands people in professions that include judges, lawyers, JP's, retired and active police, all manner of medical specialists, one billionaire, many multi millionaires, piles of millionaires, etc etc etc

My best client is an anaesthesiologist who has never been unable to answer any of my questions. One of my favorite clients was a black man who told me "if people go around looking for racism they will find it."

I am very fortunate to be able to have experts in all professions as clients and am given counsel and direction on many matters. I have made a lot of money listening to recommendations of experts in the stock market, most of them multi millionaires.

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How do you know you "had it"?

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Presumably, Keg reached that conclusion based on the symptoms.

I would be the first to admit that what precisely "it" is is debatable.

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As with every other indignity and assault on us, it matters not at all that the perpetrators now are apologetic. The damage, and some of it extensive, is done. People lost jobs, lost their health to toxic injections, lost relatives and friends who became hard-core covidians, and lost friends and relatives to premature and "sudden" death. Why on earth should we allow them a pass? Let them stew in their guilt, if that's what they're feeling. More likely they're afraid of retribution when people learn the full extent of their crimes and misdeeds.

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And still the bullshit goes on.

Media reporting certain Olympic athletes tested positive to "covid"

All mainstream media still spruiking viruses and vaccines.

Gates, Fauci and Schwab themselves could come out publicly and admit it was a con-job ..And still the majority public would believe the original and ongoing fear campaign.

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if there is no retribution, they will just do it again harder, as soon as possible.

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Alexandra Bruce has put up a report by Sean @ SGT Report on the Trump shooting. I think we're getting closer to knowing the truth. Kudos to George Webb. Still shots of fire in the 1st floor window.


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Curiouser and curiouser ..

If SGT suggests picture of deadman on roof is same man as picture of man with casino chips in his earlobes ..then where are deadmans' casino chip ears?

Is SGT also a "security" asset.?

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