Good old post-Weimar Republic Gestapo-style informant system. Immediately after WWII, East Germany embraced a similarly distasteful modus operandi with the Stasi, modeled in the Soviet style.
It's becoming clear only eastern Europe can save democracy on the continent, and in this I include East Germany, which is highly visible vs West Germany on maps of voting patterns even today. In Western Europe it is failing rapidly. Best wishes to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia etc... please remind the rest of Europe what real democracy looks like! The EU won't save that continent -- but I hope the East does.
Good old post-Weimar Republic Gestapo-style informant system. Immediately after WWII, East Germany embraced a similarly distasteful modus operandi with the Stasi, modeled in the Soviet style.
It's becoming clear only eastern Europe can save democracy on the continent, and in this I include East Germany, which is highly visible vs West Germany on maps of voting patterns even today. In Western Europe it is failing rapidly. Best wishes to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia etc... please remind the rest of Europe what real democracy looks like! The EU won't save that continent -- but I hope the East does.