Good old post-Weimar Republic Gestapo-style informant system. Immediately after WWII, East Germany embraced a similarly distasteful modus operandi with the Stasi, modeled in the Soviet style.
It's becoming clear only eastern Europe can save democracy on the continent, and in this I include East Germany, which is highly visible vs West Germany on maps of voting patterns even today. In Western Europe it is failing rapidly. Best wishes to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia etc... please remind the rest of Europe what real democracy looks like! The EU won't save that continent -- but I hope the East does.
I seriously doubt that any Eastern European country has either the ability or the determination to do such a thing. Why do I say that? Well, I've actually lived in the Eastern part of Ukraine for a few years AND from what I gleaned from the people I spoke to there, a LARGE percentage of them were much happier under Soviet Russia's rule. This didn't make much sense to me at the time, but most there seem to me to be totally incapable of governing themselves (Example: in their Duma [parliament] it was not uncommon to see televised fist fights breaking out among the various political factions there) and apparently many there would prefer that someone else do their thinking for them. This is but one of the traits that I found especially irksome to me while I was there. That and an overall disregard for reasonable organization, sanitation and frequently even personal hygiene. I view most Ukrainians as children who simply cannot or will not take care of themselves very well. I could write a book from the many experiences I had there that would, no doubt, be met with shock or disbelief by most westerners. Sheer stupidity seemed to me to reign supreme there. Just one example: Various individuals would throw pieces of lumber or tree branches or various other items definitely not intended to be placed into a sewer system. into an open manhole designed to be used as a sanitary sewer system, then wonder why their toilets wouldn't flush.
Actually I am an expat living in Hungary and let me tell you we have a total difference of opinion and experiences to that of Ukrainians even Romanians. It seems the Germans through their NAZI guilt, which they cant get over, are the ones handing over the reigns of Govt to the globalists and as can be seen to their own destruction. Hitler demolished the Germans and now the self loathing Germans are finishing what he started.
If you sat through 12 years of German schooling you'd loathe yourself as well, even if you were from outer space, the 12 yrs of their history is recited every week, the years before do not exist, well almost, cheers, however the clip The Dumbing Down of America also speaks volumes, t'is all for the greater good it seems...we've all got a skewed histerical view on history, me thinks, Grüß Gott.
Wow.So just because you lived in Ukraine for a few years, you think you know for sure that all the rest of eastern european countries are the same.That actually says something about you .
We lived in Minnesota until Christmas 2021, when we moved to Florida and Governor Tim Walz set up a “snitch line” in 2020 where people could report their neighbors for going outside, having too many people at their house for Thanksgiving, or generally not abiding by the Covid mandates. Of course if you were protesting with BLM it was just fine to protest in large groups.
Someone wise once said, "If you cannot, or will not, take care of yourself, there's a good chance that someone else will do that for you, but, you're not very likely to like how they'll do it! There are LOADS of very good and obvious reasons why Ukraine is such a backward country. When I was there, I estimated that Ukraine was at least 50 to 75 years behind almost any Western European nation. If Ukraine were ever to be admitted into the E.U. it would soon become something of a 'Dead Albatross hanging from a rope around the necks of the other E.U. nations.' i.e. it would very likely become a huge permanent economic burden and never likely to be a country that would contribute much, if anything to making the E.U. any better! That is to say that Ukraine is not ever likely to become a truly modern Western style country. Anyone who ever visits or has visited Ukraine for more than a week or two shall see all of these OBVIOUS reasons.
And watch how many Germans will jump at the chance to do so! At some point, you can't blame the evil overlords even if they are totally evil. It's no surprise that the majority of Germans are repeating history to support evil while blaming the reset of the world for not measuring up to their superiority.
After these past 5 years, can you blame them? I for one don’t like anyone except for a few individuals I have met through substack, some of who are German but are even more alarmed than I about what is going on in Germany.
I'm definitely NOT someone who doesn't like the REAL German people. I' not talking about the invaders which have relatively recently come to infest most Western Civilized nations. Many in the German government, would be another story altogether. Remember, Germany too has been ZOGged. It is a Zionist Occupied nation just as is the United States, France, Australia, Canada and practically all other Western Civilized nations. Zionism, it MUST BE UNDERSTOOD, is EVIL. All of it's main tenets derive from the Talmud, which IS about as Satanic a collection of writings as have ever been written in human history.
Precisely correct! As General George S. Patton said, shortly after the end of WWII on the European Theater, "We've been fighting the wrong enemy." Also, keep in mind what even a nominal Jew, Stanley Kubrick, said not long after he finished directing his last film, 'Eyes Wide Shut,' He said, "Adolf Hitler was right about almost everything."
You are exactly right. The Nuremberg trials were a joke. They imprisoned a few innocent people while the guilty ones ran. The US admired them so much that they hired them into the US government. Almost nothing about the story of WW2 was true. I always wondered why the US was paying reparations to the fake Jews and then I accidentally came across the reason. Look up on YT Eisenhower Death Camps.
The phrase is more commonly seen as, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." But, if you're focusing on the insanity aspect, then 'nut,' works VERY well.
A most disturbing development in Germany. Thank you for reporting this.
Here is a related discussion of a "NGO" version of such snitching to law enforcement re: political thought & speech crimes by the always-disappointing U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in collaboration with the American Jewish Committee [in the second half of the video]:
Authoritarianism has been--and continues to be--on the move, this time cloaking itself in Leftist causes.
You are certainly quite correct, but snitching has the added advantage (in the eyes of the puppet masters) of sowing seeds of social distrust. Ultimately, the real power players have no deep love for either the snitcher or the "snitchee." Deteriorating the social order is, at another level, conducive to their ultimate goals, besides the immediate advantages in the primary action.
I had read of occasions in Medieval witch trials when they’d toss the accused into a river, and if they drowned they were deemed innocent - but if they floated they were indeed witches, whereupon they’d meet an even grislier fate - and so would it be with disloyalty accusations in a police state, guilty until proven guilty or not (same ruined outcome).
The Lives of Others. In 1984 East Berlin, an agent of the secret police conducting surveillance on a writer and his lover finds himself becoming increasingly absorbed by their lives.
Good old post-Weimar Republic Gestapo-style informant system. Immediately after WWII, East Germany embraced a similarly distasteful modus operandi with the Stasi, modeled in the Soviet style.
Not to forget Scientology/ CIAntology
It's becoming clear only eastern Europe can save democracy on the continent, and in this I include East Germany, which is highly visible vs West Germany on maps of voting patterns even today. In Western Europe it is failing rapidly. Best wishes to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia etc... please remind the rest of Europe what real democracy looks like! The EU won't save that continent -- but I hope the East does.
I seriously doubt that any Eastern European country has either the ability or the determination to do such a thing. Why do I say that? Well, I've actually lived in the Eastern part of Ukraine for a few years AND from what I gleaned from the people I spoke to there, a LARGE percentage of them were much happier under Soviet Russia's rule. This didn't make much sense to me at the time, but most there seem to me to be totally incapable of governing themselves (Example: in their Duma [parliament] it was not uncommon to see televised fist fights breaking out among the various political factions there) and apparently many there would prefer that someone else do their thinking for them. This is but one of the traits that I found especially irksome to me while I was there. That and an overall disregard for reasonable organization, sanitation and frequently even personal hygiene. I view most Ukrainians as children who simply cannot or will not take care of themselves very well. I could write a book from the many experiences I had there that would, no doubt, be met with shock or disbelief by most westerners. Sheer stupidity seemed to me to reign supreme there. Just one example: Various individuals would throw pieces of lumber or tree branches or various other items definitely not intended to be placed into a sewer system. into an open manhole designed to be used as a sanitary sewer system, then wonder why their toilets wouldn't flush.
Actually I am an expat living in Hungary and let me tell you we have a total difference of opinion and experiences to that of Ukrainians even Romanians. It seems the Germans through their NAZI guilt, which they cant get over, are the ones handing over the reigns of Govt to the globalists and as can be seen to their own destruction. Hitler demolished the Germans and now the self loathing Germans are finishing what he started.
If you sat through 12 years of German schooling you'd loathe yourself as well, even if you were from outer space, the 12 yrs of their history is recited every week, the years before do not exist, well almost, cheers, however the clip The Dumbing Down of America also speaks volumes, t'is all for the greater good it seems...we've all got a skewed histerical view on history, me thinks, Grüß Gott.
Wow.So just because you lived in Ukraine for a few years, you think you know for sure that all the rest of eastern european countries are the same.That actually says something about you .
I love you Celia, keep up the good work, Gods speed and protection to you !
We lived in Minnesota until Christmas 2021, when we moved to Florida and Governor Tim Walz set up a “snitch line” in 2020 where people could report their neighbors for going outside, having too many people at their house for Thanksgiving, or generally not abiding by the Covid mandates. Of course if you were protesting with BLM it was just fine to protest in large groups.
More blatant HYPOCRISY.
you just can't make this shit up
isn't this already installed in Britain and Ireland? Watch Kanada fall in line.
While not throughout the land, in the U.S. too.
Yikes. Made for people running on dirty energy.
Someone wise once said, "If you cannot, or will not, take care of yourself, there's a good chance that someone else will do that for you, but, you're not very likely to like how they'll do it! There are LOADS of very good and obvious reasons why Ukraine is such a backward country. When I was there, I estimated that Ukraine was at least 50 to 75 years behind almost any Western European nation. If Ukraine were ever to be admitted into the E.U. it would soon become something of a 'Dead Albatross hanging from a rope around the necks of the other E.U. nations.' i.e. it would very likely become a huge permanent economic burden and never likely to be a country that would contribute much, if anything to making the E.U. any better! That is to say that Ukraine is not ever likely to become a truly modern Western style country. Anyone who ever visits or has visited Ukraine for more than a week or two shall see all of these OBVIOUS reasons.
1984 arrives.
Nah! 1984 has arrived.
Oh well .. back to “good old soviet times”??? When each neighbour was solicited to spy and report to each other ?
Now it started during the Cov period when your neighbour was reporting you for not wearing a mask… 😩
And watch how many Germans will jump at the chance to do so! At some point, you can't blame the evil overlords even if they are totally evil. It's no surprise that the majority of Germans are repeating history to support evil while blaming the reset of the world for not measuring up to their superiority.
Can't help but feel that you really do not like Germans,
Me? I love Germans. This post is not about Germans.
After these past 5 years, can you blame them? I for one don’t like anyone except for a few individuals I have met through substack, some of who are German but are even more alarmed than I about what is going on in Germany.
I'm definitely NOT someone who doesn't like the REAL German people. I' not talking about the invaders which have relatively recently come to infest most Western Civilized nations. Many in the German government, would be another story altogether. Remember, Germany too has been ZOGged. It is a Zionist Occupied nation just as is the United States, France, Australia, Canada and practically all other Western Civilized nations. Zionism, it MUST BE UNDERSTOOD, is EVIL. All of it's main tenets derive from the Talmud, which IS about as Satanic a collection of writings as have ever been written in human history.
Color me surprised.. German people are not allowed to question the holocaust... I personally don't think the Nazi lost ww2
Wake-up. The Nazis did lose the war and that is why our world is in the condition it is today.
Based knower.
Precisely correct! As General George S. Patton said, shortly after the end of WWII on the European Theater, "We've been fighting the wrong enemy." Also, keep in mind what even a nominal Jew, Stanley Kubrick, said not long after he finished directing his last film, 'Eyes Wide Shut,' He said, "Adolf Hitler was right about almost everything."
You are exactly right. The Nuremberg trials were a joke. They imprisoned a few innocent people while the guilty ones ran. The US admired them so much that they hired them into the US government. Almost nothing about the story of WW2 was true. I always wondered why the US was paying reparations to the fake Jews and then I accidentally came across the reason. Look up on YT Eisenhower Death Camps.
Aha! Welcome to the real world! Most of what we were taught in public schools r.e. WWII was only poorly fabricated propaganda!
You got that right! Nazis will be Nazis…
The nut doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
The phrase is more commonly seen as, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." But, if you're focusing on the insanity aspect, then 'nut,' works VERY well.
Could you elaborate?
Wtf? The further we get from God, the crazier it gets!!
A most disturbing development in Germany. Thank you for reporting this.
Here is a related discussion of a "NGO" version of such snitching to law enforcement re: political thought & speech crimes by the always-disappointing U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in collaboration with the American Jewish Committee [in the second half of the video]:
Authoritarianism has been--and continues to be--on the move, this time cloaking itself in Leftist causes.
snich lines
....get stitches 🤣
They can surveille people's social media and browser history and have all they need for a massive witch hunt.
You are certainly quite correct, but snitching has the added advantage (in the eyes of the puppet masters) of sowing seeds of social distrust. Ultimately, the real power players have no deep love for either the snitcher or the "snitchee." Deteriorating the social order is, at another level, conducive to their ultimate goals, besides the immediate advantages in the primary action.
I had read of occasions in Medieval witch trials when they’d toss the accused into a river, and if they drowned they were deemed innocent - but if they floated they were indeed witches, whereupon they’d meet an even grislier fate - and so would it be with disloyalty accusations in a police state, guilty until proven guilty or not (same ruined outcome).
Where have we heard this before?
The Lives of Others film
The Lives of Others. In 1984 East Berlin, an agent of the secret police conducting surveillance on a writer and his lover finds himself becoming increasingly absorbed by their lives.
The Lives of Others (2006) - IMDb