Getting Real About Ostracization, Charlie Brown: Anna Runkle's New Video Is A Good Place To Start To Find Hope Even If You Have Tons Of Failure In Your Past And Wonder What Is Wrong With You
Remember That Rejects Of History Include Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. That Is To Say, We Are Important And Can Play A Role We Never Thought Possible (But No Skipping Trauma Work)
“All turned against me, and I cut them out, pushed everybody away…and I am now alone, by myself, no friends, no relatives and i only on myself, seems life does not bring other chances!”
“You are so on target! I got tough last year after watching you and took a good look at some bad behaviour and did a friend dump. Felt sad but my life took a positive turn and those people found new "friends" to pick on. YAY me and you for your tough love for SELF preservation!!! Thank you Anna! (Example, left a voice message about finding my cat dead and she responded laughing! Said she listened to my message in fast speed and I sounded like a chipmunk and oh yeah, sorry about your cat. She own a cat clinic and was the grief counselor. Go figure. Got Dumped)”
“Thank you. I've done this for sure. I fell into beautiful people after leaving my abusive husband. I'm glad to know that there are still good people in this world.”
OK everybody, here is the newest Anna Runkle video.
One of the reasons I trust her so, when it comes to trauma healing, is that she found herself on the receiving end of a whole neighborhood’s rejection (one of her many stories that I find moving) when she and her kids were not invited to trick or treat on Halloween. She moved, thank God. But nobody I ever turned to for trauma healing ever spoke of these kinds of things. These excruciating memories we would prefer to keep private forever, even from ourselves.
Rejection is so painful. I could write two 300 page books on it. But I’d have to re-live it.
I believe we can start NOW, and surround ourselves with a shield that only accepts kindness and respect. And only gives the same to others. How to reconcile what happened to us and our worst moments when we reacted to it all, that’s another matter. Remember: We have also done it to others. (Gotten really mad in a state of disassociated PTSD.)
Not been wonderful, at all.
OK. Ok then; This can end. It can be redeemed.
There’s The Past and there’s From Now On.
Are we all either Charlie Brown or Lucy? Are we both? Did we bring our own rejections on to ourselves? I think Anna walks the line between us being good/sparing/protective to ourselves and also trying to see old selves as attractors of it all…wait hold on…why? Because our trauma was creating what Christians call “portals,” for unclean spirits. That’s why I say: “Nothing is more important than healing trauma.”
Have I actually joined Anna’s workshops or even responded to her invitation to be interviewed?
I’m into next level “freeze” over here, since arriving in Granada, May 30. Might be altitude partly.
Simply don’t do what I need to do or want to do or write down on a bulletin board on post its that I must do, today.
More self-forgiveness called for. Peter Levine says he can un-freeze us with various exercises. What about people who won’t even do the exercises? (please laugh a little.)
2024-2025 is about finding your tribe.
You guys are mine.
Thank you for writing about this topic. I got PTSD from working in a refugee camp and then a few other big things. I'm now a trauma recovery coach with only 1 client but working on it!. You sound like you're in functional freeze - you can write and research but not much else. Your house is probably really messy (or really neat). Start out by going for walks. Download a breathing track for coherent breathing (YouTube has good videos). Then just be kind to yourself. As you unthaw you will be able to do more for yourself. I'm unemployed right now and got into such a state that I couldn't focus enough to write cover letters or create my online course. Neurofeedback (read The Body Keeps the Score next) has been amazing, and I'm on a payment plan. Keep going! Also, Anna has a writing course for free, which I have never done either, but now seeing myself in your writing, I will do it today and try to start that daily routine (famous last words). Thank you for bringing up this topic. Everyone has trauma, many of us have childhood trauma, and The Crappy Childhood Fairy (aka Anna) is a great place to start to understand ourselves.
“I’m into next level “freeze” over here, since arriving in ——, —— nn. Might be altitude partly.
Simply don’t do what I need to do or want to do or write down on a bulletin board on post its that I must do, today.”
Me. Totally me. I am amazed at how many things I can put off or ignore. Part of me is waiting for a knock at the door, to ‘get’ me for all the things undone. Part of me knows the way out is to help others. But that’s also partly how I got here. And those currently in my sphere to help are also related to original trauma. All very twisted up. So part of me (currently the most in charge) figures that this freeze, this quiet, is my way (eventually) out.
Big sigh. Big hugs. Carry on!