Yay no electric cars!!!

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I said to my dog this morning that it looks like nuclear war wasn’t going to happen after all.

I was afraid that Biden’s puppet masters would start something against Russia.

Phew…it didn’t happen.

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If things were as bad as Johnson claims then why didn't he bring it up forcefully earlier? So he sat quietly and knowingly while a fraud was perpetrated on America, a fraud he could have intervened in. He is a weasel unworthy of any trust whatsoever.

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing. A career politico doing what career politicos do best.

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Self preservation for the politicians and corporations...

What I question above most things is why does a private bank control our US dollars?

"They" control the money so IMHO they control everything else.

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US Rep Thomas Massie has introduced a bill to dissolve the parasitic, privately owned and not "federal" Reserve CENTRAL Bank that has enslaved us for over 100 years:

"Rep. Massie Introduces Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to "End the Fed"

May 16, 2024 | Posted in Press Releases

For Immediate Release Contact: massie.press@mail.house.gov Contact #: 202-225-3465 WASHINGTON, D.C.- Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie's legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the… Read more »"

IF you really want to know the nasty details, go to Solari.com and purchase "Follow the Missing Money" Vol 1 & 2; 2018. The amount the global central bankers controlling the US DoD, CIA (et al), and the "fed" have stolen, matches the national debt up to 2018. Since then the theft has been so obvious that anyone can track the obvious pay offs.

Here are the families that own and control the US Central Bank (the not 'federal' Reserve):

• The Rothschilds Families of Paris and London

• Goldman Sachs Family

• The Warburg Family of Hamburg

• The Rockefeller Family

• The Lazard Family of Paris

• The Lehmans Family

• The Israel Moses Seif Family of Rome

• Kuhn Loebs of New York Family

We need to get these families out of our lives. They, and the other 400+ families control the planet in a myriad of different ways. They control the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Many of them are satanists that engage in child sacrifice (See financial advisor Ronald Bernard's videos on youtube).

Take the lawsuit begun last year by Penguin publishingin New York, against the state of Florida for prohibiting trans-sexual books in FL elementary schools. Go to Mossad-controlled Wikipedia. Penguin is now owned by a German company called Bertellsmann Publishing... and the German Mohn family owns Bertellsmann.

SO, who is actually investing the time and money to sue a US state over it's constitutional right to prohibit inappropriate material in elementary school libraries? It's not Penguin. How big of a hop would it be to find out the position of the Mohn family in the global hierarchy of wealthy financial elite families? There's supposed to be 500 or so of these corrupt and exploitative families. Until we stop their control of our institutions, banks, and industry - we are doomed to endure their machinations and social torture/murder forever.

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100%.... We need to repent and end the usury with these families.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

BTW, they worshipped satan, sacrificed children, practiced divination as it is written in the Bible for thousands of years. Did they magically stop this practice? No.

2 Kings 17

16 And they abandoned all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. 17 And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger. 18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight.

19 Judah also did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the customs that Israel had introduced. 20 And the Lord rejected all the descendants of Israel

Psalm 106

36 They served their idols, which became a snare to them.

37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons;

38 they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters,

whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan (modern day Gaza), and the land was polluted with blood.

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So all of this has been going on for a very long time...

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I believe the Bible and it makes sense considering all the SRA. In a nutshell, it is a spiritual battle.

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Starting around 19:00 Jeff's guest, respected researcher Sara Westhall tells a tale of an unimaginable fortune of gold in the Philippines overseen by the GGMF. Years ago I read about some WWII war hero general (McArthur?) who was rumored to have witnessed or claimed the victors spoils. Maybe this is that stuff?

If a best case scenario wee allowed to occur and this pipedream were made real then the fiat bankers would be unemployed. https://rumble.com/v6a1rn4-potus-picks-puncture-praetorian-prestige.html

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Exactly, he's as much of a democrat as McCarthy and that's pretty bad. Who upon being ousted said, "democrats are the face of America." The only thing we have to and should be excited about and look forward to is the end times.

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NONE of those are legitimate, and must be challenged, including the egregious "pardons". That bastard Biden is mentally unfit, incompetent, and was not in charge.

Since he was only there by reason of a stolen election, which is fraudulent, then -


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I have loathed that man since I laid eyes on him. He seemed so duplicitous and obsequious while it felt our country was in free fall. I constantly have to remind myself not to judge these “people” because I know it is all in God’s hands. I truly wish I was more detached from all this evil!

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Right on time, a year later, your faithful public service updates the electorate. Whadda guy.

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As others have commented, and Jon Rappaport asked yesterday, why didn't Johnson say anything at the time?

Little Mikey Johnson, Squeaker of the House. What a tool.

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the same question can be asked about millions of bureaucrats in this benighted country.

most people suffer from aggravated obedience.

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Considering there is more than one Biden, as you can clearly see in official pics and vids, is he even real? Why were they allowing him to look like a buffoon, so they can blame it all on him?

"They" use people to do their dirty work in gov, false flags, 3-letter agencies, on and on...

Everything is polluted figuratively and literally. IMHO, this has been going on since the earth was populated. This evil didn't just appear in the last century or so.

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"Considering there is more than one Biden, as you can clearly see in official pics and vids, is he even real?" - Agree 100%!

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When people say Biden did this and that, I just think, Biden did none of it. We are being shown what they want us to believe. There are so many layers and players I don't try to figure it out or I would go crazy.

This is in God's hands.

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Given the nanoparticulate infiltration of everything, I predict all the Bidens, much like fetal tissue in vaXXines, and a specific strain of weaponized yeast pervasive in food, will now be repurposed one last time as an ice cream additive.

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Sometimes ignorance is bliss and now we must make our own ice cream. LOL

Nano is everywhere for sure. I haven't eaten cereal in years. You can't even live off grid since they spray the skies. We just have to do our best and enjoy the little things in life. Be blessed.

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We need more insider "whistleblowing" about what was really going on. Everyone is trying to cover their rear end I guess. There was zero transparency for 4 years.

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It’s a challenge to be a whistleblower. They gangstalk the truth tellers and threaten them or their families

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that makes cowards of us all.

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Massie spilled the beans long ago when he said that congress no longer works on legislation, but the lobbyists write them for who they work for and congress just votes on them.

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I have no words. Especially given that I doubt ANYTHING will happen as a result of the unveiling of this huge scandal and crime against the people in this country.

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'makes me think every time, where's Sy Hersh's "who was in charge of the nuclear football" story?

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Time for all nonprofit anything's to be taxed,taxed, taxed like everyone else-maybe even at a higher rate!

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They stole the election installed Biden, a mentally disabled puppet as president and then they forged his signature on EO's to satisfy their agendas. Sounds like those EO's would be null and void and some investigations need to take place to do some damage control and prosecute the traitors.

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Mike Johnson's description of his meeting with Biden hit me forcibly. it's obvious, once you hear his description, of course that's how it had to be. but now I've seen it through his witness, the whole mess is real to me.

Biden was never fit for presidency; he was fit for sock puppet. this is so sad. and the people who voted for him were so cynical. Biden is simply the most incompetent of all the incompetents: that's why he was chosen to lead them.

his inner circle was — is — criminally — con artists of the most lethal subspecies. and Jill Biden is... the slickest of the bunch.

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This revelation is nothing more than confirmation that the deep state is, has and will unfortunately be running our country for the foreseeable future...

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Whoah, looks like I have some research to do this morning. This is big news!

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