I get offers daily. Nobody in my neighborhood sells to these bastards. We understand what they want to do and will fight them tooth and nail.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

We are beseiged on all sides and all angles - sovereignty, food, energy, speech, health, property, privacy, children, biology, money (both value and freedom), religious beliefs, skin color, sexuality, occupational choice, movement and assembly, foreign entanglements, …

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In California, I think, there is now a law that developers must designate 15% of their development to "Affordable Housing" (seems fair enough)

So in Encinitas, CA - the now most expensive place to buy or rent in San Diego and maybe even California, a new house (the 15%) was up for sale at a VERY affordable price: $138,000 (pretty much, nothing sells here for under $1 million and more). the City council was the gatekeeper for who the. property was designated to. There were several qualified low income candidates in line to buy. The City Council designated the property to: BLACKSTONE, with assets of $991 Billion

https://www.blackstone.com/. and subsidiary of Blackrock, the City Council statement about this was that "the buyer will rent the property as "affordable" rent. This was sold Oct of 2020 when interest prices were about 3.5% so morgage monthly payment would be about $694/month with a 30 yr fixed rate. adverage rent here for this type of 3 bedroom house is $3,800 to over $4,000/month. The "affordable" rent would be maybe half of that at: $1,700 - $2,000/month

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Sino landlordism is rampant in California. It’s their mythology, their core guiding mythology. Drive a Mercedes/Lexus, own lots of property, go to a “#1 school” and promote that fact with shirts, stickers, license plate holders, and one hundred different ways on social media), flaunt your material success very visibly, have zero empathy for the consequences of driving up the price of property everywhere. It’s the Confucianist way, and also the consequence of a totalitarian overbearing parenting style, with a focus on superiority and overachievement. I see it in all East Asians impacted by Confucianism. The Chinese dominating the economies of Indonesia and Malaysia and Vietnam and Singapore, exhibit the same behaviors. Koreans and Japanese and Vietnamese of Chinese decent, are also guided more or less by this mythology. In San Diego, these people have transformed the most affordable large city in California into one of the least. There has been a very noticeable increase in their presence during and since “COVID.” It’s puzzling. I thought “COVID” was a deadly disease that deeply impacted China and East Asia. Why are so many of these people now here working for big tech and big pharma, buying multiple million dollar properties like it’s nothing, and changing the entire city from its sleepy interesting Anglo-Hispanic-indigenous hybrid culture into a feudal bio tech slave hell, in which only they can afford to live? I thought many of these people were devastated by “COVID.” But no, not so. It’s almost like “COVID” was a gift to them, nay, it was created so that this new hellish version of California could emerge. Oh, that we could be all so positively impacted by “COVID!”

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I'm 78, own a home in New Jersey, and get phone calls from strangers every day who offer to buy my home for cash. Who are these people? From where and from whom did they get my name and phone number? I'm usually uncharacteristically polite because maybe some are people looking for a house or honest real estate agents—they do exist and I know several of them. But, two houses on my block have been bought and flipped, increasing the price to young first time home owners. I don't have any rational answer to the problems*, young Celia, but I see what you're talking about and it concerns me.

*First thought about Blackrock scum: Hang them!

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Blackrock, Vanguard, Gates, Soros, China ... I just saw a photo of Gates with Xi ... Covid was their pilot!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I was renting a house from American homes 4 rent and the service was so bad so I looked up who owns them

Vanguard over 4 million shares

Blackrock over 2 million

Then the other criminal players made up 4 pages with the likes of State Street, Chase and the bank cartel members. We couldn’t wait till our new home was built. Luckily we sold our old home to a couple who are completely in love with it. Our HOA has a limit on how many homes can be rented. We should make a rule about not selling to these corporate entities.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

You Will Own Nothing -- and You Will Be Happy !!

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

China-Town USA! Larry Fink is a criminal, and...? If we the people have no "common law", and are not reclaiming our title as "sovereigns" then we remain powerless to challenge the armies or police departments owned by the likes of BANK--aka "Financial Giants." This may be an opportune time to move into those vacated properties--maintaining a low profile--power with solar generators, and in time we may simply say, "This is my house." As de-dollarization escalates, the whole sale rip-off of our Nation will only increase...until we take our Republic back. If Colonel Douglas Macgregor is a true white hat then we had better see some military action soon....meantime--for our further edification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiknwQnn29Y

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This has been happening in California for YEARS. In the 80s, it was foreign people who had lots of money and out-priced locals. But at least they moved here and have a life here. Then things changed in the early 2000s (best I can recall). There are entire gated neighborhoods that are ghost towns, owned by Chinese people who have no (current) intent on living there. There's a real estate firm in Silicon Valley (DeLeon) that positively markets IN China, India, Dubai, anywhere there's lots of extra money. They have private sales and public sales. They sponsor real estate buying trips to SV and elsewhere in CA. They are one of the main drivers of the ridiculous price rises. THEY don't care; they've got theirs. But imagine the kids and grandkids of people who were lucky enough to buy in the 80s and 90s. No possible way the kids / grandkids can afford anything. Add to that Prop 13 and the grandparents taxes are OK. Parents OK for now (but at retirement, no way, due to prop taxes). Seriously, how can any average person afford a multi-million dollar mortgage and then $20-30K yearly property taxes?!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Demoralize Americans by permitting and incentivizing addiction and homelessness, crime and dereliction, in addition to high cost of living. The devalued neglected and unsafe areas get bought up on the cheap by the large investment firms. Americans become serfs and manageable.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Many of these areas, especially in BLUE cities, will soon be desolate with trash strew all around. Neighborhoods could have a pick-up trash day and organic fruit and veggie planting once a month for beautification purposes.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I got a whole box filled with those offers. No problems on insurance, yet….. lower Ohio here.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The movie “the big short”

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

DeSantis had legislation to prevent this, not sure where it is at in the process right now.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Good ole Petty Butteffer

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