there are voices that she is not what it seems. But I have hope for Italy. Right now Italians are dropping like flies from heart attacks, strokes, sudden illnesses, etc. She has not yet addressed that, and she has also not yet distanced herself from the WEF but I think she is a bit of fresh air that Europe desperately needs. There are a few more, some German lady spoke up, and politicians from Hungary and Croatia did as well. May be there is some light on the horizon. Of course there is the headwind of G20 but a little tornado can work some dust up !

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Be very careful about this individual:

DEVELOPING: Is Italy's New Anti-One World Government Prime Minister Just Another Globalist Trojan Horse?


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Dr Paul, the reality is the elite in most large countries always have been exploiting other nations including the USA as Gen Smedley Butler talked at great length about. I hope Meloni has the God of Israel to protect her. In doing so, she takes on great risk on herself by attacking approved fundamentals of the global elite--we know what forces the globalists have at their disposal as we saw with Trump being relentlessly attacked. Remember that Gingrich said of Trump: "he was never initiated."

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In one minute she exposed Europe's hypocrisy and colonialism continuity with a passion I have never before heard. If she has been compromised, hopefully what we heard reveals a genuine heart that will transcend thise entanglements. Fir the time being, I will be routing for her.

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In the malignant spirit of Cecil Rhodes and Rhodesia. Thomas Sowell writes extensively on the history of Africa which should not be neglected.

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A female Trump like figure in Italy. Pro pharma agenda, thats all I need to know.

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Sheā€™s amazing! I sure wouldnā€™t want to be her husband and forget to pick up the eggs and milk on the way home.

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If I'm optimistic, she *had to* be WEF and vote like a Nazi in order to be able to reach the position she wanted for herself, and then speak her mind.

If I'm realistic... well... Italians invented Politics... Don't ever mess with Italian politicians is a basic survival rule.

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Nov 19, 2022Ā·edited Nov 20, 2022

She's a WEF hack. I'll believe her rhetoric when they start deporting illegals from Italy en masse. As it stands, her argument that the currency is a vehicle for wealth expropriation sounds like laying a foundation for a "fair" currency, meaning a global or Euro-centric currency (e.g. CBDC) to bring those regions under further totalitarian control.

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France - yet another one of the nation states who imposed totalitarianism in South East Asia while ostensibly trying to halt communism. Now they foment it at home and abroad I was always a ruse.

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Some comments here (and elsewhere!) seem to have lost the power of discrimination under the welter of lies we have been living under. When we see something real we can no longer recognise it.

It's a clue. The change we are being asked for in this, the great shift of the epoch, is a step up to the full use of personal mentation and discrimination, and we should not rely on the opinions of others for that.

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How powerful the truth is, and more so when delivered with such passion. Bravo, Giorgia!

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She is an Italian not French and can denounce the French as much as she wants to please her base.

Nonetheless as she haughtily informed Silvio Berlusconi--Russia delenda est. Italy stands with NATO

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It's a struggle to know who to believe. If she's WEF and voted for Vaxx Passports, I'm not a fan.

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It is critical, but being WEF and all that goes with it is a bid disqualifier for me. They're all evil and have malicious intent.

That France exploited (and continues to exploit) their African colonies is not news, at least not to most people.

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I hear the warnings, I support ideas not politicians, always. I'll back any politician's correct idea & I'll slate ANY politician's bad idea.

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