More than a little confusing, as today is my sisters' birthday and we have Hungarian antecedents.

I hope I can work through Orban as "friend of Netanyahu"

absit omen

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Confusing, indeed; the two had better compare notes:

"All in all, there's nothing to be surprised about Hungary's extremely poor ranking in the EU's latest vaccination campaign and the dreadfully low vaccination coverage."


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Do you know what Orbans' utterances on the Scamdemic and the injections?

Are they in line with his pal, "The Father of the Vaccines" and Operation Warped Sleeze?

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I did not follow convid developments in Hungary closely, only through the general statistics. Of interest: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/hungary-population/

Orbán, unlike Lukashenko in Belarus, did accept the World Bank convid bribes, and Hungarians got merrily jabbed - up to a point, it seems. Unlike Fico next door in Slovakia, Orbán did not come out with threatening to investigate the covid con incl. money flows. He did not get shot, either, at least thus far.

Hard to make comparisons with the vax godfather, then.

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Comparisions are not necessary if Oban Supports Trump and the vaccine scam.

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Victor Orban, PM from Hungary has met with the leaders, Putin, "Zelensky", & Trump. Cross your fingers.

When the Soviet Union economically collapsed President HW Bush and President Yeltsin of Russia should have jointly Declared an End to WW 2/ the Cold War/ Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact AND NATO, and a Century of Peace for the World.

HW being a CiA President only wanted the EU/Fed Reserve Bankster NWO which includes dismembering not only the defunct Soviet Union but Russia also.

"Spoils to the Victor" mentality and Russian Natural Resources were up for the Taking.

NATO was ascendant, Continuous Wars ensued, and the USSA Empire became Entrenched world wide while Liberty died domestically. (The Roman Model)

History is only valuable as it can be Used in the Present to Better Conditions for the Entire Planet's Population, which is the Exact Opposite of the Tyrannical NWO attempting to be Imposed currently.

President Trump could/should go to Moscow, Join with President Putin and DO what should have been done decades ago, as outlined in the first paragraph. All American troops should be withdrawn from EU & Asia to a Pre WW 2 status following skillful diplomacy first with Russia, and then later with China.

De-Escaltation & Diplomacy. Make America FREE Again Domestically, Downsize the DC Feral Gov by 50%, Return to Constitutional Gov and Restore States Rights to govern most domestically. Then America will Be Great Again.

Our Current Enemies are in the District of Criminals. I Spit.

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Morning Joe is historically illiterate.

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esp. as 'Joe' doesn't seem to get up 'til past eleven...


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a friend of Netanyahu .... And Huge Supporter Of Donald Trump— mmmmhh. what could go wrong?

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Trump is just another puppet. His mentor was Roy Cohn - and that fellow was more crooked than a banana.

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Like many, I don't always click on links, even my own posted links suffer from this same mental aversion. Memes seem to be the only digestable medium of communication.

However, I'm quite Glad I clicked on Each of these links and highly recommend others do so as well. You have communicated quite effectively and We should all disseminate it broadly.

Thank you .........

"Well... Even though the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab is good at CULLING modern moron slaves, it doesn't do the JOB of reducing the size of the Herds of MMS/3's around the Western Plantations FAST ENOUGH. The Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires have SET the Year of 2030 as the deadline to reach Their GOALS.

Without a PROPER TOOL of culling They will never reach them.

And what better TOOL is there than the Degenerate Uman Animal Thought and respective behavior?!


Many Millennia of practice!

And never forget that we do Love it...




and to leave it at that...


(looks like "spam" but it's just the simple replacement of a very long comment!)"

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Give peace a chance...humanity is still waiting after 5,000 years.

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"I hope this post is not confusing." Definitely too confusing for my little brain to get a grip on. I'm off into the garden - "é complicado" as they say here in Portugal. I'm off into the garden to prune, dig, harvest and plant stuff.

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Hungary often strikes me as a potential good place to move, but perhaps they are not so open to Americans? They seem smart.

Totally off topic, but Celia awhile back you wrote about extending the life of your very sick cat. Would you please tell again the things/treatments you gave him. Trying to save my dwindling kitty… thanks very much!

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Heather, when Lewis has a growth, I changed his diet to all raw (more on this later) and gave him minute amounts of MSM in his water, plus topically I put DMSO and cod liver oil on the growth. What is going on with your cat? hydration helps a lot. Can you get her or him hydrated, at a vet maybe, as a first step? I know how excruciating it is. Amanda Vollmer helped me—any chance you can make an appointment with her?

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Celia, thank you for responding. Ragnall is an 11 year old Scottish Fold who has always had health issues. We are hydrating him orally with a syringe and have stopped the diarrhea. He is eating canned food and just started baby (human) food- chicken and turkey. He is bony now except for somewhat protruding belly area which he has had for years. He’s very weak and mostly has to be put into the litter box. I looked up Amanda Vollmer and although she’s in Canada she does ZOOM and phone appointments so I will look into that. We are in Tennessee near Nashville- moved from Berkeley CA a year ago. Veterinarians are pretty much a captured zombie tribe and anyway we cannot presently afford the usual experimentation procedures they practice. We want to give Ragnall every possible boost and support to heal if possible.

We have several cats and this one generally likes only “cat” food and refuses raw meat. Whatever is going on with him is internal (no visible growths) I can put a little MSM powder in the Pedialyte. Was there not something else in your protocol- something that intrigued me at the time but damnit I can’t remember…

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Darby Shaw wrote a very popular article on cats and vax; CKD gets discussed in the comments. Regardless, if you sift through them, you might find some useful information.


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Thank you- mostly shows good reasons not to employ allopathic veterinarians. I need to get a bag of injectable saline but it’s “controlled” ie paywalled by the vast medical cartel.

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The top comment there provides balance to the issue.

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We have a lot more Americans coming to Portugal these days, and Canadians, and Isrealites. Otherwise it’s mainly Brits (myself, been here for 16 years), Dutch, Belgians, Germans, the odd Italian, and a few Hungarians, Japanese and Polish. A fair mix I’d say.

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If the main stream media liars and whores do not like it they can make like the birds and flock off, the whiny lying pukes.

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Any ".... friend of Netanyahu...." is not a friend of mine. Think Kennedy instead of Bidumb or Trump.

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Thanks for all that history, Celia. Interesting who gets portrayed as the bad guys or the good guys.

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A child of Hungarian refugees, I reside in Ventura County, CA. I'm delighted that someone gives a crap. I completely distrust the popular narrative of history and even the given reason for the Hungarian Uprising (which is why I'm here). Who told the oppressed Hungarian population that "if you rise up against Russia, the Americans will come help get rid of the Commies and help you create a Democratic government"? This idea inspired thousands to risk their lives and livelihoods, and cost many people everything. My grandfather was a POW in Russia and my father would have been executed if he hadn't escaped. As an admitted conspiracy theorist, I want to know because it's why I'm here, now, and why I grew up in the suburbs of LA instead of Hungary. Oh and politics is theater. Trump ans & Bidden work of the same paymasters. Nobody's coming to save us. They're putting on a show while the money printers build massive cities underground to wait out the coming cataclysms, while they steal trillions in resources for themselves while the surface population gets to suffer through the "Phoenix event" of 2040 (thanks archaix.com..better to know the ugly truth). Will someone please point me in the direction of the ugly truth around this? Did the CIA foment this 1956 uprising to get an educated labor force to immigrate to the USA and Canada? Did they put on this show with the Soviets, knowing that the tanks would roll in ? They knew it sucked there...I heard all of the stories of the Commie shenanigans.

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It was Napoleon who once said that history is "cette fable convenue". As time goes by humanity has more and more the opportunity to break loose from that "setting" and reach towards a higher level of consciousness.

Whatever the background of Mr. Orban's actions he is one of the very few to have the courage in this critical moment of time to say out loud what many millions of Europeans feel. The majority of the political class in Europe today is of a level of untruthfulness and cowardness unseen in its history. Luckily the tough enslavement of most of the Eastern part of Europe during the socalled "cold war" has brought to many of them a higher sensibility to Truth and Courage.

One should for example not forget in this context the prime minister of Slovakia who has been again very vocal on his unwillingness to follow the "Diktat" from the warmongerers.

Dialogue and Peace are two words that have been forgotten by most of the leaders of the West.

I think of the song of Jacques Brel : Pourquoi ont-ils tué Jaurès ? Why have they killed Jaurès ?

May the Light shine brightly in these dark days. May, as V. Orban says, christian deeds help to find a way out of this mess !

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I love everything you do.

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The 1956 Hungarian Water Polo team will live on for fighting the Russians in the pool at the 56 Olympic Games!

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