Give Peace A Chance EU: Orbán Opens A Para-Bureaucratic Ceasefire Dialogue With Zelensky, Putin Setting Off EU And US Media RAGE: Orbán Also Visits Trump, But Not Biden
Orbán Says He Is Not One Of The Elite; An Enemy of Soros and a friend of Netanyahu; Black Sheep of The EU And Huge Supporter Of Donald Trump—Media and Political Class Escalate Orbán Loathing
Greg Reese’s report on Victor Orbán’s peace initiation here.
EU and US/Western media very very angry. Accuse Orbán of “bulldozing” EU “norms” by initiating these peace talks.
Euro-indignation over Orbán’s pace talks with Zelensky and Putin—in that order.
“European countries have directly criticised Orbán for travelling to Moscow to speak with Putin, making him just the second EU or Nato leader to go there since the start of the war.
Sweden and several other EU countries responded by announcing they would not send ministers to government meetings linked to Hungary’s EU presidency in an act of protest against Orbán’s talks with Putin, the Swedish government said on Thursday.
“The Hungarian actions during the [EU] presidency are harmful and must have consequences. Sweden will therefore not participate on a political level…”
—The Guardian
Yeah, show em, Sweden. Except can you make your flag more blue and more yellow? So we really get it.
Ironies abound. Who protested in 1956 when Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary killing thousands of mostly young people, and workers, who’d risen up to seek sovereign nationhood against the USSR?
Most of the world, including Radio Free Europe, (CIA) condemned the uprising. (The “What If” video below explains the role of Britain and France, behind the scenes.)
”Don’t force us to celebrate the history of the Russian Revolution.”
“In 1,170 communities in Hungary, there were 348 cases of revolutionary councils dismissing the local administrators; 312 cases of revolutionary councils sacking the bosses; and 215 cases of the locals burning the communist administrative records of their communities. In 681 communities, anti-communist and nationalist Hungarians damaged and destroyed symbols of the hegemony of the USSR, such as the Red Star, and statues of Josef Stalin and of Lenin; 393 communities damaged Soviet war memorials; and 122 communities burned the books of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.[19][63]”
Biden says “Putin” but means “Zelensky.”
“Morning Joe” condemns Orban as enemy of freedom in Hungary.
Very few revolutions are genuine, but the Hungarian uprising against the USSR was. That must be why nobody ever talks about it and it plays no propaganda or branding role.
A young Viktor Orbán, speaking at the reburial of Imre Nagy in 1989 in Budapest:
Nagy, a reformed communist, led the Hungarian Revolution, and was executed, buried in an unmarked grave, then dug up, and properly buried, at a massive gathering of 200,000 people in 1989.
My father Barry, was very involved in the Hungarian Revolution, working with covert refugee transports to Vienna in ‘56 across the Eisner Canal. Barry also spoke at this ceremony in Budapest, in 1989. (I wish I had a recording of it but I don’t.)
Here’s Wikipedia on the tragic Nagy and The Hungarian Revolution:
The outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution on 23 October 1956 saw Nagy elevated to the position of Prime Minister on 24 October as a central demand of the revolutionaries and common people. Nagy's reformist faction gained full control of the government, admitted non-communist politicians, dissolved the ÁVH secret police, promised democratic reforms, and unilaterally withdrew Hungary from the Warsaw Pact on 1 November. The Soviet Union launched a massive military invasion of Hungary on 4 November, forcibly deposing Nagy, who fled to the Embassy of Yugoslavia in Budapest. Nagy was lured out of the embassy under false promises on 22 November and was arrested and deported to Romania. On 16 June 1958, Nagy was tried and executed for treason alongside his closest allies, and his body was buried in an unmarked grave.
In June 1989, Nagy and other prominent figures of the 1956 Revolution were rehabilitated and reburied with full honours, an event that played a key role in the collapse of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party regime.
Early life and World War I
Imre Nagy was born prematurely on 7 June 1896 in the town of Kaposvár in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary, to a small-town family of peasant origin.[1]
More about Nagy’s Memorials and political rehabilitation:
Memorials and political rehabilitation
During the time when the Stalinist leadership of Hungary would not permit Nagy's death to be commemorated, or permit access to his burial place, a cenotaph in his honour was erected in Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris on 16 June 1988.[51]
In 1989, Imre Nagy was rehabilitated and his remains reburied on the 31st anniversary of his execution in the same plot after a funeral organised in part by the democratic opposition to the country's Stalinist regime.[52] Over 200,000 people are estimated to have attended Nagy's reinterment. The occasion of Nagy's funeral was an important factor in the end of the communist government in Hungary.[53]
On 28 December 2018 a popular statue of Nagy, inaugurated in 1996, was removed from central Budapest to a less central location, in order to make way for a reconstructed memorial to the victims of the 1919 Red Terror that originally stood in the same place from 1934 to 1945, during Miklós Horthy's pro-Nazi regime. Opposition parties, mainly liberal, socialist and the remaining communists, accused Viktor Orbán's right-wing government of historical revisionism; his supporters, however, argued that the initiative was taken as an attempt to restore the city landscape to its pre–World War II form and to "erase the traces of the communist era".[54][55][56][57]
Imre Nagy, Wikipedia
“So we are fighting against an organized gang called Empire of George Soros.”
—Victor Orban
In interview with Tucker Carlson, Orbán said he thinks Trump had best foreign policy in decades.
MSNBC called Orbán’s visit to Mar A Lago a “dictator’s playdate.” Trump says Orbán is “non controversial,” because he says how things are going to be “…and that’s the end of it.”
Victor Orbán with Chuck Norris in 2018. “I’m a street fighter, basically. I'm not coming from the elite. I'm coming from a small village."
Odd fact:
Imre Nagy shares a birthday with my sister.
Victor Orbán shares a birthday with my son.
I’m a little obsessed with Imre Nagy, and I feel deeply sorry for him, along with all the others who stood up for Hungary’s sovereignty and lost their lives so brutally while the “West” basically abandoned them. (No surprise.)
I can’t work out why Morning Joe failed to bring up the Hungarian Revolution, and the dizzying ironies of Orbán playing peacemaker between Putin and Zelensky.
History is so much more interesting than news.
I hope this post is not confusing.
More than a little confusing, as today is my sisters' birthday and we have Hungarian antecedents.
I hope I can work through Orban as "friend of Netanyahu"
absit omen
Victor Orban, PM from Hungary has met with the leaders, Putin, "Zelensky", & Trump. Cross your fingers.
When the Soviet Union economically collapsed President HW Bush and President Yeltsin of Russia should have jointly Declared an End to WW 2/ the Cold War/ Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact AND NATO, and a Century of Peace for the World.
HW being a CiA President only wanted the EU/Fed Reserve Bankster NWO which includes dismembering not only the defunct Soviet Union but Russia also.
"Spoils to the Victor" mentality and Russian Natural Resources were up for the Taking.
NATO was ascendant, Continuous Wars ensued, and the USSA Empire became Entrenched world wide while Liberty died domestically. (The Roman Model)
History is only valuable as it can be Used in the Present to Better Conditions for the Entire Planet's Population, which is the Exact Opposite of the Tyrannical NWO attempting to be Imposed currently.
President Trump could/should go to Moscow, Join with President Putin and DO what should have been done decades ago, as outlined in the first paragraph. All American troops should be withdrawn from EU & Asia to a Pre WW 2 status following skillful diplomacy first with Russia, and then later with China.
De-Escaltation & Diplomacy. Make America FREE Again Domestically, Downsize the DC Feral Gov by 50%, Return to Constitutional Gov and Restore States Rights to govern most domestically. Then America will Be Great Again.
Our Current Enemies are in the District of Criminals. I Spit.