this is all circus sideshow to distract from the main event. the so-called ‘c19 vaccines’ which are not pharmaceuticals at all but DOD contracted ‘prototypes/countermeasures’ not subject to the laws and regulations meant to ensure safety & efficacy. the contents of the vials are US Government property up to the point of injection. Katherine Watt has done some outstanding investigative reporting on the decades of intentional PREParation:


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Yes all under emergency declaration which supersedes the constitution, federal and state laws.

What's important to note is that these laws are enforceable when people believe that the "government/state" has the authority to create them from the get-go and supersede them under a declared emergency for any reason.

Therein lies the entire problem in a nutshell. Who gave or gives these tyrants such authority?

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People whom deserve neither safety/security or liberty.

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Larkin Rose's The Most Dangerous Superstition nails!

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Thanks, reading/watching all the stuff now….a lot of excellent information!

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Not to discount Katherine Watt's analysis; but, we'll see how this plays out:

DeSantis Threatens To Sue Big Pharma Over COVID Shots


Gov. Ron Desantis has apparently been advised that "...fraud, if proven, vitiates (that is, nullifies or extinguishes) everything, putting an end to the EUA immunity grant."


...Karen Kingston’s lucid analysis of “extrinsic fraud”, or in non-legal terms, “narcissistic gaslighting”. which she explains in the following Stew Peters interview video and details on her substack, KarenKingston.substack.com:

Gene Editing mRNA Tech DEADLY Premeditated Military-Grade Bioweapon Cause Cancer & Disease


Kingston summarizes that “…under 18 U.S. Code § 176, any U.S. State Attorney General can seize and destroy a biological weapon without a warrant. Any AG can do this. And the evidence, you can read it on my substack under “Intended Consequences” and the other ones that I’ve recently posted, where I go through, step-by-step, that these mRNA injections never provided any benefit in preventing a disease. Right? They never did.”

Intended Consequences: mRNA Vaccines were Designed to Cause Severe Disease and Be Resistant to Antibodies


“The FDA’s approval of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is not only fraudulent, it is conspiracy to commit premeditated battery and murder of Americans with a biological weapon.”

Additionally, I don't know if this is true; but, with regard to Watt's analysis, I read another attorney stating that the federal government cannot legislate murder of its own citizens.

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The judicial system (as is the entire set of institutions) is mostly corrupt and by the time this gets a hearing millions will have suffered life long harm or died.

The law is what "allowed" all this happen to begin with and that law and bought and paid for. RFK, Jr. has been suing up the ying-yang and what's changed? Nothing. (Exhibit A: Who killed JFK?)

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It's not the law that allowed this to happen, it's the people entrusted to enforce the law that dropped the ball. Laws don't matter if they are ignored, perverted, or lack enforcement.

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The laws are written by lawmakers - Congress - if at all. Sometimes they're just proclamations (executive orders and emergency proclamations).

If you read Katherine Witt she provides a very good legal analysis of how laws contribute to and can be by-passed by government institutions.

The fact that so many believe in authorities and their special right to make laws and than those who enforce them is where I think the problem begins.

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I see, I think it's then corrupt people crafting loose and ludicrous laws are proving to be meaningless, but what's the alternative? Better laws? I suspect getting rid of the corrupt lawmakers, but that's proving to be a challenge.

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That is why Stew Peters and Karen Kingston are pushing Ron DeSantis to instruct his state's AG to use Karen's "extrinsic fraud" statute find to seize and destroy all Covid-19 injection products in Florida without a warrant. Peters recently interviewed Florida Surgeon General Lapado, pushing him to advise in that direction. Any state AG could attempt to do such a seizure without consulting a court. But, it looks like DeSantis wants to take the CYA route by having a grand jury impaneled.

But, you are absolutely correct about the judicial system. Case in point is the Brook Jackson Whistleblower case against Pfizer, where "...the case was placed under seal from January of 2021 to February of 2022, preventing Jackson from speaking publicly during the mass vaccine rollout."

Whistleblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator › American Greatness


"The case was placed under seal from January of 2021 to February of 2022, preventing Jackson from speaking publicly during the mass vaccine rollout. She told American Greatness that she decided to go public in September of 2021 anyway, and told her story to the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in September of 2021.

...She said that her attorneys from Berg and Androphy withdrew from the case after she decided to go public, leaving her without counsel. In an email obtained by American Greatness, one of the lawyers warned Jackson that if she broke the gag order, “the government will come after you.”

...The lead attorney in the case since last fall, Robert Barnes, said that the reason Pfizer was able to get away with submitting fraudulent certifications, false statements to the government, and lies about the safety and efficacy of their product is “because the government was in on it with them!”"

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hope & pray you’re right, not feeling optimistic.

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I agree with Info Wars' Alex Jones, who stated last week they they are concentrating on stopping the Covid-19 injections, because that is the one best way to stop the WEF's Great Reset.

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Regarding who made this poison it was a collaboration between the bio-labs with DARPA who largely funded it.

Pfizer is a branding/marketing company who unloaded its R&D over a decade ago.

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Interesting. After reading Katherine Watt's extensive legal research I'm not sure whether, given the statutes that have been created since the 1950s to the present, whether or not there's a legal recourse in this emergency tyranny.

Short of people waking up and acting, I'm uncertain that any American institution can stop this. I do think this is being run at a much "higher" level than any particular nation.

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yes, as Sasha mentions, nations were required to relinquish their sovereignty over liability (& pledge sovereign assets) in the contractual agreements for the product:


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Just saw a great interview with Sasha and Katherine Watt. Sasha is outstanding. Thanks for sharing

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Yes. In other words while the US created statutes to by-pass laws and constitution for a "health" emergency, the other nations through the WHO accomplished it.

While Katherine does a great job in describing in detail the US legal aspects, and she understands that this is not one nation, but a supernational coordinated scheme, the WHO plays a pivotal role, and the plan is to codify it with the Pandemic Treaty providing the WHO with maximum medical rule.

This is much like the trading agreements that put transnational corporations above national/federal law.

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thank yoyu for posting these importantly cautionary and perceptive comments:

may I assume O.K. to send to a small group of “vaccine” skeptics who might otherwise miss them ?

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Thanks. I skipped right past that today. I should routinely check the Big Brother NewsWatch within CHD's articles listing.

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Dec 19, 2022
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tomorrow Orange County CA Board of Supervisors meeting #11 on agenda to approve rental agreement for OC Fairgrounds for the purpose of OC Health Agency Bioterrorism Unit distribution center for medicines & supplies 1/1/2023-12/31/2023 renewable thru 12/31/2027



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THis should be a much bigger story than it is, and Twitter was only the iceberg above the water line.Essentially, the NeoCon globalists bleed both legacy media and social media out from the inside and were running them. This is no longer the USA, but the USSA (United Soviet States of America).

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And will eventually be the North America Union. It is all distraction and decoys for the masses, many being made into genetically-modified organisms for some future public use. Meanwhile the Powers are using the WHO to finagle a "global treaty/instrument" which will take precedence over the laws of every sovereign nation whenever it suits the unelected, unaccountable World Management. In the meantime, while that simmers, to avoid raising flags and sounding alarms, media's job is to whiplash and paralyze people with the five-ring circus and perpetual flying monkeys.

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Elizabeth Warren has turned into an addled ‘older woman’ total POS now...she used to ‘advocate’ against companies that were actually screwing over the consumer’! Now she’s a total Woke Pimpster for the ‘Administrative State’!

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They keep talking about the suppression of the laptop story. How about the crimes we have proof of from the laptop? Why is that not being discussed?

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Everything liz warren says reminds me of Trudeau, american style.

Foot in mouth disease is on the rise. Vaccinate me !!

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"And in terms of me and the media, I guess I’m looking at the media and saying, you are not exactly in great shape, are you? I might be in better shape than you. Because of this bullshit, because they have not spoken to people. They formed this tower for themselves and really just didn’t pay attention to what was happening on the street among actual people in a very long time."

I forget who said this, but she was a very good journalist—and when I was younger, a long time ago, I had this tremendous crush on her.

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Who said that?

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Photo is very good.

Incidently, I hate Twitter.

Have always thought that a tweet was a sound emitted by a creature with a brain the size of a pea.

I miss real magazines like HARPER'Ss when Louis Lapham was the editor or the pre-vanden Heuvel THE NATION.

Conversations should not be limited to 40 letters or 40 words.

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Unfortunately the links to the actual interview don’t work. I didn’t know Celia was friends with Christine Maggiore but it makes perfect sense. I’d love to know more

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Were you asking in jest?

Or had you forgotten saying this.

I'm a bit older than you and at times can't remember my name.

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As if the FBI cares a whit that it got caught; the Fibbies have flouted the rule of law for a good long while, now, without consequences. One thing we've learned over these past couple of years is that respect for the rule of law, critical to a functioning Republic, no longer exists, neither among officials who operate our institutions nor among many (most?) of the masses. "Why should we abide by the law when our own government won't?" Fair question, and may have answered it by defying the law more and more often and more and more recklessly. Descent into madness.

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Heck, i defy the law just by breathing. Im in Chinada, im unjabbed, not a socialist, and think turdo and about 50 others should take up their own offer to self-euthanize.

To the gallows with me!!

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Because she’s dirty too...

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To finish her thought: “YEA that’s OUR plaything!”

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Our pals in crime: The Feral Bureau of Instigation, agent provocateurs for hire...and didn't we all know that Efrem Zimbalist jr was ancient history? With a name like Elvis Chan as a modern day G-man, d'ya think the CCP's woke program can be far behind?...Then there's this report from VT, re the Atomwaffen connection: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/12/15/the-fbi-paid-leader-of-satanic-pedophile-death-cult-82000-to-take-over-atomwaffen-division-in-order-to-brainwash-drug-and-entrap-its-young-members/

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"Feral Bureau of Instigation" Lol +++++

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WHEN is the covid dump???

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Actually, yes it is, Pocahontas. It's just not your plaything anymore.

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Easy on the peyote Lizzy poo.

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The FBI is never caught. The FBI is the catcher, not the prey.

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The way things are going it looks like we all may eventually be the prey.

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Winbackfreedom.com says it all... government laundered censorship - propaganda is the Federal Bureau of Intimidation’s specialty.

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Hahahaha, I LOVE it when they get their feathers ruffled!

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