Really good perspective and I thank you for sharing it. My problem with this dialog is that it seems to fall squarely within the Overton Window. Is Green Washing real? Yes. Is large scale green energy inefficient, over-hyped, opportunistic and squarely in line with totalitarian surveillance ambitions? Yes. But doesn't fracking poison ground water and communities with "secret, proprietary lubricant chemicals?" Doesn't mountain top removal render entire regions uninhabitable? Doesn't coal exhaust leave heavy metal poisoning in it's wake? And isn't living by oil refineries essentially synonymous with "cancer alley?"

"Going (corporate) green" clearly isn't the solution. But neither is propping up a poison industrial complex. The answers lay (I think) outside the bounds of acceptable discourse: Tesla's work around aether energy, alchemical reactions, bio-digesters, magnetism, etc. There are a great many suppressed energy solutions that will never be championed by the oligarchy. So, while Green Tyranny is real, so is "Fossil" Tyranny. It's a false dichotomy, I believe the answers we seek lay beyond the boundaries of our preauthorized imaginations.

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The sad thing is that those obsessed with carbon dioxide aren't really concerned with the mega corporations pollution in making their Tesla batteries etc.

Fracking can be cleaner. Sadly, they were exempt from existing rules just to help profits.

Nuclear can be safe, if they didn't make it about profits. Fukushima happened because of a "design flaw" of putting the backup generators below ground level, probably to save money and space.

There's other technologies that are feasible but not being used because of the costs. They ignore the fact that despite the cost, the fuel needed to equal that amount of energy production costs a lot too!

Finance capitalism is obsessed with immediate profits, not actual production of useful goods, like energy etc.

Coal heavy metal exhaust has dramatically decreased with the use of scrubbers. I'm not sure how they store the scrubbed crap though.

I've looked deeply into Tesla and have seen people try to recreate it, including a long time friend. I've also looked at other free energy devices.

I wanted to believe, but none of them pass a simple test: measure energy in and measure energy out. Just asking this gets me a label as a fossil fuel shill.

Ok geniuses, get it to work, I don't need to know how it works

Even if it violates the laws of thermodynamics, I don't care, as long as energy out is more than energy in.

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The problem with fracking, coal, fossil fuel, nuclear energy, wind farms, solar farms and so on is threefold. 1 They're all controlled by central corporate monopolists who seek to suck the financial life blood out of everyone. 2 They're all heavily subsidized by taxpayers. 3 Which makes them all blood sucking fascists.

If one values individual freedom one must bypass these centralized 'authoritarian' fascists and go with small local alternatives.

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Apr 17, 2023
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My examples all have to do with electricity production. But water and sewage monopolies could also be included.

I've run my farm - including this laptop I'm using - on roof mounted solar power since 1986. I've heated my current passive solar cob home with the sun (and wood from my farm) for 25 years.

My well is also solar powered. I also catch rain water from the roof of my house and from the landscape and divert it into plantings. My sewage goes to an infiltrator system that's over planted with food bearing trees. Every time I shower, use the toilet, do dishes etc I'm feeding and watering those trees.

Has your power bill ever gone down? Has your water and sewage bill ever gone down? With the exception of a few battery updates over the past few decades, I've had no bills for any of that for decades.

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yeah! It does not solve the energy of people who live in suburbs or the city with not much land.

Sadly, there has to be infrastructure unless we're going back to living on the land.

I have no idea what the future will bring.

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Indeed, cites are a construct of the matrix to keep you dependent. Living on the land is what we are meant to do. Rattle your cage and break free.

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With what money? Those that I know that went to the country had money to buy land and solar panels and pumps etc.

Where do you off grid guys get money from? A money tree?

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industry isn't "poison", but it's what commies want propagandists want westerners to think in order to dominate & control. How many ppl even know:

What Percent Of Our Atmosphere Is CO2?


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Peak Oil is real and is a factor in the Great Reset. Perhaps the PTB really do have "free energy" which they hide from us:


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Peak oil is as real as climate change. You need to listen to the 1994 Fletcher Prouty interview mentioning Kantrowitz and the fun he had with a bunch of geologists on occasion.

There goes real, unfossilized science. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/13338/chapter/26

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It’s one of the many books I have on the subject — these books fill 3 bookshelves. Read them all. His book is especially good.

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Reflecting back on the late-80, early-90s, I had picked up on some of this subconsciously, having lived in West Germany (pre- and post- Fall of The Wall) and then Belgium after that. Wow, Sweden's soft power -- tacitly spearheading a major part of this in the '70s -- 'had no idea. The older I get, the more I understand the smooth chess moves of the Bilderbergers.

Bonus: then he says, "then you have, what I call the shock troops of the Climate Change Industrial Complex, the Bill McKibbons of this world..."

Bill McKibbon is on substack at https://billmckibben.substack.com/

Many CIA-like spooks are on substack, cranking out their talking points. That's a whole other topic.

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Great video, Celia. It made the gears in my head turn listening to it, and some of the dots connected, light-up brightly before me. I'm somewhat of a history buff -- and I sensed deeply, listening to the ideas eloquently exchanged in this interview, that this book is a key work to be read and added to the "Tyranny" section of my Library -- to sit along side your book, "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS".

Growing up in the '70s -- transitioning from child to teen in the middle of that decade, the TV News programming always playing in the background, surgically installing the "very sad & scary world out there" meme into my subconscious, evening after evening: I remember the progression over that time period: Vietnam, the Neutron Bomb, and finally, Acid Rain -- each one an icicle dagger in my still-forming mind. That light trance, and relaxed lower jaw one gets as a child when staring at the cathode ray tube snowy flicker while eating supper...

I've now ordered Rupart Darwall's book -- "Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex" -- directly from the publisher's website -- the publisher is EncounterBooks:


If one signs up to EncounterBooks's email list, they send you a 15%-off discount code -- which can be used at checkout on their site.

The link to Celia's book, BTW, is here (Chelsea Green is the publisher):


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Yeah, and add to this my recent 4-part series demolishing the "Clean Energy Transition."

Part 1 - Australia goes Net Zero by 2050


Part 2 - The World Abolishes Coal, Oil & Gas


Part 3 - EVs, hydrogen and biofuels


Part 4 - Nuclear and Critical Minerals


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Quick look at the Michaux data on nuclear. Pure garbage, the man knows zip or is a liar. Like where does this fool get his EROI values from? Out of his butt? All the modern analysis using centrifuge enrichment put GenII nuclear without fuel reprocessing @ ~75:1. With CANDU's at ~120:1. Analysis of GenIV like MSRs or LSFRs upwards of ~300:1. France used 5oz of uranium per person per year to supply 88% of their domestic electricity supply, which they built in 20yrs. That's $15/person/yr. It is ridiculous to suggest that is limited in any significant way. In reality nuclear fission fuel is essentially unlimited, quite capable of economically powering our civilization for a 100Myrs. And fusion (which we can do right now) will certainly be viable within a century.

Looking at France, using outdated one-at-a-time construction methods, produced 40% of their domestic energy supply, 88% of their domestic electricity supply, starting from scratch in 20yrs, so you can easily project that the World could replace close to 100% of their energy supply with nuclear fission in 40yrs if anyone really cared. Hint: nobody really does care, much as they pretend otherwise. No other energy source can even come close to competing with that.

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Can you cite some sources on your nuclear ERoEIs so I can chase it up. You might be better off reading his entire nuclear scenario (page numbers listed); I skipped many of his assumptions (and there were many) re: mining, processing, enrichment, reactor types, etc.

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Here is an analysis by Cal Abel, putting EROI for Advanced Nuclear with a Closed Fuel Cycle at up to 9000:1. He's putting CANDU's at over 300:1 in spite of their low uranium utilization efficiency of 0.85%. But they don't need to enrich.

India is switching to a closed fuel cycle using Fast Breeder Reactors and CANDU type PHWRs. Ultimately ran off of thorium.

Dr. Abel Explains the Energy - Life Connection:


Weissbach puts the EROI of a GenII PWR @ 70:1 for a 60yr lifespan. 61% of the input energy is spent on the fuel cycle. Going closed cycle could eliminate almost all of that.


This detailed analysis is putting Solar PV @ . “The ‘mainstream’ methodology considers only about 30–50% of the total invested energy and this is an important source of misconceptions and errors.” He puts the extended EROI for countries in northern Europe at less than 1:1. The authors establish that the "extended ERoEI (ERoEIEXT) for PV systems is below 1 and thus has a negative impact. Society receives few or no benefits from their use."


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I would add that Michaux's claim is ridiculous. The man is an obvious scam artist. Writing crap like this discredits his entire analysis. A case of Garbage In = Garbage Out.

"...We already discussed the uranium question and found that it was not possible to transition the world to 100% nuclear power without exhausting literally every possible source of uranium by year 2095 with Gen. II reactors, by year 2101 with Gen. III+ reactors, or by year 2194 with unproven and conceptual Gen. IV reactors..."



"...IFR-type reactors extract 99.99% of the energy immanent in mined uranium but today's reactors extract only 0.6%. The price of uranium would contribute the same amount to the delivered electricity price from IFR-type reactors if it were to increase 167 fold. Uranium could be economically extracted from lower quality ores, or from seawater, where there is estimated to be at least a thousand times more than could be extracted from land. Another low-quality ore is coal-fired power plant waste, which contains nineteen times more energy in the form of uranium and thorium than was extracted by burning the coal. Thorium, four times more common than uranium, can be converted to fissile fuel by neutron transmutation in a fast-spectrum reactor...Nuclear fission is an effectively inexhaustible source of energy..."

And as for his "...unproven and conceptual Gen. IV reactors...", they are already running. He doesn't know what he is talking about. An obvious & blatant propagandist.

Russia has been running their BN-800 sodium fast reactor since 2016 and their BN-600 since 1981 and is planning on building 3 BN-1200's and China is currently building 2 CFR-600 Sodium Fast reactors. Russia is planning on closing the fuel cycle with BN-1200's on their PWR's and expect the BN-1200's to be lower cost than their LWR's. India is just about finished their first Sodium Fast reactor and is also planning on closing their fuel cycle with their 500MWe fast reactors and PHWR-700 reactors eventually running on natural thorium.

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Appreciate the links. If you're so confident about nuclear, why dont you redo Michaux's Scenario E with your own assumptions and write to him about your findings, rather than being parochial and hurling nasty names like 'scammer' and 'liar'? Scientific progress is (and should be) about correcting falsified assumptions, as you claim to have done. Cheers.

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Maybe you're right but reading through his report I get the distinct impression that he is manipulating data in a dishonest way, and knows damn well he is being dishonest. That is not good science. It would be a nice project for somebody to go through his analysis point by point, exposing all the errors he made, while converting it into a true scientific & engineering analysis. A big undertaking for me, time is limited.

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Re: minerals, Mark Mills gives an excellent lecture (video): The energy transition delusion.

(At the moment, I get some funny formatting on your substack (stuck floating images, oversized charts.)

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Yes, there are issues utilising "gallery" image embedding. I had a lot of problems with it throughout my editing process

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"Green"backs are their favorite shade of green.

Along with perhaps the green of envy.

Curandera, a healing art composed of African, Spanish, and Native American healing techniques and knowledge, identifies "envidia" as an illness.

An excellent interview with Reiner Fuellmich is to be found at banned.video. The man has not been on vacation, evidently, and has much of import to say. One of those ones, like Sasha's and Katherine's works, that gives me a deep sigh of relief. I've watched Reiner learn and learn and learn. He repeats what i've posted often: that "they" don't have creativity, intuition, or laughter. They "envy" our emotional intelligence.

The sword of intellect is two edged, and to be used well, must be sharpened regularly.

Both the serious...as this interview, and the works of many, including you lady...and the sublime.

For the sublime, I go to places like this: https://www.pinterest.com/deenaraebanks/curmudgeonly-quotes/

Peace. The microwave agenda is pushing us all, mercilessly. Recognizing this is important. When the signal is up full tilt boogie, bringing in "weather", the internet is on fire. I've noticed, and it calms and quiets when they turn it down. I noticed this and wrote of it years ago. One morning in Thailand, I was suddenly exhausted at nine thirty am. Took a nap, most unusual. I'm very diurnal, and get disoriented when sleeping in the day. Twenty minutes in I suddenly awakened...noticing that the signal had got turned way up, and that's what awoke me. I then, from my vantage point, heard the entire valley activate, Motorbikes galore suddenly heading into town. Twenty minutes later it went down, and things quieted down again. They did this several times, and I wrote it all in my journal as it occurred.

It causes anxiety. If they can saturate the air with nanoparticles of aluminum oxide, barium oxide, and strontium oxides, as they have for more than twenty years now, and control the weather this way....they can affect us this way, also.

Frankincense surrata is an important mitigator to the literal heating of brain tissues. We're living in one big microwave oven, and in my humble opinion, it all needs to be taken down, asap. Yesterday, actually. By those who made good money putting it up. For free, at the end of whips, if they need convincin'.

Water is also essential. If you're lucky enough to have a bath with good clean water, a long soak in essential oils is tremendously healing.

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Socialism is the gospel of envy

The Nazis were literally socialists!

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Humans are social animals.

The song goes: "I ain't no capitalist, and I ain't no socialist, and I ain't no communist, and I ain't no imperialist, and I ain't no democrat. so I ain't no republicat, I only know one party, and that is freedom. "

I like that one.

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"socialism is antisocial"

how about that?

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I read that book in high school!

As I can't post on this site regarding her subsequent cross post regarding "kennedy is running", I'll comment here if you don't mind?


Good god, it's after midnight. It costs a fortune to get to sleep some nights . I just bought five pounds of skullcap. It's looking like it won't last long...

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Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion:

inescapable mineral realities https://youtu.be/sgOEGKDVvsg

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This piece ties into my latest piece.

I wish more people would think about “The Law of Unintended Consequences” or “Law of Opposite Effects.” Both maxims kicked in big time with Covid. But well-intentioned “safety” or “health” initiatives have been killing people for decades. This story gives an example from my own family. It’s about the EPA’s underground gas tank regulations and how they ultimately killed the country store …. And an unknown number of people … and numerous jobs … and might have indirectly killed my father, a gasoline distributor.


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Least we forget that James Corbett has covered this pretty well for over 15 years.

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What the article is really discussing is called ECOFASCISM. The Green movement in Germany is an Ecofascist movement that began with Nazis in WW2 Germany and after the war Nazism morphed into Ecofascism:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

– Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program)

All Ecofascists see Nuclear power as their archenemy. Because Nuclear power can easily power our civilization, with a high energy consumption and a high standard of living for essentially forever, with negligible environmental harm. At least for 100 Myrs with Earth resources. That destroys the scarcity, "Limits of Growth" dogma of the Club-of-Rome Malthusian Psychopaths. They just can't allow that.

Eco-fascism: “… A totalitarian government that requires individuals to sacrifice their interests to the well-being and glory of the “land”, understood as the splendid web of life, or the organic whole of nature, including peoples and their states”. Sound familiar? Greta?

Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier

Fascist Ecology: The “Green Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents, by Peter Staudenmaier:


Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Landlordism:


The Ecofascist agenda exists because it has been foisted upon us by the Globalist Central Bank Club-of-Rome Malthusian Parasite Psychopaths. Malthusianism has always been used by the welfare bum Banksters as a way to justify their extraordinary wealth & power. "Its for the good of the Environment".

Davos has been instigating this ecofascism Worldwide and milking Climate Change as the best invented crisis ever to justify their vision of a World Totalitarian Neo-feudal State in which us lowly serfs live in forced poverty, even subject to a population reduction genocide. While this ruling class lives in the lap of luxury, exempt from even the rule of law.

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Apr 18, 2023
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" the desire for a "high standard of living for essentially forever" "

That is something you or I don't know. No matter what someone says today, our progeny will do whatever they are inclined to. And that is pretty much totally unpredictable. We have no power whatsoever to decide their lifestyles. Who knows, they may all live in VR at some point.

Fact is for a meaningful duration, like one lifetime, we can easily achieve a high standard of living and current Western energy consumption for everyone. But it will require nuclear power. There is no other way. Happy coincidence, zero emissions.

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Why 5G is the linchpin we need to remove for all of this to come crumbling down. Ditch your phone, or at least share one phone in the family:


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Thanks for sharing, interesting although it is 5 yers old. Will be linking the original @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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If the Green new deal made you too poor last few years here's the link :


support the author if the work brought you value.

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