Really good perspective and I thank you for sharing it. My problem with this dialog is that it seems to fall squarely within the Overton Window. Is Green Washing real? Yes. Is large scale green energy inefficient, over-hyped, opportunistic and squarely in line with totalitarian surveillance ambitions? Yes. But doesn't fracking poison ground water and communities with "secret, proprietary lubricant chemicals?" Doesn't mountain top removal render entire regions uninhabitable? Doesn't coal exhaust leave heavy metal poisoning in it's wake? And isn't living by oil refineries essentially synonymous with "cancer alley?"

"Going (corporate) green" clearly isn't the solution. But neither is propping up a poison industrial complex. The answers lay (I think) outside the bounds of acceptable discourse: Tesla's work around aether energy, alchemical reactions, bio-digesters, magnetism, etc. There are a great many suppressed energy solutions that will never be championed by the oligarchy. So, while Green Tyranny is real, so is "Fossil" Tyranny. It's a false dichotomy, I believe the answers we seek lay beyond the boundaries of our preauthorized imaginations.

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It’s one of the many books I have on the subject β€” these books fill 3 bookshelves. Read them all. His book is especially good.

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Apr 17, 2023Β·edited Apr 17, 2023

Reflecting back on the late-80, early-90s, I had picked up on some of this subconsciously, having lived in West Germany (pre- and post- Fall of The Wall) and then Belgium after that. Wow, Sweden's soft power -- tacitly spearheading a major part of this in the '70s -- 'had no idea. The older I get, the more I understand the smooth chess moves of the Bilderbergers.

Bonus: then he says, "then you have, what I call the shock troops of the Climate Change Industrial Complex, the Bill McKibbons of this world..."

Bill McKibbon is on substack at https://billmckibben.substack.com/

Many CIA-like spooks are on substack, cranking out their talking points. That's a whole other topic.

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Yeah, and add to this my recent 4-part series demolishing the "Clean Energy Transition."

Part 1 - Australia goes Net Zero by 2050


Part 2 - The World Abolishes Coal, Oil & Gas


Part 3 - EVs, hydrogen and biofuels


Part 4 - Nuclear and Critical Minerals


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"Green"backs are their favorite shade of green.

Along with perhaps the green of envy.

Curandera, a healing art composed of African, Spanish, and Native American healing techniques and knowledge, identifies "envidia" as an illness.

An excellent interview with Reiner Fuellmich is to be found at banned.video. The man has not been on vacation, evidently, and has much of import to say. One of those ones, like Sasha's and Katherine's works, that gives me a deep sigh of relief. I've watched Reiner learn and learn and learn. He repeats what i've posted often: that "they" don't have creativity, intuition, or laughter. They "envy" our emotional intelligence.

The sword of intellect is two edged, and to be used well, must be sharpened regularly.

Both the serious...as this interview, and the works of many, including you lady...and the sublime.

For the sublime, I go to places like this: https://www.pinterest.com/deenaraebanks/curmudgeonly-quotes/

Peace. The microwave agenda is pushing us all, mercilessly. Recognizing this is important. When the signal is up full tilt boogie, bringing in "weather", the internet is on fire. I've noticed, and it calms and quiets when they turn it down. I noticed this and wrote of it years ago. One morning in Thailand, I was suddenly exhausted at nine thirty am. Took a nap, most unusual. I'm very diurnal, and get disoriented when sleeping in the day. Twenty minutes in I suddenly awakened...noticing that the signal had got turned way up, and that's what awoke me. I then, from my vantage point, heard the entire valley activate, Motorbikes galore suddenly heading into town. Twenty minutes later it went down, and things quieted down again. They did this several times, and I wrote it all in my journal as it occurred.

It causes anxiety. If they can saturate the air with nanoparticles of aluminum oxide, barium oxide, and strontium oxides, as they have for more than twenty years now, and control the weather this way....they can affect us this way, also.

Frankincense surrata is an important mitigator to the literal heating of brain tissues. We're living in one big microwave oven, and in my humble opinion, it all needs to be taken down, asap. Yesterday, actually. By those who made good money putting it up. For free, at the end of whips, if they need convincin'.

Water is also essential. If you're lucky enough to have a bath with good clean water, a long soak in essential oils is tremendously healing.

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Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion:

inescapable mineral realities https://youtu.be/sgOEGKDVvsg

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This piece ties into my latest piece.

I wish more people would think about β€œThe Law of Unintended Consequences” or β€œLaw of Opposite Effects.” Both maxims kicked in big time with Covid. But well-intentioned β€œsafety” or β€œhealth” initiatives have been killing people for decades. This story gives an example from my own family. It’s about the EPA’s underground gas tank regulations and how they ultimately killed the country store …. And an unknown number of people … and numerous jobs … and might have indirectly killed my father, a gasoline distributor.


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Least we forget that James Corbett has covered this pretty well for over 15 years.

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What the article is really discussing is called ECOFASCISM. The Green movement in Germany is an Ecofascist movement that began with Nazis in WW2 Germany and after the war Nazism morphed into Ecofascism:

β€œIsn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

– Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program)

All Ecofascists see Nuclear power as their archenemy. Because Nuclear power can easily power our civilization, with a high energy consumption and a high standard of living for essentially forever, with negligible environmental harm. At least for 100 Myrs with Earth resources. That destroys the scarcity, "Limits of Growth" dogma of the Club-of-Rome Malthusian Psychopaths. They just can't allow that.

Eco-fascism: β€œβ€¦ A totalitarian government that requires individuals to sacrifice their interests to the well-being and glory of the β€œland”, understood as the splendid web of life, or the organic whole of nature, including peoples and their states”. Sound familiar? Greta?

Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier

Fascist Ecology: The β€œGreen Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents, by Peter Staudenmaier:


Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Landlordism:


The Ecofascist agenda exists because it has been foisted upon us by the Globalist Central Bank Club-of-Rome Malthusian Parasite Psychopaths. Malthusianism has always been used by the welfare bum Banksters as a way to justify their extraordinary wealth & power. "Its for the good of the Environment".

Davos has been instigating this ecofascism Worldwide and milking Climate Change as the best invented crisis ever to justify their vision of a World Totalitarian Neo-feudal State in which us lowly serfs live in forced poverty, even subject to a population reduction genocide. While this ruling class lives in the lap of luxury, exempt from even the rule of law.

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Why 5G is the linchpin we need to remove for all of this to come crumbling down. Ditch your phone, or at least share one phone in the family:


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Thanks for sharing, interesting although it is 5 yers old. Will be linking the original @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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If the Green new deal made you too poor last few years here's the link :


support the author if the work brought you value.

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