Happy New Year to you Celia and all who post here!

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Yes, Happy New Year.

May God Bless us all !!!

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Happy happy new year 🎆!

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It would be interesting to combine the Spanish stuffing uvas in their mouths, making sure to get them all in, down and then screaming afterwards! Celia, from my heart to yours - thank you for all you are and do; your work has been a great gift during these intense times.

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💝Happy & Healthy New Years, Celia & friends!💝

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Happy New Year Celia and everyone!

Joy and peace amidst the great battle for freedom. Grateful for your wonderful writing which inspires me.

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I think my own screaming this year will be more of a yelling..."Move along! Welcome brighter things!" Bless you, Celia!

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Happy New Year Celia. If it was near Troy, maybe I was nearby (school). But I'm down here again, where I was born and raised, but now trying to escape as soon as I can. 😊🎉🎊💚

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from winnie the pooh 'promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.'

also--two of my favorites--

'the world is so full of wonderful things, i’m sure we should all be as happy as kings'

'row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream,

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream'

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Celia, you are a diamond....God Bless, and prayers for all. ❤️

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Welcome Baby New Year 2023.

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Happy New Year!

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I think they were on to something! : ) Happy New Year, Celia, and to everyone here! God bless you!

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London was screaming with joy! See our fireworks here:


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2023 crystal ball of Prof. Fred Nazar (not prophecy, just summarizing what freemasons promote)

- They had e-rigged elections in USA 2020, 2022, Brazil 2022: they will keep having them in 2023 in even more countries, for example, Argentina. Voting machines turned to be an Achilles' heal of democracy (George Soros controlling the ones of Brazil and Argentina). Sample:


- Launch of the digital dollar (cash and crypto will be banned closer to when the whole world turns to Central Bank Digital Currencies, they must assure that people accept "air" as payment, since CBDCs aren't even colored promissory notes).

- Freemasons will keep counterfeiting all non-digital currencies (check ex illuminati Ronald Bernard on Youtube or alt). The digital dollar means they control the digital money supply: in spite of assurance of un-forgeability, they'll issue whatever they need, just as with the rigged voting machines.

- New small info-demics (like the fake monkeypox) on their new lab cooked pathogens, just to keep us alert and ready to sign the 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty, where our nations will give up their sovereignty to the WHO (remember Tedros isn't even a medical doctor).



- Full throttle with the 2030 agenda, especially decarbonizing us:


- More laws added in support the new planetary rights:


Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:

The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).

The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO


The 2025 new plandemic: 67 P4 labs like Wuhan are working in new Frankensteins, we need a REAL non-proliferation Bioweapons Convention.


The 2026 global drought through cloud dissolving tech: we need an international anti-geoengineering Convention.

Finally, the Transparency (out-of-closet) law could be the key to unleash the movement towards direct democracy:



A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.

Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).

If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.

Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.

Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.

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