I gave this post a "like" but I actually hate the story being told.

This is nothing less than the persecution of Reiner Fuellmich.

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Peter Breggin MD had the honor to be interviewed and to talk with Reiner several times--once with the original CIC and then later, after Reiner was in Mexico, Peter was interviewed by Reiner for his new project: the ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee). Reiner interviewed Peter along with Dr. Naomi Wolf and with a filmed appearance by physician Sucharit Bhakdi. These doctors discussed one of the most serious aspects of the descending totalitarianism which is the neurological cognitive damage being done to citizenry everywhere who are forced/manipulated into receiving the COVID vaccines.


Reiner Fuellmich is a political prisoner and he is meant to be an example to terrorize any other freedom seekers and reformers who pose a threat to the global predators. He is suffering the same political treatment that many of the January 6 political prisoners are, isolation, solitary confinement, lack of fundamental care (medical, adequate warmth, exercise and more).

The totalitarians are ratcheting down the pressure. They want to terrorize and demoralize and create apathy by their oppression, by their toxic poisons, by their cruelty. They want us to give up.

Never give up. Never stop resisting. The evil ones have NOT won yet, unless we give up.

May God protect Reiner Fuellmich and his wife and their advocates during this terrible time. and may God give us all courage to stand tall and demand liberty.

~ Ginger Ross Breggin

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Reiner Fuellmich sounds like a wonderful man. He is so accomplished. Anyone who is this dedicated to the truth, and is willing to stand up for it, will be honored. I’m praying it happens. God is in control.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Peter B. ranges in his "freedom behaviour", I find. He wants the image of a freedom fighter, but sometimes behaves otherwise.

When I had spent a few hours reasonably commenting one day on one of his Substack posts, Peter suddenly went berserk on me and removed all of my comments. Then banned me from his Substack. For no discernible reason. He subsequently posted his own comment at the top, twisting the story. He needn't worry...I will not be back. Too many odd Peter-behaviours against others, for my taste.

I was shocked at his behaviour.

As far as I could tell, it was due to the fact that 1) I was taking attention away from Peter by discussing an issue with fellow commenter Mike Yeadon and 2) I was one of several commenters to point out a discrepancy in Peter's account of having supposedly had COVID again recently. For this, he blew his cork! With nasty and blatantly obvious follow-up punishment. I find him very authoritarian and thin-skinned.

I also find it ironic to see a Breggin post here, supporting Reiner. On the Breggin Substack, I suspect that Reiner would have been eviscerated had he stepped one inch out of Peter's intended line.

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That Dossier is very well written and from personal experience they work with the wives, control the opposition, delay with many continuances, attack DNA likely with diseases to stop at all costs. I'm honored to have interviewed Reiner on Camara right before prison and excited for your upcoming interview series Celia. May a hedge of protection shield you. I declare no weapon formed against all patriotic whistleblowers or lying tongues prevail

Our Interview:


Reiner was great to us and even answered 10 questions after that I didn't get off in the live show here @ bottom of this link:


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In the US, Fuellmich's use of Committee funds for home improvements would have been illegal. Apparently it is in Germany as well. However, if there are documents proving he intended to pay back the money after the sale of his house, and those documents make that type of transaction legal, then this case takes on new meaning. Furthermore, if the money is indeed still locked up in the account of his former colleague, and if that has been done purposefully to prevent Fuellmich from gaining access to it to repay the loan, and if all of this is being done to make Fuellmich go away, then we have some serious corruption occurring in Germany.

It seems the Stazi is alive and well in Germany.

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Attorney RF is very smart and is on humanities side. The group that we are not in feels he’s a threat! We pray for him.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I will post this today.

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Thank you for staying on top of this!

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What I want to know is, are any of these German judges Nazis or descended from Nazis, or at least descended from eugenics sympathizers? Bill "Gates-of-Hell-on-Earth" is descended from a Nazi and/or eugenics sympathizer. The Bush family were Nazi sympathizers and financial supporters before and during WW2 [were never held accountable for same, and used to run "al CIAduh(!)"]. NASA used to be run by a former Nazi scientist. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the son of a Nazi (and would seek the U.S. presidency if he wasn't barred from doing so by the U.S. Constitution---because he wasn't born of U.S. citizen parents, and wasn't born in the U.S., but was born in Austria). The president of the WHO is a "former" terrorist from the South Pacific. Etc. Such connections make it not at all unlikely that those Germans judges may have some sort of affiliation with Nazism. At minimum, they're likely National (totalitarian) Socialists, or communists (fascism and communism operate with quite similar methods).

Oh, and let's not forget that President Zelensky of Ukraine is both an Ashkenazi "Jew" and a Nazi, that many of his troops are Nazis, and that the U.S. government completely supports this. Let's also not forget that "Israehell-on-Earth" is a totalitarian fascist state that is owned and operated by Ashkenazi "Jews", that it and its continuous genocide are also completely supported by the U.S. regime, and that many Israeli and U.S. Zio-fascists run many facets of the U.S. government, and have for decades. And let's also not forget that "Hollyweird" and globalism are also run by them, as well as all of the "false-propaganda-media" and Big Pharma. They have "infiltra(i)tored" and taken control of virtually every level of U.S. and Western society with the "con-artistry" they've long been famous for, and kicked out of other countries for, among other nefarious reasons. Zio-fascism, is truly insidious and is a massive threat not only to every human being, but also to all living things, on the planet, and must be stopped.

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That covers most of it.

Only God can help us now, and He is ☺️

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

".....and would seek the U.S. presidency if he wasn't barred from doing so by the U.S. Constitution---because he wasn't born of U.S. citizen parents, and wasn't born in the U.S."

Speaking of this, I was recently reading the Susan Daniels book: "Rubbish Haulers Wife versus Barack Obama" that the author believes Obama was born in a home for unwed mothers in British Columbia, Canada. Interesting story, and she backs it up with enough evidence to be very believable.

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Thank you for posting.

Will share.

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Buy nothing from Germany! (This also includes Aldi and perhaps Trader Joe.) If you otherwise would have, tell the manufacturer or vendor why not until Reiner be freed and receive reparations. Give them the apartheid treatment. And of course complain to German ambassadors and regime officials, as well as to your Representatives.

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'Blue' is a universal reset button. It lies between the waters above and the waters below. Almost everywhere that a man made disaster occurred, whatever was blue remained blue and unaffected. God only knows. This is why we need a three o'clock Prayer Wave (all time zones). Think only clear blue skies. This has merit. Chem trails disappear.

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this is sickening. Judge Schindler is compromised. He should lose his license to practice and then be locked up under the same conditions as his victim. And the bastard partners who stole his money should go down with the Judge. German people should rise up before they end up with another Fascist Govt.

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There are many "shoulds", but who is going to see them through?

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Very Julian Assange like tactics. Wear him down, isolate from friends & family, make up additional claims, deny him a future in any field of endeavour, give him a few years in prison to think about whether all of this is worth it, arrange an NDA about all of it ( a deal) & then & only then released. Alleged embezzelers beware.

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Don't forget, give Assange the gig as controlled asset (which he accepted) in the first instance.

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Thanks for that great summary. I had not been aware of the all of the details before.

The whole thing (the reason Feullmich was "arrested"), frankly, seems stupid and incomprehensible to me. Clearly, this is all about coercion and sending a threat message. What I get from reading this is that if we ever challenge the powers that should not be too much--and our challenge has ability to throw a monkey wrench in their plans--there will miraculously appear a nasty financial debt coercion. It will just appear, out of the blue, in some Kaufka-esque way, tangentially related to some aspect of our lives. We won't be able to do much expect pray and bitch on social media, and in the end, part or all of our life (or our health) will be ruined.

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Reading this article and the process of what happened in Reiner's case teaches a good lesson.

The issue of trust or lack of it.

This is a great article in order to understand the different steps into what lead to his arrest as well as the fake court trial.

The people on his own Corona Committee turned on him, and that is plain to see and comprehend.

What did Reiner know or not know about these people?

How long has he known them?

This whole so-called trial is abhorrent, detestable and hideous.

A judge is supposed to be impartial, and make sure that the laws are abided by.

All judges in this case need to be impeached.

Thank you for sharing this article.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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A country's judiciary can become tainted just as the politicians can also be corrupt.

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I think about Reiner often as I know you do. This is a brilliant summary of it all. Absolutely nothing but a political prisoner - thankfully Reiner’s last recorded statement on August 29th he knows that the world has reached the tipping point (financially) and this will change many things and it seems he is very positive, as I am. I’m praying that not only does he get out but that he continues his brilliant work - need be from Russia!! Thank you C - another brilliant piece.

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