Housekeeping Task Favor Asking Of Readers: Please Check Your Account: Slight Aberrations In Substack Subscriber Software
I love Substack more than I can express. And I trust it. It has changed my life.
I also expect Substack it to be a major target of the beast.
( If this is not the case then maybe we have, as Cliff High says, already prevailed, because Substack is their most formidable challenge in terms if snuffing out truth, history, journalism, and all creative expression.)
Sometimes things that are somewhat anomalous happen and usually I sweep them under the carpet of my mind.
A few weeks ago, a reader wrote to me that she was charged without consent on her Credit Card. I went to check and actually, she was charged twice. Substack re-funded one and I sent a check for the other. But it bothered me—how did this happen? Was it happening to others? How the CC was on file I also don’t understand.
As Meryl Nass also noticed, sometimes paid subscriber numbers go down in what seems like a flurry. I will get scores of notices of payments listed as “failed.”
Canceled, by the reader—is fine. But I don’t know what “failed” means.
Remember when Twitter (when one was not yet banned for life) would poach followers about a few hundred at a time and it seemed coordinated?
The favor I need is this:
—If you are a free subscriber, please check to make sure no charges have been made to your account against your will.
—If you are a paid subscriber and wish to remain as such, check to make sure your credit card has not been rejected for any reason.
I have 3.6% of my total subscribers paying, and it keeps me able to pay my bills and carry on. To say I am thrilled is an understatement.
Times are about to get really rough so I totally understand needing to curtail paid subscriptions on Substack. I just don’t want AI to make the decision beyond somebody’s conscious will. So please review accounts if you have a moment.
One last thing: If those who are paid subscribers would let me know if they resent that no content is behind a paywall. I’m planning a podcast and that may have to go behind a paywall, still deciding. Do the paying readers wish there would be something they get that others don’t? I am concerned about splitting us up, at all.
But I want us to grow and prosper so won’t totally ignore all this in the future.
Thank you in advance!
I am a paying subscriber. I hate paywalls. We are in a crisis, so all your posts should be accessible to all.
I’m a paid subscriber. No problems regarding my payment.
If you can, no firewall! The more people that see your writings, the better!