George Eliason is an American living in Donbass and has been in the thick of it since the very beginning of the 2014 Ukraine coup.

He's the guy who identified Sergei Dybnyn of Right Sector at the Capitol on January 6th

"There is both direct and circumstantial evidence Ukrainian nationalists working with AntiFa were the violent parties that attacked Capitol police on January 6th. The circumstantial evidence raises big questions.

The direct evidence is Pravy Sektor’s Sergei Dybynyn at the front of the violent Capitol groups yelling “Faster! Faster!” in Russian. At first, the media started trying to paint Dybynyn as a Russian propagandist and provocateur. But, the fact Dybynyn received a medal from former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko for his work changed that story and big media dropped it. Because of his work for Poroshenko, he is wanted for supporting terrorism in the Donbass Lugansk People’s Republic."


They were running the 2014 Ukraine Coup playbook at the Capitol on January 6th.

Here's George's other articles




p,s. The "trout in the milk" is a picture of Sergei posing for a Selfie with Jacob Chansley - the Buffalo shaman (paint by numbers provocateur). It's been completely scrubbed from the internet; but I saved a copy.

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Good stuff :: knot at the erasable etch a sketch Wikipedia, huh...

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From 2014 on, Bob Parry (R.I.P.) wrote several pieces for Consortium News on the flagrant neo-Nazi element within the Kiev regime, hammering the New York Times for failing to report it. He was pretty much alone in covering it. (Of all the Western media, only the Telegraph went near it.) Brava, Celia, for spotlighting it today.

Since we're all now drowning, yet again, in war propaganda, this video from 2017 is all too timely: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/war-propaganda-works-by-making-you.

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I hope the covid narrative has all taught us one thing at least and that being never listen to the main stream media or our governments for the truth. Now my faith and hope is in Jesus Christ as many of these manipulative people are too powerful and my hope lies for the destruction of all the false strongholds they have put up

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Standard channels in Europe have been informing about this but as usual this is turned around in such a way that Putin and Russia are depicted as the summit of evil. These stratagems have been used over and over again since WW 1 but with different counter parts.

Untruthfulness has been a skill perfected by power centers in the west to keep Europe always in check and splitted. As shown in the map of the economist in the 90 ies of last century (that was so called a parody......) the ultimate goal of mr global is to end up with a land mass called Eurasia which means the linking up of Russia with China (we are in the midst of it !). In the meantime creating a new sort of iron curtain that shuts off the rest of Europe from Russia. The latter being a machiavellistic move to keep Europe from being in co-operation and harmony with its neighbour.

In this the use of extremist forces is always a + when they serve to overall final goal.

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The bigger picture is Mackinder’s World Island


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He talks about how people become personally invested in the various CIA propaganda narratives. https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/war-propaganda-works-by-making-you?r=b8t5j&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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Israel by way of Chabad Lubavitch cannot be overlooked in the equation. The main players I would say.

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Inessa S who has a YouTube, Telegram and Odysee presence - actually put out some videos about Russia recognizing those Republics, finally. https://youtu.be/4R26cY2YLPU



But yes... Very much kept hidden in the USA. The Grayzone and Jimmy Dore have been doing good work on the story, for many years. Also "The Convo Couch" and "Slow News Day".

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Has Jimmy finally broken up with Biden endorser and klaus global leader Tulsi Gabbard -?-

Evil Gerl with sinister intent

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I think so. You don't get many choices in US politics. Relative to the 2020 Democrats' field... Sadly I think it's safe to conclude that she was the best option available...once you realize that Sanders is a sham...and he'd come to that conclusion, by that point. Where Sanders was ducking him - Tulsi was willing to come on and answer questions, at least. Compare their statements on the Russian incursions into Ukraine... To me she still seems better.

They're all connected to Schwab.

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Marianne Williamson received largest crowds in NH :: knot a klaus Gerl and tried to clean Oprah's vile brain toward spirit mind butt getting elected president easier task-

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Yeah... she's not connected to Klaus directly - except through Oprah. But honestly - I still like Tulsi, over her. And I have no illusions about Tulsi.

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Tulsi was a young global leader. I’d say that’s connected.

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I was referring to Marianne Williamson, btw... You mistook the context, and what was being discussed.

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So's Pete BootyJudge... And Dan Crenshaw... And more than 1000 others. Meanwhile - Joe Biden is too old to qualify ... But I have a picture of him and Klaus Schwab having a good laugh at all of our expenses... https://imgflip.com/i/65zcnf

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There is clearly far more to this than the usual suspects wish to reveal Celia.

Not least that the Ukraine isn't even a Nato member.

Maybe certain leaders want to be seen as being at war because they can claim extra powers on the domestic front as Trudeau attempted to do. Biden would love to take away the Guns from US citizens. They won't stop until they destroy the American Bill of Rights even if it means the US loses a war.

Χ22Réport - Planned Long Ago! Déêp Státe Stronghold & Bíowéapòns Destroyed! Τrûmρ Never Telegraphs His Moves! - Must Video

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In reading Putin's words about some of the history and what is happening from his perspective, I was learning a lot about the past several years and even decades, that was going on and wondering how it had not made way into the public arena. Thank you for posting this, which provides more info to consider. Much appreciated.

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Which Putin- excellent sources claim this is Putin ver 6

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China is pulling its USA puppet strings.

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Is anyone else bothered by the fact that Putin is also connected to the WEF and its agenda? Not gaslighting. I’m actually bothered by this, and it’s brought me to thinking that the water is already boiling. Are we f***ed?

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Not that I’m disputing the fundamental points, but it has been reported in the legacy media. Here’s one I found in a fraction of a second. And I heard it on NPR, and read it other legacy sources. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-sanctions-united-states-ukraine-breakway-republics/

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For what it is worth, I did hear this. But I read my news.

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Russia didn't "invade" Ukraine. Team Biden's cognitive warfare apparatus is treating us like mushrooms--feeding us shit and keeping us in the dark about what's happening over there.

Apparently, the Ukranian Nazis started shelling Donbass on Feb 17th -- FIVE DAYS before Russia "invaded."


Russia is protecting eastern Ukrainians from genocidal Nazis installed by Nuland, Biden & Brennan in 2014.

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The media can’t report this because it exposes the utter hypocrisy of the Left. The Obama administration incited the revolution in Ukraine with the help of Victoria Nuland (who praised and negotiated with the Ukrainian Nazis). Because “Russia Bad” they helped overthrow a friendly to Russia elected government. With Nazis.

The dirty secret is, during WWII the eastern Ukrainians were worse Nazis than the Germans. They were true believers in the whole Aryan nonsense. The legacy of these people are still in Ukraine en masse. They have parades in Kiev every year and they were responsible for a huge amount of deaths in the last 10 years of ethnic Russians in the Western part of Ukraine.

The US and NATO knew they were Nazis and funded them anyway. Why? Because a corruptocracy was better for business. Ukraine was the perfect place for the “global elite” to suck money out of. Biden, Romney, etc. are all connected to Ukraine. As are many in the EU. These folks enriched themselves when they overthrew the legitimate Ukraine government and funded Nazis and criminals.

This war is simply about the fact that Russia was done with it. Was it smart? I don’t think so and I don’t have any love for Putin. It seems that he could have achieved a bit more incrementally with the breakaway states but something spooked him enough to go full on.

It might be that he sniffed out that the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Macron/etc. crowd might have sent troops in to protect their interest in keeping Ukraine their personal ATMs. Better to fight the people in Ukraine (which is Russia anyway) than risk a head in NATO clash. He’s banking on the idea that the majority of Ukrainians - especially in the West- won’t fight. Then he’ll open talks and give the Eastern portion (maybe) to “Ukraine”

and keep the sympathetic majority for Russia.

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I hope that everyone finally realizes that the US and the UN are the bad guys.

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Not to mention Israel....the hidden hand.

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