Scream out: “ Forgive us Almighty God for not paying close attention to politics and voting in demons. Please Help us dear Lord. Send your War Angel to protect us. We love you Lord, and we are sorry that many in America have turned away from you, our God.” We took prayer out of schools and put trash on TV and throughout our communities. “Please come back to us God, and save America from destruction by Satan and his demons in DC and around the world.”

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Your words ring true however vice versa on it's we who have to come back to God.

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Label me a demon and stand me to one side but, these crazy entreaties to god and the flocks orders to the flock, are becoming quite mentally unstable.

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Poet, to each their own. I'm not a herd animal and speak only for myself. My relationship with our creator requires that I dont ask for things from "God", I ask for wisdom that doesn't beg that all of creation bend around me.

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mo, to each their own indeed but, mental illness is still not mitigated even when couched in theology.

Democracy and elections were invented as regular, four-year placebos, but God was invented as an end-of-life drug.

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end-of-life drug? That description falls short when I imagine, for example, an aboriginal from "Australia"

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I'm not as sure as you are mo, how an original, Australian Aboriginal would judge the God of the Jews, when he was first and later subjugated, killed and disseized of his kingdom by Christian Colonists.

Not too different from how the Aboriginals of Gaza are judging the Jews and their God, and the Christian enablers of those Zionist disseizers right now I imagine.

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Susan , the folks seeking the nuclear holocaust are the Socialist Demonrats and unfortunately , 22 GOP warmongers who are controlled by the Neocrazies and led by RINOs Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham . They are the spawn of the devil.

These folks seek to stop antiwar President Trump by ***ANY*** means necessary.


.These brain dead cretins claim that Russia will not attack us with nuclear weapons even if confronted with an existential threat . But they also claim that a nuclear war is winnable.

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SO SORRY America..

War is a consumer business, and you are the biggest producer in the industry.

From your gutless politicians, your creeping media, your childish generals and your "innocent" moms and dads producing ordnance to pay their mortgages, to the people to scared to not say, "thank you for your service".

AND You will NOT VOTE your way out of the business .. And you certainly will NOT PRAY your way out of the business.

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Amen 🙏🏼

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The Lord is the only One that can save America - thus the world. And He will use Donald Trump to do it if Trump submits to God. And people will just have to get over ‘mean’ tweets. I cringe when I hear that excuse for not voting to save America! So we had rather have Communism? And illegal immigration? People are blind

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They have been brainwashed against Trump. They think like high schoolers in a popularity contest. This is about policies, not whether you like someone or not. I choose the very best surgeon over the “ the one I like surgeon” . Humans are so easily influenced without Critically Thinking. Many Americans have missed out on history. In fact many are ignorant due to bad education in schools. It was all planned for the last 60 years to destroy America. Get on your knees today to God….🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

So true Susan. Too many people vote as if the person elected is going to become their next door neighbor. Who cares if they are "likeable", whatever that actually means. You're never going to get within a half mile of them. You don't need to like them and they don't need to like you. You need to like their policies.

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John Burke Society(JBS) predicted this back in the 50's. You can find Ro ert Welch's speech on You Tube. However all were brainwashed / propagandized into believing that Welch & The JBS were Nazi Fascists.

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Trump has submitted to God. He told Tucker. The Dems are planning to unleash gangs upon us before the election. “The word on the street”They may lock us down. Satan is their leader.,

Pray and ask Almighty God to forgive us and come back to us.🙏🇺🇸

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I am praying and listening to many ‘prophets’ and preachers. We must pray that God unleashes His Holy Angelic force to counter satan’s army. But America needs to do like Nineveh and repent. America will not last if satan gets his way

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REPENT ALL and pray to God

God is our only hope. This may be the beginning of the Tribulation. 🙏🇺🇸

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I like the way you think!! Wake up America!! This is it!

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Are we even sure we "actually have real elections", at this point. I went to a smaller mid-term R-party gathering, with the candidates and party chair, and heard NOTHING at all about the vote fraud. Just to vote early and try to help a certain group harvest more votes (I'm in CA). The party chair told me twice "we don't use those vote machines". . . although all machines can be vote flipped. (See Kill Chain Cyber War or Selection Code). The act has now been perfected it appears . . . so it seems to me, we can just continue on with "pretend elections" . . . . as long as cheat machines remain used. (sigh)

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Are you having orgasms, speculating about Trump He's not a Savior, but an Israeli Shill !!!!

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Half the country is terrified into unthinking emotional reactiveness, Celia. Any bully can herd them. They used to be our friends, our friends' parents, our teachers, and the cafeteria workers and school bus drivers that were kind to us. They have been stressed out past their limits and have become terrified Stockholm Syndrome kidnappees, dragged along for the ride.

This post explains how it began (hint: it was before cøv$d, the fear porn or the lockdowns).


Yes. World War III. Obviously: No thank you. The action step we can take seems to be helping our neighbors recover from trauma and cooperating to stop the insanity of baiting the bear. *)

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Thanks for the link and your comments. . Excellent article.

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Luckily nuclear weapons do not exist.

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Is this the new CIA narrative?:

"Don't worry children about us starting a Global Nuclear against those dirty Russkies (which you must hate) because--because-because -- Wait for it ---- Nuclear Weapons do not exist. Yippeee! Relax children. Don't worry. We are here to protect. We're the CIA."

They keep getting more absurd by the day with their propaganda.

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These brain dead cretins claim that Russia will not attack us with nuclear weapons even if confronted with an existential threat .

But they also claim that a nuclear war is winnable.

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You come across as quite the confused man, Smith. Let’s just say that critical thinking is not your forte.

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You don't even know basic physics. Chain reaction? Critical mass? How do you think a nuclear reactor produces such immense energy from a tiny amount of uranium? How do you think Chernobyl exploded? You think you can't have a nuclear bomb when Chernobyl was just a reactor that went supercritical.

CIA must believe we're all idiots to listen to that crap.

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Theories. There is not a shred of practical evidence.

Can you explode a water boiler that has no release valve? I can. Do you even know how nuclear reactors work? And if you want to go anecdotal, which is a logical fallacy, which is crucial in all nuclear theories, have you never heard of people taking a swim in the pools in nuclear reactors? Have you never read there was no excess incidence of cancer in Chernobyl? Do you know how many people died there? And how many died from radiation exposure?

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Not a shred, there are literally 10's of thousands of witnesses to nuclear explosions. Even citizens of Las Vegas saw & heard the explosions in the desert when they were being tested regularly there. You have whole formerly inhabited islands in the Pacific that disappeared after H-bomb tests there. With thousands of sailors witnessing the giant explosions.

Nobody can be that stupid to deny this. You've got to be sockpuppets. Prepping for the election? Keep the public confused? How much do they pay you guys?

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Where have I said there were no explosions, city boy? Have you ever lit a big pile of brush and trimmings with a litre of 2 stroke from your chainsaw? Try it. You’ll be screaming in fear because you will witness a mushroom cloud type of explosion. You can also try it on your balcony with a shot glass of acetone (nail polish remover). Whoosh it goes and behold… a mushroom cloud.

You’re regurgitating what you were told, you’ve never seen it in real life. But that’s ok. They got you exactly where they want you, you’re a good little serf.

Stop being so afraid, just because they tell you to be afraid! Fear eats you up from the inside.

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Oh but they do

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No they don't. Hiroshima and Nagasaki have identical destruction profiles to Tokyo.

H & N - https://youtu.be/HoJ1V9lG0xI

Tokyo - https://youtu.be/F1_W4OXD0zY

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And no background radiation was ever measured. Nuclear weapons are just one more scary thingy in their fear-porn arsenal. And guess what?! It works.

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It sure does.

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No nuclear reactors, no down-winders. Yeah, right. 1956 "The Conqueror", and Las Vegas' tourist draw to watch the mushroom clouds didn't exist.

Hell's Bells! I participated in a 1979 DOE Stonybrook study measuring nuclear fallout after the fact. Must have been really dirty reactors strewing 137Cs, 90Sr, and various plutonium isotopes about. (How do nuclear reactors make 244Pu? How enigmatic!)

But you're right; according to the military, the Port Chicago disaster on 17 July 1944 had an identical destruction profile to exploding munitions, right down to a 6000' mushroom cloud and 60' deep crater.

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Mushroom clouds don’t mean anything. That’s how indoctrinated you are. Apart from that, your writing is very erratic. I can't really make out what you're saying.

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Yahbut, nuclear reactors don't exist either, dummy!!

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What an idiotic statement. The Radiation dosage vs health effects is probably the most ever studied health analysis in history. They have volumes of data on that:



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What does radiation dosage have to do with firebombs, Smithy? Are people getting cancer inducing therapy in those areas? You completely lost me.

I don’t think you’ve even read the article you sent me. And if you did, you have no clue what the meaning is.

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No. In it is you who is the Psyop. Quit spreading CIA misinformation.

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Ever been to Alamogordo New Mexico? The site of the first A-bomb test? How is it you can go visit the site of the test and no radiation? I have. And the places of ground zero are now rebuilt, where's the radiation? As a comparison, you can't go anywhere near Chernobyl because of radiation to this day, still off the hook. Its not rebuilt. I'm not saying either way but it is true there are an awful lot of inconsistencies that just don't make sense. Does give me some new research to play with.

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Only one of the four reactors at Chernobyl had a meltdown. The other three stayed in operation for some time afterwards.

You won’t find a lot of information or photos/videos about the area surrounding Chernobyl because it is teeming with an abundance of healthy plants and animals.

Something is incongruent with the stories we have been told.

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I had heard about that how the area is teeming with life and how species supposedly have adapted. Curious why it hasn't been rebuilt though. A lot more research is definitely needed. But as you say, because of the way information can be manipulated, I'm sure we'll never really find the truth about a lot of things. Thanks.

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It’s possible that they want to keep this quiet, since fear of nuclear power is a powerful fear tool. We are redirected away from a clean, safe energy source to environmentally destructive and unreliable intermittent energy, otherwise dubbed as “renewable”. The destructive mining and toxic chemicals for these technologies are not widely publicized, nor can many of the natural materials used be renewed. Then, there is the toxic mining issue that poisons lives, etc.

Have you seen videos made by Galen Winsor? They are quite revealing about the nuclear power scam and of the “dangers” spread by MSM.

Here is a link to one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMqHTbXm3rs

I am surprised that any are still available, but for now…

The energy scam is, of course, linked to the nonsensical Climate Crisis agenda. It’s all part of the ultimate predator/prey strategy to transfer all wealth from the bottom to the top, culminating in depopulation of humans.

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Never heard of him. Thank you for the link. Much rather watch something to teach me something new rather than the crap they call tv and movies. Thanks again. Going to watch tonight.

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On YouTube there is a guy that goes by "Bald and Bankrupt". He spent a ton of time in Russia traveling all over. He has a video in which he goes to Chernobyl to check it out. Interesting to say the least.

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Tourists go all over the Chernobyl site everyday, at least before NATO's war there. Watch bionerd's youtube videos, she's wandered all over the place, i.e.:

chernobyl wild zone: radioactive rabies, autumn fruit and foxes.



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Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

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More than 30 years on, scientists estimate the zone around the former plant will not be habitable for up to 20,000 years. The disaster took place near the city of Chernobyl in the former USSR, which invested heavily in nuclear power after World War II.May 17, 2019

Chernobyl disaster facts and information - National Geographic


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Correct. They're a hoax to scare the masses into compliance and one world government. https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-atomic-edition

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We’re not supposed to know, until the mushroom clouds appear.

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When you have politicians on BOTH sides including so-called Christians supporting this slaughter, you need to re-think WHO is really working for God and who is with the Globalist Luciferian cult. This cult predicted a third world war and are doing EVERYTHING in their power to make that happen. If you live in a bubble, you will probably NOT want to watch this but when you read this statement below by deep state globalist Netanyahu, it might just open your eyes. Remember Congress gave this globalist mass killer a standing ovation. FAIR WARNING this video bottom is still hard to watch.

Bibi and his loyalist group at a Fink’s Bar private table in Jerusalem had just stolen five (5) NSA-developed KG-84A cryptographic devices in Golan Heights (with help from Canadians serving with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization), giving Bibi, his loyalists and others real-time access to all U.S. State Department, U.S. Navy and NATO communications.

This is what Bibi Netanyahu said while sitting at the head of that private table in Fink’s Bar (transcribed from a secretly recorded audio of Netanyahu at that meeting – words that few Americans, Israelis or others have seen or heard until today):

“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So, it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf; and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit; so, we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” [Confirmed by an “attendee” during a debriefing.]


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The Genocide in Gaza Is Illegal, Incomprehensible,

Inexcusable, Infernal, Inhumane and Irredeemable

... And Evangelicals Are Responsible

Jan 25, 2024 / Chuck Baldwin


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Israel's Plan for Gaza Comes Into View?



"The Balfour Declaration was a colossal blunder"

A non-Zionist Jewish Israeli historian's view of the Zionist

The Balfour Declaration and its Consequences by Avi Shlaim


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The Genocide in Gaza is small compared to the ones the USSA has already done in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine & Russia. In fact the USSA kills much more through its sanctions seige warfare or collective punishment policies.

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The Genocide in Gaza is too small in comparison,; thus needs to be larger/more-slaughter?

ZioUSSA needs to turn IT up?

Isn't IT already bad enough?

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at the risk of ruining the drama and all those stark, massed cellos, there's not going to be any ww3. putin is a globalist and is in on the scam. russia could have taken all of ukraine in a few months in 2022 if they'd wanted to.

most of the materiel the west has given ukraine is obsolete and falling apart. as is much of the west's own military infrastructure and personnel. american missile silo renovations are years if not decades behind schedule. every time the brits try to launch a trident missile, it flops into the water. and you can't win a war if you cripple and kill off your personnel with the covid shot.

on the other hand i can definitely see a war of deepfakes on the horizon. eurasia and eastasia, it's always been that way and always will be

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I’m with you on this one. If Putin wanted to differentiate Russia from “the collective West ,” why the same obsession with jabbing the Russian population, and building a bio-digital prison?

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Another crackpot. Listen to people like you and we'll all die.

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I love this beatific sentiment and I only wish it were born out by actual knowledge and/or evidence.

Militaries on both sides devote tremendous resources to insure that certain weapons are ready to fly when the time comes.

daydreams of dilapidated duds that could never possibly reach their targets...are just that

If there is a clear rationale for why we should not be worried - this isn't it

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american military seems a lot more interested in putting trannies in uniform and killing off their soldiers with the covid shot than maintaining their fragile overpriced weaponry. f35 goes awol over the carolinas and nobody can find it: neither the plane nor those responsible for it seem up to the task.

the us and the military industrial complex have been selling off unwanted/obsolete equipment to the 3rd world for decades and ukraine is just the latest in line

all this fearmongering just herds the masses into the cabal's clutches

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Don't matter how many people vote for it ... like so many other alleged phenomena, nuclear weapons are a hoax.


And you know what hoax - or part of it - I just figured out - I knew Pearl Harbor was an evacuated bombing but what I was slow to catch onto is that no bombs were dropped from planes, they were all submerged. So just like 9/11 ... there were no planes.



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Thank you for the links. Never heard about Hiroshima and Nagasaki a-bombs being faked. Gave me some new stuff to research. Dr. Judy Wood's book: 'Where Did The Towers Go' has by far the best research on 9/11 of any I've ever read. And James Perloff has the best research I've ever read on Pearl Harbor. Thanks again.

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Judy Wood is so full of it its running out of her ears. The Towers and WTC7 collapsed due to a controlled demolition just as is expected and the evidence for that is overwhelming. Directed Energy weapons, they can't even deal with Russian dumb bombs blowing up their expensive NATO hardware. Or $2000 drones. But yep, they have directed energy weapons that can vaporize buildings, 24yrs ago even.

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With a controlled demolition you have a certain amount of debris that was not there. Seen the pictures. Plus the multiple holes with no debris. Plus the 'tub' which started getting cracks from heavy equipment but not from buildings a quarter mile high falling and no damage to the underwater tunnels to New Jersey? Just too many inconsistencies for me for a controlled demolition theory regardless of proof/evidence. And of course no way to prove Dr Judy Wood's either. One thing IS for certain. The guy that owned them made so much money off the property it was obscene( 7 billion dollar payout by insurance companies on only a multi million dollar investment.) Had tried multiple times to get a demo permit but was denied because of all the asbestos. The outside skin fasteners and bracket metal was reacting with the concrete and deteriorating at an alarming rate to which the outside skin of the building would eventually start randomly falling off. All this information can be found if you look it up in the building records for New Jersey, not New York, (which thoroughly surprised me that New Jersey actually had jurisdiction over the building for the permit) and the permit applied for, which I did. Public record. It was way back towards 9/11 so not sure if its been scrubbed or not. I've been in the building trades for forty years so that's how I found the back door, so to speak, to find some serious context for myself. As more often than not, money was a large part of it.

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She faked that, too. The "energy beams from space" were leaked radiation from the Twin Towers.

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I'm sorry, where did you learn about leaked radiation from the towers? No reference.

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Go back to your CIA handlers and ask for a bonus. We'll have to all give you an "A" for Effort.

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All wars are banker wars.

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Fear is also a portal.

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Weakness always invites aggression in geopolitics. And given Russia's abysmal military performance in this now 2.5 year old war--er, "Special Military Operation"--with the repeated and deliberate crossing of countless "red lines" by NATO, I'm beginning to wonder & worry about the actual state of Russia's nuclear deterrent 32+ years since the dissolution of the USSR.

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As you can see, the headline in a red banner fails to make it clear what ‘IT’ actually is…. this is blatant propaganda because, if you read the subtitles carefully, Lavrov is referring to ESCALATION but everyone here, in comments, is knee jerking and panicking because they believe the BANNER and not the Lavrov's actual words.

Tut tut.

When the supposed nuclear bombs were hauled out of Greenham Common on flatbed articulated lorries the Greenham Ladies were there taking photos. What did we see?

We saw rusting hunks of metal that did not look to be particularly bomb like. We uploaded these photos to the internet only to watch them disappear as if by magic!

The fearmongering about nuclear weapons is so last century, as are the weapons which are being deployed in Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen, and wherever the totalitarian empire wants to stamp its boots.

Lavrov has been very patient and now he sees that the West is asking for escalation.

Why does the West want to escalate, do you think?

I think it is nothing to do with nuclear weapons.

I think the 21st century weapons are FAR worse than that and the idiot class can't wait to try them out.

They are champing at the bit to use their biological weapons, gases, lasers, EMPs, DEWs and killer drones and dustification devices!

Thankfully, both Putin and Lavrov have said, many times in the past, that they are aware that our governments do not obey, or even consider, the wishes of the people. They clearly know that we are pawns in a very ugly game.

The International Criminal Court has no enforcement officers, so it avoids arresting blatant war criminals while the death figures continue to grow exponentially in Palestine.

Macron and Sir Starmer obey the totalitarians to the letter - all the while blabbing on about the 'Rule of Law' which the Russians and Chinese have pointed out is an utterly meaningless phrase because the west make the rules up as they go along!

No heads roll over assassinations, pipeline destruction and the bombing of Crimea's bridge. All these crimes are war crimes planned and executed by Western operatives.

What can we do, us citizen pawns?

In the game of chess, pawns protect the powerful pieces and that is what we are doing, we are a human shield for the predator class. There is no move in chess which represents the people turning against their rulers! Have you ever noticed that?

The only way that the powerful rulers slug it out between themselves is when they have exterminated almost all the pawns!

That is the game in a world burdened with a hierarchy.

I say: Kick the sick hierarchy game up in the air and implement the most basic rules, like DO NO HARM.

Decommission all the boys toys. Close the munitions factories and make life supporting technology our biggest export earner.

Plough defence budgets into new infrastructure and above all, stop poking the Bear and the Dragon.


Read this:

"War was outlawed in 1928 when we signed and ratified the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War, which is often referred to as the Kellogg Briand Pact. So it is never legal, lawful or legitimate to wage war, or to fund war." ~ extract from https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-exit-the-matrix

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It's almost as if someone has made the determination that the bio war herd thinning is going too slowly and the complete control that is the goal is also going too slowly.

So much cajoling coercing convincing ... Sheez they're just lab rats for god's sake. Get on with it!

And that global cooling via spraying the atmosphere a la Gate's proposal is awful slow and expensive also. You know, because a few extra degrees warming, even though part of normal earth climate cycles is existential if you have a mansion on the water and a few inches of sea rise threatens it. Surely the Nantucket class and others (like Obama) must be concerned about this

These guys are always on the ball, thinking outside the box. Why not thin the herd with a few nukes and as a bonus get some nuclear winter? Cheap rapid efficient. No more of the long tedious process of watching the lab rats die of mass poisoning while at the same time telling them "it's for the greater good". No more nail chewing in anguished anxiety wondering if your government-subsidized flood insurance will compensate if the mansion that never should have been on the water in the first place gets a bit wet.

Just skirt all that tedious boring pandering, launch the nuke, get er done

Launch the nuke, thin the herd, put them under control, cool the planet

Isn't the scientific method wonderful:):)?

Please make Dr Strangelove fiction again

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It's funny(not hah) that you say that. Thought the same thing. Evil could care less about the consequences of such actions as long as they have their bunkers and supply of ice cream like Nancy Pelosi.

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Nuclear winter is ice cream friendly. Save a lot on freezer bills. Because when they shut down all the petro fuel and nuke & water powered power plants to be green and find the solar panels and wind farms failing electric is gonna get expensive. But they got that covered. Turn off the fridge cause nuclear winter will do it.

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First let me say, NO FEAR HERE ! Do I believe that a global-thermal-nuclear scare event is possible?

Yep. Do I think it may scare the devil out of people? Yep. Do I think that God will let the forever loser and his cohorts win at this time? NOPE. Jeremiah 29:11 TPT

Here's what YAHWEH says to you: “I know all about the marvelous destiny I have in store for you, a future planned out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround you with peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful future, glistening with hope.

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Faith & foolishness we don't need. Faith and acting smart, cautious, sensible is the right way.

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We all have coward border agents helping the invasions of our countries, they're afraid of losing their pensions, which in the end they will lose more than that. Money talks, bullshit walks.

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I was so relieved when I read it might be just "limited" nuclear war.

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