How The Us Government Bribed and Coerced Religious Leaders To Preach Covid Doctrine Instead Of The Gospel "Speak About The Moral Imperative Of Getting Vaccinated In Your Sermons."
A 2024 Expose By Maggie and James Thorp, And Some Reflections On Covid As Blighter Of The Christian Faith
For Dana and Fr. Zosimas—
I just came upon an article written by Maggie and James Thorp, published in January of 2024, that I somehow missed when it came out. Despite the fact that I just wrote a book with James Thorp, begun in 2023. I have no idea how I missed this, because I consider it of monumental importance.
The staggering article here.
I am not surprised, but I am shocked.
This has been one of my drum-beat themes since the beginning of Satanic Covid: That it was, among other things, a direct hit on Christianity—nothing short of an inversion of the faith. (I should add: The faith as I understand it, as an aspiring Christian.)
In the last century, so called communism (Marxism) was the materialist attack weapon against Christianity; The battle was between Marxism and Christianity, not Marxism and Capitalism. Christianity is above all trans-materialist. Not concerned with this world, with the temporal. Giving to the poor is the bedrock of Christianity, but it is not an NGO.
”To the atheist, there is nothing but the earth and its organization.”
—Marina Tsvetaeva
In the last half century, “communism” (globalism) has shaped its primary attack weapon against Christianity, and re-encoded its Marxist doctrines, as “virus” (pandemic) terror and propaganda.
The Jesuits were infiltrated and tried to merge Marxism with Christianity.
Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General Of The Jesuits, who spearheaded a petition to welcome Fidel Castro to Venezuala in 1989, would go so far (in 2017) as to say the Devil does not exist, other than as a symbolic figure. “The Greatest Trick The Jesuits Ever Pulled,” here.
”The Pope’s Marxist Head Of The Jesuits,” by George Neumayr.
Anthony Fauci attended two Jesuit schools, which I find significant. Both he and his wife Christine Grady were honored by Ignatian groups:
What Does The Bible Say About Disease, Sickness, Authority, and Indeed, Contagion?
I believe that when Christians submit to “vaccines,” they are expressing faith in a negative idol—a putative pathogen—and dis-faith in God (nature.) If anybody with more knowledge of the Christian faith than I have wishes to correct me, I’m open to corrective learning. But this is my simple idea.
Covid is a Satanic religion that demands allegiance to an entirely materialistic view of human biology. When we state the obvious, “viruses don’t exist” we are still dabbling in a kind of reverse materialism. True, but limited. The obsession with that which does not exist is the mirror image of the obsession with what does “exist.” Covid, like HIV-AIDS, was always aimed at a disintegration of the human spirit, and the connection to God as well as fellow humans. Both propelled by fear, against which there are many prohibitions in the Bible.
God does not create deadly “viruses.” He’s not a serial killer.
God’s creation is life begetting life, begetting life, by divine symbiotic, perpetual live-giving cooperation.
To seculars, this is called “terrain theory.” Terrain theory is also secular materialist, (denies the spirit) but that doesn’t mean it’s not biologically correct. It is.
I just wish terrain theorists were more interested in how Jesus healed the sick, in his earthly ministry, which was his alpha and omega work.
In 2006, Colombian dissident MD Roberto Giraldo said this to me, when I asked him about his work breaking people free of HIV sorcery:
”No matter that they eat or what supplements they take, if I can’t break them of the fear, they die anyway.”
I asked him to formulate, as best he could, what would be the “cure” for AIDS, if there was one, and he said:
”That’s easy. Love.”
Roberto, then, though he tried to persuade me to travel to Brazil to do a report on Liberation Theology, was a natural Christian, who perhaps did not know it.
Covid could be summed up in the identical terms of how my late friend Richard Kotlarz descibed the Times Square Debt Clock. When a documentary team took him to stand beneath it and look at its long row of spinning digits, and asked what he saw, he said:
”I see all we think about when we don’t think about love.”
encodes in last half century as bio-debt slavery:
”You have a virus.”
My Church at the time “Covid hit” was Times Square Church in New York City, founded by David Wilkerson in the 1960s, from a flatbed truck on the streets of NYC.
I remember vividly the Sunday morning service, late winter of 2020, when Pastor Carter Conlan incorporated Covid into, and used it to invert, the service. At the altar call, he told us we would no longer be clasping hands and exchanging prayers, but rather, we were welcome to touch elbows if we wished. We all stood there like confused bowling pins—an apt image, as anything could now knock us over, as Pastor Conlan had, unwittingly, invited the Enemy into the Church. I had an impulse to go find him and want him but I didn’t feel confident enough and so just walked out, and never came back. I am not insinuating that Pastor Conlan was aware of what I am suggesting happened; I assume he just, like most religious leaders, conflated “public health” with Christian decency.
Most Churches I visited in the horror years 2020-2024, in New England, (CT) and New York, were Covid-tainted. Not only were the Pastors, in some cases, wearing masks, but they were sermonizing about PCR tests and vaccines!
I only found an untainted Church in New York in the spring of 2024, just before I departed for Spain. (I would like to name them and praise them but must obtain permission first.)
It was all tied to money, and fueled by Christians’ unfortunate illiteracy about “the deep state,” material science, technocracy, “globalism,” and its nefarious designs against Christianity.
When I was writing the book “Sacrifice,” I did come across a public website that listed payments to religious leaders and groups—Evangelical, Catholic, Orthodox Jewish and Muslim alike. I included some of that material in the book, but this article goes much deeper.
In writing this, I tried to re-trace my steps—I’ll post a few screen shots and links to the colossal, unfathomable US Gov Covid trough.
Here, for example, is a list of 17,000 organizations, including religious groups, who became part of a Covid propaganda army called “Covid-19 Community Corps.”
Below are some screenshots of the mind-blowing figures, openly listed at US Government websites.
It seemed to me that during the Biden administration, the US Government morphed overnight into the Covid government, as expressed through the website address “,” which was consistently the ‘wallpaer’ behind Joe Biden when he addressed the nation during his nauseating Presidency.
There’s also “,” (as para-constitutional trans-nationalist money laundering, eugenics and resource plundering of developing nations, since 1984.) And here’s the US Government’s (CIA etc) flu agenda in one link. One central tenet of “HIV,” Covid and flu, is to scare pregnant women about being pregnant.
Behold the numbers:
The state that got the least Covid funding was Wyoming, and it still raked in $5.5 billion in 40,780 awards. That’s the least funded of all US states. Vermont was also low (white on map) at $5.9 billion, with 42,585 awards. California, by contrast: $283.3 billion, 2, 272, 628 awards. Minnesota: $204.8 billion, and 361,673 awards. Florida, surprisingly high: $124.4 billion, 2,202,083 awards.
All this for a supposed health emergency caused ostensibly by a “virus” that even the designer of the WHO Covid PCR test, Christian Drosten, openly stated he did not have at hand when he ginned up the (non-specific, non standardized) PCR test standards. I wrote about that here, (“Ten Fatal Errors”) in 2021, and I still get attacked for allegedly “supporting” lab leak theory.
”Without Having Virus Material Available…”
Opening of 2021 article:
Where or when have I ever “supported” a lab leak theory? Should I offer a monetary award for anybody who can produce this alleged sin?
My friend Scott’s recent text message, bottom text:
I never “supported” the existence of “SARS Cov 2,” never mind the theory of a lab leak. Yet friends in New York track me down in Spain to tell me I stand thus accused by people screaming at health freedom gatherings.
Maybe I need to make more noise and re-publish my works so these false accusations are curbed. Except irrational, dishonest people will rarely allow themselves to be disabused of a false accusation.
I wrote a deconstruction of both HIV tests and Covid PCR tests, published in 2020, here. (Includes great quotes from the late David Crowe, the late Kary Mullis, and the very much alive David Rasnick.)
How would clarity on viruses not existing obviate the tidal wave of money for “Covid” that battered and soaked every institution, foundation, union, organization, mass media, religious leader, etc in the country, in the amount of $4.64 trillion?
I was very disappointed when the Christian community, its leaders in particular, with a dearth of exceptions, allowed the doors to be closed on American churches during our greatest hour of need. Churches, in the sense of congregation not buildings, sadly have lost their way, having been corrupted by political ideology - and money from the controlling hand of government, as Celia’s scroll shows. Show me a church that hangs a political flag or banner outside its building rather than orofess Jesus’ love and I’ll show you a church serving a master and message different from their reason for being.
I think that the government officials who signed any authorization to entice/coerce/bribe or, in any other manner, to influence religious officials into encouraging their "flock" to get vaccinated, should be charged with crimes against civil rights.